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Majora's Mask Some Interesting Majora's Mask Creepypasta


Chibi-Robo Link

and that he is a baby. honestly, NOTHING scary or even remotely creepy in the videos AT ALL.
That's exactly what I thought. Seriously, who goes insane from playing a glitched up 64 game?


Eating Link since 1987
Jul 27, 2010
The Wind Temple
I checked out the story and the videos. Though there is a good chance this story is fake because of ROM hacking, the videos and story are quite scary and thrilling.


I don't suffer from it ..
Jun 17, 2010
That's exactly what I thought. Seriously, who goes insane from playing a glitched up 64 game?

Bear in mind though, it's not because the game is glitched, it's because it's haunted / possessed. He took his storytelling one step further and added the ROM hacked videos as visual aids to compliment the story, and in a way help tell the story as well. The basis of his story is similar to The Ring, or even more, Stay Alive.

February Eve

ZD District Attorney
Mar 21, 2010
The last bit, "the truth", is up. He's got an RTF file on youtube, though if you go to the website in the first post in this thread, it's in the original blog as well, so you don't have to download it. If you're sensitive to coarse language, be forewarned that there is cursing in it.

He's also got a really short video up on his youtube account.

I'm impressed with how he mixed mediums to tell the story. That had to have taken a lot of work. I won't analyze the story farther, though, since I don't want to spoil anything yet.

Octo Rocked

Dr. Octorokapus BLAAAAAH!
Dec 8, 2009
The American Midwest
The last bit, "the truth", is up. He's got an RTF file on youtube, though if you go to the website in the first post in this thread, it's in the original blog as well, so you don't have to download it. If you're sensitive to coarse language, be forewarned that there is cursing in it.

He's also got a really short video up on his youtube account.

I'm impressed with how he mixed mediums to tell the story. That had to have taken a lot of work. I won't analyze the story farther, though, since I don't want to spoil anything yet.

Spoilers follow:

Yeah, um, did you actually read through the blog it was on before checking that out? Because according to that, you shouldn't download that file, because it will allow "BEN" to enter your computer. Not that I seriously believer that....

Actually, instead of making things make sense like I thought they would, he masterfully managed to pull off an even creepier ending. He said that he gave the drive to his roommate to put it up, but he also said that anything posted after September 12th should be disregarded. Interestingly, since he states in the comments that "Ben" (or at least the spirit using Ben's name) is letting him write things down and record the footage because it's entertaining, but also censoring them, it's hard to trust what's happening. What's even more confusing is that, in the notes, it mentions a summary for "CHILDREN.wmv." There was no file like that. There was a "Jadusable.wmv" instead. He usually names the videos after the files he plays, but we can't be sure what file he's playing for this video because the beginning gets cut out. It's possible he was playing a new file we hadn't seen before called "CHILDREN." Also, the last video seems to imply that Jadusable became one of the Elegy of Emptiness statues. Perhaps what actually happened was that "Ben" killed him, then fabricated the entire "roommate" story, and that "MATT" is Jadusable's real name...implying that he has taken the place of Ben (the real Ben, not "Ben"). It's hard to tell how much of it is true, and if "Ben" is just toying with everyone to find a new victim.

Also, this is going to sound absolutely crazy, but, after getting curious enough to download the rtf file, then opening it and not seeing any difference, I got just a little paranoid and tried opening it again. It wasn't in my "Word" history (although that's probably because it was an rtf file and not a doc/docx file), and I was somewhat absentmindedly just clicking the office menu button open and closed to see if it changed...and I swear that the program closed itself. It's possible I hit something that closed it (what am I saying...it's probable, not just possible), but it's still enough to creep me out.


I don't suffer from it ..
Jun 17, 2010
I'm not sure, because he said he had made the text file from the library's computer or something to that extent, so it should be "safe" to download.

At any rate, it was an interesting tie in to the rest of the story .. but I'm sure you can figure out what the ulterior motive was ... 'cleverbot' marketing.


Sep 20, 2008
I'm not a very superstitious person, but those last two videos really freaked me out for some reason. I think that the story stuck in my head and increased the effect. A creepy thing that happened to me was that the last video refused to pause and I couldnt exit the tab until the video stopped. Every other tab but the one the video was playing on closed. Weird or what?

Octo Rocked

Dr. Octorokapus BLAAAAAH!
Dec 8, 2009
The American Midwest
I'm not sure, because he said he had made the text file from the library's computer or something to that extent, so it should be "safe" to download.

Ah, but the download in the link to the video came on September 15th; he said not to trust anything uploaded after September 12th. The short video almost seems like "Ben" uploaded it.

February Eve

ZD District Attorney
Mar 21, 2010
Spoilers follow:
Yeah, um, did you actually read through the blog it was on before checking that out? Because according to that, you shouldn't download that file, because it will allow "BEN" to enter your computer. Not that I seriously believer that....

I did, but I figured I'd let people find out for themselves. :P That was part of the author's twist, after all. Though I thought about giving a warning to people who might scare easily, but hopefully no one is reading "creepypasta" if they do.

(more spoilers)

I actually prefer a simpler story than the final one, but one thing I really liked is that he claimed his roommate had been uploading everything. At the very end of "The Truth" he says this:

But I suppose that's partially to blame because I am the genius who picked to live in a single, I suppose someone to get ahold of me and save me before I got too immersed into this game would have literally saved my life.

Nice job with unreliable narrator there. Rather, I'm going off the assumption that living in a single is actually the truth and the unreliable narrator was his "roommate" posting the videos earlier (meaning it must have been Ben - or whoever was masquerading as him.)


Jan 31, 2010
a place of settlement, activity, or residence.
I think that he should try getting another Majora's Mask cartridge. That one seems a little messed up.

I bet that weird old man he brought it from created that cartridge from a hacked ROM in order to creep him out. He might have also hacked his computer. He probably never thought the guy would suspect him, because of his advanced age.

Chibi-Robo Link

As far as I know, its safe to download. I checked some sites and even ran my virus scan. (still awaiting an elegy of emptiness wallpaper sometime soon o_O )

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