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The Little Things, or Where the @#$% Are My Octoroks?!


Bringer of Jollity
Jan 24, 2010
Great Lakes
- More details/actions relating to the situation... the 'wet' mechanic for example, and the many varied idle animations from OoT- such as shivering, sneezing, looking around, adjusting his equiptment etc. If it's cold then Link should at least ACT like he's cold, that's all I ask..

This is great, I agree with this completely.


I like the idea of bringing back Ropes, they would be cool to fight in 3D I think.
Dec 2, 2009
Canada (Pfft, I wish)
The only thing I would like that hasn't been mentioned already is for a different view in Hyrule Castle Town, IF there's one, otherwise just any town.

See, in the 3-D Zelda games that feature a Hyrule Castle Town or Hyrule Market have this terrible top-down view when in the town. I feel that this doesn't give much realism or much exploration. So I hope that, in Zelda Wii, we'll have the same kind of view that we get in the overworld or a dungeon while in these kinds of places.

Everything else I'm hoping for has pretty much been mentioned. Some I personally disagree with, however.


Jan 19, 2011
It's cool to see how many of these ended-up being true :D Does this mean that Zelda has become predictable?!?! :O
Aug 2, 2011
i want a lush forest for lost woods, I dont mind the way its done in oot and Tp but I want to be in a forest that looks like a forest, not a bunch of areas connected with tunnels, like in shadow of the colossus.


Piper of Time
Aug 11, 2011
The Lost Woods
I want special trees we can burn down. Statues that can be moved to reveal hidden passageways. More caves. Kitties on catnip!

Dungeons with ripped maps. Things that make my brain hurt. I also want more tunics. Not just blue, red and magic tunics. Pegasus Boots.

Greater sidequests, with greater stories, like in MM, kind of. I want to be able to explore Skyloft thoroughly, maybe even do things in the school.

Now that we can roll bombs. I want a bomb bowling game, or something similar.

I want to see the Dark Tribe.
Oct 21, 2010
I would LOVE to see the Lynel, loved that monster! He always killed me though! XD

I loved the ocean in MM, it was one of my favorite places in that game. But I think the only reason why I loved it so much was that I could swim in it, I think the best way for the ocean to work is you being able to swim fast with boosts like a zora in MM, and the ocean having lots of treasures to find in it would keep me entertained. And they would also have too have a limit to how far you could swim... I wonder what kind of limit they will(or would) set... (ie, pollution in MM, the king of red lions in TWW)But I hope there are no invisible walls, I hate those.

The museum idea sounds interesting, but I don't think it would work. This game proven to be first in the timeline, the only way it would work is if that they were more of easter eggs then actual artifacts, and replace museum with a town as Justin already suggested. But I also love the idea of interacting with enemies, like The serpent said. But what would happen if you could see a fortune teller? sorta like TP, but instead of heart containers, its your next life.

I agree with almost everything else on your list: Octoroks, a new instrument,
a magic wand would be lovely, I love tingle to the bits and pieces, (no boss returns though) EXCEPT I would not like to see a new shield design. The shield design I think is important to this game, if you notice is not a bird on the large door where you fight Ghirahim(pretty sure thats how you spell it), so the shield design might play pretty big role in this game.

My own ideas would be for the gerudos and kokiri to return, since its a prequel I think they could tell the origins to these races, it might answer questions about these races too. but, to be honest, I also just loved them! Seeing them return would make this game better then it already is.
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WASABI! (" L,")
Jul 31, 2011
i love all of these ideas except bringing back zelda II bosses . i especially like the museum idea. why is it you so much like octarocks? and i would love to see another big ocean like the great sea from WW or at least the island coasts in that game :)


Purveyor of Cuckoos
Aug 16, 2011
A chicken coop.
Ocean FTW. With more treasure hunting(despite the fact that a lot of people seem to hate that.)
I doubt it will make a return though.


Apr 22, 2011
Companions.. :)

People that you can call whenever you want and will fight by your side.. Maybe even a dungeon that utilizes this feature.
A dungeon where you and your companions fight your way through hordes of enemies and solve puzzles that need more than two people.
And most importantly.. A huge boss, that beats the crap out of you.. And that can only be defeated with teamwork.

Some may dislike this because it's not ''Zelda-ish''.. Zelda is a RPG, And if you ask me changes like this would really help the series ALOT.. IMO anyway.
Feb 23, 2011
Companions.. :)

People that you can call whenever you want and will fight by your side.. Maybe even a dungeon that utilizes this feature.
A dungeon where you and your companions fight your way through hordes of enemies and solve puzzles that need more than two people.
And most importantly.. A huge boss, that beats the crap out of you.. And that can only be defeated with teamwork.

Some may dislike this because it's not ''Zelda-ish''.. Zelda is a RPG, And if you ask me changes like this would really help the series ALOT.. IMO anyway.
Zelda, sir, is NOT an RPG. Believe me, I know. The system you suggest might present too much of a dramatic change for the series, and I'm sure you know what that could cause. It could work in small doses, though, and has before. Princess Zelda has aided Link in (final) boss battles in several games in the series, and a few others have aided Link with dungeon puzzles. To a small effect, your idea of a "huge" boss, that requires the help as a comrade sounds boss ;) (if not overdone).


Apr 22, 2011
Zelda, sir, is NOT an RPG. Believe me, I know. The system you suggest might present too much of a dramatic change for the series, and I'm sure you know what that could cause. It could work in small doses, though, and has before. Princess Zelda has aided Link in (final) boss battles in several games in the series, and a few others have aided Link with dungeon puzzles. To a small effect, your idea of a "huge" boss, that requires the help as a comrade sounds boss ;) (if not overdone).

Zelda falls into the category of RPG in my book.. It's got more Adventure then RPG.. But hey, Every RPG has got to have some adventure. You don't level up but your character gains more health, new items, loot and in TP new abilities. So you do actually level up from a certain point of view. Although there isn't any Roleplay except for maybe link being a tank/damage dealer.

However I think that adding companions that actually fight with you in certain parts of the game and don't just follow you around pointing out obvious crap, That would be an interesting turn of events. They should at least add something that is more like a RPG but not that huge, Maybe proffesions? or maybe more stuff to buy?

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