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Game Thread The Clone Saga: A Spider-Man Mafia 3

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Jun 25, 2020
I actually don't know how PK came back, its not because of my role...

Also the cult is purely flavor.
Jun 26, 2020
Based on the previous two SMM games and how freely PK claimed, I believe Freddeh's claim that the "cult" is pure flavor.

After all, one of the rules for this game is that you don't need your motivation to win, and it was PK's motivation to meet Traveler.

Even though the mass-exile may NOT be an instant town win, I feel like it's pretty close to an endgame -- anybody who comes back from that should have a noose prepared for them fairly easily. Note as well that Traveler was willing, even eager, to provoke the trial that could exile all scum and pursue that outcome. That suggests to me that Traveler may be a villain, but he's likely not a threat to the town. Which makes the idea that he's a cult leader a little... odd.


Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Switching the burden of proof is kind of a cop-out. Obviously, I have read this thread, and I have done so with more than a modicum of care, so the fact that I'm actually asking you this question suggests that I did not find any adequate proof. I'd be overjoyed to have this oversight repaired if I overlooked something.

Otherwise, I'm inclined to believe that the "proof" is the normal mafia hearsay of claims and counter-claims, which we must regard with care.

Just look at how the modvote on him didn't work. I'll let him claim himself if he wishes to, but that points to what he claimed to me being true.

Town has, so far, essentially performed optimally. 3 dead scum in 3 known kills. If Zinger created even a marginally playable game, you're almost certainly still safe. (And that is assuming no additional threat from the unverified and messianic claims of the guy whose ploy is threatening to bring the scum back).

Town only got those 3 scum because they were outed to town. So I don't really think this game is that easy. CL was put into exile by someone who no longer has exiling powers and PK was resurrected. So that's two scum that we tried to take down and couldn't.

That's the point! Y'all were dead and nobody died. That suggests there might not be more mafia.

We can almost guarantee some of the Spiderman clones have chosen the mafia path.

Further correction, they aren't banished from the game. Per both Funnier and SMS, they are simply placed into exile. So any threat that does have a way to come back from Exile will still be free to do so. Better regroup and get your stories straight.

You really love nitpicking word choice even though you know exactly what is meant. The stories have been straight no matter how much you try to shade them.

Even though the mass-exile may NOT be an instant town win, I feel like it's pretty close to an endgame -- anybody who comes back from that should have a noose prepared for them fairly easily. Note as well that Traveler was willing, even eager, to provoke the trial that could exile all scum and pursue that outcome. That suggests to me that Traveler may be a villain, but he's likely not a threat to the town. Which makes the idea that he's a cult leader a little... odd.

Traveller isn't a cult. He has his own win condition that doesn't affect town's win condition. So some of his motivations may be in self interest, but we're working to also further town's game state.

I can say that funnier hates lying to or trying to deceive me and he has been super forthcoming to me since I've been in contact with him. From the way he has talked to me I trust him, and believe that he believes this to be in town's best interest. Whether we're being bamboozled by Zinger himself remains to be seen, but that would be the only thing that I think would be untrue about what we've said and what we believe to help town.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Hi guys I exist.

Apologies for not being around or present for these past few days. I'm not in a great mental state at the moment and it's really hard for me to focus on, well, basically anything.

That said, tomorrow's a new day, and I'm gonna try to get caught up. I'm a few pages behind (more like, still somewhere in D2) and for now I'm going to bed. Anybody feel like being a dear and giving me a brief recap of what's going on?


Forum Volunteer
:( hope things get better Tris
idk when you stopped keeping up but right now this is the hot topic:

lemme see if I can give you a quick summary
first forget about the Jackal thing that went down in the first Day and the clone mess from yesterDay

right now the apparently spiderman is being prosecuted by the bad guys we already outed/killed/exiled, funnier is the Judge (Judas Traveller) and is trying to get spiderman a guilty veredict

apparently, if that happens, all the threats to town are banished from the game and Spiderman becomes the main bad guy; if that doesn’t happen, all bad guys are released back into the game

that being said KoD is there as Kaine, and Freddeh has been outed as the person behind Green Goblin, but we still don’t know much about them
lemme see if I can give you a quick summary
first forget about the Jackal thing that went down in the first Day and the clone mess from yesterDay

right now the apparently spiderman is being prosecuted by the bad guys we already outed/killed/exiled, funnier is the Judge (Judas Traveller) and is trying to get spiderman a guilty veredict

apparently, if that happens, all the evil guys that are prosecuting Spiderman are banished from the game and Spiderman becomes the main bad guy; if that doesn’t happen, all bad guys are released back into the game

that being said KoD is there as Kaine, and Freddeh has been outed as the person behind Green Goblin, but we still don’t know much about them
Yeah I get this much to an extent, there was the Jackal thing D1, Now were on the episode where Spider-Man is on trial(which has my head spinning because someone mentioned it may be one of the Scarlet's and someone else is pointing towards one of the Rainbows.

The main thing that has me lost is the ,confirmed?, claims. Outside of the ones that can had died/rezed/been exiled.

This should get you on your feet. I recommend taking your own notes, because according to some people

you can't trust mine:

Minish: Gwen Stacey
Rubik: Staff member of the Daily Bugle
Funnier: Judas Traveler
Silverfish: Spiderman (Blue, the real one) [In trial]
Doc: Dr Seward Trainer [ded]
Freddeh: Norman Osborn
Poyzin: Spider-Carnage [ded]
Captin Lunch: Spidercide [exiled]

SMS: Jackal
Sun Fan: Venom (Black) [exiled]
Tevish: Daredevil
PK: Scrier
KoD: Scarlet Spider (Kaine) [In trial]
Numbers: Scarlet Spider (Ben reilly)

Players we don't know roles for:


Roles that have been hinted at, but not attached to a player:

Peter Parker
J Jonah Jameson
Mary Jane
Spiderman (Purple, red, green, plain, and gold)
I never was good with note taking. Plus, with how fast these go, I don't even know were to start. XD
Hi guys I exist.

Apologies for not being around or present for these past few days. I'm not in a great mental state at the moment and it's really hard for me to focus on, well, basically anything.

That said, tomorrow's a new day, and I'm gonna try to get caught up. I'm a few pages behind (more like, still somewhere in D2) and for now I'm going to bed. Anybody feel like being a dear and giving me a brief recap of what's going on?
I forgot you were even in here. I hope things start looking up for ya.

Scarlet Spider

Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jun 24, 2020
You really love nitpicking word choice even though you know exactly what is meant. The stories have been straight no matter how much you try to shade them.

Funnily enough I'm not throwing any shade at the story right now, just you. The post I responded to was literally you nit picking word choice even though everybody knew what Ex meant by "evil guys". Yet you didn't bother to correct his use of "banished from the game" which actually does have an extremely different connotation than placed in exile. Further you nitpicking only half of Ex's statement shows that you are here to propagate a narrative that this action should only be seen as in the best interest of town, and not that this is actually what is in town's best interest. The post before Ex's you were literally telling Skystone town shouldn't face these threats because "bad guys still keep resurrecting and they may have ways out of exile it's not very inspiring for a town win" in which you are down playing exile as a means of dealing with threats. So which is it? Is exile uninspiring for a town victory or is it the best path town should be taking right now? You can't have it both ways.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Funnily enough I'm not throwing any shade at the story right now, just you. The post I responded to was literally you nit picking word choice even though everybody knew what Ex meant by "evil guys". Yet you didn't bother to correct his use of "banished from the game" which actually does have an extremely different connotation than placed in exile. Further you nitpicking only half of Ex's statement shows that you are here to propagate a narrative that this action should only be seen as in the best interest of town, and not that this is actually what is in town's best interest. The post before Ex's you were literally telling Skystone town shouldn't face these threats because "bad guys still keep resurrecting and they may have ways out of exile it's not very inspiring for a town win" in which you are down playing exile as a means of dealing with threats. So which is it? Is exile uninspiring for a town victory or is it the best path town should be taking right now? You can't have it both ways.

Lol, maybe try to actually comprehend what I was clarifying. He said it would banish all the people prosecuting Spiderman. Which I was saying it's more than just that, it's all threats, even the unknown. And I didn't correct his use of banished from the game because that was something everyone understood after all the talk of exile and I'm not exactly going to correct all of Ex's choice of wording when it's obvious what he means. I was correcting the situation which some people might misunderstand.

Also there's a difference between sending scum to exile one by one, when their buds might have the ability to pull them out, than there is sending them all at once. We have more time and less interference with all scum in exile.


Jun 27, 2020
Also there's a difference between sending scum to exile one by one, when their buds might have the ability to pull them out, than there is sending them all at once. We have more time and less interference with all scum in exile.
True. I wish funnier had started the trial later... if all the threats were known, and it works as proposed, it would be an instant win, as town wins when there's no threat in play at the start of the day. They would have no way to come back in time. Unfortunately right now we might still have someone around who can get them back.
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