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Zelda Art The Wanderers


A Frog
Feb 19, 2010
on my bean bag...
This is fantastic. It captures your interest. Who is the man with the ruby eyes? Why was he in prison? What will happen now that he's free?
You managed to set questions that we want to know the answer to. It's a nice, cool start. Keep it up. Post chapter 5 soon!

Din Akera

Jan 27, 2010
My own little world
Sorry this is so late coming, here is the end to chapter 5, which is still untitled. One paragraph had been overlapped as usually to try and make the story a little less broken.

After regaining all of their gear and having a bite to eat Rad and Din mounted up and set off northward out of Faron province toward Hyrule market to find the Sheikah.

“So…this could end badly…” Din’s worried voice jumped a little as they trotted across South Hyrule field, the tops of the buildings of the castle and the market visible on the horizon.

“How do you mean?” Rad looked at her.

“Back to Castle Town Market. The place where we were run out of town for brawling in the bar.” A small giggle came out of her throat.

“Oh, that.” Rad laughed too. “Yes, well maybe we should stay away from that area of the market.”

“Any ideas on trying to track down a Sheikah, one that is in hiding?” Din’s voice was doubtful and a little sarcastic.

A single laugh burst out of Rad at her words and tone. “Yeah, that might be a bit of a challenge. I think our best bet is to find someone who has been in the town a long time, maybe they will have some idea on how to find him.”

“If someone doesn’t want to be found, Castle Town is probably the best place to hide; and he’s a Sheikah! Rad, I doubt many people will be able to help us. This might give Ark quite a bit of a head start.”

“We will figure it out. Okay.” Rad dropped the rein and reached over and squeezed her hand. The action surprised Din and she looked over at him. Letting go, Rad kicked his horse forward in a more urgent pace toward the town in the distance. After a second, Din shook her head and followed suit.

The two made it just over half way across Faron province before dark. Both travelers decided that it would be better to rest now and try to find the Sheikah tomorrow. They would easily make it to Castle Town well before midday the next day. Dismounting, Din took the reins of both horses and tied them to the largest of the cluster of trees they had stopped under. She stood stroking her horse’s neck.

“You did really well yesterday.” Rad’s quiet voice was muffled due to his position on the ground. Din looked over to see him lying on his back, knees up toward her, his hands behind his head, watching the stars.

With a smile she patted the horse, walked over and lay down beside him, “Thank-you. First time I ever fought a demon!” Her voice was excited.

Rad smiled but didn’t shift his gaze from the twinkling stars.

Din’s smile faded, “Wait, you have?”

His face grew more serious and he opened his mouth to speak but then shut it again.

A small sigh escaped Din. “I know; you don’t feel like you can tell me.” Her voice was calm, but held the smallest hint of emotion in it.

Rad took a deep breath and rolled to his side, facing her. He propped himself up on his elbow and looked at her. “I don’t want you to think differently of me, Din. I...I want to be your…friend…and if you knew what I had done…I don’t think you could--”

Din rolled and shifted to her elbow as well, leveling her eyes with his. “Rad, after all that yesterday? How could I think anything bad of you? You risked your life. You grabbed a giant wolf’s jaws and pried them open. And for what? To protect the world from what one of the great demons could have done.”

Rad’s flashback came to him quickly. He remembered seeing Din standing there, and the giant set of teeth opening up, turning and moving to clamp down on her. But most of all, he remembered her horrified scream when she realized what was about to happen to her. He couldn’t have let that happen.

“That wasn’t the only reason I did it…” The words came out in a whisper.

Din’s brows furrowed as she tried to understand that, “Rad, you don’t have to tell me, but I want to understand you. Understand what you are, what you want, what you feel, and all the rest of it. All the things in your past are part of that, good and bad.”

Rad looked deep into her eyes for a long moment. The air seemed still. Her words had reached him clearly, but only the first part had registered in his mind. Rad picked up his free arm and moved it toward Din. She didn’t move, not totally aware until his hand reached her face. His fingertips slid lightly over her cheek and under her hair, cupping her face and holding the back of her neck. Din’s heart leapt up into her throat and she looked back at Rad. Her breathing quickened. Searching her eyes, Rad pulled gently on her neck and moved closer to her. Din hesitated for half a second. She took a deep breath and tried to relax. Moving forward with his hand, Din very slowly closed her eyes. Rad saw this and allowed his to also fall closed. Their lips met in a soft and very gentle kiss.

(End Chapter)
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*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
Well, I enjoyed this part, Din. Good job with it. I think I didn't see any typos, which is good. :P But here is one thing that would look better imo:

You wrote: Rad smiled but didn’t move his gaze from the twinkling stars.

Instead of move, I think if you use one of these combos it will read much better: Rad smiled but didn't shift his gaze from the twinkling stars. OR

Rad smiled, but didn't take his gaze away from the twinkling stars.

The way you wrote it does not look bad at all, but perhaps it will make more sense using those two options I showed you. Up to you, Din. Well, good job, regardless. *Two thumbs up* I like how Din and Rad finally shared a smoochie. ^^

Din Akera

Jan 27, 2010
My own little world
Well, I enjoyed this part, Din. Good job with it. I think I didn't see any typos, which is good. :P But here is one thing that would look better imo:

You wrote: Rad smiled but didn’t move his gaze from the twinkling stars.

Instead of move, I think if you use one of these combos it will read much better: Rad smiled but didn't shift his gaze from the twinkling stars. OR

Rad smiled, but didn't take his gaze away from the twinkling stars.

The way you wrote it does not look bad at all, but perhaps it will make more sense using those two options I showed you. Up to you, Din. Well, good job, regardless. *Two thumbs up* I like how Din and Rad finally shared a smoochie. ^^

Thank-you for the feedback, I appreciate it. I have changed it. I agree with you, I like the first one better. :)
I'm glad you are enjoying it.

*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
I also liked choice one better, so it is good that you have changed it, it reads much better. And yeah I am enjoying it, Rad is in it. ^^ lolz Anyway, just so you don't have to double post if you wanna update or something. ^^

Din Akera

Jan 27, 2010
My own little world
just so you don't have to double post if you wanna update or something. ^^
Thank-you. ^^

Chapter 6 – “Newcomers”

The morning sun rose blazing through the sky, throwing orange and yellow light against the clouds high above. Din and Rad had rose early and were coming up on the gate through the southern wall of Castle Town. They rode through the large wooden doors into the city, giving a nod to the guards on either side of the entrance. The streets of the town were bustling with activity as usual in the morning hours. All the people were going about their business, getting a head start on the day’s activities. Din and Rad boarded their horses in the stable to the east side of the market square and walked into the center of the market stopping beside the center fountain.

Rad gazed around at all the faces of the people coming and going from the stores and wagons buying and selling various items. This was going to be like looking for a needle in a haystack. No, worse than that, it would be like looking for a hair in a haystack, and one that was able to run away extremely skillfully. Rad sighed shortly.

Din stood beside him also scanning the faces, she knew this would not help them get anywhere, but she had an idea to get them started.
“Rad, maybe we should go find Talon, the elderly man that I was working with at the cage matches. He has lived here his whole life, he might have an idea to help us out.” Din looked up at him.

Rad nodded, “Good idea. Lead the way.” He gestured with one arm to the town around them.

Din moved through the growing crowd of people toward the west trail of Castle Town. She moved down the allies, Rad following close behind. She came to very small wooden door hidden in between the panes of plasterboard and wood that created the back walls. Rad would have missed it if she hadn’t stopped. Din raised her hand and tapped her knuckles against the door. After a moment an elderly woman opened the door, only two inches, a door chain prevented a larger space. The woman peered at them through the space from behind the door, quite shyly.

“Yes?” Her voice was hesitant and quiet.

“Hi, I’m a friend of Talon’s, is he at home? I was hoping to speak with him.” Din smiled at the woman.

The lady eyed Rad and her eyes landed on the hilt of Rad’s massive blade. She seemed to become more uncomfortable. Her eyes shifted to Din and also looked her up and down. “He should be at Telma’s Bar. It is just down the street and down the set of stairs.”

Din nodded once, “Thank-you ma’am.”

The lady nodded politely and closed the door, Din and Rad heard her slide a deadbolt across the frame from the inside.

Din looked at Rad and shrugged. The two turned and headed down the street in the direction the woman had indicated. They came to a back ally that indeed fed downward as a set of narrow stairs. Din eyed them warily. The stairs lead to a dark corner, set low against the other buildings, and a door scarcely visible to the left of the base of the stairs. The mood between the two of them shifted instantly. Both of their fight instincts waved red flags at the isolation and dark nature of the space.

Rad looked back over his shoulder, there was no one behind them in the street. He nodded to Din and she descended the stairs, Rad followed close behind. When they reached the door, Din looked up and saw the small sign reading exactly as they had expected ‘Telma’s Bar’. Rad reached around Din and opened the door. He placed his other hand on the middle of her back and gently pushed. Din moved through the door quickly, feeling Rad look once again over his shoulder to the empty hollow and follow her into the building.

The room was very dimly lit and the wooden walls held a damp texture to the air, creating a musty odor. The room was shaped as a backwards ‘L’. The longer stretch of the room ran forward from the door, and the shorter arm stretched off to their left. That portion of the bar was almost completely absent of any light. The counter of the bar was to the right wall from the entrance, at what would be the base of resembled shape. Several tables were scattered about the rest of the open space. There were only four or five people in the bar, typical of an early morning bar scene.
As Din and Rad entered, a larger woman emerged from behind an archway on the back wall that led to another open room of the bar. She had wispy natural red hair that was pulled back off her face. She seemed to be in her early forties, but did not dress so. She wore a low cut black vest and a long flowing purple skirt with two slits up the sides of the material. The woman came toward Din and Rad with a curious expression on her face, as she moved her many bracelets and earrings jingled.

“Hello, can I help you?”

Rad spoke first, “Yes, we are looking for a friend.”

“Well, I can probably help you with that. Do they frequent my bar?” Telma asked.

“We were told he would be here…” Din’s voice trailed off as she looked around the bar. It was very dark in several of the corners, but then she saw him. Talon was standing over one of the tables about halfway back toward the left potion of the L-shaped room, away from the counter. The man wore a grey, capped sleeved shirt and black trousers. A blue rag was draped over his right shoulder, and he was using another on the surface of the table in front of him.

“Talon.” Din’s voice was friendly.

At the mention of his name the man looked up and saw her. An equally friendly smile appeared on his lips. He reached around behind him and picked up a large tray stacked tall with glasses and bottles. Holding it on his forearms, he came out from the dark space and approached them.

“Well hello Din.” Talon’s voice was soft.

She smiled back at him. “I have a question for you, Talon.”

The man’s expression became questioning and he slid the tray onto the bar. He looked back and forth from Din to Rad, “Yeah? And what would that be? I will try and answer it.”

Din looked around the bar briefly before speaking. The patrons that were present did not seem to be paying any attention. Two men in the room on the other side of the arch were leaned back in their chairs barely awake, Telma had returned to the back room, and the last man was far enough away into the dark corner that she didn’t think he would be able to hear, and he didn’t seem to be paying any attention anyway.

She spoke quietly to Talon, “We are looking for a man named Rishian. He is one of the last Sheikah around. Do you know where we could find him?”

There was a shift in the air as Din’s words came out but Rad pushed the gut feeling aside and concentrated on the man’s answer.

Talon’s friendly gaze hardened and became defensive at the mention of the Sheikah. Quickly, he tried to cover up the drop in his expression and place a straight face back into the wrinkles that lined his eyes.

“You are looking for a Sheikah? Hrmp. Good luck with that.” Talon crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. “You really think you can find a Sheikah that doesn’t want to be found?”

Din was slightly taken aback at Talon’s reaction. He was always so polite and friendly.

Rad jumped in, “We realize it isn’t the easiest to attempt, but can you help us get on the right track?” Rad was suspicious of the man, and didn’t like the attitude he was giving Din.

Talon starred back at Rad. He shrugged his shoulders, “If you really want to go and hunt down a Sheikah, go to the Temple of Time and pray to the goddesses. Din, a Sheikah is more likely to find you, than you are to find him.”
Rad was becoming more impatient with the elderly man, his fist balled up unwillingly. “Look, can you give us any helpful advice? Or we will be on our way.”

Din placed a hand on Rad’s forearm to try and signal him to calm himself.

“I’d try the darkest, most isolated, and most intricate place you could think of in the town. That’s all I can tell you. I’m sorry.” With that, Talon picked up his tray off the counter and turned around toward the back room. As he spun he threw a direct glance in the direction of the man who had been sitting in the dark corner, draped in shadows, but he was gone.

Din and Rad turned and left the bar after Talon had disappeared into the back room. As they came out from the little entranceway into the hollowed out space between the bottom of the stairs and the doorway, Rad got another eerie feeling. He stopped where he was and looked around. Out of the corner of his eye he saw movement on the ledge above them where the buildings became level with the ground. Rad turned quickly and surveyed the ledge and surrounding area, but saw nothing. Discomfort rose in Rad’s stomach. He placed his hand in the middle of Din’s back once again and urged her quickly toward the stairs, his eyes still on the spot where he had seen the shadows move.

“What? What is it?” Din stopped about half way up the stairs and turned her eyes toward the place where Rad’s were fixed.

“I don’t like the disadvantage of lower ground, and I thought…” Rad’s thoughts trailed off. Now higher up, Rad starred at the ledge, there was a grate in the wall, but it seemed to be completely intact. “I think I’m imagining things.” Rad threw a half-hearted smile at her.

As Rad and Din headed back down the street toward the center square, debating what to do next, a pair of emerald green eyes peered at them through the bars of the grating. The eyes belonged to a man. He seemed to wrap the shadows around himself, becoming almost invisible. The figure moved completely silently backward from the grate and up through a small crack in the stone, to the roof of the building. The figure backed against the stone stack that created a second story on the building and disappeared again from view. The shadow watched them: the man and woman who were seeking the Sheikah. The shadow’s single visible eyebrow furrowed downward. His other eye and entire left side of his face was covered by a white cloth-like material that seemed to resemble bandaging. Short strands of brown hair fell loosely out from under the covering. Pieces of stray bandaging blew in the light breeze away from the dark leather underlay covering his body. The white coving wrapped its way down his neck and around the tops of his shoulders and chest. Wrapped in the shadows, the figure squatted on the edge of the roof, listening to the man and woman from that far away.

“The water-system to the castle would be isolated, intricate and dark, but I doubt anyone could live down there.” Rad was almost whispering to Din.

“I have not been here long, so I can’t really think of any other place to look. Though I think looking during the day is a bit of a lost cause.” Din glanced back at him.

“You are probably right. We can go stock supplies and find somewhere to eat until sundown, then we will search?”

Din nodded in agreement and the two continued off down the street toward the main square.

The man hiding in the shadows let them go, he did not need to hear more or follow them further. With a hard expression he contemplated. Neither of them appeared to be of the royal family or the guard, nor did they seem like hunters or even historians. Why, after all this time would someone be looking for him? The figure wrapped the shadows tighter around him a disappeared completely into the town’s intricate rooftops and stone streets.

(Chapter Continues)

*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
Well that was a great read as usual, Din, but you could have written something about last night's kiss between them, you know, their thoughts about it. I felt as if you left us, the readers, out on that lol. :D. Not that it is a bad thing, the story was great, and I am sure you will get to that part soon. It was good to see your friend Rishian appear, also, you keep your description going so well, the places, etc. I wonder what happens next. Again, I did not see any typos, though let it be known that I don't read simply to look for them, if I come across them it is when I tell you. So yeah, two thumbs up again, and with that, I am off to introduce Part 3 of my own story lol. Keep it up. ^^

Din Akera

Jan 27, 2010
My own little world
Well that was a great read as usual, Din, but you could have written something about last night's kiss between them, you know, their thoughts about it. I felt as if you left us, the readers, out on that lol. :D.

lol, oh don't worry about that. That will be addressed before the chapter is over. It was meant to leave the read hanging, and wondering. :P
I will bring the reader back to that topic, no worries.


For the rest of the day Din and Rad went about Castle Town. As the sun began to dip behind the wall of the city Rad stood from the table where they had been eating and offered a hand to Din to help her stand. She took it and stood, leaving the right amount on the table to pay for their meal. The two left the friendly half indoor, half outdoor restaurant that looked over the main square of the market place. The water in the fountain was beginning to darken and turn a firey shade of orange under the magnificent sunset. Din and Rad had planned to go to the castle and see if there was anyway to get into the water system from the outside. Their second option would be to go back to Telma’s Bar and survey the grate that Rad had told Din about during their meal. As Din followed Rad toward the castle across the now sparsely populated square, a male voice came up behind her.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t miss fighter…”

Din stopped mid-step and her shoulders tightened, she knew the voice. Rad stopped in reaction to Din’s freeze. Both of them slowly turned around to see exactly the person they had been trying to avoid. The man was leaning against one of the stone buildings on the edge of the square, one foot bent up against he wall, arms crossed, with a cigarette fuming from his lips. The man’s right cheek and eye had a tinge of green and yellow to the skin, a fading bruise, and his nose seemed to have an unusual bend to the left in bones. The man pushed of the wall and took the cigarette out of his mouth. In doing so the chain between the two sections of his numb-chucks jingled from his back pocket.

Din cursed under her breath and her eyes darted about the square, looking to see just how many people were around.
Rad took a step forward with his left leg, placing himself partially in front of Din. “We have no business with you.” Rad’s tone was even, but low.

“Well sure you do. You have come back to swindle more money and bruise more reputations--oh pardon me, that’s her, not you.” The man’s eyes were threatening and cold. “You, just bruise faces.”

Rad’s eyes turned down into a shallow glare, “And you do any better?”

The man did not respond and turned his gaze to Din. She had not moved and was comfortable standing partially behind Rad this way. She crossed her arms when the man’s eyes landed on her.

“I think you owe me something.” The man’s voice held more anger now.

Din’s expression hardened and she glared at him, “I won that fight, I don’t owe you anything.”

“It is against the rules to use magic in the ring!” He was becoming agitated, and this made Rad more cautious.

“No! It is against the rules to use magic against the opponent!” Din was angry too now. There was no reason for this argument, and they had way bigger problems than this guy to deal with.

The man’s eyes opened wide, “You little witch! You used magic in the ring! That is the only reason you were able to defeat me!” The man’s eyes charged with anger.

Rad put his arm out across Din defensively; he could see what was coming. The man lurched forward his hands going for Din’s throat.

(Chapter continues)
Sorry thin entry is so short!
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*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
Well, well, well, if it isn't Din Akera, updating her story. :D lolz

Good small update, I enjoyed it. I found a typo: There as no reason for this argument, and they had way bigger problems than this guy to deal with.

Is that suppose to be is or was? lol. If it isn't, then ignore it. XD

Din Akera

Jan 27, 2010
My own little world
Rad put his arm out across Din defensively; he could see what was coming. The man lurched forward his hands going for Din’s throat.

Din dodged backward and Rad bent, grabbing the man around the waist with his outstretched arm. Rad pushed forward from the balls of his feet and threw the man backward against the stonewall behind him. The man brought his fingers to his mouth and whistled through them sharply. He then bent and pulled his weapon out from his pocket and began to swing it expertly over his arms and around his body. Rad smirked and bent his knees and hips, both fist clenched, ready for the man. Din shifted the weight to the balls of her feet. What was the whistle for? She looked at him carefully.

The man jumped forward and swung the wooden sticks toward Rad’s head. Rad dodged two swings easily and swung his fist into the man’s gut. With a grunt the man took the hit. Just as the man doubled over from Rad’s punch, a door in the stonewall swung open sharply. Three men came out of the door, and Din and Rad recognized them instantly. Even if they had not, the two fighters would have known who they were by their injuries. The first man through the door seemed in fine condition, the second had both his hands wrapped in ice gauze from burns, and the third boasted a plaster cast around his right wrist.

Din cursed under her breath when she saw the men. The three came running toward Rad at full speed. Rad ducked, dodging the first swing, and landed the metal end of his arm plate in the first attackers back. The man with the cast was next on him. Rad took a small hit in the breastplate, but grabbed the man by the shoulder and threw him backward into the third man. The man Rad had hit with his arm guard grabbed Rad from behind around the neck. Din charged him. She planted her right foot and pivoted on the ball of her foot. Bringing her left leg up she swung and landed her heel in the side of the man’s head. Falling to the ground he let go of Rad’s throat. Din went back-to-back with Rad and looked at the original attacker with the bruised face.

Rad rubbed his neck with one hand and glared at the two already injured attackers in front of him. The one with the cast picked up a stray piece of wood laying in the street and swung hard at Rad’s head. Rad ducked and swung his fist at the man’s gut. He dodged and his partner grabbed Rad by the top of the shoulders. The movement was so fast Rad didn’t have time to react. The man with the board brought the piece of wood down on Rad’s spine. Rad fell to one knee with a groan of pain, the blow knocked the wind out of him.

Din spun around at Rad’s painful sound. In doing so she opened her back to the man with the numb-chucks. He swung them hard and cracked Din in the head. The blow dazed her and threw her off balance. A pair of hands caught her from behind around the throat. Din blinked a few times and tried to clear her head. The man holding her wrapped a strong arm around her arms tightly, she couldn’t move. Looking down she watched the two men who attacked Rad grab him under the arms and throw him up against the wall of the building, pinning him there. The man on the ground that Din had hit in the head got up and picked the piece of board up off the ground. He walked toward Rad dragging it along the street. Din struggled hard against the man who held her, but his hold tightened around her throat.

The man with the board swung and struck Rad across the face. The impact turned Rad’s head sharply. He opened his eyes; he was still trying to take in air. The two men holding Rad against the wall were strong, and they had the advantage of pushing against the cobble stone street. Rad glared at the man holding Din. The man’s expression changed from anger to a horrifying smile. The man twisted Din around, hooked his feet around her ankles and tripped her, throwing her to the ground.

He started to chuckle, “You, little w**ch, need to be taught a lesson, and your boyfriend gets to watch.” The man began advancing toward her.

Anger and adrenalin shot through Rad like a rocket. With an angered yell Rad threw all his weight backward against the wall onto the man with the casted broken wrist. The man screamed in pain as the pressure came down on his injured bone. The release of the hold gave Rad enough time to swing at the man. He hit him in the bottom of the jaw sending him stumbling backwards. Rad reached around and grabbed the man holding his other arm. Rad freed his elbow and planted the end of his arm guard in the man’s face. Launching off the wall Rad smashed all his weight into the man standing over Din. Rad’s shoulder plummeted into his stomach and threw him backward across the street. Rad leaned down and grabbed Din’s arm and hands and helped her quickly to her feet. Placing one hand on her back, he pulled her in the direction of one of the streets off the main square.

The two took off as fast as they could go in their current state. They jogged down the street and around a right corner into a back ally. Rad looked around and saw a dark corner. He motioned Din around the break in the stone and she quickly rounded the edge. Din stopped in her tracks; it was a dead end. It was just a little crevice in between two buildings. She spun around to face Rad who came around the corner behind her to see the wall blocking their path. Turning to go back out, Rad heard shouts in the ally. Rad grabbed Din’s shoulders and pushed her back against the wall of the building that backed onto the main street. He stood with only a couple inches between them, close enough in front of her to hide her from view. Rad placed both forearms on either side of Din’s head against the wall. He hoped the little space was dark enough that he would be able to hide their faces. He ducked his head behind his arms and listened.

Din tried to calm her breathing; she was a little shaky after what just happened. Rad couldn’t hear anything, but wasn’t willing to move for several minutes until he was sure they were in the clear. As the shock of the fight started to wear off and his heart and breathing rate returned to normal, the words of the man who had attacked Din ran through his head, ‘your boyfriend gets to watch.’ Rad couldn’t stop his mind from wandering back to the previous night. His eyes dropped down to see she was looking back up at him. He looked at her lips. Part of him thought he must have imagined the kiss. But, then he remembered how it had felt. He looked her in the eyes, and the word echoed again, ‘boyfriend’. He shook his head slightly.

No, it was one kiss. Did she think that? Did he think that? What does one kiss mean? Well…maybe it did mean more than…

Rad’s questioning thoughts were starting to make him uneasy. He tried to push the thoughts out of his mind and focus on the sounds from the street. He could hear yelling and cursing form down the way.

Din took a deep breath. She looked up at him again. He made her feel safe, standing protectively over her like this. Din struggled with herself. She had never been close to anyone before. Rad’s words cut through her thoughts.

“How’s your head?” His words were a barely audible whisper, but Din heard him, being this close.

“It’s okay.” She nodded more than she spoke.

Rad let out a deep breath. Slowly he leaned down and placed his chin on the top of her head, very gently, allowing him to relax his neck in this small space. Din closed her eyes and let her head fall forward, her forehead landing on his collarbone.

“We have to find this Sheikah and get on with stopping these demons. We really don’t have time for this stuff.” His voice was frustrated. Rad felt Din’s small nod under his chin.

Emerald eyes looked down on them from the shadows of the roof opposite the two of them. Demons? The single visible eye curled downward in a frown.

Din and Rad stood there for several moments hearing the shouting subside and eventually disappear. After a long moment of silence Rad lifted his head and slowly looked around the corner into the alleyway. He turned back to Din and took his elbows off the wall.

“I think we are in the clear.” Rad’s words were at a much more comfortable volume.

Din nodded and pushed off the wall she had been leaning against. The two of them took two steps out into the ally. Just as they walked out into the open space something dropped from the top of the building into the dark shadows the two had just been hiding in. Rad’s Dragir eyes caught the movement in his peripheral vision and he grabbed Din’s shoulder and spun her behind him, putting himself between the movement and the woman.

Rad starred into the darkness, “Who’s there?” Rad’s tone was low and wary.

There was no movement from the corner for a long moment. Din and Rad looked hard trying to see through without light. Then, the shadows seemed to part and unfurl from the center of the space. A man took a step forward to the edge of the little crevice, the shadows hugging his shoulders and arms seemed to melt off of him very slowly.

Rad’s eyes opened wide in surprise, Din’s followed suit, but in awe. The man’s dark leather underlay proved to be a stark contrast to the white wrappings around his shoulder, neck, and face. Finally, the Sheikah took another short step and the shadows melted away completely

(Chapter continues)
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*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
Once again, superb writing. I found some typos for you to correct, nothing much though. :P

Rad at the man holding Din. The man’s expression changed from anger to a horrifying smile. The man twisted Din around, hooked his feet around her ankles and tripped her, throwing her to the ground.

--Rad did what? Rad performed some kind of action but what is it? You forgot to add the word lol.

He started to chuckle, “You, little w**ch, need to be taught a lesson, and your boyfriend is going to get to watch.” The man began advancing toward her.

--Was that Witch? If yes, I don't think the ** are necessary.
--Would you agree that if you use: "and your boyfriend gets to watch" would sound better?

Either way, good job, these are just minor typos, Din. Keep up the good writing, I enjoyed the update, the fighting, the moment with Din and Rad closely together and the way he throws himself in front of her as protecting her from harm. You did good. ^^

Din Akera

Jan 27, 2010
My own little world
Once again, superb writing. I found some typos for you to correct, nothing much though. :P

Rad at the man holding Din. The man’s expression changed from anger to a horrifying smile. The man twisted Din around, hooked his feet around her ankles and tripped her, throwing her to the ground.

--Rad did what? Rad performed some kind of action but what is it? You forgot to add the word lol.

He started to chuckle, “You, little w**ch, need to be taught a lesson, and your boyfriend is going to get to watch.” The man began advancing toward her.

--Was that Witch? If yes, I don't think the ** are necessary.
--Would you agree that if you use: "and your boyfriend gets to watch" would sound better?

Either way, good job, these are just minor typos, Din. Keep up the good writing, I enjoyed the update, the fighting, the moment with Din and Rad closely together and the way he throws himself in front of her as protecting her from harm. You did good. ^^

You never fail me Ats ^^ thanks for reading.

I have changed the typo of Rad's action, and I agree about the man's speech. They have both been changed.
No, the word is not 'witch'. See, this is where my writing style becomes a problem when I try to make it PG. The stars replace the letters 'en', and in the R rated version there is another couple sentences in that portion of the scene. So, it is a little rocky, I tried to make it PG. Which, I'm not so successful at sometimes.

Thank-you for the feedback. :)


A Frog
Feb 19, 2010
on my bean bag...
Hey! I missed out on a lot here! It's brilliant working, Din. I noticed a few typos, but that OK. Keep up the good work!
Rad starred into --> stared

Din Akera

Jan 27, 2010
My own little world
(One paragraph has been overlapped)

Rad’s eyes opened wide in surprise, Din’s followed suit, but in awe. The man’s dark leather underlay proved to be a stark contrast to the white wrappings around his shoulder, neck, and face. Finally, the Sheikah took another short step and the shadows melted away completely.

“That was quite the show back there.” His voice was slightly muffled behind the white wrappings.

Din and Rad looked at the man in disbelief. Part of Rad had not believed that there were any Sheikah still around, but this man was indeed a member of the race. Din had never met one; she couldn’t take her eyes off of him. After a moment of silence on the part of the three of them, Din realized one of them should speak.

“Rishian?” Her voice was full of many more questions than the one that came out of her mouth.

The Sheikah nodded once, “Why have you been looking for me?”

Din was slightly taken aback by the harsh tone he gave them.

Rad nodded, he understood. The Sheikah had been in hiding for a long time and had intended to have it stay that way; they were interrupting that. He knew this man would help them only on his terms. “We need some information from you. Koroko sent us.”

“Koroko?” Rishian’s tone changed to surprise and recognition. He took another step toward them, his demeanor softening.

“Yes.” Din stepped out from behind Rad toward Rishian. As she moved there was movement in the main street around the corner from where they stood. Rishian disappeared instantly. Din whipped her head around looking for him.

“Come on, let’s go!” Rishian’s voice was urgent and slightly annoyed at their slow pace.

Din and Rad looked down the ally toward the voice and saw Rishian standing next to a ladder nailed against the building. Din jogged down the strip and grabbed the ladder. Rishian urged her and Rad up and followed quickly.

“Come.” The Sheikah turned and lead them between the second story walls along the roves of Castle Town. The sun was behind the wall of the city now, throwing large long shadows over the spaces. They slowed to a walk. Din followed Rishian over several peaks to what appeared to be a crack in one of the stone buildings. Rishian ducked and moved through the space. Din and Rad followed easily after him.

Din was hit with a wall of blackness; she couldn’t see anything. Stopping in her tracks she held her arms out in front of her but didn’t touch anything. Rad came up behind her, he placed on hand gently on her back and caught one of her outstretched hands with the other.

“You okay? Come on.” Rad led her forward, his sharpened Dragir eyes could see easily down the stone passage.

Din grabbed his hand and trusted him, “You can see?”

“Yes.” Rad laughed once.

He led her down the narrow pass and around a corner. He could see that this must be Rishian’s living quarters. The extremely small square room held a single cot against the left wall, a small cabinet sat between the bed and a small stove on the back wall and a couch was pressed against the opposite wall from the bed and had obviously not been touched in many years. Rishian turned around to see Rad leading Din into the room. Rishian’s visible eye narrowed at this sight. He looked Rad up and down. Not only did he fight like one, he had the senses and personality of one…

Din’s eyes were beginning to adjust but she could still barely see anything in the small room. Rishian lit two large candles sitting on the ground on either side of a meditation mat to make it easier on her. He gestured to the floor and couch for the two of them to sit. Din, now able to see in the candle light folder her legs under her on the floor and leant against the couch. Rad stood beside her but did not sit. Rishian looked at Rad again and noticed a bruise beginning to form under the skin on his face. The Sheikah turned and went to the small cabinet and opened the door. Din saw that there was nothing inside on the shelves. Thinking this was odd, Din watched as he tapped the edge of one of the boards and the back wall of the cabinet seemed to spin around, revealing shelves full of potions, wrapping and what appeared to be an array of medical supplies. Rishian took out a small packet and a vile. He walked over to Rad and offered him the vile and moved to place the packet over the skin of his face.

Rad moved away and held up his hand in a halt. “I’m fine”

The Sheikah’s eye narrowed, “Right now, but in the morning…” Rishian pushed the vile into Rad’s hand and placed the packet on Rad’s cheekbone. Reluctantly Rad rolled his eyes, drank the vile and held the cold press on his face.

“You are new to Castle Town.” Rishian looked at both of them.

“Well, not really” Din laughed. “We have been here before and it ended about the same way.” She motioned to Rad’s injuries.

Rishian nodded, these two must have been the commotion in The Milk Bar from a few days ago. “Now, Koroko sent you to find me?”

“Yes,” Din began. “We need some information from you about the great demons imprisoned by the hero of Time.”

Rishian nodded, “I gathered that from the conversation in the ally.” He folded his legs under him and sat on the meditation mat across from Din. The motion was completely smooth and made no sound.

Din looked up at Rad a little surprised. She guessed she shouldn’t be, the Sheikah were bred to be spies.

“Hazel Nightingale is dead” Rad’s voice was serious.

Rishian’s eyebrow rose up, disappearing behind his long brown bangs.

“Ark Mantrios escaped from Arbiter Grounds and freed Hazel. Kate, Rad, Koroko and I brought her down.” Din added.

“I see.” Rishian raised one hand to where his mouth would be if it were visible, he began to think. “But Ark escaped, so you have come to me to find out the locations of the other two demons.” It was a statement, not a question.

Din nodded and looked up at Rad standing over her to gage his reaction to Rishian. The Sheikah contemplated their news for a minute, “Do you know which demon Ark plans to release next?”

Rad spoke quickly, “The twin demon.”

Rishian got to his feet and laid his hand on a brick in the stone wall above the cot. The upper half of the wall moved backward and revealed several stacks of books. Rishian reached between them and pulled out a map of Hyrule. Bringing it back he laid it across the floor between himself and Din.
“The demon of wisdom is one soul split into two entities, hence the earned name ‘twin.’ Each entity was imprisoned separate from each other with the idea that if they couldn’t fuse or collaborate, it would be impossible for them to break free. Which would be true, if they didn’t have help from the outside world, which now they do… The twin demons respective prisons are Death Mountain and Peak Mountain.” He pointed to the two largest mountains of Hyrule on the map. “But the magic that conceals them can be released at the same time from here.” Rishian pointed to north Hyrule Field “The hero was afraid that if they were sealed at separate times, one would be strong enough to break free and release the other, so the doors were sealed at the same time, resulting in the magic chains meeting in the same place underground, half way between the two points.”

“So that is where Ark will be headed” Rad’s tone had dropped to a more comfortable level.

“I would think so. You two need to be able to think on your feet and fight together to defeat the demon. You will most likely have to the two entities at once and then if you start succeeding in the battle they will fuse and you will have the demon’s beast form, which is stronger.”

Din smiled and looked up at Rad, “We can do that.”

Rad looked back down and her and a sheepish smile appeared on his face. “Let’s get going. Ark already has a head start.” He offered a hand to Din. She took it and stood. Rishian stood as well and with one swift movement of his fingers the flames of both candles when out.

Din headed down the dark hall first. She placed one hand on the wall and used it to find her own way toward the crack that would lead her back outside. As she rounded the corner into the passageway Rishian caught Rad by the elbow, stopping him.

“She trusts you, you know.”

Rad nodded, “Yes.”

“Does she know?” Rishian’s tone became deep and defensive.

Rad turned to look at him. “Does she know what?” Rad’s voice was flat and slightly cold.

“Only those who know nothing of your race are fooled by this.” Rishian picked his hand up and flicked a piece of Rad’s bangs. “All the signs are obvious. Dragir.” Rishian watched him closely for a reaction.

Rad let out a frustrated breath, “No, she doesn’t”

The Sheikah looked at Rad’s face. He did not see what he had expected. There was slight fear and even sadness present.

Rad looked at Rishian with slight defensiveness, “So, Sheikah. Are you now my enemy?”

Rishian looked at him through his eyelashes, “I should be. Innocent people did not have to be killed.” His tone was harsh, “But I also understand. You had to do what you did. I probably would have done no better.”

“I’m trying to do better.” Rad’s voice was hushed now and far away.

Rishian looked at him, “I can tell.” He nodded in understanding of Rad’s motivation for the demon hunt.

“And you as well. You have secret all your own.” Rad looked at him from the corner of his eyes.

Rishian was taken aback by Rad’s statement. “I…I don’t know what you are talking about.”

Rad let out an annoyed sigh, “You no longer bear what gives you your name.” Rad nodded toward Rishian’s chest. The leather underlay, dark against the white wrappings, was solid. The Sheikah crest absent from its usual place on any member’s chest.

Rishian’s eye tightened. This Dragir must have been around for a while; he knew much of the past. “Yes. I too have bones in my closet.”

“Tradition does not govern either of us anymore. Now we share a common goal.” Rad turned to face him.

Rishian nodded in response. The two men starred at each other for a moment, judging.

Rad extended his palm toward the other man, “Sheikah.”

Rishian looked at his hand for a moment and then took it, “Dragir.”

They released the shake and headed down the hall after Din who was standing outside the cracked wall on the rooftop. Rishian grabbed a couple weapons off the wall as they went by.

“Everything okay?” Din look at them both curiously.

“Yes.” Rad nodded and smiled at her.

Rishian took the lead again and led them through the second and third stories of Castle Town. They walked through his passages all the way to the eastern gate. Rishian slid through an unoccupied guard porticult and landed lightly on his feet in the grass outside the city wall. Din followed his path and landed beside him. Rad laughed, knowing he could not fit through the small space. He planted one hand on the top of the wall and vaulted over it. The three looked toward north Hyrule Field.

“Cross the bridge of Eldin into Lanayru. There is a rock cliff in North Field with what appears to be an abandoned mineshaft. The shaft leads to the door where the magic chains are protected. There are guards for the door, but Ark won’t hesitate to remove them.” Rishian pointed in the direction he was talking about.

“You’re not coming with us?” Din expression was confused and slightly sad. She had begun to like the man in the short time they had spent.

“No. I’m going for reinforcements. If the demon of courage is released…we are all in big trouble. We will need all the help we can get for the fight.” Rishian noticed Din’s expression, “We’ll meet up again.” His voice seemed to hold a small smile.

Din smiled back at him and then looked back at the city wall. “I will go back and get our horses Rad.” She took off at a light jog for the gate.

“You will be able to fight much more effectively against the demon in your true form.” Rishian stated looking off toward Death Mountain, the closer of the two prisons.

“I know that.” Rad’s tone held anger.

Rishian looked at him. “Then transform and tell her. The truth will come out. It always does. We ancient races try to hide, but even as I found today, the truth comes around to bite you, even this many years later.” Rishian seemed to hold some regret and pain down in his voice.

Rad looked at him with surprise as he processed what the Sheikah said. “You have some part in this?” Rad’s voice was full of shock and mounting anger.

Just then Din arrived behind them with their horses. “Are we ready?” Rishian’s visible eye narrowed a warning at Rad.

Rad’s eyes tightened. After a hesitation he answered her, “Yes, we should go.”

Rishian backed three steps away from them, “Good luck, and I will see you again.” The Sheikah threw his arm down and the crack of a deku nut split through he air. The flash of white light from the nut blinded Rad and Din for a full second. When they looked up, Rishian was gone.

“Wow.” Din seemed impressed.

Rad rolled his eyes, “Yeah, they do that.”
The two warriors took off at a full gallop toward Eldin Bridge. They had to stop Ark. Hopefully they were not already to late.

(End of this freaking long chapter!)

*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
That was fantastic, Din, but again, just a few annoying typos for you to correct if you want.
Ignore them if you want, that is up to you. :P

Din, now able to see in the candle light folder her legs under her on the floor and leant against the couch (folded)

Rishian took out a small packet and a vile. (vial?)

Rishian stood as well and with one swift movement of his fingers the flames of both candles when out. (went)

The two men starred at each other for a moment, judging. (stared)

“Rishian?” Her voice was full of many more questions than the one that came out of her mouth. (I actually loved that description)

Good job, Din, well done. I will keep my eyes open for more updates. I am intrigued to see what happens next. Will the twin demons be released, what will happen with Rishian and Din and Rad. Don't keep us waiting long. :P

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