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Stupid Little Things


Sage of Tales
I could have sworn there was a "Little Things that Make the Games" topic, but I cannot find it. Perhaps it was one of those taken away in th forum wipe.

Anyway, I was fiddling around in Oracle of Seasons tonight and paid a random visit to Malon's house. I realized again just how much I love...

... that baby chicken that follows you around. There's this little chick there among the cuccoos that tries to follow you wherever you go in the house. It really likes Link.

It's the stupidest little thing, but I love it. I think that litlte bit of programming is adorable.

So, what are some of the most random, little stupid things in the Zelda games that you love?


Like a river's flow, it never ends...
Jun 2, 2009
Ah, let me see now...Ah yes. One little random thing that I loved in the series was the fact that you could cut up the signs in OoT and MM. :D And to top it all off in MM once you cut the signs, you could play the Song of Healing to make the pieces magically float up and come back together again. :) Sweetness!

There's probably other little random things that I love in the Zelda series, but I can't recall them at the moment.
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Apr 19, 2009
Well similar to your post Shadsie, I love in MC, the little chick that just sits on top of Swiftblades house and you can only get to it when you are a minish. Then, once you get to it, it says something like 'I won't attack you, I'm not like my brothers.' The little chick itself has absolutely no storyline significance and I believe all it does is fuse a Kinstone piece with you which you can then easily just do with someone else. I just found this little chick adorable, the fact that every time you went near him he would tweet like mad aswell in the hope you'd go talk to him.

Another thing in MC I really like is when you get the sound test. It is officially the most pointless reward of all time, but it is so satisfying to know that you have finally collected all the figurines that it is a,lso one of the most rewardding rewards of all time, if that makes sense lol. Finally for MC, is the little dog who belongs to the store clerk. He is so happy when you feed him, it's so cute. I also love turning to Minish and he'd say something like 'My owner never has time to play with me anymore.' So, I'd spend like 15 minutes just running around the room with him. Poor little guy.

Link's grandma in WW was one of the MOST adorable Zelda moments of all time in my opinion. I loved how sweet she was, running around making you that stew. One of my most memorable little moments that always makes me go 'awwww' is when she sends you a letter with all her savings. It's 20 rupees. That's SO adorable. If you went outside and cut grass for two minutes you could make that, and that is from Link's grandma saving up for a long time. It just wouldnt have been the same if she sent you like 100 rupees or something, 20 was just perfect.

That's all I can think of for now unfortunately. I'll post or edit later when I think of more.


May 24, 2009
Paranaque City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Random things eh....

Mine is just cutting u signs in TP using many ways first the normal Horizontal slash then the Jump attack! i love it as if you were training ur aim! XD

or try this, ride Epona, rush towards the sign and BLAM! sign goes to pieces XD


Guy What's Angry Now
May 15, 2009
It's a secret to everybody.
Lol, I remember in Wind Waker, in a few cutscenes where Link gets an item, he'd actually hold that pose and then be all "Huh? Oh, right. Um, yeah". Like at the beginning, where Grandma gives you the shield, and you see him holding his silly pose and then looking behind him and quickly stepping back to normal. Same thing happened when you get Din's Pearl from Komali, and a couple of other times. It's just a funny little meta gag that made me laugh.
Aug 18, 2009
When you approach the group of kids known as the killer bees, they block your way and follow you around, I thought that was a little cool. Stupid, but cool. (Get away from me, dang it, I want to pass)


Mother Hyrule
May 17, 2009
on a crumbling throne
I love the moment in TWW when Link meows to avoid detection. It was so unexpected, and it's exactly what a kid would do. I was lulzing all over the place.

Or how about the way Hena scratches her back just like her ancestor. I thought that was really amusing and such an interesting way to pay a small homage to OoT.

Or even the tiny bit of personality they showed in TMC's Princess Zelda. She was jumping up and down and running around all excited at the festival... it was so adorable.

Like others have mentioned, I love how Link does that traditional holding-up-new-item pose when he first gets the tunic, but he has a reluctant expression on his face instead of a triumphant one. Haha, that was great.
Aug 18, 2009
In Wind Waker, picking up Medli, and then throwing her at a wall, and she gets dizzy.

Oh yeah, that was cool.

Also, when you go to some Island to get the Iron boots, when Link is on the ice and you make him run then turn direction quickly, he falls face first to the ground. That was funny as heck. :P I remember I spent more than five minutes doing just that, because I was trying to make him fall near the edge of the water just to see if he would fall in it face first. I almost pulled it off too.


Sage of Tales
I love the moment in TWW when Link meows to avoid detection. It was so unexpected, and it's exactly what a kid would do. I was lulzing all over the place.

My fiance' was watching me play WW for the first time when I came to that part. I jumped and I SWEAR, I was looking around all over the place for the cat (on screen. Our cat doesn't have quite that kind of meow). My guy was all "I think it was Link!" Then he did it again... and... wow. It was just so hiliarious!

Oh, and Medli. I've slammed her into walls on purpose just to see her get the stars and to talk to her to see her dizzy-speech.

Man, Wind Waker is hilarious.


Retired Super Mod and HK
Oct 24, 2007
Like others have mentioned, I love how Link does that traditional holding-up-new-item pose when he first gets the tunic, but he has a reluctant expression on his face instead of a triumphant one. Haha, that was great.

It's even funnier in the second quest when he's holding nothing.


The King
Aug 18, 2009
I still enjoy to hit the cuccos in any Zelda games until they charge at you. That is always funny. Same thing for the pigs in WW, especially the big black one!!! :)
Sep 1, 2009
I Like in Twilight when u shoot the pole in Kakariko and Talo goes ... YAY!!! lol :P

i also like the little chick in OOS in malons house :)


Crawfish Prime
Jul 8, 2009
New Zealand
I love the fact that you can pick up and carry the small animals in Ordon.
I wasted so much time in TP just walking around with the cat, and occasionally the dog.

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