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Things That Are on Your Mind


Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
I felt a bit feverish today morning. Skipped college and slept all day. Now I can't sleep
Aiiiiyoooo! I would do anything to get my sleep schedule on track again!


mowing my life away
Jan 30, 2024
I felt a bit feverish today morning. Skipped college and slept all day. Now I can't sleep
Aiiiiyoooo! I would do anything to get my sleep schedule on track again!
I take melatonin at night. It helps me, idk if you take anything already but if not you should give it a try.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
god dang console gimmicks, was in the mood to play flower on the ps3 until I saw it needed an actual dualshock 3 w/ the sixaxis gyro thing, and the only ps3 controller I have is a 3rd party one which frankly feels better than my previous official controller, but that's gone

gimmicks are fine and all but they make a game's longevity really shoddy


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend

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