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SSHD Skyward Sword HD Amiibo Support

Skyward Sword HD


Staff member
According to the Nintendo eShop listing on the Switch, Skyward Sword HD will have Amiibo support (source).

Are you happy or upset about this, and how do you predict that Amiibo will be used in the game? Will we see any new amiibo, like perhaps a Loftwing? (or a Groose with his pompadour...), and which existing ones do you predict to be compatible?

I'm surprised that they didn't announce any new Amiibo during the Nintendo Direct but I think surely there will be a Loftwing coming somewhere down the line. I'm a bit dry on ideas of how exactly they could best integrate them into the game, but hopefully it isn't anything too major that would be locking important content behind the Amiibo paywall.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
I hope there's a double damage feature like TP HD, so we can stack it with Hero Mode for x4 damage. I'd prefer if you didn't have to scan after every death, though.

Azure Sage

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ZD Legend
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Was just thinking it'd be really nice to have some Amiibo costumes, however unlikely that is. Imagine scanning a BotW amiibo and you get to wear the Champion's Tunic? I'd go feral for that. There is a dresser in Link's room, and I always wished that it could do more than sometimes give you 5 rupees. They could repurpose it into a costume changer. This is some extreme wishful thinking, but I would really enjoy that.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Was just thinking it'd be really nice to have some Amiibo costumes, however unlikely that is. Imagine scanning a BotW amiibo and you get to wear the Champion's Tunic? I'd go feral for that. There is a dresser in Link's room, and I always wished that it could do more than sometimes give you 5 rupees. They could repurpose it into a costume changer. This is some extreme wishful thinking, but I would really enjoy that.
skyward sword doesn't really feel like the game for it
consider how limited the sword, shield, and key item upgrades are
I'd rather they expanded that first than go to cosmetics


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
I can’t wait to see what they do with Amiibo. Hopefully it will be more in line with BotW, which gave you exclusive items and perks. Personally I find “hard mode” as an Amiibo bonus to be lame, and I’d rather not have another generic enemy gauntlet as my reward like in TP.

As for which Amiibo we get if any, I’m hoping for another villain. So far all we’ve got is a bokoblin, a guardian, and the worst version of Ganondorf. I’m hoping for Ghirahim, but I’d be more than happy with Demise. Even if it’s a Loftwing or Zelda I’d buy it, but a villain is definitely preferable. I’d also absolutely love a Groose Amiibo, but I’m skeptical we’d ever get that.


not actually Canadian
Feb 19, 2020
Ghirahim amiibo would be awesome
I was thinking a sword or outfit skin, but I doubt it. They’ll probably go for another challenge mode.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Honestly, your comment made me think the amiibo would do something incredibly cool and helpful
But imo this barely qualifies as qol rofl
Hopefully there are multiple amiibo functions...
To the amiibos credit it looks really cool and even got a loftwing on there

Edit: if the speedrun allows amiibo then yes it would save a few minutes which is pretty big, but more likely the main any% leaderboards wont allow amiibo (I'm assuming the any% run will last several hours again due to no bitwarp)


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
*sigh* I really need to learn to never get my hopes up. This is literally the worst Amiibo function yet. I’m still gonna get it, if only because I’ve collected them all so far and I’m not gonna give this up, but it’s gonna be a huge pain to get this before scalpers.

they couldn’t even make the Amiibo of a good character. It would be one thing if it was of Zelda or a Loftwing, having both is just lame.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
*sigh* I really need to learn to never get my hopes up. This is literally the worst Amiibo function yet. I’m still gonna get it, if only because I’ve collected them all so far and I’m not gonna give this up, but it’s gonna be a huge pain to get this before scalpers.

they couldn’t even make the Amiibo of a good character. It would be one thing if it was of Zelda or a Loftwing, having both is just lame.
Ironically, this is the only amiibo (besides solaire) that I've been tempted to buy just because of the figure itself, lol
Probably wont do it because I know itll be low quality plastic garbage but eh

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