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The Zelda Races Game

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Then why do you not do what I am doing, making the gorons thing the sheikah are attacking and vice verca. I poisoned a goron and made him attack the sheikah and attack the gorons in a different form. And just now I sent deku nuts to the sheikah from death mountain. And stop attackingme. >=o

I will Heals Embere Incubus (not sure if you can heal yourself).


The epic turnip king
Feb 22, 2010
In a platypus
Three things.
1. I can hit you that often
2. I have been doing one hit per post
3. *Uses Blue fire on Ember* 1 hit left!
May 26, 2010
I would like to make peace with all races until we get rules sorted out.
grey or brown:500 rupees- 1 dice roll
Purple or Red: 5000 rupees- 2 dice rolls
Gold: 50000 rupees- 3 dice rolls
Once you buy a dog you can keep it to race.

Put in any amount to bet and I will roll a die and I will be honest. If you get a one, your dog gets first place and so on.

1st place: TRIPLE YOUR MONEY!!!
2nd place: DOUBLE MONEY!!!!
3rd place: Same amount back
4th place: Same amount back
5th place: You lose double of what you put in
6th place: You lose triple of what you put in.

Rules: No cheating! No putting masks on the dogs for special effects!Only race once per day or if I don't like you I don't have to let you race! If I think of any more rules I will say them! And you get a certain amount of dice rolls depending on the speed of your dog and I will pick the best out of all the dice rolls. Maximum amount is 1000 rupees to put in, minimum is 100. You can only bet in the hundreds place so 100, 200 300, 400 and so on.
*EDIT I posted a neater and more organised version of the game on the Zelda Races game club group page. So go look at them there
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Ooccoo Watcher

Some guy with a Clawshot.
OK just to be clear, this game is on ll (hold [you know, like the pause button on a remote,ll {oh, nevermind}])
Anyways the game is on ll because there are some new rules being installed (possibly). You MUST vote if you are a member of this game. You can do so here. When we get 3 more votes in favor of the new rules then someone will digitally press |> (play) on the Zelda Races Game control remote.
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