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Things That Are on Your Mind


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
i really don't understand how Garfield got so popular when there are so many other comics that were much more clever (the far side, get fuzzy, calvin and hobbes, etc). there are a handful i find entertaining but most of his strips tend to be repetitive and bland. and a lot of newspaper strips are, but for one that was/is so ridiculously popular i just dont get it

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
i really don't understand how Garfield got so popular when there are so many other comics that were much more clever (the far side, get fuzzy, calvin and hobbes, etc). there are a handful i find entertaining but most of his strips tend to be repetitive and bland. and a lot of newspaper strips are, but for one that was/is so ridiculously popular i just dont get it
Different age groups tend to have different types of humor
Nowadays kids find the darndest things funny
Don't believe me? Check out what gorozoron posts in the shoutbox

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Been wondering a lot whether I'm following the right path. I've had a few classes in which I had opportunities to practice teaching, and I taught a clinic late last year. It's not that I haven't enjoyed those experiences, but I feel unsure whether it's really for me. I feel like I used to think I wanted to be a teacher and nothing else and that's why pursued this path, but the further I go the less it seems like I really want it. I spent 5 years doing my music undergrad in order to even get into teaching school and am in the process of doing an additional 3 maybe 4 years to get my teaching degree, and sometimes I feel like all this time and money has been completely wasted.

Idk, late night thoughts keep me up sometimes. Definitely been feeling the early signs of a potential existential crisis which kind of terrifies me.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Been wondering a lot whether I'm following the right path. I've had a few classes in which I had opportunities to practice teaching, and I taught a clinic late last year. It's not that I haven't enjoyed those experiences, but I feel unsure whether it's really for me. I feel like I used to think I wanted to be a teacher and nothing else and that's why pursued this path, but the further I go the less it seems like I really want it. I spent 5 years doing my music undergrad in order to even get into teaching school and am in the process of doing an additional 3 maybe 4 years to get my teaching degree, and sometimes I feel like all this time and money has been completely wasted.

Idk, late night thoughts keep me up sometimes. Definitely been feeling the early signs of a potential existential crisis which kind of terrifies me.

Do you want to teach music? Tbh, I feel like with all of your music experience already that you could be a private teacher or something instead of a formal one.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Do you want to teach music? Tbh, I feel like with all of your music experience already that you could be a private teacher or something instead of a formal one.
I have taught private lessons before and have been actively searching for work in that field, but even that hasn't struck me as something that would make me happy. I've always kinda just liked doing music related stuff as a hobby or as freelance work, which is incredibly difficult to sustain and make a living out of.

That said, I really don't think any other line of work would feel satisfying for me so I have no idea what I want to or should be doing. Definitely going to finish my degree at the very least, thrown too much money at it not to at this point.


Staff member
ZD Champion
Hope you figure everything out eventually!

Just to reassure you a bit, but your education and honing skills is definitely not waste of time or money. It may not take the direction you expect, but it can definitely be useful, and since it's something you're passionate about you can definitely try to incorporate it in your lifestyle in some way after you find some stability (which is mainly a matter of time and luck really).
Been wondering a lot whether I'm following the right path. I've had a few classes in which I had opportunities to practice teaching, and I taught a clinic late last year. It's not that I haven't enjoyed those experiences, but I feel unsure whether it's really for me. I feel like I used to think I wanted to be a teacher and nothing else and that's why pursued this path, but the further I go the less it seems like I really want it. I spent 5 years doing my music undergrad in order to even get into teaching school and am in the process of doing an additional 3 maybe 4 years to get my teaching degree, and sometimes I feel like all this time and money has been completely wasted.
My cousin who majored in music to teach went through something similar. I think its that he has a passion for music but just wasn't finding the fulfillment in it in a professional environment. He still went on to teach but taught history instead and redirected his music to pure hobby.

I definitely don't think it's a waste though. Arts in general seem to be hard to pursue professionally because the environment tends to convey art on demand which isn't compatible with most creators who feel connected with their art and inspiration isn't an on demand thing.

Whatever you decide to do though, just remember that it's not a waste so long as you still have a relationship with what you're passionate about.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
There's a big push in current society to Do What You Love and that has been something that I've struggled with because it seems like no matter what I try I'm not remotely able to do it for even a year much less my whole life

My boss actually gave me real, tangible, helpful advice. Don't do what you love, do what you tolerate. Then love the rest of your life. It doesn't have to be about finding an emotionally fulfilling and investing career that you're passionate about. It can just be something you tolerate that gives you the opportunity to send time otherwise doing what you love.

Just my (boss's) 2c

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
I was driving my work truck back to town and thought "wow, chevywolf would love living here working as a cowboy part time, herding cows or sheep on one of the many ranches in his Chevy truck listening to the local country radio station 97.7 the Wolf"

And I really wish some of that was satire somehow

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