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Tetraforce Theory


May 18, 2014
Here's my take on all of this: I believe that there is a fourth goddess, and there was originally intended to be a fourth piece of the Triforce.

There are four Links in Four Swords, and a lot of "bad" things come in threes and their multiples (3 strikes on a boss, 3-6 temples, etc.). Additionally, there were four silent realms in SS, four providences in TP, and so on. There are also four main races in Hyrule in most games.

The upside-down triangle or upside-down Triforce appears in the games almost as frequently as the symbol of the Triforce itself: OoT Link's Shield, the symbol on the Shadow Medallion, etc. Additionally, Tetra's necklace and the markings on the back of Midna's hands.

Now, it's already been mentioned that numbers and symbols don't create enough of a basis to theorize that there's another piece of the Triforce, so I'll explain the remainder of my evidence more through a story explaining why there isn't actually a fourth piece of the Triforce, what happened to it/Hylia, and why folks remember Din, Faore, and Nayru, but not Hylia.

We know that in the beginning, the three known goddesses created the world. Din the earth, Nayru the law, Faore the life, and Hylia the spirit of Hyrule. Being that each goddess gave the land something representative of their personalities, Hylia's personality was very loving and affectionate. She became attached to the world they had created, and when the other three goddesses departed for the heavens and left their pieces of the Triforce behind to protect their sister (most likely from the dark powers of Demise or another demon god), Hylia remained behind on the earth. Then Demise rose to attack the more vulnerable goddess and her people, so Hylia used all of her power--the power that she would have used to create the centerpiece of the Triforce --to save her chosen race. Weak and dying, she retreated into a Silent Realm to heal before placing her spirit in the heart of a mortal. As this mortal, she finally was able to place the power of her Triforce into a corporeal object: The Master Sword. In Skyward Sword, after Link has already acquired all of the Sacred Flames and the Master Sword is said to have "attained it's final form", Zelda blesses it once more and it attains its "ultimate form". This is Hylia putting the power of her Triforce into the sword.

After SS but before MC, Hyrule was settled. However, there were those who were resentful of being forgotten by the goddess. The Sheikah people had fought and given most of their lives to protecting the goddess and her plans, but after Zelda died they had been utterly forgotten. A small group of Sheikah used the remnants of Ghirahim and Demise's magic scattered throughout the land to construct powerful magical artifacts designed to rival the Triforce. They came to be known as the Fused Shadows. As the Interlopers rained terror on those who had forgotten them, they heard of a Sacred Realm left open to the world. The goddess statue brought down from Skyloft still presumably held the Triforce, and it is most likely that the Temple of Time designed to hide and protect the Sacred Realm wasn't built yet. The Interlopers pursued it. According to Hylia's plans, a princess containing her Spirit and a boy containing the Hero's Spirit were born to stop the Interlopers, but they made their coup before the princess of the Hero were ready. The other goddesses had to intervene, and they banished the Interlopers to the same place they'd imprisoned Demise: the Twilight Realm. Hylia/Zelda, however, tried to defend them and keep them in Hyrule. Already afraid of their sister being corrupted by her repeated interaction with Demise, the other goddesses tossed Hylia and her power in the Master Sword into the Twilight.

Hence the heavily reduced power of the Four Sword in MC and FS, as well as the increasing power of the Master Sword in OoT and TP when the Twilight was connecting with Hyrule once again. Also explains the repeated appearance of purple and a fourth sacred statue/carving/symbol in various games (the statues with the mashed faces in WW, anyone?).

At any rate, that's my headcanon for the Tetraforce. It actually ends up explaining a lot of confusing things about the Zelda-verse, such as why the Master Sword isn't always mega-powerful, why Link has to go through ridiculous "spirit-building" trials to possess the entire Triforce, or why the Triforce splits apart all the time.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Has no one seriously thought of the fact that the supposed "tetraforce" that mythical fourth triangle represents nothing more than the land of hyrule or more accurately the Sacred Realm. Also as to why the blade of evil's bane isn't always powerful, two things can be said to that. It's an ancient bloody sword the edges are gonna get dull over the years and it's power is obviously going to weaken over the years that being said it requires the power of two sages to keep it's power strong. Another reason is and may the gods curse me for stating this. But Harry Potter had an excellent thought on that. The Sword is only super power against the reincarnation of Demise's Hatred.

Hyrule has many races and they aren't all gonna believe in the exact same goddess' nor curse in their names. So quite obviously they will find a new god to do such things. It is only natural for them to build the statues for their god/goddess. The Kokiri have a known god of a sort the Deku tree. The Gorons most likely worship Death Mountain and it's relentless fiery power. The Zora's were known to worship great whales who may or may not have been the ancestors of descendents of wind fish.

Another thought for you all who are crazy over the tetraforce and the red bird. That fourth triangle MAY, may have been a hint or a nod towards the fact of skyloft and it being the original hiding place of the triforce.

The fourth triangle obviously means something different to each and every person who want to think on it. But to me it's obvious it means unity between the power of the gods and Hyrule. The gods would have no power without the land and land would not exist without the gods power. It represents Unity. The Unity of the Triforce or the Unity of the people of Hyrule when faced with destruction.


May 18, 2014
Has no one seriously thought of the fact that the supposed "tetraforce" that mythical fourth triangle represents nothing more than the land of hyrule or more accurately the Sacred Realm.

Okay, let's start here. Assuming there is a fourth piece to the Triforce, it wouldn't represent Hyrule or the Sacred Realm because that doesn't match up with the other pieces of the Triforce. Power, Wisdom, and Courage are all intangible virtues that can also be vices if misused (corruption by power, emotionless logic from wisdom, and recklessness from courage), whereas Hyrule and the Sacred Realm are both very tangible locations. There wouldn't be such a discrepancy between the known triad and the new piece, especially considering that the centerpiece is what holds everything together.

If we go ahead and assume the hole in the center of the Triforce really is just a hole in the center of the Triforce, then having it represent Hyrule or the Sacred Realm still doesn't match up. It implies that they are what breaks the Triforce, that those locations are the holes in the goddesses' perfection, which is also untrue. The Sacred Realm was constructed explicitly for the Triforce, and Hyrule is often referred to as a "land blessed by the gods."

Also as to why the blade of evil's bane isn't always powerful, two things can be said to that. It's an ancient bloody sword the edges are gonna get dull over the years and it's power is obviously going to weaken over the years that being said it requires the power of two sages to keep it's power strong.

Of course it is going to weaken and/or dull as millennia pass, because that is what swords do. Even magic swords will eventually begin to decline in power, and I have no doubt that the Master Sword is no exception. However, the problem with your concept is that it doesn't get progressively weaker as the games go on—it's extremely strong in SS, weak in MC and FS, then suddenly strong in OoT and even stronger in TP before significantly weakening again in FSA. If this isn't the Master Sword experiencing extremely random power surges, I don't know what is.

Hyrule has many races and they aren't all gonna believe in the exact same goddess' nor curse in their names. So quite obviously they will find a new god to do such things. It is only natural for them to build the statues for their god/goddess. The Kokiri have a known god of a sort the Deku tree. The Gorons most likely worship Death Mountain and it's relentless fiery power. The Zora's were known to worship great whales who may or may not have been the ancestors of descendents of wind fish.

Certainly, but the only physical statues we've seen of a true deity (not a revered idol like the Deku Tree or Death Mountain) have been in Wind Waker and Gerudo Valley. I'm going to leave Termina and Ikana valley out of this, because Termina is either purgatory or a parallel dimension with no correlation to Hyrule's gods, and I haven't done a lot of research on the Gerudo's statues either. However, in Wind Waker you encounter a 4th, tarnished statue that resembles a trio of statues clearly meant to be the goddesses. You can go through and look at them, saying "This one is Din, this one is Faore, this one is Nayru, and this one has no face." The fourth statue not only exists, but has been defaced, implying both the existence of a fourth goddess considered equal to the three we know and an event that caused her to be rejected or abandoned as a deity.

Another thought for you all who are crazy over the tetraforce and the red bird. That fourth triangle MAY, may have been a hint or a nod towards the fact of skyloft and it being the original hiding place of the triforce.

I have no doubt the red bird on Hyrule's crest is a reference to the Crimson Loftwing that Link rode, nor do I doubt that the choice of Hyrule's other national colors—blue and yellow—were coincidental. However, on the original Hylian Shield, the centerpiece was located down below the Loftwing and a small ridge. Since the Loftwing can't indicate the location of the fourth piece (given that the Loftwing is looking up to the Triforce above it in Skyloft) but does represent the rest of the Triforce, that means that the fourth piece lay below the Loftwing, on the surface. Where did Hylia bless the Master Sword and where was its prepared storage space? The ground.

The fourth triangle obviously means something different to each and every person who want to think on it. But to me it's obvious it means unity between the power of the gods and Hyrule. The gods would have no power without the land and land would not exist without the gods power. It represents Unity. The Unity of the Triforce or the Unity of the people of Hyrule when faced with destruction.

"The gods would have no power without the land" - this bothers me just for its painful inaccuracy. The gods created the land, so how can they be powerless without it?

Now, I can swallow having the fourth piece be Unity. It could be all manner of things, though I would still contest that Unity, not being a pervert-able virtue, doesn't fit with the three existing Triforce pieces.

However, I am wondering what "Unity of the people of Hyrule" you speak of. When have we seen the various races and species of Hyrule work together as a large group? Never. Even in OoT, when one could argue that the six species are most unified, they never talk to each other and are sometimes outright mean to those that aren't members of their tribes. We see Wisdom, Power, and Courage represented by characters apart from the main three in other Zelda games, but we never see Unity from anybody. However, we do see strong will and spirit throughout many characters in many games.

Spirit represents a lot more than you think it does; if Faore created life, then Hylia imbued life with Spirit. Spirit is determination, dedication, willpower, optimism, loyalty, faith, and other emotional responses. It's still the odd-Triforce-out, but its broad nature allows it to serve its physical purpose as well by linking the other three Triforce pieces together.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
How on earth can unity not be perverse. An army has unity and look what has happened in wars and the like. As is i threw those ideas out there mainly because the seem to link to the fourth triangle. And it is painfully true that without belief gods wither and die. So yes the goddess created the land but people believed in them when they returned to the heavens or more accurately in the triforce, and if the belief wanes so to does the power of the triforce by the simple fact of if people do not know of it then in a way it is heavily diminished, if this happened consistently then all knowledge of the gods would be gone and known would know of them and thus their power is diminished because people won't chalk up the actions of god/goddess' but instead credit it to something such as another person.

There is Unity to the races for they are in fact races and not seperate pockets of people living across the map. Look at the zoras as a good example they live inside a freshwater lake (zora's domain is considered freshwater due to the waterfalls) and they co-exist with one another and any who venture into their realm. The gorons are another one they allow humans into there realm and infact live right next door to them. Also the very fact that the marketplace exists is a sign of hyrule's unity because people from all over go there. The fact Ganondorf destroyed shows the displacement of people making it a place no one wants to go, instead they scatter to the winds to protect themselves.

And again as in the other thread there is no legitimate proof or statement from nintendo as of yet to confirm that it is real in fact nintendo claimed it was false. Show me the proof and then we shall debate some more. The shield cannot count because the evidenced there was wiped out to displace this theory.


May 18, 2014
And it is painfully true that without belief gods wither and die. So yes the goddess created the land but people believed in them when they returned to the heavens or more accurately in the triforce, and if the belief wanes so to does the power of the triforce by the simple fact of if people do not know of it then in a way it is heavily diminished, if this happened consistently then all knowledge of the gods would be gone and known would know of them and thus their power is diminished because people won't chalk up the actions of god/goddess' but instead credit it to something such as another person.

Yes, gods will fade into obscurity when people forget about them and their existence will cease to influence people's actions. However, that does not mean that their actual, real power diminishes as well. The Triforce is merely a physical representation of the goddesses' power on Hyrule, a concentrated "backup reserve" of power if the kingdom ever needs divine intervention to fix itself. But the Triforce doesn't lose power because people forget about it. It just loses influence on the way the kingdom runs.

Think of it this way: Pretend there's something called a Nargle that crawls into people's ears while they're asleep and takes control of their brain. There is no way to tell whether someone is being controlled by a Nargle without an x-day image of their brain. Now, say you are currently Nargle-free, but you know they exist. Your knowledge of their existence will make you do certain things differently, like putting earplugs in your ears while you sleep. If the whole world suddenly forgot about Nargles, you'd return to acting no differently than you do now. Does that mean Nargles have stopped having control over people's brains? No, it does not. Just because people don't know something exists doesn't mean it has no power to exercise over them. The Nargles = The Triforce.

When people know the Triforce exists, they try to live up to one of the three virtues, worship the creator goddesses, and often try to steal the Triforce. When people don't know the Triforce exists, they don't do any of those things because the existence of the Triforce has lost its influence over them. However, the Triforce still retains all of its power regardless of who believes it exists or not.

And again as in the other thread there is no legitimate proof or statement from nintendo as of yet to confirm that it is real in fact nintendo claimed it was false

Nintendo also claimed that they didn't have a proper timeline either, and look at what we suddenly got smack-dab in the middle of Hyrule Historia? A timeline. There has been "no legitimate proof" for about a dozen other Zelda theories that turned out to be totally right: two great examples are about the Hero's Shade. People said that he was OoT Link and that TP Link was a direct descendant of OoT Link, all based on one thing that the Shade said. It took 4+ years for Nintendo to actually come out and say they were right.

The shield cannot count because the evidenced there was wiped out to displace this theory.

That's actually part of why the shield fascinates me, honestly. Nintendo has never effectively shut down any Zelda theory before this one, especially not by actually changing the game code to remove the instigating symbol. There are other popular theories about things that would also have massive ramifications on the Zelda universe, such as the concept that the Twilight Realm is the Silent Realm. However, Nintendo has let that and other theories run rampant everywhere. Going so far as to change the design of the Hylian Shield in OoT seems like massive overcompensation, something that Nintendo never does willy-nilly and something that liars often do to convince you they are telling the truth.

Why would they make such a big deal about the triangles on the shield if they didn't actually have some significance?

Show me the proof and then we shall debate some more.

Okay, time for the fun part. For my evidence, I'm going to pretend like we know the 4th Triforce exists and I'm just giving you the reasons we know it does. It is easier that way.

You've already shut down the use of symbols and colors, which takes a lot of foundation evidence away from the theory. Nintendo really likes symbolism, if you haven't noticed—red, blue, and green are always associated with their respective goddesses, the subtleties in decoration of the 3D games often mean something, and the little shapes and symbols hidden everywhere are what make up any theory. If symbols are off-limits as evidence, you've automatically disqualified about 75% of all theories' evidence. So I'm going to ignore you and use colors and symbols as much as I want. Some obviously make more sense than others and there are those that can be discredited easily because they're probably coincidental, but the majority of them are worth taking into serious consideration.

Here's want I'm not going to use because I think they are foolish: Tetra's name. Terra's necklace. Anything in Lorule, Termina, the Dark World, etc. that doesn't directly pertain to Hyrule's history or the parallelism of those worlds to Hyrule.

Colors - I'm just going to get this one out of the way right off the bat. Colors are probably the most negligible of evidence she to their coincidence-prone nature, but I ask that you not discredit them immediately. Purple shows up everywhere, often in places that don't quite make sense upon closer consideration. We obviously have the purple Link in Four Swords, which is out of place in and of itself, because he's the fourth (when there should obviously only be three), but there are also purple colors where one would expect some other color.
Why a purple Master Sword? Why not just plain ol' blue, for Nayru? That color has the same aesthetic appeal as purple does, but for some reason the Master Sword is specifically purple.
Hylia is repeatedly depicted wearing purple accessories, such as hair ornaments and bracelets in SS and purple beads and such in the HH manga. Princess Zelda also tends to wear purple/pink a lot, and she is the reincarnation of Hylia. If purple=Hylia, then that connects her to the Master Sword more significantly than the other goddesses, and it also makes the appearance of Purple Link square her with the other three goddesses.

Symbols - I'll start with the upside-down triangle on the Hylian shield: why would Nintendo try so hard to cover it up if it meant nothing?
Additionally, there is an upside-down triangle on the Sheikah medallion in OoT, and it's also purple. We know already that purple is connected to Hylia, and we also know from SS that the Sheikah are a people utterly dedicated to serving Hylia and her physical reincarnation, Zelda. The existence of the upside-down triangle used to represent a people so close to Hylia makes one wonder.
On the back of Midna's hand in TP, there is a symbol that is nearly identical to the shape of Tetra's necklace. Now, I know I said I wouldn't be using Tetra's necklace as evidence, but the concept that it represents to theorists suddenly becomes very significant when that symbol is located on the back of Midna's left (or right, on the Wii) hand. The same location the Triforce symbol is on Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf.
In several locations in TP, OoT, and SS, the lone upside-down triangle is hidden everywhere in Hyrule, especially in places meant to honor the Triforce.

Numbers - I think I brought this up in the other forum as well, but the number 4 and its multiples are usually good, associated with Hyrule and beneficial things, whereas the number 3 and its multiples are typically tied to bad things like boss stages.
4 Links in FS/FSA, 4 providences in TP (one of them, the one whose name does not reflect a goddess, excluded from being a true part of Hyrule just like the fourth piece is excluded from being a true part of the Triforce), and 4 guardian spirits in SS, MC, FS, MM, TP, and others.
Conversely, bosses have 3 stages and usually take 3 hits per stage, temples usually come in groups of 3 or 6, 3 fights with Ghirahim, 3 days until the moon falls, etc.

Light Force - The object known as the Light Force appears in only a few games, but it is clearly a different entity from the Triforce. Namely, there is no hole in the center. It is a whole Triforce. There obviously aren't two sets of mega-powerful golden triangles running around and screwing Hyrule up, so what happens to make the Triforce the Light Force and vice versa? The hole in the middle gets removed or added.

Hylia's Blessing - As I mentioned earlier, the Master Sword seems to increase in power after it has already reached its "final form". We know that each time a Sacred Flame added to the power of the sword, the blade lengthens and the grip and guard change slightly. This happens every time Link finds a Sacred Flame in SS until the Goddess Sword has "reached its final form" as the Master Sword. Generally, "final form" implies that all of the power and upgrades it can receive have been given to it. However, when Link goes to see Zelda before she seals herself, she does something to the sword. After commending Link on his strong spirit, she blesses the Master Sword. Then, in a cutscene exactly like the ones played after each Sacred Flame, the Master Sword gets longer and the guard widens, symbolizing that the sword has become even more powerful and "reached its ultimate form". Hylia gave this blessing to the sword because of Link's spirit, and it would seem that since then he of the Hero's Spirit has been the only person who can use the sword.

Why Not? - This is my personal favorite. The basic principle of it is: anti-Tetraforce people demand all the time that Tetraforce theorists provide them with extensive, conclusive, firm evidence for their belief in a fourth piece of the Triforce. However, it is rare that, when asked to provide equally valid and explicit evidence for the non-existence of a fourth piece, anti-Tetraforceists tend to be at a complete loss as to what to say apart from "Nintendo denied it." As I've said a couple times before, Nintndo has denied/ignored many other theories that turned out to be correct, and their overly vehement denial of anything to do with the Tetraforce only makes me all the more skeptical of their claim.

There is my evidence. Now, let's discuss.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
I have one thing to say to this. THANK YOU. Finally someone who gives a reasoned argument over this theory and then wants to discuss it ^^. And yes you've done well. The biggest thing that contributes to this is the Light Force thought you have, it does actually make sense in a twisty kinda way. Which is how Nintendo work. I will admit it is hard for us to disprove the Tetra force theory because of this type of thing. But again no one has stated how and why Hylia is always said to be the fourth goddess/ representive of the fourth piece. Though i guess for this type of thing you could say that an embodiment of the power of the triforce resides in her.

The numbers thing is kinda inconclusive there simply for the fact that Nintendo tends to randomize the amount of dungeons and the like for no real reason that anyone knows. So you can't say things in groups of three are bad. Or the number four is significant. In fact I'd say if I had to the number 3 is in fact significant as shown by the 3 pieces of the triforce (still in dispute on the fourth) the 3 Spiritual stones. The Damsel, The Antagonist, The Protagonist. The amount of holy goddess' (i do refer to the golden trio of the triforce). But again we can't just up and say it's one number that is significant because it not.

As I said the Light Force thought is a really good thought. I like the premise of the Light Force being the complete Triforce/Tetraforce, with the triforce being it's lesser. But as stated the Fourth Piece might be part of Zelda as a blessing by the gods and a fragment of this power bestowed upon the Master Sword.

The colours thought of line can't be denied easily either, but the fact remains we haven't seen very much to link purple with anything much though you do raise a point, I think purple was used simply because it's a contrast of the colours is all. The reason there is a fourth Purple Link is for the fact that the original game he made his debut in (FSA) that game was for gamecube and you had to have 4 links if 4 people wanted to play. Though I'd quite like a decent reason for the fourth Link.

You could in fact argue that the Light Force is actually a form of the TOW (triforce of wisdom) that rejoined the whole of the triforce (similar to what happened in TWW), If we follow HH then the Original Incomplete triforce isn't present in the second game of the timeline, but a new power come into play that is overly similar to the blessing of zelda (I refer to the fact that when Vaati takes the Light Force for himself he changes into a new grotesque form) But due to the way the power was imbued into Vaati you could say it was perverted by his evil nature.

Now this brings me to the colour purple we see it is linked to one of the four elements that imbue the Picori Blade or the Four Sword. I think the reason we have a purple link at all is due to this ( if we follow HH Timeline) The Colour Green was for the Wind, Blue for Water and Red for Fire. The earth Element was purple, why this is no idea (let the theories commence on that one) but the As we look at each variant of link we can see that when he wields the four sword each link is a colour of a different element from the others. You could also say based on the way they were obtained that the purple link is the weakest, the red then blue and finally the green whom is the strongest. Ironically if you look at the map of the MC hyrule you can find that a triangle forms between the elements of fire water and wind. But earth doesn't fit in with this otherwise it would be a square (somewhat wonky).

I can't Disprove this theory myself i am not a competent theorist when it comes to disproving, it will take someone better than me to do that. But you do have me convinced that there is a fair bit of evidence towards the tetraforce.


Tetraforce believer.
Sep 1, 2014
A logical approach to what the Tetraforce is and what the final piece has to be.

There are a lot of theories regarding the fourth force in the tetraforce, and I believe that a lot of them don't really take into account what the tetraforce would signify if it were complete.

The triforce signifies power, wisdom, and courage, all coming from their pertaining goddess. With all three of these it makes one all powerful or omnipotent. That should make one most inclined to believe that another goddess must make up the fourth piece of the tetraforce. Some believe that Zelda's reincarnation would account for the fourth and last piece, as a result of the goddess of Hylia's sacrifice, however I'm inclined to believe that this was to ensure that the goddess could protect the triforce throughout time. Now, each piece of the triforce did not come from the sacrifice of any of the goddesses it should ring true that the fourth piece would not come to pass as the result of a sacrifice. After all, each of the three pieces of the triforce were just remnants left behind by the three goddesses presence.

The goddess becoming a mortal, Zelda, tied itself to the one piece of the triforce, the force piece of wisdom. This, of course, makes sense, as one sees a divine beings as being wise. Demise ties itself to the corruptible force piece of power and is reincarnated as Ganondorf. As for Link, he was the original chosen one by the goddess Hylia making him forever tied to the force piece of courage.

What is the last force piece, and who is it tied to? Some people speculate that the last force piece is evil, or light, but there is no mention of a goddess of evil or light. In fact, evil or light would result from who has control over the triforce at that time, so there is no reason that either of these would be the last piece of the tetraforce. It would also not complete what one would consider the compliment to omnipotence, either. The compliment to omnipotence would be omnipresence, which would make one into a god, stronger and more powerful than any and all goddesses. This would mean the only reasonable goddess for the forth and final piece of the tetra force would be the goddess of time. The goddess of time is mentioned in Majora's Mask giving Link special abilities, time is also eluded too in Skyward Sword brought out in the gates of time, and the Temple of Time, a place of worship, is seen in Ocarina of Time. There is one thing missing however and that is the fourth piece of the tetraforce. Where is it?

Well, the short answer is there isn't a fourth piece of the tetraforce. The long answer is that the fourth piece of the tetraforce has not yet been created. Like all previous force pieces that have come into being, they were all the result of the goddesses leaving. With the goddess of time still an active part of The Legend of Zelda timeline there will be no fourth piece to the tetraforce. That being said, the tetraforce does exist, however the final piece has yet to come to pass.

If the tetraforce ever does come to pass it would indeed end the entire series of The Legend of Zelda, because whoever hold the four pieces of force in the end would bring about absolute evil, absolute destruction, absolute absence, or bring about absolute light, absolute love, absolute abundance. After all the one who holds it holds absolute power over all existence throughout all of time, and all timelines.

Of course this raises the question as to who would ultimately possess the tetraforce in the end. Ganondorf would bring about the end of everything, however would Zelda, the reincarnated goddess Hylia use it, or would Link, the chosen champion obtain it? I believe it would be Link, as he is the one to obtain all the force pieces throughout The Legend of Zelda cannon. After all he is the one who is the embodiment of courage, which is ruled by the heart, making him the only one capable to bring about absolute light, love, and abundance.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

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Why do people still try bringing this theory up. If a fourth piece to the Triforce was going to be added Nintendo would have made a game about it already. The way I see it SS would have been the perfect game to add the tetraforce, but it didn't, which means its irrelevant to keep debating over it. It will never be put in a game, atleast not as things stand currently in the series.

Snow Queen

Mannceaux Signature Collection
Mar 14, 2013
Grand Rapids, MI
Transwoman (she/her)
This theory has been denounced several times. It's basically a joke now. "Why is there a hole in the middle of the Triforce?" Because what else do you put there, another piece? That wouldn't make sense.
Sep 4, 2014
I wouldn't say the theory sounds bad....but what i do believe Nintendo is trying to imply throughout the games is that Hylia is a goddess influenced by the older three. although it could be filled by something, what i personally believe that Hylia has a triangle of her, but its completely separate from the triforce.

that and the idea of "tetra-force" would mean that all 4 are equal.
Mar 18, 2014
While it would be cool to believe there was more to the Triforce than we've seen I don't think the Tetraforce exists.

1. Triforce doesn't refer to number of pieces. It's a reference to the shape. In the original LoZ in 1987 the two Triforces (Wisdom and Power) were called Triforce's despite Courage not being introduced until the next game. Even if a fourth piece existed, it wouldn't change the name.

2. More importantly, each of the pieces grants individual gifts/abilities/power etc. The WHOLE Triforce grants wishes. If there was a fourth piece, then the Triforce has yet to be completed in ANY game and none of the wishes should have been granted.

3. There has never been any mention, in game, of a fourth piece. There have been vague hints at best but no actual mention by anyone who should know about this stuff.

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