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The Dark Voyage

*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
***For this story, I will only use some new names as replacement to some I didn't quite like; some of those names
belong to characters that were submitted for some of my tales in the past, and I do this to make up for not
having finished stories featuring such characters.

And, most of the story is the original, but know that I will be going over it before I post it and correct any mistakes I see.
So in truth, it won't be entirely the original piece you'll read, but a reworked one that I hope will read better.
Moreover, I might add new content to give some characters more story time, this after I thought some really
needed to have more presence in the story. Lastly, I will add a map later, perhaps in the next update.***

Rated PG13, but I don't really see why a younger audience can't read this, as there are only a few cuss words
found here and there.

Dedicated with love to my niece R. A., to my best friend Magatha, Mandy287, Violet, Sabel27, Raindrop14,
Atticus, Myriadviper42, Hero of Time,
and the rest ZD Members that make an appearance.


***South Sea, 10 miles away from Port Goodweather, November 20th, 1658***​

It was a starry night with a full moon. A mild breeze blew from
the southwest and no clouds could be found above.

Valegrious Coral stood on the poop deck of the Smelly Ignacia, a
medium size monster-hunting warship. His elbows were pressed against
the surrounding railing, his chin rested on the palms of his hands, his soft
brown eyes gazed out to nowhere in particular as he pondered about
many things. Mostly he had been thinking about the things he had lived
through in order to get to where he currently was, but also on his mind
had been his dear sister, whom he would be seeing in just a few days after
what had been a long, exhausting, and surely danger-filled trip.

It would have been a quiet night if not for the splashing of the
water as the ship sailed smoothly over it, the flapping sound of the sails as
the wind hit them, and also all the shouting and laughing coming from the
main deck where other sailors were performing some mild, nightly duties.
Valegrious had issued some orders to them about ten minutes ago and
had gone to the back deck to have some alone time, a thing he really
valued while out at sea. Just by hearing the sailors' joyous talking, singing,
and joking tones, he knew that they were just as happy as he was to soon
be making it back to land.

Valegrious was a handsome twenty two year old man with
brownish, short hair parted in the middle and to the sides. He was four
inches shy of standing six feet tall and had a slim body. He appeared not
the muscular type to the eye, but the truth was that he had more power in
him than met the eye. His skin color had always been a very soft light tan,
but out at sea working under the sun most of the time had turned it a
darker tan.

Valegrious had worked hard to achieve many goals at a very
young age when he and his younger sister Magatha had tragically lost both
their parents. Because the responsibility to look after his sister had fallen
entirely on him, he'd had to look for a job in order to take care of her and
also himself, for they had no relatives alive whatsoever.

Though it was a dangerous world in which they--and many other
kinds of beings--lived, Valegrious had been up for any decent work he
could find. Unlike others who chose to follow dark roads to make a living
either by stealing, exploiting others, or killing, the lad's good heart had
kept him away from joining any of the local thief or assassin guilds where
gems flowed easy into one's pockets at the expense of risking one's life. A
few friends he had known had invited him to join a few weeks after their
parents had died, but Valegrious had quickly declined their offers and had
even paid for that with a beating.

The lad and his eight year old sister had faced rough times and
even had to abandon their home village a few months later when the
gems that their parents had left them had run out. With what little they
owned they had gone to Port Goodweather, which happened to be the
closest location to their village, and there they had found mercy at the
hands of an orphan caretaker, a kind-hearted blonde woman who had
dedicated herself to the caring of orphans after she had lost her own
daughter in the past.

Though they had found a home, Valegrious had known during
that time that he had to do something in order to help the woman who
had helped him and his sister, for life in all of Galileah was not easy for

Soon enough, Valegrious had contemplated the idea of enlisting
in the service of the realm's armada, but Evelina Brengle, the woman who
had become his second mother, had told him that he would not even be
considered for a spot, for he was still too young. Valegrious then
considered joining the monster hunting guilds where his parents had
worked most of their lives, but the orphan caretaker let him know that he
also was young for that, in fact, for any job, for young men were
considered only when they were past sixteen years of age. That's when
young kids such as him became known as men, and many options opened
when one reached that age.

Though he had failed to find a job, those setbacks had not
stopped Valegrious, who really wanted to help out at the orphanage in
some way. He was the oldest orphan in the orphanage at age twelve at
that time. Food and income were hard to come by when it was only
Evelina who was doing all the working, and at times she did not find work
at all for days, for all she did was clean houses and manors, sow, cook
stews and other dishes for other people, as well as other low-paying
errands that were not often available for the taking. When that happened,
all of the orphans and also Evelina had to endure a bit of hunger, at times
for consecutive days. Life was so hard in Galileah that families sometimes
even had to sell their children in order to eat and survive.

Valegrious had seen all sorts of misery and trouble during his
early days in the orphanage, and that really filled his heart with sadness. It
was also the thing that had led him to go out and attempt to find a job in
the big port city of Goodweather.

For a twelve year old like him back in those days finding noble
work in the realm of Bulmax was hard. Most teenagers were quickly
recruited by thief bands and other groups that enticed young ones with
many promises of power and wealth. But Valegrious had been one of the
lucky ones and had avoided stepping on those dark roads.

One fine day that he had been traversing the docks of Port
Goodweather, as desperation had begun to take over him, the lad had run
into a kind-hearted felinum who had made a living hunting sea monsters
in the local south sea. The felinum folk pretty much resembled humans,
but they had cat-like ears on their heads, long tails, and thin hairy coats,
although it appeared that they were just normal human beings, for their
hair was not that visible over their human-like skin. Most felinum folk
usually had weird symbols painted on their face, neck, arms, or legs, but
there were those that did not do that, like this felinum that Valegrious had
met. She was rather tall at six-three, was slim yet strong, and had light
brownish, silky hair that fell off to the sides down to her jaw line. She had
light skin, and the color of her cat ears and tail was multicolored, like that
of a calico cat. The humans co-existed with the cat folk and many other
benevolent species that called Galileah their home, but because of their
many differences in looks and beliefs, the species often had problems
accepting or looking at each other like the allies they were.

That felinum had been a few men short of fulfilling her ship crew
that day, and so when she had stumbled upon young Valegrious at the
docks, she had spoken to him about her problem.

The felinum had not even been interested in hiring him at all, she
had just called the lad over and had asked him whether he knew any abled
men or women who would be interested in working on a fishing vessel
under her orders.

Valegrious had been surprised to be approached by her, what
with him never really having had the chance to treat other beings other
than humans. In fact, Valegrious had never seen a felinum before, so he'd
been quite amazed of the tall creature, but mostly mesmerized by her
beauty. Nonetheless, he let her know that he knew no one in particular,
but he pointed out to her all the sailors roaming about the docks that he
thought could be looking for such a job. The felinum, though, had already
spoken to all of them and had come to know that all were already taken or
none had wanted to work for a subhuman like her. She had not known
why but she told this to the young kid.

"Bah," she had spat aside quite disgusted. "Most are taken, Lad.
And the few other dolts who seek a job have not the heart to work for
me, for a subhuman, as they refer to me, the b******s." Looking over at
some sailors that were passing by, she added loudly, "They're all just a
bunch of losers."

That had really saddened and stung Valegrious, to learn once
again that his own kin treated others unfairly merely because they were
different. His father had taught him different, that is why Valegrious had
not minded at all that the cat-like creature had come to speak with him; he
saw her just as he would have seen any other human.

"I would be interested in working for you, Miss," had said
Valegrious in a lively tone.

"You?" the felinum had replied in awe but had given the young
man all her attention. "But you're just a lad. What do you know about
sailing, Landlubber?"

Valegrious had no experience whatsoever as a sailor, and he had
let her know that with a saddened face and tone.

"But I am willing to learn," had added the troubled young man,
who desperately wanted to find a job and a way to sustain those back at
the orphanage.

That fateful day, the felinum had remained quiet for a while just
observing the human boy as she had been caressing her chin. If anything,
the female admired the lad's willingness.

The felinum had had real need to replace two of her crewmen
who had not come back for two days after the captain had given her
whole crew free time after their last trip. The felinum had even sent the
rest of the crew to look for them but they had not found them in the
entire port. Most likely the men had returned home or something, for the
sea was not made for everyone, and the captain had seen in those two fear
but mostly discontent on their last trip.

"Very well, Lad," the felinum had said at length after she had
convinced herself that giving the lad an opportunity could prove
worthwhile, or maybe it was that she just felt like helping him out, what
with the felinum knowing how difficult life was for many beings. "If
you're willing to learn, I see no problem in that. I can bring you aboard
my ship, but I warn you now: the sea life can be very rough, very
enjoyable, but also very treacherous. There are many dangers out at sea
just as there is danger inland. My crew and I hunt sea monsters for a
living, we're above ordinary fishermen. Do you know anything about sea
monsters, Lad?"

"I just know that the sea is filled with them," had replied
Valegrious, who had lived his life so close to a port and the sea and yet
knew little about all that, for his parents had not allowed him to go out
that much. "My father, god rest his soul, told me stories about them and
how there are many a variety out there, just like the many monsters that
plague the world."

When she had heard the lad saying that, the female had become
aware that he had no parents, and that sort of had stung her and made her
feel deeply sad, for she had no relatives alive either.

"Quite right," she had gone on to say and had even crossed her
arms over her plated busty chest. "The vast sea is filled with them
creatures. Old stories say that all these monsters came to be after an
ancient war between gods broke out and was fought mostly in this world
of ours. Heck, there is a broad variety of monsters at sea that we keep
finding new ones every now and then, and bigger too. But anyway, you
know about them, you're not a complete dolt like other people out there.
And so, if you are not afraid of sailing, or scared of sea monsters, I surely
will take you in this day as one of my crew members, and I will teach you
all that an aspiring sailor such as yourself needs to know. But, besides
your life being at risk every day out there, also know that you will be
performing hard work nearly every day, for everyone's got to pull his or her
own weight on my ship. Do you still wish to become a sailor for me and
the Smelly Ignacia?"

Valegrious had really given the matter some deep thought, and
mostly because the felinum had sort of scared him with her words. But he
had known well what kind of life awaited him back in the orphanage if he
refused. Most likely nothing would change and he and all the others
would have to endure hunger and misery for several years until he grew
and became of age and was able to work and help out. Or, he would
probably give in to temptation and end up like his friends had when they
had joined the local bad guilds. Whatever happened, the lad knew that
would be wasted precious time, and Valegrious wanted the best for his
sister and really wanted to help out Evelina and all the other orphans. The
words that his father had once spoken to him had convinced him to say
yes to the creature: Life is brief, Son. We have to seize every single second and
make the best of it.

Valegrious had been looking for an opportunity, and this one had
presented itself to him in his hour of most need. He had known at that
time that he would not be letting it go to waste. He had been scared, but
necessity had been stronger than fear that day.

"Yes, I do," Valegrious had replied with a firm voice. "Please,
Miss, I just need a job so I can take care of my sister and other folks at an
orphanage where I live."

The felinum had become aware that he also had a kind heart and
other folks to look after.

"What is your name, Lad?"

"Valegrious Coral."

"Beautiful name you have," had said the felinum with risen

"According to my father's words, the name means great valor."

"Hm, I can see why you were given that name, then, Young
Valegrious. I detect plenty of courage within you."

That had made Valegrious smile warmly.

"Very well, then, let us say no more," had smiled the pretty
felinum. "You are now part of the crew of the Smelly Ignacia. I am your
boss. My name is Jzak Hennessy. You can refer to me as Captain
Hennessy from now on, or just plain ol' Cap'n, I really don't mind. From
this moment on, you've stopped being Valegrious of the land and have
become Valegrious of the sea."

Valegrious had been so happy to hear that he had been accepted,
that he had found a job after he had done much searching, but he had
also felt very unsure of what was to come. The whole idea of going out to
sea and hunt monsters--creatures he had never even seen--scared him, but
he had understood that it was too late to go back, and besides, he knew
that wherever he went and found a job there was bound to be trouble, or
his life would be in peril. His parents' death spoke highly on that; they had
died on a mission working for a good guild that specialized in killing
monsters and keeping the region threat-free.

And so knowing that by telling the female creature that he was
not interested would make him look like a coward, and that he also would
be disappointing and shaming his parents wherever they were, Valegrious
had accepted the kind offer from the felinum.

Captain Jzak Hennessy had never seen such courage before,
much less from a young pup like him. She was glad to have him agree and
vowed in that moment that she would take him under her wing and make
him grow as a sailor.

Jzak had given him plenty of time to go back home and say good
bye to his loved ones, not to mention grab a few essentials for the trip.

"Come back if you really meant your words," she had told him
with a kind smile, for during their conversation she had also registered
plenty of doubt within him. "It is still not too late to decline my offer,
young Valegrious."

"I will be back," had promised Valegrious in his most serious
tone ever. "You can count on that."

"I will be waiting on my ship, then," had said the Felinum with
her arms crossed. "It's that one over there, Lad."

She had pointed out the ship from several that were stationed far
off in the harbor and asked him whether he would be able to find it when
he came back. Valegrious had taken note of the mighty looking vessel and
had nodded at her.

"I can't miss it," he had said. "Not with that huge steel thing on
the back of it."

"That's a harpoon cannon," had explained the felinum after a
chuckle. "Just one of several weapons we use for hunting the larger
monsters. But, you have seen the ship, so you know where to find me.
Besides, the name is imprinted right on the back just above my cabin's

Valegrious had nodded at her and then left her side. After he had
spent around ten minutes talking to her, he had rushed back to the

Evelina, above everyone else, had been very confused and shocked
at the unexpected news when Valegrious let her know the whole deal. She
could not believe that the boy had dared to go as far as put his young life
at risk merely to help her out. Evelina knew of the grave danger that was
involved working as a monster hunter out at sea, but Valegrious had made
her see things his way. He had let her know that working honorably at sea
despite the danger involved was a far better option than him sitting there
doing nothing or give in to temptation and desperation and end up like
many other young ones did by joining the local guilds. And so Evelina's
heart had been dealt a dose of great sadness once again, but in the end,
with tears on her face, she had known that she could not keep him there
regardless of what she might try to say or do to change his mind.
Valegrious had a kind heart, she knew, so she finally agreed to support
him with his decision.

As to young Magatha and the other orphans, they had been so
sad to learn that Valegrious would be leaving them in order to go work on
a ship. Valegrious was just as sad as they were, but he made them all
understand that it was all for the better. Everyone had cried when he left,
even the few orphans that had known him so little. Valegrious had cried
as well.

Evelina and the orphans had come to the docks that day to say
goodbye and also to admire the ship that he would be working on.
Valegrious had had some final words with Evelina and his sister Magatha
and the other orphans before proceeding to board the ship. The orphan
care taker had also had very serious words with the felinum. Mostly she
had just entrusted Valegrious to her care and told her to bring him back to
them safe and sound.

The felinum had soothed her anguish by telling her that she
would do everything in her power to keep him safe. She promised
nothing, though, because everyone's life in a world full of turmoil was at
risk all the time. Evelina had understood that well and had chosen to
deposit her entire trust in her. The felinum had been kind enough to even
give the woman a small pouch of gems, and when Evelina had asked her
why, the felinum had merely smiled at her and had told her to take care of
the orphans with food and clothing, that the gems were like an upfront
bonus of Valegrious's services to her. Evelina had thanked her so much,
and the two had even shared a hug before the orphans and Valegrious.

Since that day, young Valegrious had sailed the rough seas beside
the tall felinum, several humans, and other weird species that formed part
of the ship's crew. Besides twenty one other humans, seven of which were
tough-looking women, Valegrious had shared the ship with three other
felinum, two of which were males and one female, and also a female elf,
two wolf-blooded men whose species were known as lycans, and a water

The first months had really been tough for Valegrious, both
performing the tough work on the ship and also because he had sorely
missed those that he had left behind. Then there was the whole getting-
to-know-the-crew issue. Valegrious had been shy with them all, but as the
first days had passed, he had begun to open up to each and every one of
them, particularly the blue-skinned water pixie, who, after the captain, had
been the very next one to speak to him when he had come aboard the
ship the first day. Sailing with them all, the boy had endured what life
threw at him, just like a tough boulder on a beach takes the pounding of a
powerful thunderstorm and remains unmoving. He had seen and learned
many things on the many trips he took. Jzak Hennessy and the rest of the
crew members taught him a lot, but it had been mostly the captain who
had taught him so many things, including how to fight and defend himself
using several weapons, for it indeed was dangerous out there; trouble did
not only come from under the sea. The captain had also taught him so
many things from the world itself that young Valegrious had not been
aware of, such as the existence of many other species and faraway lands.
Before he knew it, Valegrious was loving it out there, because he was
working and learning so many things.

But not all had been happiness and learning for the young man.
He had also lived through many dark, dreadful experiences that had taken
his heart. The ship and most of its crew had survived several deadly
encounters against pirate fleets, sea marauders, flying hags known as sea
harpies, and tough, gigantic sea monsters that had been bigger than the
ship itself. Two times had the felinum captain had to purchase a brand
new ship when monsters out at sea had destroyed or sunk the previous
ones. Most of those who were still alive had really run alongside mother
luck during those bad experiences. They had managed to survive the
attacks and later had been rescued from the deadly sea by other passing

After living through those kinds of nightmarish experiences,
many were the ones that quit that life. The majority though, the seasoned
mariners and those truly brave at heart kept going back for more because
the demand and pay for hunted sea monsters was high in many of the
realms of Galileah. For example, a fla***on, an oarfish type of creature,
was big enough to feed many mouths for days. Catching one and selling it
to some market netted around two black gems, and that was quite a good
profit. The fla***on was just one of many lesser creatures fished by sturdy
fishing poles attached to the ship. A fla***on was the first sea monster
that Valegrious had seen, and it had come while he had been on watch
duty of the fishing pole under Jzak's order just a month after he had
joined the crew. How proud the felinum had been of the boy that day,
and she would be more proud of him when later at night another fla***on
had taken the bait under Valegrious's watch, and then a third two hours
later. Jzak had riddled the boy's face with so many kisses that night. And
many of the sailors had called the boy blessed and lucky, and the felinum
had thought that about him as well.

Then there were the Creycion. These were serpentine-like
monsters that had small wings on their sides. The wings afforded the
creature to jump out of the water and fly briefly. Those nasty flying
predators sold for four black gems, because their meat was delicious and their
hard skin was used for the making of armor and also weapons. Catching
one depended on luck and timing. Many unaware sailors lost their lives to
these ferocious creatures as they would come out of the water
unexpectedly. Valegrious had seen crew mates of his get killed by those
creatures on several occasions, and he, himself, had just barely survived an
attack from one such creature on his second trip out. The creature's nasty
mouth, which was filled with sharp jaws and wider than a shark's, had just
barely missed taking him whole and down under the sea never to be seen
or heard from again. Valegrious had always been focused doing his job, so
he had heard the loud splash coming from the starboard side, and from
the corner of his eye he had seen the huge creature emerging at the side.
He had moved out of the way, but the young lad had not been that lucky,
for the creature's spike-filled sturdy body had nicked his left arm good
and had left him a bad scar and a memory to be proud of. He had
survived, but barely. The felinum captain had taken care of curing him
after the attack, and she had spent several days looking after him, for
Valegrious had developed a bad fever and his wound had become
infected. Luckily, the felinum had been able to cure him with the
medicine available to her on her ship. Valegrious had been unable to work
for two weeks, but he had spent that time mostly within the captain's cabin
reading books and learning new things from her, who was always up to
teaching him something new.

Valegrious, after he had survived his second near-death
experience against a mighty Kraken that had taken the ship and many
sailors under the sea, had quickly come to love what he did out there. He
valued life, and the encounter with the kraken, and a Gochapello, which was a
sea monster thrice the size of a whale, as well as his close call with the Creycion,
had made him understand just how valuable and precious life really was.
But he also was reminded that quitting a profession he'd come to love and
live in fear was already death. And so he had come back for more as well,
and it appeared to him that danger fled from him.

His courage, dedication, and hard work had earned him a high
rank aboard the Smelly Ignacia. After ten long years, he had not only
made it to lieutenant, a high rank that not too many who started off like
him from nothing ever reached, but he also shared in the fame and glory
that the ship and its crew received for their exploits achieved while sailing
the south sea. Yes, Valegrious had started from the very bottom and had
climbed up the ranks rather quickly, not due to how much Captain
Hennessy had come to love him over the years as if he was her own son,
but rather through his hard work and dedication, and because he had
survived the rough seas up to that point. Now as a lieutenant of the ship,
his work load was lessen by a lot, his share of the profits was higher, and
he only answered to the captain. Despite being an officer now, Valegrious
was often seen helping out and teaching less skilled sailors who struggled
doing their job. Seeing him in action even when he wasn't supposed to be
doing that filled Captain Hennessy with so much joy, for she had come to
understand that her gamble--nay, the opportunity she had given the
lad--had paid off in a big way.

I've really come a long way, Valegrious thought and felt very grateful
for that as he stared up at the star-filled sky. The gods were up there, he
believed, perhaps looking down upon him and the ship and its crew. He
thanked them in silence for all the good and bad experiences he'd had so
far. In his thoughtful state, Valegrious often offered prayers to them on
nights like these, and that's precisely what he went on to do then.

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*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
Here is the next update and the map. Thanks for reading. Oh, btw, every update I make will be an entire chapter. It's only twenty + and some are short and others long, it varies. XD


Chapter 1: The bad news
***Port Goodweather, November 22nd, 1658***​

Valegrious really enjoyed himself while out at sea, but every time the crew made it back to land it was something else, a different magnificent feeling, a thing they all considered very special. And why not? While out at sea their trips sometimes were dangerous and very long. The longest one they've lived through had been eight months before they had docked at Port Bakashi in Asaki where they had sold all their catch.

Two days had passed since he had been pondering about things on the poop deck; the ship had docked at the harbor half hour ago after the crew had been out at sea for three and a half months. That was a normal trip for them, but that time they had not killed or caught that many creatures. That probably could have been credited to the cold season, as their captain had told them the day that she had decided to head back to land. Despite that minor setback, the Smelly Ignacia had brought along a good catch of bonito and fla***ons that would net the group a good pay in the coming days.

It was early in the night, and the crew, after having secured the ship at the harbor, was anxious to be dismissed from duty. The felinum could see in all her crewmen's faces the yearn to be released. She let them go, but as she usually did, Jzak had given the team a final speech before letting them go out and have some much needed fun. Usually, when the team came back to land, the captain gave them a full week to enjoy themselves. This time, though, she happily announced to them that it would be two weeks since she had plans for herself.

All the sailors applauded and Valegrious ordered them all to pay their respects by giving the captain three loud huzzahs. In unison, the entire crew did as told.

"Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!"

"Go now," the felinum said, this one truly delighted with her great crew. "Try not to have too much fun, boys and girls."

More shouting and clapping was heard, and then two planks were lowered and the sailors filed out to freedom.

Valegrious was a high ranking crew member, so he was actually one of the last ones to leave the ship. In fact, he always did so alongside the captain, whom he also had come to feel much love for over the passing of the years, for while on the ship, he had learned most of what he had come to know from her.

"Well, Valegrious," Jzak said as they both stood on the wooden docks, with Valegrious holding on to a large sack over his shoulder. "We part again for some time, my boy. Do enjoy yourself, I bid."

Valegrious regarded the captain with a curious glance as they heard all the ruckus that came with being at the busy port.

"Ah, you don't have to worry about me, Captain," the lad replied coolly as he looked around the docks in anticipation. "You know I will be having a great time with my loved ones."

"This I know," said Jzak with a smile and a wink; Valegrious had already spoken to her about his plans a night ago. "You can't wait to get on home, can't you? Anyway, go now, just make sure to come back in three days so you can get your share. Kaur and I would have sold our cargo by then."

Kaur happened to be the water pixie. She had also survived up till that point. Only Valegrious Coral, Jzak Hennessy, Kaur Astraiyd, Kraven Longtooth and Rygar Willem, who were both lycans, Rubee Treeclimber the elf, and five human sailors, two males and three females, were all that remain from the original crew when Valegrious had joined ten years ago. The others had died during trips as the years had gone by, but Jzak Hennessy had recruited new salt as they needed it.

"Will do," Valegrious nodded and even winked at her. She smiled, winked back, and then they hugged each other fondly. After they separated, Valegrious took his leave. The felinum remained standing there and watched him as he went away.

"Take good care," the felinum called after him. "You know how it is out here."

"I will," Valegrious promised after he had turned his head over his shoulder just to regard her.

Then Valegrious lost himself through the docks, the young man avoiding colliding with other passersby as he went.

It was a busy evening at the docks, with lots of sailors and other folk roaming about. The signs of winter plainly hung in the air. Dark grayish clouds hung above in the sky leaving few stars visible, and a mild, cold breeze was blowing. Valegrious shivered and felt the cold breeze despite being well clothed for it. He knew this place well, so he made it to a wider area on the docks where he had more freedom and less crowd to restrain him from moving on. Once he stood there, he turned to regard the captain over his shoulder once more. Jzak, who had been intently watching him, smiled and waved at him. Valegrious offered her a smile, a nod, and then moved on for good.

And Jzak kept her emerald eyes on him until he was lost to her to some street he had taken.

The young man moved through the streets of the port at a normal pace, quite enjoying himself to be back. Despite the cold of the night, Valegrious was enjoying being back on land, so he took his sweet time as he walked the crowded and not-so-crowded streets of the port. The sailor noticed that there now was more presence of soldiers than in past years, so that relaxed him a bit. And not only that, but now there were more species here than there had been when he had been a kid. The port had grown not only with the presence of newcomers, but also in size. More establishments had been erected over time, even a plaza filled with merchants and the such had been constructed close to the docks. Valegrious avoided going there despite the huge temptation he felt, for he just wanted to get home and see his loved ones. He knew there would be plenty of time to come here and have a look around the place alongside those he loved.

Valegrious was kind enough to give several old bums who sat on a street a yellow gem, which was the lowest ranking gem in the gem currency that the world of Galileah used. Still, that gem could afford anyone a piece of bread and a glass of milk, or a good dinner at some inn.

"Thank you kindly, good sir Valegrious," said one of the men. They knew who he was, for his fame as a great sailor and survivor of sea monster attacks had risen like beer foam in a mug. Another old man wished him good fortune, and the last one asked the gods to bless the young man.

Valegrious had a brief talk with them about how things were going, shared some laughs and rumors with them, and then moved on. Later, he made it to a station that offered fast-travelling services. He had to rent the service of a coach in order to get to the monastery faster. Things had changed over the past ten years all over the world, and so the service he hired that young night came with several packages, with one of those being a quartet of guards in case the wagon ran into trouble along the way. The port area was mainly experiencing a war amongst opposing thief bands, (he had learned this info from the bums) but there was also a high alert due to a sudden outburst of monsters. What Valegrious had learned from talking to the bums was that something awful had happened in the east, which they believed was the cause for the resurgence of monsters and beasts.

"Even giants have been sighted here," had said one of the bums, and those words had given Valegrious reason to shiver a bit. He had heard about the giant race that mostly made its home in Udria, a neighboring realm to the east. Giants were pretty much like humans were in looks, except four times taller, wider, and loved to eat humans and animals. To have learned that they had been sighted in Bulmax sure made him shiver and discomforted him a bit.

Despite the danger of the area, Valegrious and those others riding on the wagon made it to the monastery safe and sound. Along the way, through the coach's windows, Valegrious had seen plenty of riders on horses on the road. They were knights under the service of the crown keeping the region safe, but amongst them had also been mercenaries. The crown forces were working congruently with local guilds to help suppress the rise of the monsters.

Finally, the wagon made it to the monastery. The sailor paid the wagon main man, thanked them all and bade them a good night, and then quickly headed toward the monastery's entrance, his desire to see his loved ones guiding him there.

The orphanage had grown from being a simple three-room old house within the port to a large three-level U-shaped monastery that was located a thousand or so yards north of Port Goodweather. It sat on a flat terrain surrounded by large trees, but it was not the only building out there, other homes and even a few forts were scattered close by, at least a hundred yards apart, others two hundred yards or so. Valegrious had purchased the place after having been sailing for three years. He had made enough gems by then to buy the old place from a group of monks who had been wanting to leave on a pilgrimage to the southwestern lands of Hisar, Denera, and Lidaj. Five black gems he had paid for it back then, but it had been overly worth it.

The new place now housed more than twenty orphans, with several of those belonging to other races. They all saw Valegrious not only as their older brother, but also as a fatherly figure since he was the one bringing in most of the income.

As Valegrious had grown as a sailor at sea and the gems had started flowing into his pocket, Evelina had no longer had to work, but she still had done so because she loved doing that kind of thing. Valegrious had only asked of her to take care of the children. Evelina had done that, and then some. She had made a few friends near her age who helped her daily in the monastery, two of those friends lived close to the monastery, the others at the Port.

The large wooden door was closed, but Valegrious saw a thin line of light within through a large squared window that afforded no view inside thanks to the reddish curtains behind it.

Feeling his heart on his throat for the excitement of being back, Valegrious went on to knock the sturdy wooden door a few times. Soon he heard footsteps coming from behind the door, and a female's voice soon asked, "Who is it?"

Valegrious smiled in recognition of the sweet voice.

"It's me, Minono," he said. "Valegrious. Please open up, it's quite damn cold out here."

The door was opened immediately, and Valegrious thought he had heard a surprised, joyous gasp as well as an “Oh my god.”

A gal who wore glasses over slanted, dark brown eyes appeared when the door had been opened. Her hair was short and dark like the night, her smile as beautiful as a daisy, her skin color was light olive, and her face very pretty and exotic looking. She was from Asaki, a realm to the south.

"Val!" the young woman cried happily. "You are back!"

Before Valegrious could respond anything to that, she rushed forth and embraced him tightly, even driving him back a step. Valegrious dropped his sack to the ground and hugged her slowly and patted her back.

"Aw, Minono, you're so kind. I wasn’t expecting this kind of warm welcome."

"Thank goodness you're back," she said worriedly after she let go of him. Valegrious noted her worried semblance then, and the joy he had been feeling after laying eyes on the girl dissipated a bit.

"I am sorry if I surprised you, Foxy," Valegrious bent to retrieve his sack. "Is everything alright?"

Foxy was Minono’s nickname, and everyone in the orphanage called her that most of the time. The nickname had come from the girl’s love for foxes.

That cold night Minono was dressed in a common peasant girl dress, this one being of a plain white color from the waist up and an autumn leaf color from the waist down. Her upper torso was covered with a thick, green sweater that she herself had knit.

"No," she said and gave him not only a sorrowful stare, but bad news as well. "It's your sister, Valegrious. She's been terribly ill for about a month now."

"What?" Valegrious became pale, and the happiness he had felt for being back home quickly disappeared. He dropped the sack again and put his hands on Minono's tender shoulders.

"Where is she?"

"Upstairs, come quick," she told him, but as she had said that, Valegrious was already moving past her.

Minono was quick to grab the sack that Valegrious had dropped, went back inside, closed the door, and then caught up to him just as he had been going up the stairs.

"Magatha!" Valegrious cried as he made it up the stairs. "Where are you?"

Once on the second level, the sailor opened several room doors but found only young orphans sleeping soundly, some which woke up with his calling or the noise he made by opening the doors. Knowing he was back, the orphans began to get up from bed. Valegrious would have gladly met their warm welcomes and hugs, but under the circumstances, he moved on through the hallway knowing that he would have plenty of time to do that.

Just as he was approaching another door, Minono told him that Magatha was in matron Evelina's chamber at the very end. Valegrious quickly directed himself towards it as he ran, with Minono telling a few orphans that had come out of their rooms to go back to bed, that everything was fine.

"But Valegrious is back," protested a young boy of about twelve years of age.

"I know, Bluee," Minono told him tenderly. "But now is not a good time to be welcoming him, you know why."

"Because of Maggie's illness?"

"Yes. Now go back to sleep. Tomorrow everything will be sorted out."

Bluee and the other children went back into their rooms, most of them surely displeased that they had not gotten the chance to welcome Valegrious. All of them, though, felt so happy to know that he was back.

Valegrious crossed through that corridor like a flash, but just before making it to the door, it opened from within and the sailor was able to lay eyes upon the woman who had kindly taken him and his sister into her care ten years ago. At forty years of age her face was still beautiful, but the woman appeared very troubled before Valegrious's eyes. Evelina was dressed in a blue and white renaissance-style dress that nearly touched the floor, and her beautiful semblance was overshadowed by much worry and anguish.

"Valegrious!" Evelina cried and was quick to embrace him tightly. "By the thousand heavens, you're back!"

"I am, Ma." Valegrious hugged her as well, but he quickly let go of her and asked about his sister's well-being as he had laid eyes on her past his step mother. "What manner of illness is afflicting my sister?"

As he had asked that, Valegrious had moved into the room and toward the bed where Magatha laid fully asleep. He quickly grabbed a nearby chair and sat there on the side, the lad choosing not to touch her merely because he knew she was resting peacefully. But he became so pained and worried when he saw her pale, ill semblance. Her face was a bit sweaty, her lips looked dry and showed an eerily light purple color that somewhat blended in with the normal pink color, and the lower part of her eyes was a dark gray, a sign of great loss of sleep.

"We don't know for sure," said Evelina worriedly as she came to stand close to Valegrious. Minono came into the room just then and closed the door with care.

"We thought it was a common cold," added Evelina as Minono made her way to them. "But it hasn't gone away, and..."

"Yes?" Valegrious regarded her after Evelina had let her words hang.

"We think her condition is actually worsening," Minono replied to that. "It's been three days that Magatha has refused to eat, and she's been puking and spitting this yellowy, reddish-looking goo like crazy. And her lips...well you can see the different color..."

"Damn," Valegrious's face hardened. "But she's beginning to look like a cadaver! What really happened to her?"

Neither Evelina nor Minono were able to give him an explanation. After a few seconds, Valegrious turned to regard his sister again. By that time, Magatha coughed roughly more than six times, but she remained in her same position, her eyes tightly closed.

"We gave her a powerful sedating beverage not long ago," informed Evelina. "To help her sleep since the coughing has kept her from doing that these last two weeks."

Valegrious nodded, but then he ran his hands over his face, the two females noticing that he had become sick worried. Determined, he rose up from the chair and looked upon Evelina.

"Have you brought in a healer to see her?"

"We've brought in eight over the past three weeks," explained Evelina. "Even three priest elves from Anor that happened to be in the port. None of them knew what is wrong with her, and the medicine they gave her does nothing to appease her coughing and vomiting."

A long silence ensued, one which was disrupted moments later with more rough coughing and wheezing from the ill young woman.

Valegrious went to her and knelt on the side of the bed. He ran a hand down her pale cheek.

"Sister," he spoke gently to her. "I'm here..."

More coughing, and that led Valegrious to touch her forehead. It felt very hot. He knew she had a fever, and feeling so helpless, so impotent to do anything to remedy her illness, he ran his hand down her visible blonde, silky hair.

"It will be alright, Maggie," he added as tears began to flow from his eyes. "Just hang on tough for me, I know you’re as tough as a sea rock."

Valegrious had really wanted to speak with her, but he knew that his sister was getting a good, deserved rest, so he chose not to disrupt her. Instead, he rose again, leaned in, and gave her a kiss on her forehead. He then went to stand close to Evelina and Minono and cleared his tears away.

"What's on your mind, Valegrious?" Evelina asked him when he remained thoughtful before them.

"I feel sorry for my sister," he sounded so sad. "I was not expecting to find her like this. I thank you and Minono for looking out for her as you have, you've done all you can for her."

"Come, Valegrious," Evelina invited him. "We can talk about this in the kitchen. It will do you and me a lot of good to have a drink of tea or something. I'm sure you're exhausted from your trip."

"Alright," Valegrious agreed with a sigh. "But what about Foxy?"

"I will remain here looking after Magatha," the girl smiled and pat Valegrious softly on the shoulder. "You go on with Ma, Val."

Val was a short name that Minono had given Valegrious a few weeks after she had been taken in by Evelina. She had been a shy one with Valegrious at first, but soon enough she became so fond of him after she saw the way he was and opened herself to him. Valegrious had given her a nickname too, but he seldom used it: Minos.

Valegrious thanked her kindly and then went after Evelina, who was already opening the door. Valegrious followed her out, but not before promising Minono that he would be back later with a cup of tea for her.

"You better," Minono told him with a soft smile just as he was exiting the door. "We have much to catch up on."

Valegrious nodded at her and then closed the door softly.

While the two had been drinking a cup of tea in the broad kitchen, Evelina had put Valegrious up to speed about what had happened to his sister. According to her words, Magatha had fallen ill all of a sudden about a month's time ago. Evelina let him know that she believed that Magatha's illness had originated after she had ventured into a nearby old cave looking for one of the orphans. Evelina's belief was strengthened by Magatha, who believed the same thing, for ever since she had stepped out of that cave she had not felt the same, in fact, she had already been coughing wildly at that time. And hence she had been living a miserable life while having to endure all those nasty symptoms that came with her illness.

Valegrious drank that cup of tea and relaxed a bit, but he still felt so sour within. His sister was terribly ill, was suffering, and that pained him so much. He startled his step mother when he placed the empty cup on the table, slammed his fist upon it.

"Why? Why? Why her?"

And he stood up, turning his attention to the nearby wall.

"I'm sorry, Valegrious," Evelina also stood up and went to him, the woman knowing how troubled he should be feeling. She came right behind him and put her hands on his broad shoulders in a soothing manner.

"Me too," Valegrious cried, his head lowered in sadness. "I know you have done everything you can for her."

"Well...we have," said Evelina, and then she cleared her throat. "But perhaps we could look somewhere else for help."

Valegrious was quick to spin around and face her.

"What do you mean?"

Evelina sighed. "Well, we haven't gone to the capital, dear. I've heard from friends that the best healers are there. And not only those from our realm, but other healers that come from different places are said to make a living curing people there."

Those words brought some hope to the troubled sailor.

"Do you think we'd be able to find a cure for her there?"

"It wouldn't hurt us to try," Evelina smiled at him. "The capital is big, Valegrious, I'm sure we'll find better healers there than what we've been able to find here, for sure. If I haven't taken Magatha there it is because of the troubles plaguing our realm. It's a dangerous trip just to get there, and I did not want to endanger Magatha or any others by going there. The truth of the matter is that I do not have enough gems to pay for a good entourage that would protect us along the way, I spent many of the gems you left me when I hired all the healers’ services."

"It's alright," Valegrious understood her dilemma. "I'm back now, and I have plenty to take care of all that. Tomorrow, as soon as the sun comes out, I will get moving. I will go to the port and arrange things for the trip. I really want for my sister to heal before I take my leave again, so I will not be wasting any time with other stuff. Now, besides my sister's illness, is there anything else I should know, Ma?"

Evelina ran her smooth hand over his cheek and smiled at him. "No, Valegrious, everything else is fine. The kids and I are doing great."

"I am glad to hear that."

"So relax, I can tell you're plenty tense. We'll take care of this problem soon enough. For now, I think we should both go get some rest. I really need it, Valegrious. I've stayed up several nights just looking after Magatha, and I really feel worn out."

"Then you go get some sleep, Ma," Valegrious caressed her cheek and then gave her a kiss on her forehead. "I promised Foxy that I would return, though. I'll go talk with her for a while and then I will go rest, you can count on that."

Evelina smiled at him. "You know, that girl's done nothing all these months but think about you, by the way."

Valegrious seemed at a loss, then. He did not know what to say, but then he found the right words when Evelina smiled at him once again.

"Re-Really? You speak about Minono, right?"

"Yes. But it is not my problem to tell you all that she does while you are away. You go talk to her, Son. I will have things ready for you to take a bath before you depart to the port tomorrow, unless you want me to prepare them tonight?"

"No, it’s alright," Valegrious felt good within, mostly because of the revelation his mother had let him know that night. “I will bathe tomorrow before I leave. You go catch some sleep now.”

"I'll fix you and Foxy's tea, but then I will surely be heading off to bed."

Valegrious nodded at her understandingly. And while he could have waited sitting at the table while she took care of fixing the tea at the stove, which ran on wood and oil, he had not, and only because Evelina had made him very curious. He had asked her to tell him more about Minono, asked her whether she believed that the girl had feelings for him. Evelina smiled and nodded, "From what I've seen from her since the day she became of our family, yes, I think she feels something strong for you. Magatha also confessed something to me about her, something that they spoke about in regards to you."

"What was it? Do you know?"

Evelina just laughed lightly. "Talk to Foxy if you want to find out, Valegrious. Tonight is not the best night, but do so whenever you think it appropriate."

Valegrious nodded at her understandingly, his heart beating a little faster than normal. After that, he asked no more about Minono, and Evelina asked him about how his trip at sea had gone.

Valegrious recounted his adventure to her, but because the tea was ready five minutes later, he promised to tell her all about it in full detail some other time.

Evelina gave him a final kiss on his forehead, a very strong hug, and joy-filled words as to how she was happy that he was back before proceeding to head to bed. And Valegrious, carrying a teapot and two cups on a rectangular bronze tray, headed back up stairs.

He stayed there with Minono for more than half hour just talking about Magatha's illness and about his trip at sea, for Minono had been very interested in hearing about it. Minono, ever since she had come to the monastery three years ago and had met Valegrious, had always been interested in hearing about his adventures at sea. Neither did Valegrious or Minono speak to each other about any possible feelings that they might have for the other. Valegrious was only held back due to the words his Ma had spoken to him earlier. She had been right after all, Magatha was ill and this night surely was not the right time for that. But he knew that he would soon ask Minono about it and get that resolved. In truth, Valegrious did like her, but the respect and love he had for her and every other orphan had kept him from telling her so. But now, after what Evelina had revealed, he definitely would be speaking to her.

As he had promised his step mother that he would do, he went to get some rest, and so did Minono, who slept in that room in another bed that Evelina had brought in two weeks ago after Magatha's condition had worsened.


*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
Chapter 2: Hiring Bodyguards

***Port Goodweather, November 25th, 1658***

Dawn came too fast. Valegrious had found little sleep thinking about his sister and also about Minono. Nonetheless, he got up from bed feeling eager to get going. His stepmother and the Asakian girl had been up an hour earlier and had gathered him the necessary things for him to bathe. Valegrious was all up for it, but his interest was mainly getting his sister healed, so he did not remain long in the tub as he usually did after coming home from a long, exhausting trip.

Feeling refreshed after the bath, he headed towards the kitchen area where his mother and Minono had just finished fixing breakfast. Valegrious made it there, and after thanking them both for the troubles they had gone through that morning, he sat down on chair and considered the food before him. Scrambled eggs on a plate, loaves of fresh bread on a straw basket, a wheel of cheese laying over a brown cloth, a large jar filled with milk, and a cup filled with hot coffee, were all visible on the table. There had always had to be coffee on the table, for it was Valegrious's favorite beverage.

Evelina and Minono sat down just as he had done so and ate breakfast with him that morning. The matron of the monastery easily saw a few weird exchanges between Valegrious and Minono, but though her heart was filled with joy for them, she did not mention a word.

They mostly ate in silence, but after a bite or two, Valegrious let them know what his plans were. He would go to the port and hire a team of mercenaries that would act as guards during their trip to the capital, and as soon as he returned with them in tow, they would leave for the capital.

"I've had a talk with Minono about this," Evelina placed her hand on his just briefly. "I will be going with you, Valegrious. You'll need help to look after Magatha along the way. Minono will stay here and look after all the others."

Valegrious regarded Minono. "Are you alright with that?"

Minono was quick to give him a nod.

"Don't worry about me, Val. I will be alright. And I will have plenty of help. Elly and Alecia will surely come and stay with me while you and Ma are away."

"And you, Ma," Valegrious regarded Evelina. "You know it's dangerous out there. Are you sure you want to go? Hell I've heard that even giants have been sighted."

Evelina frowned slightly. There was danger out there, what with wild beasts and monsters roaming the land, but there were also those that were working to keep the people safe from their threat. That thought alone led Evelina to say, "I'm sure we'll be alright, Valegrious. What is most important right now is Magatha's health. We must go to the capital and find a healer who may be able to heal her."

Valegrious nodded at that and ketp eating. After he gulped down a piece of bread with a sip of his coffee, he spoke again.

“Fine, then,” he said. “I will return later today as soon as I manage to hire a few guards. I know you’ll be ready to depart once I get back, so no need for me to tell you to be ready.”

“I’ll be ready,” Evelina assured him.

Before he left that morning, Evelina kissed him on the forehead and wished him the best. And Valegrious was very surprised when Minono approached him, hugged him a little tight, and kissed his cheek for the very first time. That morning, the twenty year old had grown courage and had given him her first ever kiss, one that had been long in coming.

"You take care out there, Val," she told him. And she also reminded him to take his sword and a crossbow.

“I will, Minos,” Valegrious eased her troubles and did his best to hide the happiness he felt. “I’ll be back before you know it."

“I know you will,” Minono smiled back, the girl knowing how she had made him feel weird after the kiss.

Valegrious left their side and went to see his sister before he departed. She was still asleep and looking just about the same as last night when he had laid eyes on her. Seeing his sister ill hurt his heart much, so Valegrious promised himself that he would not rest until he found a cure for her. Before he left her side, he leaned in and kissed her forehead, promising that everything would be alright soon. After having visited his sister, he headed to his room and got the things he would need for the trip to the port. He buckled up his sword belt and grabbed a white oaken crossbow from the wall, a weapon that Evelina had made for him from the trunk of an old oak. Valegrious also grabbed a quiver full of arrows and tossed it over his back. He made sure he was carrying enough gems in his pouch and then headed out of the room and down the stairs. Feeling lively after he remembered about the kiss that Minono had planted on him, he touched his cheek where he had received it and proceeded to leave the inside of the monastery altogether.

It was still early when he went outside of the monastery, somewhere close to seven in the morning. It was cloudy, perhaps a bit chilly but not that windy, with the sun visible in the east under a light purplish sky. Valegrious had seen so many sunrises and sunsets during his young life, and he admired that one, although the sun was already fully out.

Close to the monastery they had built stables, and they had four horses there, two cows, and a few ducks and chickens. They also had a wagon, so he headed there in hurry.

Valegrious realized that taking the wagon would make the trip slower, so he opted to just ride a horse instead. He knew how to ride a horse. He had learned from Evelina after he had bought a couple of them later in time when he had turned seventeen. Evelina, who had been a mercenary during her younger years, had taught him and the others all about horse riding and also some battle skills. And it fits to say that the crossbow she had made for Valegrious had also come from her knowledge of having worked in the guilds, where she had learned other things that had nothing to do with fighting monsters.

Valegrious prepared the horse and then got going, knowing that the sooner he got things done the better.

The trip back to the port took him twenty minutes at least. Perhaps there was always the risk of encountering wild beasts and monsters out there, even in the region where they lived, but the young man only met knights and mercenaries who were keeping the land safe. They all saluted him and he saluted them back as well as he went.

In the guilds where warriors were hired there was always someone available to take care of a job. When Valegrious had gone into Kyb's Corps seeking a group of warriors who could protect them while on their way to the capital, he had immediately been able to hire four of them from the lengthy blond haired guild master. The more warriors someone hired, the cheaper the pay for their contract, so for the services of a tall, barbarian-like human, a felinum short-statured beauty, an elf female ranger, and a dark elf buffy warrior who had long white hair, Valegrious had paid ten red gems. It was totally worth it, and he had saved himself maybe two fourths of what he would have actually had to pay without the discount. Kyb’s Corps guild, which was one of several elite guilds in the port, provided its warriors horses, so Valegrious did not have to trouble himself with renting any horses for them, the package he had paid for covered all that, even a day’s supply of food and drink. For any other days the warriors spent at his side he would have to pay for meals and drink, this the guild master had let him know.

Once the warriors were his to order around, Valegrious told them to wait for him there at the guild since he still had business to take care of in the port. Because he knew that the trip to the capital would take days, he decided to go have word with his boss just in case he did not make it back in time. The warriors agreed to his wishes and Valegrious left the guild. By then, the streets of the port were beginning to become active with sailors and other morning passersby. Valegrious, lively as ever, saluted them all and kept going his way; he even helped a group of men who were struggling to lower a few heavy kegs of beer from a wagon, then he proceeded on.

On the ship, the felinum beauty, who had been sitting on a crate eating peanuts, received him with a warm smile.

“Back already?” Jzak laughed from atop the crate. “So Kaur did not lie to me: you do miss the Smelly Ignacia more than anyone else. But what’s with the crossbow and arrows? Are you going hunting or what?”

Valegrious shook his head twice, and Jzak quickly noticed that something was wrong, for Valegrious’s serious semblance let her know that. She jumped down from the wooden crate right away.

“Is something amiss, Valegrious?”

The lieutenant let out a sigh before answering.

“Yes,” he said. “It’s my sister, Jzak. She’s terribly ill.”

“W-What?” Jzak appeared stricken, then.

Valegrious went on to relate the whole story he had lived upon his arrival; he had left no details out.

“Oh, this is bad,” Jzak lamented sadly after she had learned what was troubling her lieutenant.

“It is,” Valegrious agreed. “I really wasn’t expecting to find her like that. But I am troubled at the fact that no healer has been able to heal her. And you know we have some great healers here in this port."


"So you see? That’s what has brought me to you this fine morning. I will be heading to the capital in an attempt to find a healer who might be able to heal her.”

“You take your time,” Jzak told him right away with a concerned, serious voice. “I promise you that the Smelly Ignacia won’t be leaving this port without you.”

“Thank you, Jzak,” Valegrious thanked kindly. “I’m glad to hear that, for I wouldn’t want to miss the next trip.”

“Tis no problem, Valegrious. And you know I’d go with you on this trip to the capital, but alas, I’ve yet to start selling our cargo. The guys and I will commence later this morning. Perhaps if I finish—”

“No way,” Valegrious told her, the young man even touched her on the forearm suavely. “I know you mean good by offering to come along, Boss, and you know damn well that I’d love to have you come with me, but I don’t want my personal problems getting in the way of your duty. You do what you have to do here. I am sure I will be alright out there. Besides, before coming here, I went to Kyb’s and hired some muscle for protection along the way, so we’ll be alright out there.”

“I see,” smiled Jzak. “Alright, Valegrious. If you need anything just let me know. Are you still good on gems?”

“I have more than enough for what I need to take care of,” the young man quickly nodded. “I’ve saved quite a lot from my earnings.”

"Are you sure?"

Valegrious nodded positively.

“Glad to hear that,” smirked Jzak. “At least you know how to take care of your earnings, unlike most of the rest of the crew who just throw it all away buying this piece of crap or that.”

“Well, we all decide what to do with our hard earned gems,” said Valegrious with a chuckle, and Jzak nodded at that and chuckled as well.

“Good luck out there, Valegrious,” the felinum did not even ask him for permission, she just walked up to him and gave him a tender hug.

“Thanks,” Valegrious said, not feeling surprised at all that she had done that. It wasn’t the first time that she did something like that, anyway.

“You do come and let me know word on the matter once you get back, alright?” Jzak let him go. “I will be waiting for you, and I shall also be praying to Athena for your success.”

“Thank you, Boss. I’ll surely come and let you know how it went as soon as I return.”

Jzak nodded at him, and moments later, with much sadness within her, she watched as he left her side.


*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
Whew, Gobs, that was a lot, but it was worth it. :D

*Falls on two knees in front of Violet* I am sorry for the long chapters I post, Violet, I really am. But, really, don't hesitate to take a break and continue when you have spare time. ^^ Thanks for reading, btw, you're awesome. :)

Also, this has nothing to do with you, (and in no way is this directed towards you or anyone from ZD) but I will tell you anyway because it is related to what you said about the chapters. You know, my family, friends, and relatives had a problem with the size of the chapters of this story and others I post in my FB account. I kinda got mad at them all for telling me that, so I ranted at them. I mean, come on, a story is a story. Don't they know what a ****ing book is all about? Were they expecting me to deliver a story the size of this post? I swore then that I wouldn't bother showing/posting written stories that featured their characters because I really was fuming about it. After all, I work hard trying to please them with their characters, for them it is that I write, really. You know what I told them? I told them: If you can't read a ****ing long chapter, then what the **** are you expecting for the rest of the story? I told them that they just didn't have the patience to read, or were just to submerged wanting to do other things other than reading. And that stung a lot of them, if not all.

So, because I told them the truth, I probably lost some readers, but I don't care, I really dgaf. I don't need followers who are expecting me to write a story using just 200 words. My stories, the majority of them, are long ones. It is just the way it goes. And I apologize to all of you who read my stories here. If you think the story is too long, or the chapters a nuisance to read because of their size, then you are free to discontinue reading. ~Gobli

*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
Yay! I caught up. :)

I do wonder what happened to Magatha. Sounds pretty serious. I look forward to reading more.

And your family/friends on fb are silly. Reading long chapters is the best! Reading is fun! :D

1. Nice. :D And thank you. ^^
2. Don't worry, you're gonna find out what happened to her as the story goes on.
3. I know. But yeah, I'm still angry at them. They know what a book is. I guess there just wasn't as much support as I believed.

Anywho, here is the next chapter. Lemme warn you: After this one comes a lengthy one, but not that long. XD

Chapter 3: Taking Leave
***The Monastery, November 23rd, 1658***

Valegrious and the four hired guards made it back to the monastery fifteen minutes after ten in the morning.

When they got there, Valegrious noticed that someone had already prepared the wagon and horses for the trip. Two horses had been harnessed and stood calmly at the front of the four-wheeled, white-tarped wagon. The wagon was stationed just fifteen feet away from the monastery’s main entrance.

Also, running around the large patio were several of the orphans, who, upon seeing him arrive, were quick to head his way making a ruckus. Most of the orphans’ attention was on Valegrious, but there were a few who considered the other persons that had come with him.

Valegrious dismounted from the horse and received them all with warm smiles and hugs. They were so happy to finally see him, and Valegrious was also very happy. He spoke to each and every one of them, even ruffled some of their hair jokingly, or teased them in some other playful manner.

Knowing that he was back, more orphans poured out from the monastery and welcomed him back and also poured him so many questions, such as if he was going to stay for a long while this time. Valegrious replied to all their questions and doubts as he usually did when he talked to them whenever he returned from a trip.

“I have two weeks,” he told them as he remained standing in the middle, for the orphans had surrounded him. “But I am afraid I will be spending most of that time away.”

The orphans knew why, but they still felt bad and some of them protested by saying, “Aw.”

Moments later, after Valegrious told the hired warriors to make themselves at home, he headed into the monastery and found Evelina in the reception room, which also passed as a living room.

“Magatha is up,” the matron mother winked at him. “She’s waiting for you in her room.”

Valegrious tapped her shoulder and then was fast to head to the stairs.

He quickly made it to the matron’s room and found his sister in the company of Minono and another fifteen year old brown haired girl who went by the name of Elly Rose. She too was a beauty, mostly her emerald eyes gave the young girl her beauty, but her semblance was pretty, like a flower staring at the sun.

“Brother!” Magatha cried in happiness when her bluish eyes saw him entering the room. Valegrious had his mother's brown eyes, Magatha had inherited her father's. She headed his way right away.

“Magatha!” Valegrious smiled widely and headed to meet up with her. The two shared a long, strong hug. “I’m so sorry for what you’re going through,” Valegrious told her once they became apart. “If I had known you’d fallen ill, I would have come back sooner.”

“I know,” said Magatha in her crispy young voice, which sounded rough. “But that doesn’t matter now, I’m just so glad to see you. This illness..." she made a sad face. "I thought I was going to die without getting to see you again. I was scared and troubled because of that, but now that you’re here, I feel so much better now.”

“You’re not going to die,” Valegrious held back tears after seeing her pale, gauntly face, and he took his sister by her shoulders. “You’re strong, Magatha. Listen, has Ma told you what we’re up to this day?”

Magatha nodded twice. “You plan to take me to the capital in an attempt to find someone there who can cure me, right?”

“Yes,” Valegrious replied. “And I’ve brought a group of warriors to keep us protected throughout the journey, so there is nothing to fear.”

“You silly,” Magatha laughed lightly, then was taken by a cough attack. She turned aside and used her hands to cover her mouth. After she composed herself from the rough coughing, she added, “I am not afraid to go to the capital, not if you are with me, Brother.”

“Me neither, but there are dangers out there,” countered Valegrious with a few nods. “I am not taking any chances. So, are you ready to go, then? The sooner we get you treated the better. This illness of yours has me worried, you know?”

Magatha nodded at him, for indeed she was ready for the trip. During his absence that morning, Evelina, Minono, and also Elly, had taken to the duty of getting her ready. She was dressed in a white dress which had two pink stripes at the bottom and on the dress’s puffy sleeves as well. Because Magatha was very beautiful on a normal day, she would have resembled a princess, but she was not looking that captivating that day due to her illness.

“Alright, then let’s get going,” Valegrious urged calmly. “As I said, the sooner we take care of this, the better.”

“Alright, Brother,” Magatha spoke. “I will gather a few of my belongings in order to be fully ready, then I will come down the stairs.”

Valegrious gave her plenty of time, even hugged her tightly once again just because, probably to lift her spirits even more. After he let go of her, Magatha quickly turned aside again, for another cough attack took her then. Valegrious did not like the rough sound of her coughing, nor the bloody goo that Magatha spat out that time, even though she had used a white cloth in order to not spit on the wooden floor.

“I’m fine, Brother,” Magatha said after noticing her brother’s serious stare upon her. “I will go get those things ready.”

While Magatha took care of her business, Valegrious spoke to Minono and Elly. He mostly confided the monastery and all the orphans to their care and told them that he would do all in his power to be back as soon as possible.

"And you better ready yourself, Foxy," he told the Asakian. "When I get back, we are going to have a long talk, you and I."

"Uh oh," Elly giggled and covered her mouth with her hand.

"Me?" Minono cried with raised eyebrows. She looked at Elly and smiled at her. She then returned her eyes to Valegrious and added, "What did I do this time, Val?"

With Minono's dark eyes upon him, Valegrious merely replied, "You'll see."

Around five minutes later, they all came down from the second level. In the main room, Evelina was ready to go. She wore a blue dress that went tight on her torso, very loose from the waist down. She also had fastened a belt at her waist, and from this belt hung a scabbard with a sword within, and also a satchel with minor provisions within.

The group went to the outside. There, Evelina had words with all the orphans, but mostly with Minono and Elly. She told them all to wait patiently for their return and to pray for their safety and success. While she had done that, Valegrious had spoken to the four warriors. He mostly had let them know that they were in charge of the trip and could make decisions that they thought prudent.

“I know how to fight well,” he told them. “But I really don’t want to do that if I can help it. I don’t enjoy killing anyone, be it beast or monster. I am mostly a sailor.”

“We’ve heard plenty about you, Master Valegrious,” said the kind-looking female elf. “We just are reserved about it. Don’t worry, if we encounter trouble along the way, then we will deal with it.”

“Just let us know if you need help, alright? We’ll be willing to help you out, my Ma and I.”

The elf thought on that for a few seconds and then said, “We will. If we find ourselves in a rough situation, that is. Is it alright if I take point and direct the wagon? I know how to get to the capital from here, my partners have never been there, so I’ll be more than glad to do the leading.”

“Fine with me,” Valegrious agreed. “My Ma and I will take turns riding up front with you.”

“Right,” the elf beauty said. “Anyway, let me give word of our planned strategy to my companions and then we can get going.”

Valegrious nodded at her and the blonde haired elf stepped away and headed walking towards her colleagues.

“Avon!” she spoke loud enough for Valegrious and the others to hear. “You and Tallinor will ride behind the wagon and keep our tails safe.”

“Sounds like a plan,” the tall goatee-bearded man growled and looked upon the shorter, dark-skinned warrior. “You heard that, right, Tallinor?”

“Aye,” said Tallinor, and the coal-skinned elf said no more, for he was the reserve type. The elf, knowing that both males had understood their duty, moved towards the young felinum.

"As to you, Pandora,” she looked upon the young-looking, black-haired felinum, whose profession happened to be an archer. “You will ride off to the side of the wagon and alternate between sides every now and then. You have the best sight of us all, so we’ll depend on your keen eyes to keep our flank safe.”

“Got it, Mistress Emilyann,” said the young archer.

“Right, let’s do this, then,” Emilyann cried as she rubbed her hands together. She came walking towards Valegrious and told him that they were ready.

"You're name is Emilyann?"

"A combination of Emily and Ann," she nodded. "My first and middle names. You can call me that, Emily, Ann, or whatever you feel like calling me, Master Valegrious."

"Emilyann will do," smiled Valegrious, and she smiled back at him with a nod.

"Anyway," she said after a slight shrug. "Time to go."

Valegrious saw her board the front of the wagon and then headed to help Magatha board through the back of the wagon. He helped Evelina up as well and then headed to the front part, where he climbed up and sat right next to the beautiful elf. One hand on his white oaken crossbow, Valegrious waved with his other hand at the orphans as the wagon got moving, but his dark brown eyes were on Minono mostly. She looked back at him, waved, smiled, and nodded once.

“We will be back soon,” he shouted at her.

"We'll be waiting for your safe return," she shouted back. “And don’t worry about the orphans; you know they are in good hands.”

“Aye, make them behave while we’re gone,” shouted Valegrious with a smile on his face.

Minono, Ella, and the orphans followed the wagon out to the road. They waved to their departing loved ones until the wagon and its surrounding vigilantes were lost to them in the hilly distance.


*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
Alright, here is the next update. I did warn that it was kinda long, so just take your time reading it. :)

Chapter 4: Finding no cure
***November 25th, Loungrine, Bulmax, 1658***​

Loungrine, the capital city of Bulmax, was sixty miles away from Port Goodweather. On foot, that took three days and a half at least, sometimes four. On a wagon or riding a horse, that took two days, sometimes more depending on the situations, troubles, and holdbacks one could find along the way.

Valegrious and the rest of the group made it to Loungrine as the sun was setting on the second day since their departure from the monastery. The group had encountered little trouble along the way thanks to how effectively the realm's troops were taking care of the monsters and other threats such as bandits and highwaymen seeking to make a profit out of unsuspecting traveling victims. The group had not only seen many soldiers and mercenaries throughout the trip, but they also had run into a small horde of green skinned goblins as they had been passing through a lonely forest, and also a four-armed, flesh-eating Hruel, which was a white-furred bear-like creature with horns on its head and a nasty maw filled razor sharp teeth. The mercenaries had dealt successfully with both the threats without Valegrious or Evelina having to kill a monster. Other than that trouble, the group had also seen a group of soldiers all around a fallen giant, which they probably had felled hours earlier. Valegrious and company stopped just out of curiosity to have a look at the huge creature, which many of them had not seen before. Then, after a while, they had continued on their trip.

Soon enough, on the second day, the huge gray-stoned castle had been available for them to see on the horizon. Loungrine was located right on the foot of a lonely mountain called Wiur near the center of the realm. The castle and its surroundings were all surrounded by an encircling thirty foot high wall, so mostly the high towers and other building rooftops as well as smoke that rose from several buildings could be seen over the wall from the distance. Because a wide, rampaging river ran close to the city's main entrance, a long stone bridge could also be seen from that distance. The river passed just under the bridge at great speed.

Valegrious and company had enjoyed the entire sight when it had become available. The group had even stopped in order to have a good view of it because Valegrious and his sister had never been here before, had never seen the beautiful scene of the capital.

"That's the capital," Emilyann had said proudly to all of them as they stood at the side of the road staring at the distance.

Valegrious, as well as Magatha and the mercenaries that had not seen the breathtaking capital before, had surely enjoyed the great sight. As to Evelina, she had already been there before, but since it had been quite a few years since the last day she had spent there, she was surprised at all the new changes her eyes saw. The wall surrounding the whole capital had not existed when she had been there, and more high towers had been erected close to the castle, making it look bigger.

Valegrious rode the rest of the way at the back of the wagon with his sister. The two talked about how big and beautiful the capital was and about other things, such as the view of the fallen giant, which had really amazed Magatha more than it had Valegrious.

By nightfall, the group had finally entered the capital through its main wide entrance after they had gotten clearance from the many guards stationed both at the end of the bridge and at the entrance.

Valegrious and company had come here for a single reason, a single purpose, and so as soon as they were within the mighty capital, the team, guided by the elf, headed to the bazaar.

A large plaza built in the middle of a packed sector in front of the mighty castle was always packed with merchants and passersby from different races and realms. Many buildings and homes surrounded this plaza. Riding at the back of the wagon, Valegrious and Magatha were very surprised to see an assortment of new beings that they had never seen before. Despite feeling awful within due to her sickness, Magatha shared a broad smile with her brother and told him, "I never thought all these many beings existed, Brother."

"The world is very big, Sister," Valegrious shared. "These are just a handful of races of so many others that exist out there. I just hope that there is someone here who can heal your illness."

"It will be alright, Valegrious," Magatha believed, the blonde girl not missing her brother's worried tone. "I'm sure we'll find someone."

She coughed roughly for several seconds, with Valegrious patting her shoulder tenderly.

“You think so?”

"I have faith that we will," Magatha told him when she calmed down from the cough attack.

"I have that faith too," Valegrious was sincere.

It was night but the plaza was well lit with torches and oil lamps that rested on poles, so everyone in the area could see well.

At last, after going around the large bazaar and having seen different business establishments, the group came upon the section where healers made a living offering their curative services on the sides of the cobblestone street. Evelina let Valegrious know that they had come to such section and he ordered that the wagon be stopped. The elf heard him and found a place at the side of the street to set the wagon.

There were more than thirty healers, all occupying their respective space on the sides of the street. Most of them had tents set up behind them, and some kept potions, herbs, concoctions, and other medicinal solutions on display on counters, tables, and stands, others on large cloths spread over the ground. Most of them kept signs that related to the passerby what they specialized in.

When Valegrious and Magatha dropped down from the wagon, aromas of all kinds, sweet and sour, reached their noses. There were too many a variety of aromas for them to tell what caused them, for besides the smell caused by healing herbs and strong brewed potions, other aromas filled the air from the locales all around the plaza, especially those from inns, or from bakeries and restaurants. The plaza was also crowded with many wanderers, corner-gatherers, and soldiers that kept the law, but there was ample space on the streets for everyone to move about without hassle. Because it was an area where gems rolled and constant deals were made nearly every minute of every day, lots of chatter hung in the air.

Evelina dropped down from the front of the wagon and approached Valegrious and Magatha behind the wagon, as did the mercenaries, who had dismounted from their horses a few streets back and had been following the wagon closely while pulling the horses along.

"Let's begin searching," Valegrious conferred with Evelina. "You take Magatha and start on this end. I will go to the other end and have a look around. We’ll meet in the center."

Evelina agreed to that, and so did Magatha.

"Master Valegrious, do you need company?" asked Emilyann the elf. "It might not seem it, but though this place is well guarded by knights and lower ranked soldiers, thieves can still steal your valuables with ease without you ever knowing it. See all the young fellows milling about the neighboring establishments?”

Valegrious looked around and saw more than a few young faces, some standing out of view, others reclined against porches of buildings or sitting on nearby large stones, but all definitely keeping a good eye out for possible victims. One such lass had had her eyes on him, but she turned her stare away the moment that Valegrious observed her.

“I see them,” he whispered, and somehow, he didn't know why, he felt a little pity for them. Many of those youths, he perceived, were homeless and just trying to live on by whatever means necessary.

“Right, so allow me to accompany you just in case. My feet allow me to run as fast as the wind, so I'd be able to catch any of those rats."

"Fine," Valegrious agreed to that. "But I want the rest to stay close to the wagon and also to keep an eye on my Ma and sister. They both are what I am most concerned about out here, their safety, I mean."

"It's done," the elf said, and she left his side momentarily in order to tell the others, but they had overheard Valegrious speaking, so they already knew their duty.

"The kitty will watch them," the elf told the sailor. "She might be a small one and seem fragile to the eye, but she's a good fighter. And Avon and Tallinor will look after the wagon."

"Alright," Valegrious felt relieved.

The sailor and the elf headed away, Valegrious eyeing every possible healer as he went. With the help of the elf he soon found a few who were experts in healing influenzas and that sort of maladies. One was a short-statured horned being who had dark gray skin. He was a neutral demon, a deserter of its evil race come to the surface realms to live in peace with the good-sided races. The other was a being who could have passed for a young human girl if not for the pair of large white feathery wings at her back. She was an angelus from a northwestern realm known as Iviri. She was short in height, probably measuring five feet even, and she was small at the shoulders and thin but not skinny. Her hair was rather short and dark, and her skin was of a light olive color. She looked cute and young to the eye, but the truth hiding behind that facade was that the angelus was actually two hundred plus years old. That night she wore a dark sleeveless blouse and a striped skirt of black and white color, not to mention quite a few necklaces around her slender neck. After speaking to both healers about his sister’s illness for a while, Valegrious and the elf headed back to where Evelina and Magatha stood, the sailor feeling quite optimistic after the talk he'd had with the two healers. They had bid him to bring his sister forth so that they could have a look at her, and Valegrious was going to oblige their wish.

Back where Evelina, Magatha, and the felinum were at, they had also found a few healers, but according to Evelina’s words to Magatha, they were no different than those that had already tried to heal her. They offered the same sort of medicinal potions, concoctions, herbal beverages, or prayers to gods, even false ones. When Valegrious and the long-eared beauty made it back to them, the matron of the monastery pulled the young man aside right away.

“These healers here are quite the same as the ones who already tried healing Maggie,” Evelina let him know. “We’ll waste our time and gems with them. Did you find anything?”

“Two, and they think they can heal Magatha,” informed Valegrious. “Come on, bring her along. We’ll see how it goes with them, but do let me know if you see anything you’ve already tried.”

“Alright,” Evelina acknowledged.

Evelina, Magatha, and even Pandora the archer followed Valegrious and the elf. First the group tried with the demon since he was the first one Valegrious had spoken to, and though the angelus had her small tent right next to his, she did not feel bad that the group had opted to try their luck with the demon first, for she, too, understood that in fact Valegrious had spoken to him first. The young angelus crossed her arms and paid close attention to what was developing there with the fellow healer.

The demon healer asked the ill human to tell him all that had happened to her so that he could have a better understanding of her illness. Magatha did explain, with also help from Evelina. The demon was a good healer, but after he had examined Magatha and tried some things on her, things like body cleansing through herbs and other methods, even a quick summoning of a helper, which he had communicated with in his own demon language, he solemnly told the group a few minutes later that he could not heal her.

"What girl has I cannot heal," he announced in his broken human accent, his negative words not only stinging and troubling Valegrious, but Evelina and Magatha as well.

"What is the reason why you cannot?" Valegrious asked, feeling down, the lad knowing fairly well that the options to heal his sister were becoming few.

"Because young one's illness is not a common influenza that my potions or wild herbs can heal fast or over time,” explicated the demon. “My helper detected something on her, though. Girl has a deadly bacteria in lungs, a bacteria I have never seen before."

Valegrious gulped hard, the lad not liking the word deadly.

"Deadly?” he said. “How do you mean?"

"I do not know how pretty one became infected with this illness merely by having entered a cave, but that bacteria has been slowly eating lungs. If left unattended, she will most likely die soon."

"Die?" Valegrious seethed, but then, just as he had said that, from the corner of his left eye he noticed movement off to the side.

The angelus who had made a living there selling her potions and remedies made her way to the group.

"Pardon me," she said, drawing attention from everybody there, even the demon healer.

"Yes?" Valegrious asked her since her dark brown eyes were entirely focused on him.

"I was overhearing and seeing," she said right away. "And I couldn’t help but interrupt because from what I have seen, I think I know what is wrong with your sister."

"What?" Valegrious cried, surprised. "Really?"

The winged healer nodded and asked for permission to revise her, and Valegrious conceded it right away. The demon, unbothered in the least at the angelus's interruption, remained hopeful that his medicinal comrade was able to heal the poor girl. After all, they were both two medic comrades who were there doing the same thing: healing people who needed healing.

With permission conceded, the angelus walked towards Magatha. When the demon had performed his routine earlier on her, the angelus had noticed some odd and interesting things, particularly the intense, rough coughing and the yellowish bloody goo that she’d noticed coming out of the girl’s mouth.

“Quite a cough you got there, Missy,” the angelus told the blonde girl after Magatha had coughed badly before them, even as the angelus had been revising her face with her tender hands. “I’ve only heard it a few times in my life time...and only back where I come from.”

“Please tell us you can heal her,” Valegrious plead, and within himself, he hoped that things turned out to be positive. “We already tried so many things, with no real results.”

The angelus appeared to be too focused on Magatha and appeared to not have listened to the man, but she had, it was just that other troubles were in her head, such as the way the girl had become infected.

“Keep still,” the angelus spoke softly to the girl. “I am not going to hurt you, I’m just going to have a good look at your eyes.”

Magatha nodded, and the angelus was then able to revise her eyes, mostly the bulbar conjunctiva, which was riddled with more than just reddish small veins; there were also yellow ones.

“Hm, just as I thought,” the angelus said mostly to herself, but even those words gave Valegrious a small ounce of hope. The angelus then asked Magatha for the white cloth she held, and Magatha let her have it right away. The winged healer inspected the yucky goo on it for a while and then considered Magatha’s pale semblance. She crumpled the cloth in her hand and threw it off to the side to her portion of given territory.

The angelus nodded a few times to herself, then, this after she convinced herself that she had been right in her speculation upon having seen the yellowy, reddish goo and had heard the girl’s rough cough. The winged being let out a simple sigh and then turned to regard the young man.

“Well?” Valegrious asked with raised eyebrows. “Do you think you can heal her?”

“Oh, I can’t heal her...” said the angelus with a shake of her head, her words stinging not only Valegrious’s heart, but also the hearts of those around her. Valegrious squeezed his closed mouth and began to hang his head low, but the angelus continued speaking, making him look back at her. “But my people back home where I come from surely can.”

“Huh? Really?” Hope was reborn again in Valegrious’s being, also in Magatha’s and Evelina’s. The angelus saw how the young man stood the straighter before her.

“Yes,” continued the angelus. “But her condition is very serious, soon bound to get worse.”

“What do you mean?” It was Evelina who asked. The angelus creature shot the blonde woman a glance.

“Let us just say that if you hadn’t brought her to my attention in a two month’s span from this day onward, she would have died and you would have never known why.”

“W-What?” Valegrious cried in disbelief. Just as he had become riddled with confusion and fear, so had the others, even the elf and the felinum archer, who had no candle in that burial. Magatha and her dear brother exchanged troubled glances. “So our friend here wasn’t lying about her serious condition, then?”

“No, your sister’s infection,” explained the angelus. “It’s deadly and not a common influenza as you all think. Anubis here,” she looked at the demon, for that was his name. “Is right, he cannot heal this illness, nor can anyone else found here for that matter. The reason why is because you eastern folks have never seen the monster at fault here for the infection, thus you have no cure."

"Monster?" Magatha shot away, beating Valegrious and Evelina to those very words. The sailor and the matron mother of the monastery regarded the angelus with more than just shocked eyes.

"Yes," the angelus replied coolly. "One found in my home realm. However, you told Anubis about how you entered a cave and when you came back out you were already feeling different, so it makes perfect sense since beygins, as we know these monsters as, prefer that kind of environment."

The group remained all too quiet. Valegrious dissected the information that the angelus had just spoken, and he looked at Magatha and asked lowly, "Did you see any kind of monster in that cave?"

"It...was a little dark," Magatha explained, the lass reliving those moments in her mind. "I was carrying a torch with me but I never saw anything, I swear."

The winged healer raised a finger, calling for their attention. The brother and sister gave it to her.

"That's because beygins blend well with their stony surroundings," she explained. "They resemble mere rocks or stones, but big ones, like the size of a foot, sometimes a little larger, but once you see them closely you begin to understand that they are not rocks or stones, but living creatures. When you went into that cave you might have disrupted the creature from its cherished sleep."

"I did shout Kylia's name several times," confessed Magatha. Kylia was a young orphan under the care of Evelina, and Magatha had been searching for her on that day after the young girl had not been found anywhere. The search had ended positively when Magatha had found Kylia asleep in some nearby ruins, where the girl had gone in search of odd rocks, which she collected.

"That's like an attack to a nearby beygin!" the angelus exclaimed. "These creatures are not known to be the aggressive type, but they do defend themselves when they believe they are threatened..." the angelus scratched her nose then. "They open small pores found all over their shell and release this near-invisible gas, which is filled with this deadly, yet non-contagious bacteria. Only if you intake this gas through your nose can you become infected. I'm sorry, Magatha, but that's probably what happened to you: you disrupted this creature from its slumber with your shouts and it released this gas upon you thinking you to be a threat."

"That matters not now," Valegrious sounded desperate, his fingers nervously patting his brown pants. "The damage has been done, aye?"

"Yes, and it is a very serious matter, really!" Yukiko's voice sounded more serious. "I'm still finding it hard to understand how it is that a beygin made its way here to these lands. I've never seen anyone with that kind of infection before, that is, until tonight. Maybe those creatures have always been here too, just not too easy to find, I suppose. But anyway, how that beygin got into that cave matters not now, what really should be of importance to you is that time is ticking for her. If she does not get healed soon, I'm afraid she will die.”

That was a tense moment in which everyone remained quiet, with Valegrious regarding his sister in a dreadful way.

“You said you couldn’t heal her, but you mentioned that your people surely can,” Valegrious’s voice carried so much anguish. “I am willing to pay for their services. Are there any others here who might be able to do that?”

The Angelus cast him a serious look, shook her head at him, and then she headed walking back to her own area as she invited them all over when she said as she went, “Come.”

Valegrious and his group headed to her area, even the demon approached on the side, this one wondering how everything would end for the group that night, however, at that time, a few clients arrived before his table and made him give them his attention.

“My name is Yukiko Mirzaki,” the angelus introduced herself as she stood behind the small wooden counter. "May I know your names, good folks?"

“I’m Valegrious,” the sailor introduced himself respectfully as he touched his chest with his left hand. He was about to use his right arm to introduce his sister and his Ma, but at that time the angelus interrupted him before he could do that, “Valegrious Coral? Might you be the sailor from the Smelly Ignacia?”

“Y-Yes,” Valegrious said with raised eyebrows. “I am a sailor for that ship. But how is it that you know about me?”

The angelus shook her head twice with a smile, “Word reached here about your crew’s exploits years ago. You’re quite famous, Valegrious. I imagined you to be somewhat taller, after all, word says you are very tall and can kill sea dragons with your bare hands.”

“This is who I am,” Valegrious bit his lower lip, hiding a chuckle from the absurdity of the tales. “Sorry if I disappoint you.”

“No,” said the angelus, the little one blushing a bit. “No, you didn’t disappoint me. But tell me, the rumors say that you are very valiant and that you’ve survived death several times. Did you really encounter those nasty monsters out there? The Gochapello and the Kraken, I mean.”

“I did,” Valegrious spoke the truth. “And yes, I survived several other close calls as well. But anyway, this is my sister Magatha, and my step mother Evelina. The elf and the felinum are hired mercenaries who brought us here, but I am not allowed to say their names because I don’t know if they desire that, and besides, it is none of my business saying it.”

“I’m Emilyann Greenleaf,” said the elf from Valegrious’s left side, and she cast the sailor a quick, soothing look. “It’s quite alright, Valegrious.”

The elf returned her stare on the angelus and added, "The little one you can call Pandora, for that is her name."

The angelus and the felinum exchanged looks and slight smiles, but that was about it.

Valegrious waited patiently for the introductions to end. At the right side, Magatha coughed badly again, and Evelina handed her a clean cloth so she could use it to cover her mouth. The cough was so violent that it forced the ill girl to double over for a while. Valegrious, concerned, even put an arm on her shoulder in a soothing manner, but his sister rose a few seconds later, her eyes filled with tears, and she nodded at him. According to her nod, she was alright, but Valegrious knew well that her coughing felt stronger, coarser, and he did not like that.

“As I was saying,” Yukiko went on. “Your sister is very ill, Valegrious. And no, there are no other angelus healers here but me, the ones that I know about make a living hunting wild animals and monsters in the north lands. I could probably heal your sister, but I don't have the materials I need to concoct the brew, the potion, and those are not found here. She’s got only a few months left of life, and really, it is very hard to say with this damn illness, she could have less. My people can surely heal her, but...”

The angelus let her words hang and looked at everyone one at a time.

“Yes?” Valegrious asked pallidly.

“You do know that I come from the northwest, right?”

When Valegrious heard her say that in a serious yet uneasy manner, he thought he understood why she was saying that and in that uneasy way. He had become unnerved within but showed it little, and it was because Valegrious knew that saving his sister from that damned illness could prove to be a very difficult task after all.

“I hadn’t seen an angelus before I laid eyes on you tonight,” he admitted to the healer with a scratch of his head. “But I heard rumors while out at sea and saw some pictures in a few books. My crewmates also know some things about your race, and I have a captain who knows quite a lot, too, so I learned a lot from them. So yes, I've heard about your kind, and I know that your realm, Iviri, lies somewhere to the northwest. If you’re trying to remind me of the grave danger that is involved in order to get there through a short route by sailing the western sea, then yes, I am also well aware about that.”

“Indeed,” Yukiko spoke and congratulated the handsome man in silence for having understood the meaning behind her serious, uneasy tone. “And so, are you willing to go there even with all the danger that is said to be there?” she inquired. “I mean listen, you can’t take the long routes due to how short a time your sister has of life, you’d never make it in time. The shortest route through the unsailed sea takes a month and a week of sailing at the very least if all goes well...so, with your sister’s scenario, you’re basically forced to take the short route.”

Valegrious did not respond right away, instead, he momentarily lowered his head in sadness but then looked over at his sister. They stared at each other for quite a while, but then Valegrious cleared his throat, looked back at the angelus, and spoke, “If there is no other way, then yes, I am willing to head there if it means that she will heal from this awful sickness.”

“What about you?” Yukiko stared Magatha.

The blonde girl seemed afraid after the angelus had asked her the question, and if it wasn't for her already pale semblance, she would have seemed very pale before them. Magatha knew little about the dangers out at sea. Valegrious had told her many things during the times he had come home from a trip, but he had rarely spoken to her and the others about a dangerous region out at sea that not many ships dared to sail over, a region that was heavily rumored to be the ancient burial of a sunken realm. Trembling a bit, Magatha looked over at Valegrious as if seeking help and support from him.

“She does not know much about the tales of the unsailed sea,” Valegrious came to the rescue. “Nor does my Ma, for that matter, for I haven’t really spoken much to them about it, and I doubt they've heard much.”

“What is this all about, Valegrious?” Evelina, in her confusion and willingness to know, commenced to ask as she came forward, but Yukiko spoke louder then, “Would she be willing to expose her life like you? Would your sister be willing to do that in an attempt to make it to my home realm just so she can get healed?”

It appeared then that a long silence took over, and surely Valegrious thought that he had lost his breath for a long while. But he had not, it was just the tension he felt.

“We have no other option,” Valegrious spoke then, also calming Evelina down with his right hand, the lad promising with whispered words that he would tell her about the problem soon enough. Evelina did relax and just chose to listen to what was being spoken between her adopted son and the angelus. At Valegrious's side, the elf had turned a little anxious, and just because Emilyann had, in fact, heard several tales about the unsailed sea. Pandora was all confused about the whole thing but listening on as well, hands on her slender hips, her cat ears surely perked up and listening intently.

“It’s a foolish idea, I say,” Yukiko barked and looked down at the potions on the counter. “For you see, I, myself, barely made it here ten years ago through that very route. I was a fool to have attempted it back then, but I had an adventurous heart to a fault and wanted to come to the motherland, as this cluster of lands is known as. I came with a great crew, the best warriors from my tribe that I could gather. Three ships put out to sea from my home realm, all were destroyed during our voyage, all the other angelus that came with me died out there." Yukiko lowered her head, it appeared, in shame. But she lifted it up right away and added, "I survived, but just because of ill luck, I guess. I should have died with all them after—”

“Hold on,” Valegrious requested, holding a hand up. “You have my sympathy for your lost friends, but let me ask you something before you go on. May I?”

Yukiko nodded at him, not upset in the least that the famous sailor had interrupted her.

“Do you think my sister wants to die from this illness?” he shot at her. “Do you think I want that? I'll tell you what...I surely as hell don't. And just look at her face. I am sure she does not want to die from that illness. She's scared beyond reason.”

Yukiko swallowed lightly and looked at Magatha, who looked back at her quietly and tensely. Another cough attack took her then, and all waited till it passed.

“Tell her, Sister,” Valegrious urged. “Do you want to die from this illness?”

“No,” Magatha spoke, her tone troubled, for she was now surely scared. “I would take the chance that my brother wants to take. I appreciate my life, and abandoning hope and remaining here doing nothing would prove me to be a coward. What I have heard from your conversation surely has scared me greatly, but my brother is right: we have no other option. Even if that area is very dangerous as you say, I would gladly sail there if it means that I would be able to get to your home realm, where you say I can be cured.”

“Look,” Valegrious added, a hand of his risen briefly before going back down. “She’s young and strong, and she will see many more years of life." Valegrious hugged his sister with his right arm and went on, "I will not cross my arms and do nothing and allow this illness to claim my sister. Instead, we both will take the chance and try to make it to your homeland. That’s worth a shot instead of doing nothing, don’t you agree, Yukiko?”

The angelus rubbed her hands slowly down her face, and she walked a few steps away, quite troubled. She felt bad within knowing that these good folks were going through something so tough as this. The girl, she knew, was surely done for if she remained unattended, for there was absolutely no cure for her illness out here, only back in Iviri. But she had just a few months left of life, possibly less, and that meant that if her brother was to save her, he and those that went with him would have to take the risk of sailing over the dangerous route that mostly one out of a hundred ships took on a monthly basis, sometimes none would. Yukiko was mostly troubled because of that, because she had already experienced the awful things that the area had to offer to any brave souls that dared to venture there. While many lives had been claimed in that area, she had somehow survived, perhaps barely, but she had survived and knew things about the area, which she didn't speak of to anyone since her awful experience. The past came back to her that moment and haunted her heart, soul, and mind. And she would have cried after remembering her bad experience, for she had indeed lost so many loved ones and friends, except that Valegrious cleared his throat then.

“Look,” Valegrious said, sensing that the angelus had somewhat become troubled about something. “Let’s leave the danger out for now. Just tell me what I should know if I am to heal her. Where exactly in your realm are the healers that can heal her located?”

Yukiko did not reply, she only remained in her position struggling to hold back her tears.

“You want gems for any information you will provide?” Valegrious began to search an inside pocket of his vest when he noticed that Yukiko was not even paying attention to him. As he brought out a small pouch, he cried, “I will pay you, just tell me, please.”

“Save your gems, Valegrious,” Yukiko spoke. She turned around and came back and stood before them, and she sighed loudly. “Telling you something as simple as this information that you want to know does not require any form of payment from you. All you have to do, if you make it, is tell the first of my kind that you encounter about her illness, about how she has the Beygin sickness. They will take care of her. But I warn you now, it’s going to be costly, so you better take at least enough to total five black gems.”

“Is that it?” Valegrious asked, the lad not thinking much about the cost, he knew that after he spoke to his boss he would have enough for the trip and to cure his sister. If not, then he knew that he would have to sell some things in order to raise enough gems for all that.

“That’s it,” Yukiko nodded sadly, but mostly because she imagined Valegrious losing his life in that place at sea where she nearly had died. “You shouldn't worry about being strangers there, either. My folk know about your kind and many others, so they will receive you with good eyes. Besides, there are humans living there already, so you will be fine.”

“Then there is no more for me to say on the matter,” said Valegrious, the lad truly unaware that Yukiko felt pity for him and the others. “I thank you kindly for all the information you have kindly provided tonight, Yukiko. If there is a way I could ever repay you for it, just let me know before we take our leave.”

Yukiko remained quiet for a while and just stared him over from head to toes. She admitted to herself that he was a fine specimen.

“It was no trouble,” the healer spoke at length. “Just, if you do go out there to that zone, be extra careful and always on the lookout for trouble, because it always finds you there.”

Valegrious remained staring at her in silence for a while, but then, after he heard his sister coughing roughly again, he nodded and said, “We will.”


*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
Small chapter. :P

Chapter 5: Confessions

***November 27th, 1658***

Everyone was disappointed about how the trip to the capital had been all for naught. The group had returned to the monastery two days later.

The orphans were pained with sadness when they became aware that Magatha was still ill, but Valegrious told them all to keep their hopes high. He told them about how there was a cure for his sister out there and that he would be attempting to make it there in order to see her healed. He never mentioned the danger involved to them because he knew they were young and did not need that kind of worry on them.

With the help of Evelina, Valegrious had explained the dire situation to the ones who had a right to know, the older ones, like Minono, Elly Rose, and a seventeen year old lad named Tyson Arrant. Those three were the only ones that were told about the dangerous voyage that Valegrious had planned in taking, but Valegrious bade them to be discreet.

That chilly night of November, Valegrious called Minono out of the monastery, and she went with him up to the high roof. Seated on it very close to a bricked chimney that stuck out in the middle of the roof, the two stared at the beautiful stars for a while. And while doing so, Valegrious explained to her in full detail about the dangers involved where they would be heading to. Upon seeing Minono's sad, worried semblance, he let her know that they had no other options.

"I must see Magatha healed," he said, his voice full of anguish and concern, and Minono knew why that was. "If that's the only chance that we have, we've agreed to take it," he went on. "Time is of the essence, Minos, and so as early as the morrow comes, I will set to action. I will go explain things to my boss and then will attempt to gather everything I need in order to set sail..."

"I'm sorry about all this, Valegrious," Minono told him and even placed her hand over his shoulder. Valegrious, feeling her hold, regarded her. The two remained staring at each other for a few seconds, their breaths visible to each other when they exhaled. Minono showed him a tender smile, and Valegrious returned it and with a slight nod.

"Me too," said Valegrious quietly, then he cleared his throat and went on. "Listen, Minono. I know this is not the opportune moment, but I might as well get this over with tonight."

Valegrious stood up and reclined himself against the chimney. Minono also stood up, but her semblance had changed. Just like Valegrious, she seemed serious, and it was because she felt that Valegrious was going to confess something to her, though she did not know what. It was very chilly out there, and though the two were wearing warm gear like sweaters, coats, gloves, and scarfs, the chilly wind forced Minono to cross her arms over her bust.

For a while, Valegrious just regarded her, considering her beauty. Even with those glasses that she wore she looked pretty, in fact, Valegrious believed that the glasses were what gave her extra charm, exoticness, and beauty.

He reached out to her and touched her gently on the side of the shoulders and kept his hands touching them, his eyes always on her.

"Better days have passed in which I should have told you this," he began nervously. "But I was undecided at that time, perhaps held back by fear or uncertainty. The truth I want to let out this night is..."

Minono regarded him for a while after he paused.

"Yes, Val?"

Valegrious coughed and went on, "That I have feelings for you, Minos."

After he had let it out, he just remained staring at her. Minono smiled softly and never lowered her head, neither did she look the other way. Her eyes danced wildly behind her glasses as she kept them on him, and she felt an inner warmth, her heart beating a little faster than usual. All of a sudden, for both of them, it appeared that the cold did not exist.

"I..." the Asakian stammered, turned her head aside in mild embarrassment, and then faced him again. "I feel the same way, Val. Ever since I met you I've always felt something special for you. But as you have said, for those very reasons that you mentioned, I was kept from professing my love to you. But I did want to, I was just too scared to tell you because I was afraid of refusal."

Valegrious smiled happily and used his gloved hands to bring her closer to him, and she never put any resistance. She took him by the waist when her body was touching his torso, and Valegrious kept her embraced tightly.

Hugged is how they remained on the rooftop for more than two hours, and they shared more than one kiss that starry, beautiful night. The two talked about many things, mostly on what could have been if either of them had decided to confess in the early days to the other the love he or she had felt.

"I don't know," replied Valegrious to that question. "But we will make up for that lost time, Minos. Right now my duty is to see my sister healed."

It was during that time that Minono grew courage and told him that if he was going out to danger, so would she.

"Minono, no," Valegrious started to protest. "I don't want to put innocent lives at risk if I can afford it."

"I no longer can be without you at my side," she told him right away. "Not after you've confessed your love to me. You don't know how much I've craved this moment, Valegrious, to be with you, that is. To know that you love me. And I surely as hell won't lose you. If you are going out there, I will be going with you and face the same danger you will face, because I truly love you."

"And because I really love you, I say these next words to you. I think you're better off here, Minos. Ma will have need of you more than I will."

"No, Val," she countered. "I already had plans to tell you about how I wanted you to get me a job aboard the Smelly Ignacia. I want to be with you! You can't be mean and leave me here after you've told me you love me. I want to be with you, I want to help you through these hard times that you and Magatha are going through. My place is by your side. Besides, you know damn well that Ma has plenty of help with Elly and Tyson. And I will be able to look after Magatha, too."

Valegrious swallowed hard. He wanted to tell her otherwise, wanted to change her mind somehow, but he never spoke to her those words because she then rested her head on his chest and kept talking about how anything he said to her that would be an attempt to change her mind would not work.

"We have time to be together, Minono," is what Valegrious told her after he had planted a kiss on her dark hair. "Think about this matter well during the next days I beg of you, alright? It's no game, this is truly serious."

She looked up at him. "I know that, Val. Why do you think I want to go with you?"

"Look, if you really want to go out there, I won't stop you. You're of age and can make your own decisions, and I respect that. But it is my obligation to tell you what we'll most likely be running into out there. So listen to me, alright?"

Minono quietly nodded at him. And Valegrious went on to tell her all about what he knew about the unsailed sea, about the rumors he had heard during his many trips. He really troubled her when he had told her all about it, he could see it in her pretty face, which appeared very worried before him. Valegrious hoped that in the end that information made her reconsider.


*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
Chapter 6: Taking Action
***November 28th, 1658***

Early the very next day Valegrious headed to the Smelly Ignacia and spoke to Jzak about his sister's deadly illness and about what his plans to see her healed were.

The felinum had turned pale when Valegrious had mentioned that he would have no choice but to take some time off from work in order to venture into the unsailed sea in an attempt to get to Iviri and save his sister's life from that terrible illness.
The captain of the Smelly Ignacia had not expected the young fellow to come to her ship that morning bearing those terrible news. She quickly had taken him to her private cabin and there the two discussed the matter for several hours. Valegrious left no details out.

Jzak Hennessy knew well about the deadly region that Valegrious had in mind sailing through, and so the first few minutes of the conversation had been to Valegrious like facing a deadly storm out at sea like the several he had lived through on the Smelly Ignacia. Jzak became not only troubled, but she also became deeply saddened and shocked at the sudden turn of events. She was quick to tell Valegrious to think about finding another way instead of sailing over that rough terrain.

"I'm sorry, Cap'n," he told her. "There is no other way."

"Have you forgotten all I've told you about that area, Valegrious?" Jzak fumed, and only because she thought it crazy that Valegrious had in mind going there no matter what.

"No, but I have no other choice, Captain," Valegrious replied with an upraised voice. "If I don't do this, according to the angelus's words, my sister will die in sixty days or so, probably less. You know that I will never let that happen."

"The unsailed sea is not a game, Valegrious," Jzak clutched his shoulders with her hands, her beautiful face deformed with much worry and fear. "You do know that you will be exposing not only your life but all the lives of those that go with you?"

"I knew that from the moment I became aware that I had no other choice. Still, I will go there because I have no other choice."

"Dammit, this is madness," Jzak walked away off to the side, quite troubled within. "Countless of ships have mysteriously ended at the bottom of the sea out there, Valegrious," she went on without looking at him. "Others were simply destroyed by the pirate fleets that are said to operate in that zone. And then you have all these other bizarre stories about the sunken realm, about creepy monsters coming out from the sea and dropping unexpectedly from the sky, the fog that kills, the deadly sirens, and so on." The felinum turned back on Valegrious, who was listening intently to her, listening to everything that he already knew about. "You know all this since I already told you about it many times."

"Yes, and I'm worried as hell," Valegrious was sincere. "But pirate fleets are said to lurk in that zone. How do they survive the madness of the place? If they can do it, so can another crew, dammit."

"It's not just those damn pirates," Jzak cried, the captain using her right hand to rub her chin after all the tension Valegrious had brought upon her soul. "They lurk on the edges of the zone, this I am sure of. It's in the very center of that area where it gets very nasty. You have to go through there if you aim to reach Iviri by the short route, but it's damn impossible if--"

"Still," shouted Valegrious. "I will not see my sister dead because of that damn illness that's eating her lungs. I will go there, and though I hold much respect for you, Cap'n, there is nothing you can do or say to alter my plans, so save your words."

Jzak Hennessy wanted to tell him more on the matter, wanted to really change the lad's mind, but she calmed down after what he had told her and walked over to a wooden table where she kept bottles and goblets. The stormy moments of the chatter passed then and came the calm, with the felinum seeming to understand that no matter what she told Valegrious that she would not be keeping him from going out there. She was deeply sad and concerned for him, though, and so she uncorked a bottle of rum and poured some on two goblets. She needed a drink to relax herself.

Valegrious could tell that she was not angry at him, just very edgy and frightened that he had to go through all that just to heal his sister. But as she served the liquid on to the goblets, the sailor noticed that she appeared to have understood that he had no other choice but to go with the deadly current.

"Valegrious," her voice sounded hurt, sorrowful. Her head was lowered, and she was still facing the other way, quite heart-struck.


"I can't really keep you from going out there," she continued with a faint voice. "I'm just very worried about all this, that's all."

"As well as you should be," Valegrious agreed, his ears hearing the liquid being poured on to the goblets. "I mean, who wouldn't be, Jzak? You don't know how worried I've been ever since I understood that myself. But even I am wise to know that I have no other choice before me, and thus I must do this for the sake of my sister. After all, she's all I have..."

At that, the felinum turned around, her hands holding on to the two goblets. She walked up to Valegrious and offered him one. The human took it and took a quick sip of it, because he really needed to calm his tension down as well. The felinum followed suit with a sip of her own, a long one that left the goblet half full.

"The decision is yours to make in the end," she pointed at him with the goblet, her voice a little calmer now, but within she remained truly perturbed. "I'm deeply saddened to see you go, to know that you've decided to venture into that dangerous place where not many dare to go."

"I know you are," Valegrious said from his place. "I knew this when I made my decision days ago. I knew that I would be upsetting and making you feel like...well...like you are. But, I do believe we will be fine out there, and I've never paled before the face of danger. I haven't let the trouble of the route panic me like it does others. Sure, I'm tense and scared about it, but I have to remain sane. I'll deal with all that when the time comes. For now, I have so many other things to worry about, like finding a crew and buying a ship. My sister really needs to be cured, Captain. She's all I have left of our family line, and so heal her is what I aim to do, or I will die trying."

The felinum took another long drink. Valegrious noted then how troubled he had made her. She was surely upset, but mostly he could read concern for him on her face. Moments like these were meant for crying, and the felinum never hid the tears that dropped from her eyes then.

"I'm grateful for the time you've given me," she told him with watery eyes. "Grateful that I got the chance to teach you all that I know. I trust in you and your skill, Valegrious. The place where you will be sailing over will require that and much more from you, but I do believe in my heart that you have what it takes to make it. In the past, ships have made it through, perhaps just a few of them, and there's been survivors, tales say. I've nothing much to teach you. You've been a great sailor, and we'll all miss you. I will be praying for your safety and success as well, you know this."

She then hugged him very tight, and he did likewise, the lad enjoying the fresh, sweet smell of her perfume. The Smelly Ignacia had two meanings under that name. One was attributed to the stinky fish smell found on the lower levels of the ship where the caught fish were stored and salted, and also on deck where the caught fish and monsters were examined firsthand. The other meaning was attributed to the fact that the captain had named her ship like that after her own love for perfumes, which she sprayed on herself every day. Ignacia was Jzak's middle name, but one she rarely used.

"I know you will," Valegrious breathed calmly as he kept her embraced with one free hand, with the other he held on to the goblet, which was still half full of rum. "And I shall be praying for yours as well."

"You're such a brave soul," Jzak whispered at him. "Not many would hasten to make the decisions you made both as a young kid and this recent one. That's of admiration, Valegrious. And I'm really sorry that I can't go with you on this voyage. I have my own agenda to follow, my own reasons...you understand."

They separated then. Those final words sent a shiver running down Valegrious's back, not that he had been hopeful that the felinum would take heart in the matter and accompany him and the rest out there.

"I do," Valegrious stared up at her beautiful face. "I just feel glad knowing you understand me. Should we set sail and make it, and if we return back home alive and well, I will be coming to the docks regularly if I don't find you upon my return, that is, if you want to take me in once again under your service."

"Oh, Valegrious," the felinum smiled despite her teary eyes. "You know you will always have a place on my ship. You're part of it, you've earned it after all the time you've sailed with me. You know you will have an open spot, child, always will. Remember that when you are out there. Remember that I will be longing for your safe return, just like everyone else you're leaving behind."

The two remained talking for another two hours unbothered, not just talking about the matter at hand, but also reliving moments from the past. Valegrious thanked her kindly for everything she had done for him up to that point, and before leaving the ship, he got a bonus for all the years of service on the Smelly Ignacia. Captain Jzak Hennessy not only gave him enough gems for the trip he was about to take, but she had also given him a few presents that she'd had in mind giving him if ever such a day in which he said goodbye to her came. She had given him a sword that had a white colored, diamond-filled hilt and a pistol, both magical. Valegrious had been amazed to see such fine gifts, and he had started to protest at her for having given him such mighty objects, but Jzak told him that she would not be taking no for an answer.

"You've earned them, Valegrious," she told him. "And besides, they'll come useful out there where you are going. I had plans to give them to you after our next trip, but alas, today is a good day."

Valegrious couldn't thank her enough.

Besides the mighty gifts, she also gave him several strong hugs and told him to take care out there. Once the two came out to deck, the sailors that were there on the deck, though very saddened when the captain told them all that Valegrious was going away for some time, had said farewell to him, but not before having given him presents, good wishes, and several huzzahs for his long service rendered to the Smelly Ignacia. The water pixie turned very sad and could not believe that he was leaving them, but she wished him good luck and gave him an amulet charm for good luck. Valegrious allowed her to hang it around his neck, and he thanked her kindly.

Leaving the ship was hard for Valegrious. His legs had felt heavy, as had his soul. He had cried when the sailors had bid him farewell, but the lad had left nonetheless because he had a duty to his sister. As he walked through the port with intentions to start finding an abled crew and a ship for sale, his heart was torn merely because it had really pained him to have asked Jzak Hennessy for his release.


Word, like a wild fire burning a forest, spread fast in the port about someone who was looking to buy a ship and hire brave sailors and warriors who would be willing to expose their lives by sailing over the western sea's unsailed sea.

Word of these news easily reached the many taverns, guilds, and nearby establishments located in the port. Many sailors--old and new--heard about it, and also warriors. And though the majority of them would be refusing to take the risk as they had on many occasions, some really considered signing up after word also ran with these news that it was Valegrious—the famous monster hunter from the Smelly Ignacia—who was really the one who was looking to set sail if a ship crew was assembled. He was only doing it because he had no choice. His sister was gravely ill and that is what was driving him to organize a brave crew for the dangerous voyage.

Many seadogs held much respect for the lad, for they knew of his achievements, knew that he had become a sailor at a very young age, and they also knew that he had a very kind heart. Plus, knowing that his sister would die if left unattended, that information touched the hearts of many sea dogs. Most of those knew that over the years Valegrious had helped the needy folk who made a living at the port, and they all knew that he had an orphanage that housed a lot of orphans. That orphanage saw the visit of several sailors and warriors who had become quite interested and had gone there seeking to speak with Valegrious himself. And Valegrious had spoken to each and every one of them and had explained to them the situation. He told them that he indeed was the one looking for a brave crew, but also revealed to them that he still had not bought a ship.

"My friends," Valegrious told them all outside of the monastery. "The rumors you've been hearing are true. I have plans to sail over that unsailed territory, it's no joke, the voyage has been planned since days ago. My sister is terribly ill, I must attempt to get her to Iviri so she can heal from this illness. I still haven't bought the ship, and I won't be doing it unless I find a crew, else it will be a waste of gems. So, if you really are interested in sailing with us, then I bid you to present yourselves tomorrow at the docks at noon. If we complete the crew that we are looking for, then we might be setting sail in a few days. Please, I bid you to spread word of this matter. And god bless you all."

The sailors and warriors had left, and from what Valegrious had seen in their faces and their enthusiasm, he knew that it was very possible that he would be gathering the crew after all, perhaps not all of it, but most of it. He felt good that night, felt great knowing that there was a high chance that they would be setting sail after all. He had trouble sleeping that night, what with so many things on his mind, but he did catch his good rest right beside Minono, who had chosen to sleep at his side that night. Knowing what was coming in the days ahead, both used that night to please and show each other the love they felt for one another.


*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
Here is the next update. I'll probably post a review of what's happened so far after chapter 10.

Chapter 7: An Unexpected Surprise
***November 29th, 1658***

Morning came fast, but Valegrious had been looking forward to this day since he had last spoken to the angelus at the capital. He seemed optimistic when he came to the kitchen that morning, but the rest of his family did not. Evelina evidently was thick with worry even though he had not even put out to sea yet. His sister appeared even more ill before his eyes, and very troubled as well. The pure truth was that Magatha was very scared about the whole trip they were going to take. The last days had really been a pain for her, for she knew that because of her illness her brother and many others would be exposing their very lives at sea. That, if anything, made her feel worse than she already was feeling thanks to that awful sickness. As to Minono, she, too, was filled with much worry and fright, but she was not backing away an inch, she had let Valegrious know last night after the sailors had left that she was going and that was final. Valegrious once again had tried to persuade her to change her mind, what with all the danger that they would be living through.

"I just don't want to expose any innocent lives than I have to," he had explained last night. "You are a good woman, Minono. As I told you days ago, Ma could benefit from your presence here while I go and take care of this matter."

"No way," Minono had said right away whilst shaking her head. "We already spoke about this. I love you too much, Val. Where you go I will go, doesn't matter if it's this unsailed sea or hell. I am going and that's final."

A long, tense moment had ensued in which Valegrious just remained quietly staring at her.

“Then calm yourself, woman,” Valegrious had hugged her.

“I am calm,” she had replied. “I just want you to understand that I am going and that you can’t do anything about it.”

Valegrious felt bad knowing that he could do nothing to change her mind, thus he applied a little more strength to that hug.

"Today we'll know if I manage to hire a crew," he told them over breakfast, but his voice sounded low and very tense. Both Evelina and Minono knew that he was more scared about not being able to hire the crew than sailing out there. "I will return with news later today, but since I am actually feeling very hopeful, you better ready any belongings you might be taking, Minono, because even if I don’t manage to hire a complete crew, I will still be sailing out there with whatever I happen to get."

Minono quietly gave him a nod.


The young man was not expecting to get a shocking surprise as he had been riding his horse towards the port. Ever attentive to his surroundings and the possible danger, Valegrious had easily seen a flying form coming from the north from beyond a range of tall trees. He slowed the horse down, rested his hand on the hilt of his sword, but his eyes soon narrowed when he thought he recognized the flying figure as it came flying close towards him.

“Yukiko?” he asked himself.

It was indeed the angelus. Flying some fifty feet in the air she saw how Valegrious stopped the horse and dismounted it right away. She flew low and landed not ten feet away from him. Her wings folded as she walked towards him, the angelus smiling lightly as she went.

Valegrious noticed that a sack hung from her right shoulder.

“Yukiko, what are you doing out here?” Valegrious was surely surprised.

Yukiko regarded him and the white horse behind him.

“I convinced myself that I had to find you,” she said all too eagerly. “It took a lot of reasoning and convincing from my part, but in the end I chose to follow my heart.”

“I am so glad to see you,” Valegrious smiled at her, and within he suddenly felt a little hopeful. “I really am. But still, I remain curious about your presence here. Why have you really sought me? Did you somehow...managed to brew the potion?”

“Not really,” Yukiko breathed calmly. “I mean, I hate to give you those news. Look, I know you are surprised and all, but I will tell you why I have come."

Valegrious could only offer a slight nod as his hope died within.

"I gave the matter some deep thought after you and your group left that night," the winged being explained. "I felt so awful not being able to heal your sister. I came seeking the cave where she fell ill, and I did find it and also the culprit making of it its home.”

She threw the sack that she had been carrying over her shoulder to the ground. Valegrious followed the sack with his eyes but then regarded her again.

“There in that sack you’ll find the beygin responsible for your sister’s illness, albeit dead. I killed the monster and brought it so you could see it, that is, if you want to. It was a little hard finding you, but at the port I heard word about your whereabouts, and here you have me. I also learned word that you indeed are planning to go out there, so after giving this matter some deep thought, I agreed with myself that I am going with you...that is, if you’ll allow me to go."

Valegrious swallowed hard. He had never expected this to be the case, in fact, he thought he would never see the angelus again. Valegrious ignored the sack on the ground, the sailor never doubting the angelus that she had killed the monster. He felt so bad about his sister’s illness that he did not feel like looking at the contents of the sack, instead, he just looked suavely at the angelus, his eyes glimmering with more than just thanks.

"Yukiko, are you sure?” he then asked her. “I mean, of course I would be honored to have you go with us, but have you really considered the danger involved?"

"I have," nodded the angelus, and she sighed before the sailor and put her hands on her slender waist. "I'm filled with more than dread, Valegrious. I was lucky to survive my first voyage through that dark place, and perhaps I should listen to reason and take care and not go there again. But...it pains me greatly to know that you and your sister are forced to go through there. I've given the matter a lot of thought and have come to the conclusion that perhaps my experience could be of use to you. I don't want to go anymore than you do, hell, my knees are trembling slightly just telling you about it, but believe me when I say that I want to tag along and help as best I can. Your sister deserves every chance that you can give her, and besides...so long have I yearned to see my home land and the loved ones I left behind. I was planning on taking a longer route there once I did decide to return, but I might as well forward my trip and lend my help to you. If we make it through, I will be doing just that: laying eyes on my home realm and loved ones once again, so give me the chance to accompany you, please."

"It's a done deal," Valegrious smiled at her. "I'd never tell you no, Yukiko. Listen, I am on my way to the port. I will be enlisting those that wish to help me with this task, you're welcomed to come with me if you want."

"But of course," Yukiko cried. "I have to go to the port and pick up my possessions from the inn, anyway."

"Then let us go," said Valegrious. "If you want to, you can ride behind me, or you can fly if you want, however it’s more comfortable for you."

"I'll ride with you," the angelus was quick to choose. "I do like riding horses, fine beasts they are."

"Suit yourself," Valegrious said and then mounted the horse. “What about the sack?”

“The monster will no longer hurt anyone,” Yukiko said, then she stooped low and untied the sack, later to reveal a stone-like thing that Valegrious saw. He was forced to dismount the horse and neared Yukiko, who had remained in her low posture. He examined the stone-like being and indeed noticed the details that made it a monster and not a stone. Its main body appeared like a shell, but it had many legs underneath, like a centipede. It also had two thin antennas on the front end, which Valegrious believed was the creature’s smallish head, and lastly, Yukiko revealed the tiny holes on the beygin’s hardened shell.

“It’s dead now,” Valegrious said moments later as he rose up. “But we better get rid of it.”

“I’ll properly dispose of it at the port. I’ll take it to the burning locale so they can toast it for good.”

“That sounds good to me,” said Valegrious, at least feeling a bit happy knowing that the monster that had infected his sister with that deadly illness had been dealt with.

Seconds later, he mounted his horse and helped the angelus up with his own arm. Yukiko, once on the horse behind him, was quick to put her hands around his waist, as a security measure.

Valegrious and the angelus made it to the port fifteen minutes later. With the sudden addition of the first crew member, the young man was already feeling very sanguine. What other surprises awaited him that day, he thought.


*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
Chapter 8: Crews Confirmed
***November 29th, 1658***​

More sailors than Valegrius had expected showed up at the docks that chilly afternoon. In truth, many of them had been waiting for him to show up. Some had even followed him from the moment he had entered the port. Seeing their interest made Valegrious relax from his worries.

Once at the docks, where the smell of salt and fish were heavy, and where seagulls seemed to hang around just like old sailors did to share tales during their morning coffee, Valegrious found a small wooden crate and stood on it while the multitude surrounded him. After a deep breath, he explained to them all what the situation was.

"Thank you all for coming," he began, and those present quieted down and gave him their undivided attention. Even a few knights had gathered there, but mostly to keep the peace after quite a crowd had gathered there. "Most likely you all know about the grave danger that is involved in this trip that I have planned in taking," Valegrious went on, not beating around the bush. "But I have to go out there for the sake of my sister. And so I am here to sign up anyone who is willing to risk his or her life."

The crowd erupted in a ruckus, as all those present were either interested in being signed up or had some questions that they needed answered before deciding to risk their lives. Valegrious had control of the situation, though. He extended his arms out and the crowd quieted down when they saw him. Yukiko was standing nearby, but she was listening on to his words just like everyone else.

"Geez," continued Valegrious with a light smile. "No need to fight over the positions available, gents and ladies, there are plenty of you here that we might even be able to organize two crews or three instead of one."

The crowd blurted out laughing, but they were soon quieted once again, but not because Valegrious had bid them to do so with his hands, rather because there came a very loud bang somewhere behind Valegrious.

The whole crowd turned in that direction, as did Yukiko and Valegrious, who'd been surprised but not scared by the loud bang. The lad's brown eyes saw Jzak Hennessy holding a sawed-off double barreled musket, and her entire crew was right beside and behind her; Valegrious recognized them all easily. There were Rygar and Kraven, Kaur Astraiyd, Rubee Treeclimber, and a red head girl named Abigale Gamon, who happened to be the cook and most recent hired crewmate from the last trip. There were more known faces right beside them. Valegrious’s brown eyes also noticed that Jzak was dressed in a black and white outfit that he had never seen on her before. The outfit was similar to the ones sea officers who worked for the crown wore. It was composed of a feathered hat, white pants, and black boots that went past her knees.

"Young Valegrious is right, chums," the felinum spoke loudly as she began walking forward, the musket on her shoulder. The crowd that had come with her followed her closely. Some seadogs made way for her as she came walking through. "About the two or three possible crews, that is," she added. "And that really is not a bad idea if you ask me."

The felinum, without much trouble, was able to get to where Valegrious stood. Valegrious looked down at her in wonder and surprise, and he sniffed the sweet, cherry-like odor of the perfume she had donned that day.

"Cap’n," he rejoiced within. "What are you doing here? What’s with the neat outfit?"

"Don’t mind the outfit," she said, the felinum looking up at him, who for once stood taller than her. "Tis a uniform I picked up at some bazaar years ago, just hadn’t given much use to it."

"Well, you look wonderful."

"Thank you kindly, lad. But anyway, my presence here should be of no surprise to you, Vally, nor that of the whole crew."

"I don't understand..." Valegrious felt lost for words.

"You called for anyone who'd be interested in joining you in your trip to show up," reminded Jzak. "I won't beat around the bush, dear Valegrious. I spoke to the whole crew last night about the matter and the vote was unanimous. They have all agreed to go with you on this daunting trip."

Valegrious was finding it hard to swallow this information.

"I guess I felt really bad after you left my quarters yesterday," confessed Jzak. "But I sorted out my uncertainties and fears and agreed with myself that I would be going with you as well. And there is nothing you can do about it. Unless, of course, you wish to inflict a wound on my tender heart by refusing to allow me to go."

“Never would I do something like that,” Valegrious jumped off the crate and hugged her tightly, the lad even spun her around twice, which surprised Jzak and made many sailors smile.

"Oh, thank you, Captain," he told her once he settled her on the ground once again. "I wasn't expecting this, but you and I know how you tend to surprise me with things."

"That's right, lad," Jzak pat his shoulder. "I really wasn't testing your courage or mettle, but you've shown me over these last couple of days that you've got big balls, kiddo, bigger than those that Rygar puts into those twelve pounders of ours."

Rygar Willem, the bulky lycan sailor from the Smelly Ignacia was notorious for his Mohawk hairstyle and two large earrings he wore on his ears. He was amongst the crowd, and when eyes fell upon him, he stared back and made most feel nervous.

Valegrious chuckled lightly after he had heard the felinum's words and looked upon the sailor. He didn’t seem to be offended at all, in fact, he said, “Boss speaks truthfully.”

"Tis true," added Jzak. "Not many are willing to head into that area, but you've got no choice and are forced to do that. That made me understand that you need all the help you can get. You have surely touched my heart, and also the hearts of all these old salts out here. So you can count me in, as well as all those that you know from the Smelly Ignacia. We have agreed to risk our lives for you and your sister."

Valegrious stared at the sailors he knew quite well. He gave them all a slight nod as if in thanks.

"No thanks are necessary, Vally," Jzak told him with a genuine smile. "I know in my heart, and the rest of the crew knows in their own, just how grateful you are."

Before Valegrious could thank her for all that she had done, the crowd all around them erupted with loud claps and cheers, particularly those from the Smelly Ignacia. Some huzzahs were heard, and Valegrious kindly thanked the felinum with another strong hug. After he let her go, he saw that Yukiko, who was standing right beside him, was all smiles. Valegrious quickly let Jzak know that the angelus was the one who had really let him know about his sister's illness, although Jzak had suspected that much when she had laid eyes on her earlier. The introductions were quick, with a polite shake of hands between the angelus and the felinum, the mention of their names, and two friendly smiles that they shared. Jzak Hennessy then regarded Valegrious and spoke again. "You will be leading this expedition, Valegrious. I'll be acting as your second if you allow it, but I do have some suggestions for you."

"I'm listening," Valegrious still could not believe that this was happening, that friends he had known for a long time had come to help him out.

"I believe that the more ships we can take, the better it will be for us," Jzak announced. "The unsailed sea is called that for a reason, you know? Lots of danger lies there, but I believe that the more we are, the merrier and the better odds at surviving out there."

Yukiko was nodding slightly throughout all that the felinum spoke, but she never opened her mouth to speak.

"That's why I also wish to ask you for a three days time," Jzak went on. "This only because I want to go to my homeland and recruit some warriors from some of the most prominent guilds. Believe me, Valegrious, there will be plenty of fighting to be done. I believe that these warriors will help us out big time."

"There are warriors here, Jzak," mentioned Valegrious, who was curious as to why Jzak wanted to go back to her homeland.

"I know," she said, matter-of-factly, and while doing so she handed a nearby sailor the musket. "And though I don't doubt their prowess in battle, I only want to hire a few from my homeland. These are friends I know from the time I spent working for the guilds before I became a sea monster hunter, if you must know."

Valegrious nodded quietly at her. "I see. So you were a guilder before you ever became a sailor?"

"Yes I was," she admitted. "Plus, I do wish to lay eyes on my homeland before departing for this dangerous trip, Vally. So, will you allow me to go?"

"You have the days you want," Valegrious accepted. "But please, I want to set sail no later than this upcoming Sunday, for my sister's time is ticking."

"Three days is more than enough, Vally. I will handle all that and be back here before Saturday. While I am away, I will leave the whole crew under your command, because I know you still have many tasks to take care of."

"Thanks," Valegrious thanked her. "I actually do."

"Thank me after we take care of business, Valegrious. Thank me only after we've managed to get your sister safely to Iviri, for this will be the most dangerous trip we've ever taken, any of us, for that matter,” she scanned her arm all around her and pointed at the crowd. “Nonetheless, together we'll confront whatever we run into out there, and depending on the ships that go, we'll use most to surround the one where you and your sister will be traveling in, for safety measures."

Valegrious nodded feeling quite comforted by the fact that Jzak was there helping him out. Her suggestions sounded like a great idea, and in truth it sounded better than having one ship go out there with a bunch of brave souls onboard, as pretty much had been his original plan, his only option.

Suddenly, Jzak put an arm over Valegrious's shoulders and took him away for a walk. She gave him a large pouch filled with gems and told him that there were plenty of black and purple gems in it for him to get his hands on some ships and supplies.

"We'll need them," she said in a serious voice. "So once you sign up all the sailors willing to go with us, acquire the ships you see fit that we need. I recommend Crown designs over all others, but I will leave it up to you to decide."

"Crown designed ships sound good to me," Valegrious agreed. "It's the kind I had in mind purchasing. They're sturdy enough, speedy enough, and vessels of war they are."

"The very best we can hope to get our hands on," Jzak agreed. "I mean, we could navigate that wild sea on a damn large barquentine, but it would be a slow voyage. And so quick, compact ships will do."

Valegrious agreed wholly with her.

After a while, Jzak departed his side in order to do what she had in mind. Valegrious remained at the port and the signing of willing sailors for the trip began. In total, the sailors who had agreed to offer their lives in service to the great cause numbered more than a hundred that day. There were sailors from several different races, but seventy percent of those were human, the rest belonged to an assortment of species—lycans and elves mostly, but there were also a few felinum representing.

As to Jzak, who had returned to her homeland in the far northern reaches of Gor-Gateia, she had managed to recruit quite a handful of warriors over the next couple of days as Valegrious and some of the crew had been busy acquiring the ships and provisions for the trip.

Jzak came back to the port with a multitude of fine warriors at her side days later, and Valegrious was able to lay eyes on them after Jzak had sent for him.

Valegrious, who had been drawn out from the monastery and out to the docks of the port early the next day, regarded the warriors that Jzak had recruited. There were eleven felinum in the group, three male elves, ten berocs, who happened to be human-like creatures, except they were actually berserk-natured and had four eyes instead of two, and sharp fangs instead of teeth. Their hair was long and loose, and their mostly-naked bodies were all painted of assorted colors and riddled with weird looking symbols. Valegrious, filled with a sense of shock and joy, also noted that there had come seven rixacor, who were tall, four-armed lizard-like beings, but these just had a single large eye right in the middle of their forehead. He had not seen the ferocious berocs or the rixacor folk before, but he knew all about them thanks to Jzak and some of the books she had shared with him from her library within her quarters. Both races shared the massive, untamed land of Panliss. Valegrious knew then that Jzak had brought some pretty tough fighters, and according to the felinum, they were the very best available from her homeland and Panliss. Some, she confided to him, were great friends of hers from old times.

In total, Jzak had brought thirty one warriors from her homeland and the neighboring realm of Panliss, all from the most prominent guilds, and all willing to put their lives on the line. Twenty of those warriors she knew well, the others had been recruited by her own friends after she had asked them whether they had any tough friends who would be willing to expose their lives on a dangerous trip through the unsailed sea.

Valegrious thanked them all kindly that day, of course. Jzak introduced him to some of her friends, and he came to know a few by their names, however, because the berocs and rixacor had weird long names, he couldn't manage to remember them after a while.

"We'll divide these forces amongst the ships as best we can," Jzak told him later when the two of them discussed things in her cabin. "Believe me, they are all excellent warriors. I fought alongside the majority of them when I was a young kitty."

"I believe you," Valegrious did not doubt her one bit. He knew what he had seen in the warriors. The felinum and the human spent a few hours in the cabin talking about how things were going on Valegrious’s side of the project. Valegrious informed her that he had successfully acquired four Crown designed ships, and also informed her about the number of sailors he had managed to sign the previous days. But that was not all that he told her, he also let her know that he had bought most provisions and a few large weapons for the ships, in case they ran into mighty trouble out there. Jzak was alright with it.

"You did well," she had told him.

Valegrious later had left her side, but not before having invited Jzak for dinner at the monastery. The last days had really brought them so close, closer than they had ever been when it came to their strong friendship. The beautiful felinum had accepted without hesitation, more so when Valegrious had mentioned that he wanted for her to attend because he wanted her to meet his future wife.

"What, really, Valegrious?" Jzak had seemed content. "A wife? Wow, you have a surprise for me every day, eh? How did it happen, you lucky big lug you?"

"It just happened," Valegrious was modest. "But I assure you, we both had deep feelings for each other since years back, we just were afraid to tell each other, I guess."

Jzak had congratulated him with words and a hug. And Valegrious had gone on to relate to her how he had come to make Minono his girlfriend. And after he had finished with that, Jzak had agreed to go have dinner later that day.

Along the way back to the monastery, Valegrious was not expecting for things to get even better for him, but they actually did.

It happened that Emilyann the elf and her companions had been waiting for him some hundred yards outside of the port. Valegrious laid eyes on the elf, the tall man, the dark elf, and the cute felinum archer, but there was another woman with them. She was blonde and short and looked the silent type.

"Valegrious," Emilyann cried out as she rushed out to the road to intercept him. "Good thing you came passing by. We've been waiting for you."

"Really? Well how can I serve you?" Valegrious asked from atop his horse.

"We want to go with you," Emilyann said right away. "We are all at your service." They all bowed and proceeded to take a knee before him.

"Please allow us to go with you on this dangerous quest," Emilyann went on.

"Please, rise," Valegrious bade, surely surprised. "Tell me why you want to go."

Emilyann went on to explain to Valegrious over the next several minutes how it was that they had left the guild in order to seek permission to accompany him in his dangerous trip. They had been hearing word of what was going on, and Emilyann had really wanted to help out and had convinced her friends to aid the cause. The gems as pay for one risking his or her life was good, but they were really doing this because they had wanted to help him see his mission fulfilled.

"Who wouldn't want to see a loved one healed?" Emilyann asked during her explanation of things. "Even my best friend Lupinka, this blonde beauty you see here," Emilyann glanced at the other female off to her right. "was touched by your story. Weren't you, Lupinka?"

"I was," Lupinka bowed slightly. She was dressed in iron armor and carried a rapier on her right side hip, a weapon that only the most of honorable knights were given as gift by the king.

"Are you a knight?" asked Valegrious upon recognizing the weapon merely for its hilt.

"Never been one, Master Valegrious," she spoke up humbly as her blue eyes regarded him from below, for Valegrious remained on the horse. "But if you perceived me as being one because of my sword or armor, then know that the rapier belonged to my father, who now rests in peace along with my mother and little brother."

"I see," Valegrious was saddened, and mostly because she had reminded him of the cruelness of the world. She too, had lost her parents, and that pained Valegrious just to know it.

"Valegrious," Emilyann took over. "We know of your big sacrifice and want to help you out. Please, you can't deny us."

After hearing Emilyann saying that, Valegrious thought about it for a while but then allowed them to join him, because even though he and Jzak had managed to sign up full crews, he believed that he could use these warriors as well. Jzak had said it best with her own words, "The more the merrier."

"You can come if your heart really dictates you to," he told them. "But I hope you've given the matter quite some thought. After all, it's a dangerous situation and no game."

"I assure you that we all have," Emilyann responded. "We're at peace with ourselves. We want to go. Right guys, and gals?"

"Aye," Avon spoke. He'd had his muscular arms crossed throughout the chit chat between the elf and the sailor. "I've never been out at sea, so I do want to go and see what’s it like."

"As do I," said Tallinor. "If my sword can serve you out there, then I am game, Master Valegrious."

"My rapier is yours from this day hence, Master Valegrious," said Lupinka. "That is, if you take us in."

Valegrious looked on over to the felinum.

Pandora threw her arms aside and sighed loudly. "I can't be without my friends. If they are going, then hell I am going too."

"Then you all shall," said Valegrious that cool day. "We depart at noon tomorrow, so just show up at the docks. I'll have you know that you will be sailing in the ship that I will be commanding, the Smelly Ignacia. And though we already have full crews, you five will be serving me as guardians, but mostly I will have you keep an eye out on my sister and girlfriend. See it as a special force of sorts."

"We'll be honored to serve you," said Emilyann with a bow of her head. The other warriors did the same, and the blonde elf proceeded to speak, "We know we're sailing out to grave danger, but the cause is overly worth it. Trust me, Valegrious, if I was in your shoes I'd be doing the very same thing for my loved one."

"I know you would," Valegrious nodded at her. Moments later, after paying them for the service they had agreed to, he said goodbye to them and moved on, and the five warriors went back to the port to collect their essentials and ready themselves for the trip.

With the addition of the four warriors that day, after all was said and done, five full crews were confirmed, so five ships would be going in the end, with the Smelly Ignacia being one of them. The other four ships had been given to the best captains or abled sailors that Jzak and Valegrious had found amongst those that had signed up. Three were males and one a female, and they all had the privilege of naming the ships to their liking. When they had, the ships became known as the following: The Crazy Yosh, whose captain happened to be a tall, crazy, and buffy lycan who usually tended to screech mid his talking or at the end. Many sailors believed the captain to be gone, crazy, in another dimension, but many others believe that he only did that in a playful manner. Valegrious did not care whether he was crazy or not. He knew of Yosh’s sailing expertise, and that’s what mattered in the end.

Another ship was named Sea Sprite, mostly because the tall bearded man who became that ship's captain carried on his shoulder an eight-inch, light-blue skinned sprite from the sea, a distant cousin to the water pixie race. The little things were merely known as sea sprites, or sprites. When Valegrious had seen the little sprite on the captain’s shoulder, he had whispered at the felinum that one day he would have to get himself one of those.

“I’ll help you get your hands on one after we come back from this trip,” Jzak promised him. “If we come back, lad.”

“I have high hopes that we will, Captain,” Valegrious said strongly, to what the felinum agreed with a nod.

Another ship was given the name Three Hearts by a buffy elf captain named Anubis Highmoon, this after his wife and kids that he was leaving behind in the port. And last but not least, the only female captain of the five, a cute Asakian girl named Alecia Xandria, who had long dark hair that ran down to her butt, had named her ship Hope Never Dies, this, according to her words, to serve as a reminder to all those that were going out there to face uncertain danger.

Because the trip would be at least a month and a half long, and also very dangerous and perhaps the very last one that they all took, Jzak and Valegrious had paid each and every sailor and warrior their contract gems so they could spend it in whichever way they wanted before setting sail. Neither of the two had never hesitated in taking the risk of giving them the gems upfront, because they had known that they were all taking a bigger risk by going out with them out to sea where they were going. Their gamble would pay off in a great way as all sailors and warriors would show up to fulfill their contract on the set date.


*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
Chapter 9: A Fine Day to Sail
***December 1st, 1658***​

It was noon at the port, a new day, a Sunday, to be exact, the first day of the entering month of December. On this day, the sun was mysteriously shining brightly up in the sky despite it being the cold season. A good, mild breeze was blowing from the south. Any sailor worth his or her salt would have known that it was a fine day as any to set sail. Despite all these good signs that Valegrious did not miss, the hardest part for him, Magatha, and Minono, had come. It was time to put out to sea.

Valegrious, his girlfriend Minono, and Magatha, were all saying their final adieus to their loved ones during those tense moments. In a matter of minutes, alongside the company of more than a hundred and forty brave souls that they had managed to gather over the past few days, they would be embarking on the most dangerous trip they had ever taken, and they would be away for who knows how long--all in an attempt to get Magatha to Iviri where Valegrious hoped that she would be healed from a deadly bacteria that was affecting her respiratory system and killing her with each passing day. Or, they would all die along the way in that attempt.

Valegrious watched in sadness as his sister and his girlfriend hugged and spoke words to Evelina, the multitude of orphans, and other folks that knew them that had come out to the docks to wish them good luck on their trip. He felt sad and edgy, but his spirits were being kept high knowing that he was doing the right thing, even if it meant that he and all those that were going with him were risking their very lives just to save one.

Valegrious's turn to say goodbye came. The young sailor had been composed for the most part, but tears betrayed him, and a strong sad sensation won over him when he began to hug his younger brothers and sisters. Would he be seeing their young faces again one day? Would he get to sit down with all of them around a fire and tell them stories as he had done so on several occasions? Or as he and Jzak had sat down with them all the previous night? He did not know, and thus he was troubled, but also encouraged to succeed.

After he personally said goodbye to each and every one of the orphans, he did the very same thing with a few other folks who knew him. He told most of them to take care of his Ma and his brothers and sisters while he was away. The responses he got back promised him that they would do that and much more, that he shouldn't worry one bit about that.

Then it came down to saying goodbye to Evelina, the kind woman who had played the mother role for him and Magatha all those years after they had lost their own parents. Valegrious hugged her so tight, and she did likewise and wished him the best, all while crying on his shoulder.

There was no need for Valegrious to mention again why he was doing this, why he was going to attempt to sail through a region in the sea that not many dared to sail, Evelina Ashad already knew why he was doing it. But she was still heart-struck that three of her dear children and countless of other brave sailors and warriors had to expose their lives and go through all that trouble merely for a good cause, as was the case with seeing Magatha healed. Evelina would be terribly sad for many days to come, and not only Valegrious knew that, but so did Magatha and Minono and those many others that saw the woman's worried semblance that day.

Like many sailors had done so earlier with their loved ones, Valegrious, Magatha, and Minono, had to depart from the presence of their own loved ones and walked away towards the ship. They all did so, but their eyes were tearful, their faces reflecting sadness as never before. Jzak Hennessy and Yukiko, who had been waiting a few paces away, walked right beside Valegrious.

"It'll be alright, Vally," the felinum touched him on the shoulder quite tenderly. "Just hang in there."

The young man nodded and kept walking on, too hurt to say a word.

The girls felt their hearts heavy and their legs felt like mush as they walked over the plank and on to the ship. Valegrious was a sad mess when he boarded the Smelly Ignacia after Yukiko and Jzak had done so. He had been the last to board the ship. The lad saw many familiar faces and also new ones already onboard. The young man glanced all about the deck and up at the crow's nest where two watchers had already made themselves comfy. It was time to put out to sea, he knew, and he could see it in everyone's faces as well. Valegrious could tell that they were all as tense as he was, but he still gave the order for the ship to put out to sea.

"Jzak," he spoke directly to her, though his voice sounded hurt and sad. "Let's roll."

"Aye, Captain," Jzak Hennessy acknowledged his words, then she shouted the order as she spun her upraised left hand, "Let's roll, ya seadogs! Let’s put these bunch o' nailed planks and boards out to sea!"

The entire crew heard the order and the deck soon became busy with boisterous sailors who went to action. Jzak and other top commanders on the ship continued issuing orders.

Valegrious invited his sister, Minono, and the angelus, to the back deck, and they followed him there. From behind the safety rail they waved at their loved ones, who were waving white cloths and shouting at them encouraging words and good wishes. Valegrious, Magatha, and his girlfriend, waved back and shouted similar words to them. The angelus watched in silence and with her arms crossed over her bosom.

"Pray for our success!" Valegrious called out as he waved at everyone at the docks.

Having given main orders out, Jzak Hennessy soon joined them back there as sails all over the ship came dropping down. The felinum stood right beside Valegrious on the left side.

"Tis a good day for sailing, eh, Cap'n?" she smiled at him.

"Aye," Valegrious agreed, the lad ignoring the noise that came with the wind blowing against the sails, which flapped loudly every now and then. Being called captain by the felinum, who had been his captain for many years before all this had come to happen, felt so weird to him. He let her know that.

"You'll get used to it," Jzak pat his shoulder and attempted to break his gloomy state by offering him a slight simper, then she added, “Cap’n.”

Valegrious did like the sound of that.

"I hope so," he murmured, and he sort of smiled back, but that smile vanished soon.

The breeze that was blowing helped get the ship out of the harbor and out to sea. After an hour, the docks and those still standing there were still quite visible, but no longer could Valegrious or anyone else onboard the Smelly Ignacia hear the people's shouts. Jzak Hennessy had passed out several spyglasses, and so through the use of those the two girls were looking back at their loved ones.

All five had remained there on the back deck during that elapsed time. Valegrious and Jzak regarded the other three females. The angelus stood calmly and staring back at the port, still with her arms crossed. Unbeknownst to Valegrious and the others, the healer was sad to leave the land where she had spent the last years of her life, but she showed it little. Magatha seemed as ill as ever and quite troubled, and Minono appeared pale and very sad.

"How are you all holding up so far?" asked Valegrious, his tears long gone. The females immediately turned to regard him. He appeared before them as less troubled and more confident.

"I'm doing alright," chirped Yukiko from her place at the far end. “Don’t mind me standing here...just enjoying the breeze.”

"I'm sad," Minono did not lie, neither did her teary eyes behind her glasses. "And a little nervous, too, I admit."

"Me too," Magatha said with her head lowered. "Never thought saying good bye would be this hard, Brother. Last night as I laid in bed I knew it would be a very hard day, but it turned out to be worse than I imagined. My heart feels so hurt."

Valegrious put his right arm on her shoulder and rocked her to and fro several times as Minono came walking his way and buried herself in a hug on his side.

"They will be fine, you two," Valegrious took his girlfriend by the waist. "I know this is so hard for us all, but I assure you that we are doing the right thing, and they all know it."

Minono nodded at him. "They showed their support to us till the very end."

"And there is no doubt in my heart that they'll continue to support us with many prayers as the days pass," Valegrious believed. "I am saddened deeply to have left them behind like that, but if I am glad about something, it's that the goodbye phase is over. That sure was hard to endure."

"Got that right," murmured Yukiko, mostly to herself, but the others did hear her.

"Now comes the part where we all will have to show what we are really made of," continued Valegrious, his voice sounding serious. "The part where we'll have to endure and confront the troubles that come our way. Hard, dangerous days lie ahead, ladies. Do not burden your hearts and thoughts with fear. I bid you all to remain calm and to only panic if there is reason for it."

In her place Yukiko stirred slightly, and Jzak noted that.

"Come, ladies," invited the felinum. "Valegrious is right, of course. No need for us to feel any fear and travel with a heavy heart. I will show you all your quarters in the second level. I arranged them myself for you."

"Will you come by sometime?" Magatha asked and grabbed her brother's arm, the lass thinking that he would find himself busy with work and would not be having time to see her.

"I will be with you most of the time during the voyage," Valegrious calmed her down and even ran his hand through her golden hair. "But I also have a duty up here, so there will be times when I will be away from you and Minono. I might be leading this expedition, but I like helping out most of the time."

"A true sailor he is," beamed Jzak. "The best one I've had the pleasure of working with."

Valegrious bowed in respect at her.

"I understand, Brother," said Magatha in reply to what he had told her. “I’ll do my best to stay out of the way.”

"Good," Valegrious brought her close to him and touched her forehead with his. "Try to relax, Sister. I know you're scared like I am, but it does us no good to be scared when there is no reason to be it. Like I said, we'll deal with any danger if it shows up."

"Yes, I'll relax, Brother," she promised. "You are here, after all, and so is Minono and all your friends. I feel safe with you all."

"They are your friends too," Valegrious quickly told her. "They are all out here for you, too."

"I know," nodded Magatha. "I feel secure, and my fear leaves me by the passing minute. I also feel excited to be out at sea, you know?"

“Yes,” chuckled Valegrious. “You’ve never been out here. I’m sorry that you had to come out here under these circumstances, Sister.”

“No, it’s alright,” Magatha soothed. “The day had to come, right? I’ll try to really enjoy myself while out here.”

"You're as brave as your brother, Magatha," congratulated the felinum from the side.

Magatha regarded her and noticed she was smiling.

"But do come, Magatha and Minono,” Jzak added right away. “You too, Yukiko. You’re all going to love your rooms."

Magatha gratefully nodded at her, as did Minono. As to Yukiko, she finally moved from her spot since she had boarded the ship.

Minono gave Valegrious a peck, ruffled his hair, and then followed the trio of females, who had already taken leave. Valegrious followed the females with his eyes as they went away.
He saw them head to the main deck, and there they all went down some wooden stairs that led down to the 2nd level of the ship.

Once alone, the sailor took a deep breath and let it out to steady himself, and once he had done so, he felt a little better, but only a tad bit.

Five hours later, with the sun setting in the west, the Smelly Ignacia finally caught up to the other four ships that had been waiting out there. With signals that they had worked on, the fleets soon assembled into a formation that the five captains--and Jzak--had discussed a day ago. Soon, the Smelly Ignacia was devouring the open sea as it sailed right in the middle of the formation, with the other ships--all two hundred or so yards apart--protecting it from all sides.


*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
I'll take care of the review in a few days. Right now here is chapter 10. This story has reached the half point, imo. ^^ Thanks for the 200 views, peeps. At Serebii this thing is doing even better. And I am proud of that. <3

Chapter 10: Pirate Fleets
***December 13th, 1658***​

The first week and a half of sailing had gone smoothly and with no trouble whatsoever for the five crews. The group had made great progress on their way towards Iviri and were days away from entering the so called unsailed sea. But on that twelfth day of sailing, the group finally ran into some form of trouble.

Valegrious and Jzak stood behind the starboard safety rail looking through spyglasses at a troubling scene. On the other four ships, the captains and their assistants were doing the very same thing, and murmurs about pirate fleets being about were fast spreading on all five ships and making the crews nervous.

"Three," Valegrious counted the ships that his eyes could easily see in the distance thanks to the help of the spyglass. "None fly a flag."

"They're pirates," believed Jzak. "They hafta be, Cap'n. Rumors say they operate in such groups out here. These must be the Dark Hearts. You see the small dark spot way beyond the ships?"

"I do," said Valegrious, his right eye surely concentrated on the lens. "Just barely, but yes I do see a dark spot in the distance. What about it?"

"That must be their headquarters, an island that was known as Aurrie’s Spot years ago after a merchant claimed it as hers. But then, drawn by wealthy merchants that came from our own land and the southwestern lands of Denera, Hisar, and Lidaj, pirates claimed this territory as theirs. The original name of the island was removed and the island was renamed to Dead Man's Pass. The Dark Heart pirates are said to own this area now."

Valegrious shortened the spyglass by pushing it inward and looked at the felinum.

"Perhaps you are right," he spoke. "This could be their territory, but we won't engage them unless they decide to meet us. We'll continue on our northwest course, Jzak, but keep all fighting divisions at the ready."

"Aye, Cap'n," said Jzak, and she left his side to take care of issuing such orders not only to the crew of this ship, but the other four as well. She was the one who was in charge of doing such a thing.

Feeling a little tense, for those ships out to the west were the first scenes of trouble that the group had run into so far, Valegrious enlarged his spyglass and looked out at the ships once again, his heart beating just a little faster.

"Don't dare, just...don't," he breathed calmly as he looked on. "Unless you want to be blown out of the water..."


"What do you think, Scars?"

"I think they'd be good for the taking, Cap'n Blue," cried a badly scarred black haired sea dog. "Been a long time since me old bones have seen such a purdy grouping like that. Why I bet they carry plenty of riches in those holds. One look at those ships through my spyglass was enough for me to notice their design. They're warships, mostly, with the one in the middle being a sea monster hunting vessel, it's design is way different."

Realizing that Scars spoke truthfully, the black haired young man who wore a black pirate hat continued to stare at the five ships through his own spyglass, his attention mostly on the middle ship. That man was the captain of the Saint Eleine and the main leader of the Dark Hearts, the pirate group that operated in those waters. For his twenty years of age he was handsome, and his blue eyes made his charming looks stand out more.

"You still have good eyes, Macdamera," the captain called Scars by his real name.

"So, we takin' 'em down, Cap'n?" Scars sounded eagerly hopeful.

"I don't know," the young captain said as he continued eyeing the five ships far in the distance. "They've done bad by coming 'ere, no doubt, but I am thinking that it won't be by our cannons that they'll be going down, Boys."

Another pirate, a tall, mean-looking bald one, walked close to the captain.

"But, Cap'n," he said in his rough voice. "We haven't had some action in a long time."

Knowing that himself, Captain Blue lowered his spyglass and spun on the bald pirate, who towered over him.

"They're five, Drakol. Five! The same number as the fingers attached to your hand!"

"I 'an count, Cap'n," said the bald pirate.

“Good,” The captain walked away, and his two lieutenants followed after him.

"I know all you scallywags are dying to see some action, but every one of those ships is capable of putting a big hurt on us, of sinking us, and I see too big a crew on all of them. Even if we manage to take out one or two to even the odds a little, we'd be in for a lot of pain, our losses could be significant--our very lives could be claimed by the sea or their cannons this day."

"So what will we be doing, Cap'n?" asked Scars with wild eyes. "We're now letting sailors come uninvited into our waters and letting them go?"

"Since when have we done that?" Drakol spat in disgust and crossed his muscular arms. "We've taken down anyone who's had the audacity to come 'ere. I think we’re becoming a soft bunch."

Close to where the helmsman of the Saint Eleine stood behind the helm giving the wheel some spins every now and then, the captain stopped walking and turned upon his two assistants.

"Not soft, it’s just precaution. Better this time to be the first in allowing such a group to pass by than having our small empire come to an end, boys," reasoned the captain.

"But, Cap'n, we—" the bald lieutenant began to say, however, the captain slapped him then and ended his words. The pirate touched his cheek and gave his captain a mean look.

"Look, you pesterin' fool. We've waged battle so many times with adversaries and passersby alike, and we've won very close fights and some with the odds against us. But you know as well as I do that we have a minimal chance at taking that fleet as a prize. They seem well coordinated and are heavily armed. Four of their vessels are Crown designed, the best for a close up fight. Besides, they seem to be sailing northwest to the unsailed sea..."

"A total waste o' possible wealth, then, Cap’n," cried a pretty-looking, raven-haired girl that had been hearing things close by. "They're sailing towards sure death. Such a pity it would be to let 'em go and keep our pockets empty."

The captain and his lieutenants turned to regard the master at arms, who also had a secondary duty of watching over the captain.

“Attica speaks with the truth,” barked Drakol. “Listen to her if not us, Cap’n.”

The total waste idea that Attica Pumpleton had mentioned was what made Captain Blue reconsider. He knew his crew was right, they had not had a good haul in months, and those five ships could be loaded with something worth their trouble. Was it worth the risk?

"We'll remain about our waters, boys and lassie," the captain finalized. "If I happen to see an opening, a weakness, I might consider going after them before they get away from us. For now, we stay attentive of them, but gradually away."


Word of possible pirate fleets being about not far away had reached the ears of Magatha, Minono, and Yukiko the angelus. All three came from the second level to the main deck and used their own spyglasses.

"Don't be alarmed," Valegrious came walking behind them a few seconds later. "They've been keeping their distance, and I believe they won't bother coming after us, perhaps our numbers have made them think it over."

"Are they pirates, Brother?"

"Most likely they are, Magatha," Valegrious used his own spyglass to have another look. "All I can tell from their ships is that they are no fishing vessels. Their designs are meant for speedy vessels, Wave Cutters, as we sailors know them as. But like I said, don't be frightened. If they dare come after us, we'll surely blast them before they ever put a scratch on us."

“You think you can do that, Heart?” Minono asked, her voice filled with some tension.

“We’ll definitely be trying,” said Valegrious. “We’ve dealt with pirates and marauders before, so we know what we’re doing.”

His words were reassuring to the females, who surely had become nervous after having learned that they had possibly encountered their first problem out at sea.

“Magatha,” Valegrious spoke to his sister after he noticed her worried semblance. “Come with me. Let’s have a brother to sister talk.”

“Hey, can I come too?” Minono asked, kind of hopeful.

“I will see you later,” Valegrious replied, and Minono understood and said nothing more.

Magatha moved towards her brother, and he took her for a walk through the main deck.

“Be not afraid,” he told her as they walked with caution, for part of the crew was working on deck at that time.

“I’m not afraid,” Magatha lied, and even laughed wildly. But she did not fool Valegrious.

“Heck, I am,” he put his right arm over her neck, but they kept walking on. “And I know you are as well. I can see it all over your face. But...don’t be afraid. We’ll deal with them if they decide to come after us.”

Magatha stopped, and so Valegrious had to stop as well. She placed her hands on the safety railing and stared out to nowhere in particular, for there was just water to be seen all around. She took a deep breath, for she thought she needed it.

“Do you think they will be coming after us?” she asked worriedly a few seconds later.

“I believe they won’t,” Valegrious said right away and joined her at the side. “Pirates tend to act rashly, though, so I wouldn’t put all my gems in the bet. But like I said, if they do come at us, we’ll blast them out of the water.”

Magatha said nothing for a while. She just remained staring at the sea.

“Come on,” Valegrious invited with a soothing voice. “I’ll have Abigale prepare you and the others some nut cake. You’ll lose the tension with a slice and some coffee, you’ll see.”

“You promise?” Magatha followed him. She would never do anything contrary to what he demanded.

“I guarantee it,” winked Valegrious at his dear sister.


Valegrious’s promise held up. Abigale indeed prepared the delicious nut cake for Magatha and many others. As he had said, Magatha indeed lost the tension she had been feeling, but that was perhaps due more to the fact that Magatha had remained at Abigale’s side while she prepared the cake. The two young lasses had talked about many things and had become good friends. And soon, eating while they enjoyed their own slices of nut cake and a cup of coffee, Magatha had lost the tension she had been feeling about the ships in the distance.


That night, the whole five crews remained on the alert as the ships continued devouring salty water on their northwestern route. Valegrious himself stayed up late with Jzak at his side within the crow's nest, the two eating nut cake, drinking coffee, and keeping their eyes peeled for any signs of trouble.

And the three pirate ship crews remained wary of their possible prey. As their captain had ordered, the ships had been keeping a fair distance away from them, but still were flanking them close enough to give chase and reach them before they ventured away from their territory and sailed into the beginning waters of the unsailed sea.


*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
Crap, I was gonna update with the next chapter, but I just remembered I had promised a review of the things that have happened in the past chapters.

Ok, I will be brief with it for those of you who haven't read it all. And I will use the spoiler tag in case you are thinking you wanna read the story later on.

I will probably add chapter 11 tomorrow or the day after.
Prelude: This chapter introduces some of the major characters for the story. Besides filling the reader's tummy with vast information, the chapter is mostly about Valegrious, who finds himself remembering the past on a starry night.

c1 The crew makes it safely back to port, and Valegrious quickly heads home, only find out that his dear sister has fallen ill. Besides that, he also learns that a girl apparently has feelings for him.

c2. Not liking one bit that his sister is ill, Valegrious sets to action the very next day. He goes and hires some guards after he speaks with his step mother about taking a trip to the capital, where they hope they can find someone who can heal her.

c3. More characters are introduced here, and the chapter is mostly about the group taking leave to the capital.

c4. The group makes it to the capital safe and sound. Although they do not find a cure for Magatha, the group does learn about her illness and a way to see her healed thanks to a winged maiden named Yukiko. In order to see his sister cured of that illness, Valegrious knows he has to venture to the sea, but through a section that is believed to be very dangerous and cursed.

c5. In this chapter, Valegrious and Minono confess their love to each other.

c6. Valegrious explains to his dear friend and captain (Jzak) about Magatha's illness. They talk for a while, the felinum has trouble coping with the problem, but in the end she gives Valegrious mighty gifts that should help him during his trip. Word also spreads out about Valegrious's problem and inevitable trip to the unsailed sea, and many unemployed sailors begin to show interest.

c7 Valegrious gets a surprise when Yukiko, the maiden he thought he wouldn't see again, comes to him and shows him the dead monster that was the cause for his sister's illness. The winged maiden also lets him know that she wants to join him in his trip.

c8. This chapter mostly speaks about how Valegrious manages to get the help he wanted. Ship crews are confirmed, he even gets a big surprise.

c9. After a saddening parting from their loved ones, Valegrious and those many going with him set sail for Iviri, the land they have to reach in order to see Magatha healed.

c10. After like a week and a half of sailing, the group finally encounter their first trouble.

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