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General Zelda Should Nintendo Make Link Gay?

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Lets be honest, Zelda isn't as big a part of the gaming world as it once was. I mean it's still popular but it's lacking a big new development to push it back to the front page. I think Nintendo has the opportunity to bring Zelda back to the forefront by making Link the first major homosexual main character.

This would make Nintendo a trailblazer, and also give gay kids area a new hero to look up to. Nintendo would get good will points, Zelda would be talked about again like it hasn't in a decade. I think it's a great idea.

What do you think?

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
I think Nintendo definitely needs more homosexuals in their games. I mean, really, it seems almost homophobic that they haven't included any gay characters yet.

I say go for it... Just as long as Link's boyfriend doesn't steal his horse or push him off cliffs! :yes:


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
7th gen was among the series most successful...

And this is a series for children, so no.


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
This issue is related to one in the thread about changing the race of major characters. My feelings on that issue are pretty much the same as my feelings here. In short, making Link gay for the purpose of boosting the franchise's popularity or sales is exploitation and I would disagree with it entirely. It's a shallow, self-serving reason and I feel it would be treating what is, for many, a serious issue in an inappropriate way.

Besides, Link wouldn't be the first major homosexual man in video games. Mass Effect's Commander Shepherd, Fable's various Heroes, and even the main character in Jade Empire could all be gay.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I can see the board meeting now...

Executive 1: Okay, guys, we need an arbitrary and forced reason to draw attention to an already popular and iconic gaming series. What exactly should we do?

Executive 2: Hmmm... How about we make Link gay for no reason whatsoever?

Executive 1: BRILLIANT!!!


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
As far as I'm concerned Link is asexual as he has no interests in anyone (yes, not even Zelda) he doesn't show any feelings towards a certain a gender, let alone person. It's who you want to ship Link that alters from people to people. There's no canonical proof that he has interests in someone, and besides as the hero of the his world/Zelda, I'm sure he is quite busy come post-game in his quests. I digressed, but in all seriousness, Link shouldn't have a specific sexuality as that could actually hinder a great mass of the fanbase of either side if Nintendo wanted to give Link a certain sexuality.

Luke's Wife

peaked in 2015
Aug 15, 2011
the abyss
wouldn't you like to know, weather boy
Since when is being forcefully engaged imply you're in love? xD

Even without the marriage, it's pretty plain that Link is portrayed as hetero. Look at all the Link/Zelda stuff and all the other female characters he's had things with. It's prettttty obvious.
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