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Things That Are on Your Mind


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I don't really remember how much they costed back in the day, but assuming it's used, it would probably depend on the condition. Stuff no longer being produced can in theory be more expensive than when they were in production, so it'll really depend on how much you want the particular 3ds you see listed. Does the listing include photos and such?


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
I don't really remember how much they costed back in the day, but assuming it's used, it would probably depend on the condition. Stuff no longer being produced can in theory be more expensive than when they were in production, so it'll really depend on how much you want the particular 3ds you see listed. Does the listing include photos and such?
I saw it in a store, guy said it's been tested and there's a 30 day warranty.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Yeah $250 is pretty midrange from what I'm seeing, but I just remembered that a friend was giving me a pretty good deal on one a couple of months back, I messaged her to ask about it.


Composer of the Night.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
I think I've established by talking to my sister that I have a very dulled reflex when it comes to bugs being on me, because like even when I had her hold Marshmallow, she was like saying how she can't trust that she might just automatically yeet him because he's a bug touching her and its a weird sensation of bug feet. And then bugs land on me and I just don't bat an eye. That blessed march fly who landed on my nose while I was typing notes for my story while taking in the outdoors a few weeks ago, I didn't even stop typing; she just started climbing on my glasses and I was like "give me a second, bug, I need to finish typing this." And then she flew away lmao.
When I worked a call center job, I was outside for my break smoking (years ago when I was 20, I since quit smoking) and going back to my desk a praying mantis landed on my shoulder and I didn't notice until I got to my desk and sat down, then it jumped down on my desk.

I naturally was startled, but ultimately I took it back outside.

I have a soft spot for praying mantises and especially dragonflies.

It was my buddy, so I didn't want to do anything bad to it.

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