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Should The Last Boss Stay Dead?


Apr 22, 2011
What's always bothered me in most of the Zelda games is that the last boss always comes back because the game doesn't save our progress after the final encounter.
Has this ever bothered you guys or do you think we should be able to explore a Hyrule that is free from all evil?
I actually like that the game saves before the last boss, any post game content like a hero mode or what have you is made available anyway so it isn;t like we're missing out on anything, and its good for me every now and again for me to remind Ganondorf/Demise/Majora just who is boss in Hyrule, so i don't mind it.


Jul 1, 2012
Well in a Way yes but Ganondorf is an awesome villain if he stayed dead, the franchise wouldn't be the same.....But there shouldn't at least some logic in the story so maybe Ganon should die properly on one of the timelines :ganondorf:

Night Owl

Oct 3, 2011
Skybound Coil Tree, Noctilum
I think It would be nice to explore an evil free Hyrule.
They should have some bonus content; such as quests, minidungeons, etc. that appear after you kill the boss just to have something to do.
They could also have a system like in MM where you can refight bosses by going back to the dungeons.
I think they could do a lot with post credits material.

Maybe they could give us a peek at Link's life after killing the final boss...
Aug 25, 2012
Indiana, USA
I would enjoy a Zelda game with meaningful post-game content. Not just, "Here, wander around and do random crap with no real threats," but things like hidden bosses, conclusions and deeper insights to the story, and perhaps a few sidequests. I actually think the ability to redo bosses and dungeons at will should be in every Zelda game henceforth, but a freer, enlightened version of Hyrule would be pleasant to explore. So long as it doesn't infringe on the freedom and gameplay of everything before then, this would be a nice thing to see.


default setting: sarcastic prick
Dec 17, 2012
No. The Oracle games did this and I hated it. It's fun to go back and fight the last boss over and over again. Not having that option is just completely lame.

I would enjoy a Zelda game with meaningful post-game content. Not just, "Here, wander around and do random crap with no real threats," but things like hidden bosses, conclusions and deeper insights to the story, and perhaps a few sidequests. I actually think the ability to redo bosses and dungeons at will should be in every Zelda game henceforth, but a freer, enlightened version of Hyrule would be pleasant to explore. So long as it doesn't infringe on the freedom and gameplay of everything before then, this would be a nice thing to see.

I don't see why these two ideas can't coexist in the same game.


Apr 22, 2011
I don't see why these two ideas can't coexist in the same game.

Exactly my thoughts, would be possible to just include a boss challenge mode like the 3DS did or MM where we can fight all of the bosses over again if we want while at the same time having post-main quest content.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Depends on what the boss staying dead entails. If you're left with nothing but chasing the last couple Rings in your game like in the Oracle series, then I'd rathe the final boss stay alive. If we get actual post game content, then keep the boss dead. There's no point in living in a peaceful world if there's nothing to do, after all. :P

Not Take Mirror

Sage of Ice
Dec 8, 2012
Minneapolis, MN
Unless you have sidequests, an evil-free hyrule would make for a boring game without much purpose. If it's the last game in the timeline, it would be nice to have a happy ending where good prevails. But Nintendo should do that only if they are sure that they aren't going to be making any more sequels to that particular Zelda game.

An alternative would be to have the last boss stay dead and then in the follow-up game have a new source of evil to fight and a new type of boss.


trollin for booty
Sep 29, 2009
I actually like that the game saves before the last boss, any post game content like a hero mode or what have you is made available anyway so it isn;t like we're missing out on anything, and its good for me every now and again for me to remind Ganondorf/Demise/Majora just who is boss in Hyrule, so i don't mind it.

with majora it would be termina..

anyways, i enjoy having the final boss not stay dead. ever since nintendo started including the boss refights i've been enjoying the games a lot more.


When I beat Phantom Hourglass for the first time and it being my first game I wondered why beldum would not die I looked it up for hours on why he would not and in the end I was sad. I think the last boss should die then more endgame content would appear but we could battle all the boss in the game again through a method like what Oot3d did.

Azure Sage

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As long as there's a way to challenge the boss again, it's fine if it stays dead. Post-game exploration can be very good if done right, and it's something I'd like to see. I'd enjoy a boss challenge mode like Skyward Sword and Ocarina of Time had, too. As long as something like that is present, and there is meaningful post-game content, I would be perfectly fine with the last boss staying defeated.
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