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Game Thread Raccoon City Mafia (Game Thread)

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Jun 7, 2017
the present
I don't think these are the actions of someone who wants a mass wagon with no alternatives.
Well I mean either you do or you dont
My thought is I wish I could remember his town play. Lol.
I dont see how that makes a difference when we never knew his scum play aaaaaaaáaaa
So he's not a town read. I could see him being scum but I don't remember his meta. Feel like he always felt scummy when he used to play before too.
I think he was usually pretty town read when we used to play but I dont remember a lot beyond that
That with saying I was scaring you made me think you found that suspicious for some reason. Lol.
Making me scared of Tristan


Jun 19, 2010


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Hmm, ya that's a good point actually. I was looking at it more from a perspective of if Tristan is scum he came up with some lame reason retroactively. Though ya, scum Tristan is probably just smarter than that and gives a 10 page reasoning before hand on his vote.
He specifically said with his vote that he had reasons for it that he was not going to state so they were definitely not retroactive


I DID eat Doc, I promise!
Jan 22, 2020
Well damn it, end of day is approaching and none of you are letting up on voting me, I guess I won't be able to give you the backup that you need.

Found it. This is a really lame claim. They also haven’t done much this phase as far as I can tell because they keeping trying to prompt Echolight instead of take the initiative to do something? Maybe? I think that’s why people were voting here


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Pressure wagons in the last third of the dayphase? You looked to be proposing end phase wagons
End phase wagons on day one can rarely be called anything more than pressure wagons
If anyone wants to counterclaim, now would be the time
Take that up with funnier, who suggested the idea, and to whom I merely responded. I myself expressed skepticism in that same post given how late it was and how many inactives there were.
Speaking of inactives what has changed on your stance toward lynching them from last game hm

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
So @Minish why are you criticizing Kirino for not having a fleshed our Johnny read before immediately voting for Johnny?

Because Kirino's read on Johnny has nothing to do with mine?

I dont see how that makes a difference when we never knew his scum play aaaaaaaáaaa

I was pretty sure we had. Or maybe I had before you joined?

I think he was usually pretty town read when we used to play but I dont remember a lot beyond that

I'll trust you since you have way better memory than me, but my feeling about him this whole time was different than that. Lol. For some reason I kinda connected him and Johnny in my head as being kinda similar.

Making me scared of Tristan

Ohhh. Okay, that makes more sense.

He specifically said with his vote that he had reasons for it that he was not going to state so they were definitely not retroactive

Yeah, but setting it up with saying you have reasons is easy. And then you just use the reaction to apply some past game to it. But your thoughts on it do make a lot of sense. I think I'm just getting paranoid of Tristan.


Staff member
ZD Champion
I gave my initial reasoning for suspecting him here: https://zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/raccoon-city-mafia-game-thread.67320/page-10#post-1213070

I've stated numerous times afterwards that I'd be willing to go for him as an alternate wagon. I was more suspicious of SMS until now, which is why my vote was on him, but things have obviously changed now that he's claimed.

In Johnny's defense I feel like he kinda holds some kind of small grudge against me since I got him lynched as indept in the LG game so I don't think him going after me to be NAI

is that the sole reason tho? didn't anyone else ping you?


I DID eat Doc, I promise!
Jan 22, 2020
Soneji’s 347 and 361 are tickling my scum nerves. I don’t really feel like linking the posts but the latter is on the top of page z25.
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