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Team Fortress 2: Mann vs. Machine

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The game is on!
All I can say is that you and everyone else on lynch train are gonna need to work on your alibis after my lynch goes through. I'm not defending myself at this point, just pointing out a fact.

You are pointing out a fact that you cannot prove. Because of this it becomes impossible for anyone but you and FC to know the truth with 100% certainty. Everyone else can only do their best.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
I don't think we should he rushing for a lynch right now, otherwise the extension we just got is completely pointless. I want to know for sure whether there actually could be a fourth VT before we go ahead with this lynch. FroCho has been acting scummier than Johnny overall and I still don't like that he held back that he was a VT for so long. It feels like he's making everything up as he goes.

Pendio you seem awfully defensive of FroCho. Protecting your scumbud perhaps? Also, @Malon, I'd like you to explain your sudden vote on Johnny. I think he already had sufficient pressure on him so your vote looks like an intent-to-lynch vote.
Alright sorry I just realized I typoed I meant Johnny Sooshi
I don't think we should he rushing for a lynch right now, otherwise the extension we just got is completely pointless. I want to know for sure whether there actually could be a fourth VT before we go ahead with this lynch. FroCho has been acting scummier than Johnny overall and I still don't like that he held back that he was a VT for so long. It feels like he's making everything up as he goes.

Pendio you seem awfully defensive of FroCho. Protecting your scumbud perhaps? Also, @Malon, I'd like you to explain your sudden vote on Johnny. I think he already had sufficient pressure on him so your vote looks like an intent-to-lynch vote.
That's exactly what it is. I know it's usually viewed as scummy but it feels like we don't really get anywhere without a lynch
Aug 12, 2015
@Pendio what do you think about the possibility of t
I don't think we should he rushing for a lynch right now, otherwise the extension we just got is completely pointless. I want to know for sure whether there actually could be a fourth VT before we go ahead with this lynch. FroCho has been acting scummier than Johnny overall and I still don't like that he held back that he was a VT for so long. It feels like he's making everything up as he goes.

What do you think about my theory[/quote] why there couldn't be a third and a fourth?
Aug 12, 2015
Ffs sake. Please disregard the post above, here it is again with proper tags:

I don't think we should he rushing for a lynch right now, otherwise the extension we just got is completely pointless. I want to know for sure whether there actually could be a fourth VT before we go ahead with this lynch. FroCho has been acting scummier than Johnny overall and I still don't like that he held back that he was a VT for so long. It feels like he's making everything up as he goes.

What do you think about my theory of why there can't be a third and fourth vanilla townie?


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
I am such trash for not being more active, I don't even have much of an excuse. I'll try to be more active, but if I can't, I'll ask to be replaced.

In light of FroCho and Johnny's claims, I trust FroCho much more. Johnny has been acting increasingly desperate to avoid being lynched, a result that he was not all too afraid of earlier in the day, when he wasn't at great risk.
I'd certainly rather not be lynched, but if the town can't find anything else to go on today, I'm willing to be a policy lynch. However, I think we should deal with that later in this day. I'd like to hear some suspicions from people.
I also do not like how he is throwing suspicion over anyone who votes for him. It looks to me like a bluff to scare people from lynching him.

Vote Johnny Sooshi

Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
@Frozen Chosen I looked back, and it checked out. I misread your confusion in haste as the deadline approached and ended up confused myself.

I wonder but why put 4 in? That seems pretty boring to me.
If we try to call the setup, we'll lose every time. Deku could totally have 4 VTs, 6, or just 2. This isn't an open set-up.

If there is a 4th player, do we want to have that person soft claim it? I mean, that would only make it easier for mafia to find power role townies. In my opinion that's a bad idea.

This I don't like. AT ALL. Yes, a VT softclaim could show mafia who is also a VT, but it shows the rest of us that both you and Johnny are telling the truth, and that third person is also a townie. Bam, 3 semi-confirmed town leans is better than a mislynch if you both are town and VTs as you say.

Also, the way you say it. You frame it as so pro-town. I feel like if you are the lyncher, you know there is no 4th VT claim coming so you make it look like its in all our best interest to not hold our breath and just lynch Johnny.

Riddle me this: Why would FC act the way he has been acting if he was with the Mafia?

Lyncher? I'm quite sure he's not mafia either, but he's not exactly pro-town. He's been zeroed in on Johnny since Day 1.

FoS: Doc just because.

@Frozen Chosen is the only reason you're voting Johnny (minus not wanting to be lynched yourself) because you don't believe there can be 4 VTs in this game?
Aug 12, 2015

You've got a point, but how likely do you think it is for there to be more than two Vanilla Townies? As I explained before, it's very unlikely in my eyes because each role is assigned a Team Fortress character, and I don't believe that

A) Multiple people can be the red/blue Demoman.
B) Different Team Fortress characters are used for the same role.

Do you disagree? If so, why?

[quote]This I don't like. AT ALL. Yes, a VT softclaim could show mafia who is also a VT, but it shows the rest of us that [I]both[/I] you and Johnny are telling the truth, and that third person is also a townie. Bam, 3 semi-confirmed town leans is better than a mislynch if you both are town and VTs as you say.[/quote]

This I'd agree with, if it weren't for the fact that the mafia could abuse this and easily clear their scummate Johnny's name, assuming he is in fact scum.

[quote]Also, the way you say it. You frame it as so pro-town. I feel like if you are the lyncher, you know there is no 4th VT claim coming so you make it look like its in all our best interest to not hold our breath and just lynch Johnny.[/quote]

Seeing as I was the one who first brought up the possibility of FC being a Lyncher I can't exactly disagree. According to Pendio I believe, the role is rather uncommon however. I also can't think of a Team Fortress character that would work with the Lyncher role. Can you? Not saying it can't be true, but I doubt it.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Unvote for now.

I don't think it's impossible that there are 4 VTs in this game. It's not exactly uncommon. It may seem unlikely in a game in which the power roles are doubled up but still certainly possible. Nonetheless, until we know for sure, we can't really go after either Johnny or FroCho because we don't know whether or not one of them may be lying.
Oh and it seems like people weren't sure what role he represents...I think Grey Mann might be the godfather. In Tf2 he was the one who made the robots.

Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
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