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Things you dislike seeing others doing


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Many things I can tolerate, but some things are simply intolerable to me.

People who generally act like they're untouchable gets on my nerves. They enjoy poking fun at others' sensitivities, watching their targets get mad or flustered, and try to get bystanders to laugh with them. But if the target "dares" to speak up, then their antagonist suddenly acts like their being victimized in an attempt to make those nearby turn on the true victim. This is a very duplicitous and intentional mindset, yet for some reason it draws people into adulating it. Really, though, I only foresee it as a means of maliciously catering to one's arrogance. Such takes place oftentimes in school settings and presidential campaigns, like the last one.

When people smack food with their mouth open.

And watching people "rock out" to [in my opinion] bad Country, Pop, or Rap songs...


Sage of Tales
Seeing people spitting or vomiting really gets to me. It makes me feel like vomiting, myself. Even if it's not in public, but like in a movie or something. This makes me feel bad for people who are similar to me in this aspect when I've lost my lunch in a public place. I have a very sensitive gag reflex and almost *never* make it to a toilet or private area though I try valiantly. And, as said, even spit... there's an episode of The Simpsons where people spit in a a grave and it gathers so much that people have to suck it out so more people can spit in the open grave. It's a joke, meant to be funny, and it is, but it's almost impossible for me to watch.

Something that gets to me online are things on sites and forums for specific things that seem *enormously* out of place. Places like here are casual and people who love to fandom and nerd-out over one thing are going to happily nerd out over other things. People posting characters from videogames that the DGN doesn't cover as their avatar - fine. People putting Dr. Who quotes in their sigs - also peachy-keen. It's when SRS BIZNUZ stuff leaks in that I feel a bit weirded out. I mean, I scroll through a topic about Link x Zelda and suddenly, someone's sparkly animated "Jesus!" sig is in my face, or someone's sig saying "click here to see why I'm offended by the existence of religion." I mean, tinderboxing the Timeline on this forum is one thing, but bringing in stuff that's so charged it makes or breaks a person's human worth in a lot of eyes to a place that's supposed to be about entertainment stuff... I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with it, people are going to be proud of who they are and where they stand, it's just... it weirds me out a little. Maybe it strikes me as an "aggressive tribal display" thing when if I were to go the same routed, I'd just aggressively display my love of Twilight Princess.

This brings me to another I've realized I just don't like seeing *authors* doing in writing. I was reading the Unfortunate Implications wick on TV Tropes yesterday for a book series I have yet to read but have had some interest in and... I was reminded again of why I've been avoiding it. Some of what was said in that Unfortunate Implications wick (right or wrong, I haven't read those particular books yet to judge for myself) reminded me of books I *have* read and have since become very frustrated and annoyed over. A general annoyance with me. An author may have a message - a strong message, lots of opinions about things, and of course "the cream naturally rises to the top and the scum settles to the bottom" is common and natural human thinking that gaurantees we will never have a world in which we all get along, but when the abstract thing the author wants you to agree with/and or hate has *absolutely no one* on the other side painted with sympathy, that gets bothersome for me. I don't like the idea of "there's no room for the honest mistake." Black and white morality is one thing, but even it can be done without black and white insanity. For me, this even applies to very deeply-fantasy things. While I loved The Lord of the Rings, I was *always* annoyed at Tolkien's treatment of the Orcs as "Just bad, born bad/made bad, naturally bad." It makes it easy to cheer for the protagonists killing them in droves, but that's exactly why it bothers me. It gets about ten times worse when your "always bad people" thing has a connection to Reality. I was particularly trigged into remembering the "Left Behind" series which I read a few books of years ago and how the only dilienation between "good" and "evil", "sympathetic" and "unsympathetic" hinged upon the authors' theology and just how unconvincing and frankly frightening it was - if the authors really think of people like that. Even with the "fantasy chaotic evil races" thing, something as basic as The Legend of Zelda has a few "good" monsters now and again.


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
Well obviously bullying and being mean or purposely inconsiderate in other ways. When it comes to the things people may not consider/realize - I hate it when people block my way, like when they flock around staircases/exits/entrances and the like, they may not realize they are doing this, but it becomes inconvenient for me to try to either find a way around or having to force my way through the flock in order to get where I need to go. I also can't stand it when people choose to smoke in bus sheds (forcing me to choose between breathing their poison or stand in the wind/rain/etc), and when they smoke right outside entrances (there's just no escaping it if they do it outside the building you live in, or the store you are shopping in, etc).


embrace the brand new day
Oct 23, 2012
People throwing trash on the ground. Anywhere. If I were more aggressive, I would call them out on it, but I usually just pick it up and glower when I see it happen.
People who walk slowly in the center of the aisle or sidewalk, or weave along the sidewalk. I mean, pick a side. Or I'll have to rudely shove past you, or attempt running around in the street.
People who come to a dead stop anywhere busy. Obviously it's not a big deal if you have the entire street to yourself, but in downtown Chicago, it's a real hassle. Clogs up the flow of traffic/pedestrian traffic.
Also, people who tear an item from the middle or bottom of a pile, and then don't even keep it. Especially if the entire pile consists of entirely the same thing. Why not take one from the top to see if you're interested?


What a fearsome beast!!
Dec 19, 2011
Oklahoma city, OK
I dislike it when ever i diet people around me binge eat. eeeee....why do people do that?? lol And i dislike to an extreme degree my mothers husband.. he's breathing and think that he doesn't have to worry about common decency..


May 9, 2010
People who are downright immature and who judge people before they get to know them...

Lord Carlisle

He Who Shall Not be Named
Sep 9, 2012
*Double Post* Sorry.

People who are downright immature and who judge people before they get to know them...

I could have a full-length conversation about this with you. Easily.

In one of my classes, this guy made a big deal out of the fact that I've never seen Star Wars. I wear glasses and all, so I have the "nerdy" appearance. So a certain girl says, "Yes you have. Don't lie to yourself." in the rudest way, and people would say, "You don't need to be ashamed of it." I can't be ashamed of a movie I HAVEN'T SEEN!

...It's frustrating. Talk about judging someone by appearance.
Last edited:
Dec 5, 2012
I saw this the other day and it happens quite often around me. People driving/parking their cars and hitting other parked cars and then driving away. Then for some reason everyone has a car alarm it goes off for about an hour. Not only do I feel bad for the person who just got their car ruined but the alarms are really loud and annoying especially late at night.


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
I'll just make a list:
-gloating/being overly modest
-being depressed

Some people I dislike seeing them breathing, yes, but there are others too. Watching people eat, especially with their mouths open, is pretty gross. Vomiting is just downright disgusting, and it makes me want to vomit as well. Gloating/being overly modest gives me a bad impression of a person, and others being depressed is pretty hard to watch, but I often give them my sympathy.
May 2, 2012
I hate watching people eat. I hate watching people talk and complain or try to be funny, which is why I avoid watching Youtubers like Toby or Shane Dawson.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
This is a bit insensitive, but I do dislike seeing people grieving over something that happened in their life for a span that exceeds two months. I totally understand the complexities of emotion and all, but things happen in your life that you simply had, have and never will have any control over. Don't blame yourself or hate the world because of something that happened. It only makes things worse in the long run.
May 2, 2012
This is a bit insensitive, but I do dislike seeing people grieving over something that happened in their life for a span that exceeds two months. I totally understand the complexities of emotion and all, but things happen in your life that you simply had, have and never will have any control over. Don't blame yourself or hate the world because of something that happened. It only makes things worse in the long run.
Oh psshh insensitive or not I feel that way too all the time. Especially when its something STUPID.


Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
I hate seeing guys treat girls like ****, friend or not. I'll help her in any way I can, abd usually I get put in friend zone for it


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I hate seeing guys treat girls like ****, friend or not. I'll help her in any way I can, abd usually I get put in friend zone for it

Conversely I hate seeing girls call every guy a dog or whatever. For one, it's a natural instinct of a man to seek out women. This crazy, backwards place we call America (and likeminded countries) have somehow tabooed human nature, going so far as to place people in prison for up to four years. For two, not every guy/girl you come across is a dog/player/tramp/ratchet/whatever kind of person.

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