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Should Sega Re-Enter Console Market?

Lord Death

Bichon Frise
Jan 1, 2011
Chicago, IL
I honestly go back and forth with this. I always want to say yes, because one of the gaming systems I grew up with was the Dreamcast. But then I remember that Sega doesn't have many popular franchises left to work with, especially with Sonic's "success" lately. -.-

But what do you think? Has Sega been out of the game too long to compete with Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo? I mean Nintendo is just entering the world of HD and good online multiplayer now, so maybe Sega still has a chance. I would totally buy a cheap Sega system for like $150 even if it wasn't HD... They would have to rely on 3rd party games for a while, but maybe they could climb out of the hole they are in. Idk, what do you think?

Oh, and allow me to treat you with some cool fan pictures. :D



A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
No. Sega's franchises are no longer reliable. Critics pan Sonic and its no longer the franchise it once was. Others like Alex Kidd are completely out of the question. Also, once exclusive third party games like Soul Calibur have moved on after Sega's hardware demise. Unless the company makes a plethora of new franchises, returns to the Genesis quality of their older franchises, has graphics on par or better than its competitors, and secures several third party exclusives for launch and on a yearly basis, it would fail. Sega has a long way to go before it can reenter the hardware market.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Thing is, I know SEGA's games have the potential to exceed most competitors. For example, let's take Sonic. His gameplay is linear and pretty much always the same, even if you give him a sword or hairy arms that stretch out about ten feet. Whenever I played the Black Knight I supposed it would be a open-world experience. Well, it was very open, I'll admit, but had narrow paths set toward each goal. I imagine the other games are much like this, and that's the part that needs to stop. The domains they're established in should be vast and unobstructed. Sonic can explore that way much as Link does, minus all the hindrances and predictable challenges.

Also, yes SEGA can enter the console market again, but they require a complete reboot first, as ALIT said. They don't necessitate new franchises though, in my opinion. Only a new conception, a modern one, is essential in said thing. Really, they just need to step up the game.

Lord Death

Bichon Frise
Jan 1, 2011
Chicago, IL
Sonic Adventure 3. That's all SEGA needs to do... Nah, they need to do a lot more than that, but I think SA3 would really help their sales numbers and the Sonic series in general. Let's see here... I think SEGA now owns Banjo Kazooie, so maybe they could do something with that. They have Colonial Space Marines, but that's not too popular...

Capcom! SEGA should work with Capcom to get some awesome titles out there! Mega Man: Recharged (just made that up :P), Monster Hunter IV, Street Fighter, etc. But yeah I do agree that they should try to catch up. I think they should start off small though, like a cheap system comparable to the Wii or maybe a powerful handheld, just to see how their numbers go...

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Sonic Adventure 3. That's all SEGA needs to do... Nah, they need to do a lot more than that, but I think SA3 would really help their sales numbers and the Sonic series in general. Let's see here... I think SEGA now owns Banjo Kazooie, so maybe they could do something with that. They have Colonial Space Marines, but that's not too popular...

Capcom! SEGA should work with Capcom to get some awesome titles out there! Mega Man: Recharged (just made that up :P), Monster Hunter IV, Street Fighter, etc. But yeah I do agree that they should try to catch up. I think they should start off small though, like a cheap system comparable to the Wii or maybe a powerful handheld, just to see how their numbers go...

Monster Hunter 4 is already announced for 3DS. ;) And with Sega starts off cheap its console would have to be at least at a power level close to the XBOX 360's or else they'll get squashed.


The Cassandra
Site Staff
Nov 29, 2008
Entering into the console business these days is an expensive venture. You need a lot of capital to back it up and get into it. Sony and Microsoft were able to successfully do it because they're both enormous companies that do a lot more than just gaming and had the resources to back up developing consoles. Nintendo, of course, has already been in the industry for decades. Thirty years ago, gaming wasn't as big and it wasn't as difficult to get into the console business, that's why back then there were more competing consoles than today.

The question is, does Sega have the capital to fund developing a console that could fit in to today's market? With how they've been struggling, I doubt it. It isn't an easy business to get into. If it were, there'd be more than three competing console companies.


Nov 11, 2011
I would personally love to see Sega re-enter the console market. Like A_LINK_IN_TIME said, they would need a whole lotta new, great franchises to actually make it. And I don't think Sonic is dead. I love Sonic. But yeah, Alex Kidd will never make a comeback.
Dec 14, 2011
I remember growing up with my Sega Megadrive 16-bit and my N64 and the kid next doors Dreamcast.

What with the drop in quality titles that sega have produced over the last few years they don't IMHO have the fanbase nor the drive to produce, market and deliver the console that the fans deserve. I'm talking about fans of Sega, not just the die hard sonic fans.
In my opinion their games took a major nose-dive after the release of Sonic Adventure 2, especially the GameCube port which I thought was amazing.

Yes a few of their games have LOADs of replayability and I regularly plug in my megadrive and GC to play Sonic3 & Kuckles + SA2B.
They have released a few gems recently, Sonic Generations for example... however thats just a throwback to their glory days of old, with rehashes of their older games/stages.

Still, it's a shame but we play away regardless eh?
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God-King of Teh Intarwebz
Dec 10, 2011
Clearly in ur tube, blockin ur internets.
I have thought about this too, and SEGA could reenter the console market... if they played it right. They would HAVE to have major third-party games already well-established on other consoles (Call of Duty comes to mind) as well as have a Sonic title early on. SEGA is nostalgig for some, and this could give it some sales, too. But the most important thing for SEGA to do if the console would work is to pack it full of the moost popular established features. Nintendo can do something else. Nintendo can have motion controlls mandatory. Nintendo can do anything when it's selling it's consoles in every way everybody and his cousin can think of. SEGA would have little brand recognition, and so would have to market it's console as a mix of a PS3 and a Wii, and just hope for the best.


didn't build that
No, I don't believe that they should. They've already proven they can't handle it with the Dreamcast.

The Dreamcast was arguably the last great home console. Since that thing died, the whole market's been much less interesting. Sure, it was not as successful as it should have been, but with the Japanese market's influence dwindling in the West, it may be time for another Dreamcast.

Sega has some of the most incredible franchises in gaming. Shenmue, Panzer Dragoon, Phantasy Star, Nights, Vectorman, Skies of Arcadia...these are legendary, and in many cases shamefully neglected. I don't know that Sega as it stands is capable of the software necessary to launch a genuine Sega console. I do know that Sega, as always, has potential.

I like to think if they launched with, say, a Skies of Arcadia sequel, it would turn heads. I like to think that, but there's no guarantee. Skies of Arcadia was one of the best JRPG's ever made, and there are too few turn-based games gracing the current generation.

If Sega launched a Dreamcast 2, not even the promise of another Mario or Zelda game could make me pay money for Nintendo console first. That's saying something, because Nintendo's all that's gotten me through this last decade of gaming.


The Blade of Evil's Bane
Dec 21, 2011
Temple of Time
Well, I must say that I will love to see them come back. yet, they need to fix their own games first. Sonic is making a comeback, and they need to really boost their game up with their games and create more praise and make a big bang with at least one game before they consider creating another console. Its a good idea to do this first, because they you gain more loyal followers and more revenue for production. I will admit that they had some pretty good consoles, and some big innovations and ideas! I mean the Dreamcast, it was the first console to have internet compatability, not to mention the good idea of the VMU. but the main issue with the VMU is that well, there wasnt much you could do with it, it had so much more potential!!!!! I'd love to see a comeback, but not quite yet.
Dec 29, 2011
Sega is kinda in debt right now so chances of them making a console is very low. They just don't have the money to make one, and there's already a tough enough battle bet Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft. I feel like Sega would just be a 4th wheel that no one would care about if it entered the console market.


Zora Warrior
Nov 3, 2009
Termina Bay
No, SEGA doesn't have the money for that kind of project. Also it was just announced that the Hirokazu Yasuhara, who is one the creators of the early Sonic the Hedgehog games was just hired by Nintendo. Sega also just laid off a ton of employees so the chances of seeing a new SEGA console soon let alone ever is very slim

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