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Game Thread Raccoon City Mafia (Game Thread)

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Staff member
ZD Champion
so zachie's pointless lie about self targeting made rubik think moe could protect himself by targetting him which resulted in the doctor dead because it was nullified once it was redirect to him

feels bad


Staff member
ZD Champion
The player with the most votes at the end of the day will be lynched. If a player reaches majority before the day ends then the game will immediately go into twilight. If a tie occurs then both players are lynched.
why not lynch both SMS and Kirino if the PoE was 2 people aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


I DID eat Doc, I promise!
Jan 22, 2020
I guess the circumstantial evidence points to me, huh? And nobody else wants to examine the other claims? Well, the truth should come out tonight regardless. Gg scum, you played town pretty well, but I have confidence in them to bring it back tomorrow.

Oh god please let it not be lylo.

Vote: Poyzin

This is not a scum claim. This is me proving my own role through my lynch to let you all see the truth of the matter.

( @funnier6 This is what I mean by a good reason to lynch. There is a solid reason to lynch me, the evidence points to me, so I’m not going to be upset with dying here. In PoR and Sorcerers on the other hand...)

Everything in this post is true :/

Gg everybody
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