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Secrets of the Deku Mask


Pokemon Master
Oct 8, 2011
Viridian City/Migrant Fleet
Majoras Mask-a game most of us have played. It made us laugh, it made us cry, but the first 30 minutes or so gave us phsycholocial damage. Skull Kid just had to go and turn us into a deku scrub for his own satisfaction:(. Our first main goal of that game was to get out of that form anyway. If you recall, we found our way out by "putting our spirit at rest" using the Song of Healing. But what if it wasnt our own spirit being put at rest? If you remember, the two other transformation masks (I should say main transformation masks, because I count Fierce Diety, but not as a main one) the Goron Mask and the Zora Mask, which were both created when the spirits of Darmani the Dead war hero and Mikau the injured musician were put tor rest. Those both were created by putting a spirit to rest, just as the Deku Mask was. But whose spirit was being put to rest. If you remember, after beating Odolwa at Woodfall Temple, you are rewarded by the Deku Princess. To get that reward, you must first beat the Deku Butler in a race (which doesnt seem right since it is a reward after all). After you beat him, he gives you the Mask of scents and apologizes for the trouble. He tells you that you remind him of his son, whom he used to race, but ran away from home one day. In the end credits. the Deku Butler is seen weeping in front of a wierd looking dead tree, the same one you saw in the first 10 minutes of the game coming to Clock Town after Skull Kid. Which means that Skull Kid had to have come that way to get to the Lost Woods in the first place. So Skull Kid could have encountered the Deku Butler's son on his way and decided to mess with him, but Skull Kid took it a little too far. Skull Kid took the poor little Deku's spirit, therefore creating the dead tree. Dekus are nothing more than little trees and bushes with souls and minds. Take that away, and theya re just little trees and bushes. So finally, when Skull KId encounters Link, he traps the spirit of the Deku inside of him, creating his new form. In links fantasy when this is happening, he sees a Deku approaching him, and then transforms. And when he plays the Song of Healing for the first time, he sees it going away and waves goodbye. He is not resting his own spirit, he is seeing off that of the Deku's. So, in conclusion, when wearing the Goron and Zora masks, you let Darmani and Mikau live on. When wearing the Deku mask, the poor sould who met Skull Kid that day gets a second chance.


Nyanko Sensei
Oct 18, 2007
The Netherlands
Yes, its quite obvious that soul of the deku mask belonged once to the hollow deku scrub you encountered at the beginning, who also happens to be te son of the butler.

I'm not sure why you are trying to theorize, but i understand that you think that the deku scrub also should get a second chance like Darmani and Mikau?
Thats not possible, because you are overlooking an important fact. Darmani and Mikau dies within the 3 day cycle, meaning that they are not dead yet before they encounter Link. Altough we only see this encounter 1 time, logicly every time if you rewind 3 days they should be not dead...yet.

The events of the Deku Scrub happened before the 3 day cycle, so there is no way he gets a second chance like Darmani and Mikau
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Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Onilink89 is right. Good post anyway, keep up the good work. This post brings memories back to me, I was 6 years old when I first played MM, I never did understand why that deku scrub was there, it wasn't untill about 3 years later when I replayed MM for my 3rd time that I realized that that deku tree was the deku butlers son. I know how could I not know that, well lets just say when I was younger I was more interested in beating the game than paying attention to little hints or details.


Nyanko Sensei
Oct 18, 2007
The Netherlands
It's true that this was known, but I don't get where the Deku kid's second chance thing is coming from? :$

That because we see Mikau (in Link style) during the ending.

Why is he in Link style?
Dunno, but in Mikau's Diary it says that his Lucky color is Green or something, so there is a connection.

So normally you would assume:
If Mikau is alive again, that means that Darmani and Deku Scrub son would also be alive again. But...we see clearly see the Bulter in grief in front of his hollow son.

So you next question would be: Why Mikau and not the Deku Scrub?
Then you would assume that its because that Link played the Song of Healing for Darmani and Mikau and not the Deku Scrub son? Which isn't the case at all because people forget about the fact that the events of the Deku Scrub son happened before the 3 day cycle.

So where is Darmani?
He can be either alive or dead. If he died before the 3 day cycle, then he's dead. If he died within the 3 day cycle, then he's alive.

Goddess Sword

Darmani and Mikau dies within the 3 day cycle, meaning that they are not dead yet before they encounter Link. Altough we only see this encounter 1 time, logicly every time if you rewind 3 days they should be not dead...yet.

The events of the Deku Scrub happened before the 3 day cycle, so there is no way he gets a second chance like Darmani and Mikau

However, if you return in time using the Song of Time, Mikau's grave will still be there, meaning he is still dead. It can be explained by the fact that link travels back in time with the Zora Mask, which contains Mikau's spirit and, because there can't be two Mikau, he is already dead. The same thing apply for Darmani.

That because we see Mikau (in Link style) during the ending.

Why is he in Link style?
Dunno, but in Mikau's Diary it says that his Lucky color is Green or something, so there is a connection.

That's because it IS Link.


Nyanko Sensei
Oct 18, 2007
The Netherlands
However, if you return in time using the Song of Time, Mikau's grave will still be there, meaning he is still dead. It can be explained by the fact that link travels back in time with the Zora Mask, which contains Mikau's spirit and, because there can't be two Mikau, he is already dead. The same thing apply for Darmani.

There is no Zelda games without flaws, especialy when it comes to time travel. Not everything is logical in the game. Just because you point out a flaw does not make it a good argument to disprove my arguments.
- Why can't he keep the stock of your items?
- Why can't he keep rupees you cary?
- Why can't you keep the Razor Sword?
- Why can he keep the Gilded Sword?
- Why can he keep other weapons?
- Why can he keep Masks?
- Why can he keep upgrades like Heart Containers and Magic Meter?
- Why can you repeat the events of sidequests besides Darmani and Mikau?
- Why can the bank remember the deposits you made even if you always travel 3 days back in time?

So like i said in my first post: logicly speaking with the 3 days back in time cycle, Mikau and Darmani should always be able to repeat the first encounter with Link.

That's because it IS Link.
Thats what you say, I say that he already left Termina. And I also gave an argument why he still has green clothes.
I do not deny the possibilty, but you can't deny mine either. But the reason i think that it is not Link is simply because that he says goodbye to Tatl before the carnival.
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Goddess Sword

There is no Zelda games without flaws, especialy when it comes to time travel. Not everything is logical in the game. Just because you point out a flaw does not make it a good argument to disprove my arguments.
- Why can't he keep the stock of your items?
- Why can't he keep rupees you cary?
- Why can't you keep the Razor Sword?
- Why can he keep the Gilded Sword?
- Why can he keep other weapons?
- Why can he keep Masks?
- Why can he keep upgrades like Heart Containers and Magic Meter?
- Why can you repeat the events of sidequests besides Darmani and Mikau?
- Why can the bank remember the deposits you made even if you always travel 3 days back in time?

I agree with you on the fact that time contradicts itself in many Zelda games. In Majora's Mask, I think it is for gameplay purpose. For the bank, it is because the banker writes the amount of rupee you deposit on Link's forehead with a special ink. And for Darmani and Mikau, they can't be seen again because they ARE in the masks and travel back in time with Link. Anyway, why would Mikau's grave still be there if he wasn't dead? It makes no sense at all!

Because of this, "Mikau" in the ending credits is in fact Link.

This is how I see it. It's my opinion, you don't have to agree with me, but I personally think it's more accurate like this.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I agree with you on the fact that time contradicts itself in many Zelda games. In Majora's Mask, I think it is for gameplay purpose. For the bank, it is because the banker writes the amount of rupee you deposit on Link's forehead with a special ink. And for Darmani and Mikau, they can't be seen again because they ARE in the masks and travel back in time with Link. Anyway, why would Mikau's grave still be there if he wasn't dead? It makes no sense at all!

Because of this, "Mikau" in the ending credits is in fact Link.

This is how I see it. It's my opinion, you don't have to agree with me, but I personally think it's more accurate like this.

You could be right, but Onilink can be too. I personally think Onilink is right and link left terminia after he said good bye to tatl, If he was going to stay than why would he say his good bye that early if he was staying? that would be like me saying good bye to you I would be saying it for a purpose because I would be logging off, but If I was not logging off than I would not say good bye yet,


Pokemon Master
Oct 8, 2011
Viridian City/Migrant Fleet
Yes, I can understand why you are saying some of this is obvious, but one of my large main questions in this thread is, "How exactly did Skull Kid steal a sould and why?" We do know from the game that masks can house spirits in them, but never do we learn if Skull Kid can steal spirits. And if he did, did he somehow know Link would come along? I do have a bit of a theory that the spirit of Majora did warn him of this, and that os how he was able to set up his ambush.


Nyanko Sensei
Oct 18, 2007
The Netherlands
I agree with you on the fact that time contradicts itself in many Zelda games. In Majora's Mask, I think it is for gameplay purpose. For the bank, it is because the banker writes the amount of rupee you deposit on Link's forehead with a special ink. And for Darmani and Mikau, they can't be seen again because they ARE in the masks and travel back in time with Link. Anyway, why would Mikau's grave still be there if he wasn't dead? It makes no sense at all!

Because of this, "Mikau" in the ending credits is in fact Link.

This is how I see it. It's my opinion, you don't have to agree with me, but I personally think it's more accurate like this.

Who said that i didn't agree with your opinion? I only looked at both possibilities. You are the one who disagrees with me, which is fine.
But did you considered that the graves can also be for gameplay puposes only, because of the instuctions prehaps?...

But yes, that "accurate point" of the ending is where we differ since its a matter of opinion.
- You say its more accurate because you see a Zora in Link form.
- I say its more accurate because he already left Termina and said goodbye to Tatl, and with an good argument that supports the green form of Mikau.

Tatl: "So why don't just leave and go about your business? The rest of us have a carnival to go"
So why would they part ways here if Link was also going to the carinival? This is the point which does not make any sense for me.
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Sep 4, 2011
This is a slight bit new. The fact Mikau had his grave there does not disprove any thing really. ( I will get to that later) I believe that by filling all the masks with happiness, Majoras Mask erases all the evil it ( Or Skullkid) done in the past hours. You: " Huh? Why?" Well if you didn't do anything in the 3 days and just went on to the moon to fight Majora with the Fierce Deity mask it ends with the side quests ( Which you didn't do) taking effect as done in the 3 days. You: " Ahhh..... That could work, that might be why those weird girls danced and how Romani still remembers and is training for next year against the ghosts." So here's my look at it all:
Skullkid sees the Deku butlers son and just takes his spirit away. Link is the body the spirit gets trapped in causing Link to change his form. Link enters Termina and what I can assume is that Skullkid entered it at the same time and sense I believe this is a different dimension its 'everything here is changed when Link defeats Majora but everything from anywhere else is the same.' Its not just time guys, its place. Other wise wouldn't Nayru want link to go back in time before then so they all die but he doesn't? Mikau was in Termina so he changed and lived on, I bet that if the Deku Butler never seen Link he would never of got ( Some emotions) that make him want to search for his son. You: " WAIT! How come no one thought you 'were' the Deku Butlers son?" The event in which you turned into a Deku scrub was not in Termina, lazy explanations kinda. But they still fit, everyone understands? :nod:

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Yes, I can understand why you are saying some of this is obvious, but one of my large main questions in this thread is, "How exactly did Skull Kid steal a sould and why?" We do know from the game that masks can house spirits in them, but never do we learn if Skull Kid can steal spirits. And if he did, did he somehow know Link would come along? I do have a bit of a theory that the spirit of Majora did warn him of this, and that os how he was able to set up his ambush.

Easy and most logical answer: Majora's mask made the skull kid do it, really the soul of the deku was not took away, the deku was just killed, and skull kid recently seeing and killing a deku turned link into a deku. How he is healing the dead deku's soul I have no clue.

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