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Things That Are on Your Mind


The Inquirer
Apr 4, 2012
I think guys can be soft and effeminate in ways most aren't, but I don't think they should be called gay just because of it. People and classmates are constantly labeling others, saying they're either this or that, but its not usually true and I think it would be best if people would just lay off.
I don't get why we should care if someone is "feminine" or "masculine", words that are pretty meaningless anyway in the grand scheme of things. I agree we shouldn't arbitrarily label others, likewise I don't like how we use "gay" as an insult, as if it is dirty and wrong to simply be attracted to someone of the same sex and then stereotype that person's personality. Labels aren't inherently bad, humans have a natural tendency to categorize things, but when we weaponize it then it's a huge problem.


Challenger Approaching!
Jul 17, 2014
Certainly! Unless they get into a relationship with someone else that's gay, I probably wouldn't have a problem with it. A few of my friends are more "effeminate" than I am, and I don't think much of it. And even still, I wouldn't label someone or bully them, I would just know that was wrong and either avoid them, or talk to them about it.

I'm talking about people that are openly gay, mostly. I'm fine with guys that are softer and do things that other boys may not. It's when they take it to the extreme, thinking they're right in getting into a relationship with another guy. I'm not trying to force my beliefs on you or anyone else, I'm just stating what I KNOW is right. If you encourage immoral behavior such as that, that's a problem YOU will have to deal with for eternity. I'm not being a hater. Just saying where I stand and WILL NOT back down from. I wouldn't discriminate against someone who goes against nature like that, but I know that it's wrong behavior.
And I think it's immoral to say that love in any of it's many forms, gay or straight, is evil. I will never understand how anyone can think that way. But as you may or may not know, your line of thought will soon be a relic of the past, much like those who fought against interracial marriage. I take heart in that.


Challenger Approaching!
Jul 17, 2014
Seth, there is a world of difference between interracial and gay marriage. As long as it is a man and a woman that love each other, their race doesn't matter. Gay marriage is wrong. If that's not what you think, fine. I won't hate you for it. I'll debate and argue you over it, but in the end, it goes down to our beliefs. I believe that there is nothing scientifically wrong with gayness, but I believe that things like that are immoral. Neither of us can prove one is right and one is wrong. I accept that there are gay people like that, but there is something wrong about them, whether you 'understand it' or not.
The only difference is what they have in their pants. Love is love, and I abhor all viewpoints that try to paint any true love as evil. And those who oppose gay marriage are simply on the wrong side of history. Before two years are out, gay marriage will be legal in the United States and practically every other "Western" civilization. And you know what will change in either or our lives? Absolutely nothing. But for some people, it will help ease a lifetime of pain and discrimination.


Challenger Approaching!
Jul 17, 2014
I feel so sorry for you.

It's not true love. Same genders can love each other as closest friends, as though their souls are intertwined, but when it crosses into romance, it's just sick. A twisted form of the pure and wonderful practice of marriage. And you're wrong. It will change our lives. We will be influenced by it constantly. And if anyone says or does anything rude to a gay person, they are labeled as haters and any other punishment will be many times harder than if they had done something to a different person.

Hey, do you wanna continue this discussion in another thread or in via PM? I'm having fun debating, but I don't think this belongs in this thread.
And I feel sorry for someone so blinded by dogma that they can see love as being twisted and wrong. What a sad world we live in where two people can't love each other without being questioned and degraded simply based on the gender of their partner. No, it won't affect us. Society will change, but for the better, to represent more a world of acceptance that we are so sorely lacking. I don't understand what your point is about being rude to gay people, should it not be wrong to be rude to anyone? And the punishment worse? It depends on what you mean, I oppose hate crime laws, but if you harass or do anything to a person that is criminal and harmful you should absolutely face legal consequences for it, whether done out of prejudice or any other personal reason.

If you want to continue it elsewhere, feel free too.


Do Wa Ditty
Nov 10, 2014
And I think it's immoral to say that love in any of it's many forms, gay or straight, is evil. I will never understand how anyone can think that way. But as you may or may not know, your line of thought will soon be a relic of the past, much like those who fought against interracial marriage. I take heart in that.

Its called evil because you are perverting the order of what was created for your own personal desires.
I have a friend who made a good comparision, he said it was like using a baseball bat to kill someone. Is being gay murder? Of course not. BUT, in the eyes of God it is no different, he calls it an abomination, just as he did murder.

I am formerly homosexual and transgender, lived that way from the age of 3 until the age of 25 (literally), I can speak from personal experience, being gay is something that you can live without without harm, and is totally possible to change from it.

Christians dont hate homosexuals, and neither does God. But he does hate homosexuality. And Christians are DEFINITELY meant to warn everyone of this. It would be sinful to say God is okay with it, when He told us He is not.
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I don't believe the Bible is anything more than a book of myths written by a nomadic people thousands of years ago to try and explain their world in what way they could. I enjoy reading the Bible as a gateway into the world of the people who wrote it and of a time long past, but nothing more. And that is the fundamental difference between us. I am not putting your beliefs down, simply stating how I see it. I do not believe homosexulaity defies the natural order of God as I do not believe in the Christian God. If you changed your sexuality, then you speak only for yourself and not every gay or transgendered person out there. That is all I will say, our world views are fundamentally different and nothing we say here will change that.


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
Take this to the MD. I don't want to see this bull****. I'm tired of seeing hate filled bigotry.

I'm serious. Go preach somewhere else. This is not the place for it.

If homosexuality is bad why the hell are they made like that then?

Inb4 you choose your sexuality bs

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