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Majora's Mask Some Interesting Majora's Mask Creepypasta


Mrs. Austin
Dec 6, 2009
Just read that TheTruth document. I must say I'm rather impressed with this whole thing. The videos, though clearly fake, were really entertaining and the story, at least the first document, was honestly quite creepy. I applaud this fellow for putting so much effort into this elaborate play, it was quite amusing. Plotholes in the narration aside, I do find it hilarious that BEN apparently communicates via cleverbot.

Now I wanna go play with cleverbot. Or, maybe that's how BEN infects people's computers, by advertising cleverbot so he can spread himself. lawl, well played Mr Jadusable, well played.

Octo Rocked

Dr. Octorokapus BLAAAAAH!
Dec 8, 2009
The American Midwest
But I suppose that's partially to blame because I am the genius who picked to live in a single, I suppose someone to get ahold of me and save me before I got too immersed into this game would have literally saved my life.

Nice job with unreliable narrator there. Rather, I'm going off the assumption that living in a single is actually the truth and the unreliable narrator was his "roommate" posting the videos earlier (meaning it must have been Ben - or whoever was masquerading as him.)

...wow, I...I should have caught that, since I'm in college. I couldn't make any sense of that and thought it was some sort of typo until I realized that "single" was just short for "single room."

Holy crap. My theory is even more enforced by this. Though it got long enough for me to be able to go "haha, nice prank, neat story," that last part was really well-done and made up for everything. Essentially, "Ben" has been toying with us all. Maybe he missed something. Maybe he's doing it on purpose to have some fun with us. Either way, amazing horror story. The best stories aren't the ones that suddenly jump out and yell "Boo!" but the ones that have just enough subtlety to keep you wondering.


Dec 12, 2009
New York
its a fake but he stillscared me. Me and my brother emailed the guy to have him send us the cartdige. We even offered 50 bucks. (over priced). He refuesed. I hoped it would be real though really did.


Jul 26, 2010
Scary. It freaked me out. But I think it was fake.. I'm still kind of iffy about wanting to play the game though. .-.

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