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Game Thread The Clone Saga: A Spider-Man Mafia 3

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Aug 22, 2019
Hi hello yes I have definitely read everything. Or at least skimmed it.
...yeah, I'll do this properly when I'm not on mobile. Seeing some vote drama, not feeling great about it in this early stage. That is all.
Dec 13, 2019
How you feel doesn't jive with reality. My words are consistent with my actions since the entire point of the voting exercise was to see who had the ability to vote (while also not piling votes on people due to potential threshold issues).

You don't have to like that I didn't go out of my way to out my ability of my own volition (as I've said to Arrgh). Fact remains that my ability would've been obvious (as prove with Arrgh's short summary).

Also, don't fall into the illusion of thinking you'd know how I'd act in any given circumstance.

That being said, prove I'm lying about my thought process. All you know is I didn't claim it early despite actively removing my bonus votes for valid reasons. Claiming it now makes sense given the argument I had with Arrgh and you ****having asked how it works****.
Dec 13, 2019

You seem to be under the impression that "trying to fix" my votes was meant to do something other than remove them from the players they were placed on.
Dec 13, 2019
Also also

My conversation with Arrgh was detailed in covering the event of what happened. Arrgh making it a point to point it out is fine. What Arrgh didn't do (and further went on to do) was, in order, not include the fact that I was removing the votes per what was talked about during the discussion to get people to put votes out. Arrgh, instead, continued (intentionally -- or, as he puts it, by trying to be funny) style the entire thing as being of ill intent on my own part for having not ***gone out of my way to talk about something in my role that I had no obligation to do so beyond the obvious***.

The Daily Bugle

Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jun 24, 2020
Hello fellow kids,

I'm the Daily Bugle's social media manager/unpaid intern. I'll be keeping you in touch with the latest "memes" and trying to keep our branding relevant in an age where most teenagers have never seen a real newspaper before in their life.


Anyways, please post your favorite "Vines" so that we can all give a big "L.O.L." in the comment section below.


The Daily Bugle

Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jun 24, 2020

Vote: Naga

We've got a bit of "clout" online, so you'll find that we might have a bit of influence on who gets lynched.


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
Also, don't fall into the illusion of thinking you'd know how I'd act in any given circumstance.

If i knew howother players would act in any given circumstance I'd be the greatest mafia player in history. Like anyone else, all i can do is make educated guesses about how others would act and make decisions based on those guesses.
Aug 22, 2019
Fair enough. You come off as very aggressive to me, and I'm sure that is colouring my view just a little, especially since I have ongoing issues with Rag's playstyle as well. I can only read you and Rag in grumpy voices, maybe Rag gets a bit more sarcasm. But that's not the issue at hand.
Have you two played together before?

Hey, how about that Daily Bugle? I feel like I know that writing style though. It's gonna take me a minute, but I'm gonna figure out where I've heard it before.


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
hey everyone! friendly ragnarokio here spreading good vibes and chills :) :) excited to be here! no grumps from me!

if any of y'all wanna toss a vote KoD's way that'd be swell! No pressure though!

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Hello fellow kids,

I'm the Daily Bugle's social media manager/unpaid intern. I'll be keeping you in touch with the latest "memes" and trying to keep our branding relevant in an age where most teenagers have never seen a real newspaper before in their life.


Anyways, please post your favorite "Vines" so that we can all give a big "L.O.L." in the comment section below.

How did you get that text formatting to work, lol?
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