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Super Smash Brother Mafia

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Jun 7, 2017
the present
My ability is really dumb (well it fits flavor so it’s cool) and I’ll let sms explain it if he wants. Considering the power of minish’s final smash and how completely town read she is idk why we’d pick anyone else.

Also sunfan I was right about about fg you could gimme a lil credit. D:<


Challenger Approaching!
Jul 17, 2014
the doctor, assuming one exists, should've always been guarding me last night
so the wolves should've have a free kill into anyone they wanted
and they killed the Miller? Why?

His reads must be really good or something. I'll give them a look later today.

They don't necessarily know that he was the miller, right? And if they did, they could've done it intentionally knowing that his reads would be perceived as more accurate since it would be a "dumb" nk. I still want to look over his list though, at the very least since he's now confirmed town.

even though we can't kill anyone today, I think we need to massclaim

I'd rather we didn't since the doc is still unknown.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I don't mind claiming since I'm asking people to vote for me. I was considering it anyways.

I have 3 different abilities. One is pretty much just like a fruit vendor. Just tells someone they've been splatted. The second is a roleblock. Third is basically a commute. But each ability takes a charge of ink and doing nothing gives me a charge.
Feb 3, 2019
I don't mind claiming since I'm asking people to vote for me. I was considering it anyways.

I have 3 different abilities. One is pretty much just like a fruit vendor. Just tells someone they've been splatted. The second is a roleblock. Third is basically a commute. But each ability takes a charge of ink and doing nothing gives me a charge.
who have you targeted any why
Feb 3, 2019
hero, its time to claim
I am the person who stands the most to lose and I am the one calling for the claim
you need to say what you are and who you have targeted, if applicable

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Okie dokie, massclaims. I don't have an ability anymore. I one had one item to do anything with the game and it was a bomb that blows up at random. My option was hold it, defuse it, or pass it to somebody. I chose to pass it back on Night 1 to Deku, and the pass was successful l, but Deku died. He didn't die because the bomb exploded btw. My whole reaaoning to pass it to Deku was that he was a null read who I figured would probably freak out over it and start posting more the next day. Anyway, since he was nightkilled the bomb went out of play so I'm a vanilla at this point.

My final Smash lets me perform one kill on a player, even if they can't be killed by other means. So I'm guessing it's designed to get past someone who is bulletproof.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
I'm fine with voting for Minish to use the final smash. Being able to roleblock the entire mafia team is incredibly useful on top of being able to kill.

I'd like to hear from everyone else who hasn't stated what their smash does before I vote though.
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