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Game Thread Raccoon City Mafia (Game Thread)

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Jan 29, 2020
I think that's just how I talk, honestly. I always feel the need to give proper explanations for my votes and reads, to an extent that some may find excessive.
Being very wordy I understand as a thing, the tone of the post rings alarm bells in the same way I've had on similar posts in other games that came from scum. A gut thing largely.

Take that up with funnier, who suggested the idea, and to whom I merely responded. I myself expressed skepticism in that same post given how late it was and how many inactives there were.
I could, but specifically your suggestion of someone like Poy who you were skirting around your suspicion of puts my focus more on you.

I used "decent" in the sense of the game as a whole, which I think would be the most intuitive way of reading it. If a lynch were mediocre overall, I wouldn't describe it as great simply because it occurred on Day 1, or if I did, would say "great, at least for a Day 1 lynch." But these are semantics.
Fair enough.

It's not that their explanations weren't proper so much as the fact that they were essentially nonexistent. That's why I'm less suspicious of you.
Their reasonings came off pretty well to me in their responses to your posts/posts about you. funnier seems to have issues with your broad suspect list/skirting around hard suspicion, SMS has problems with your position on them believing you're not giving enough credit to his later clarifications, Johnny just finds you iffy in general but isn't pushing you anyways, Minish called you out for your votes not making sense with your stated suspicions. Might have missed someone there, but currently I don't see anyone pressuring you for no good reason.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Zachie is somebody who does not respond well to pressure if he's scum. Mostly I was thinking back to the first Anime mafia where he was pressured during day one for being inactive, came in and made a bunch of half-assed reads that got him NK'd by the SK. Granted I was his scumbud and the one who planted the seeds on his initial case in that game, but I wanted to see if he would have a similar reaction here.

While I'm not 100% happy with his posts, I'm not seeing the same level of panic in his posts. In Anime, his first few posts after being pressured seemed like "**** I gotta post something and fast" but I'm not really getting the same vibe here.

Anyway that's why I voted him. Because I know he responds worse to pressure when he's scum. He barely even acknowledged my vote this time aside from a shrugging emoji.


I think I like Soneji based on his first few posts. His thoughts seem pretty fair and genuine to me. I also don't really agree with Ex's vote on Doc right now, it's not really a contradiction since Doc said in that same post that SMS and Johnny always seem scummy on day 1 and that he would be withholding his vote for now for that reason.

Part of me agrees with Doc on that point actually, but SMS is seeming the best to me right now. I haven't had time to reread and probably won't before the day ends, so this is based on what I can remember from this day.
I think it odd that you didn’t enlist any help for the pressure there being you’re one vote when you could be many

Nice background and thought process but kinda meh

I hate the wifom of liking your reasoning cause that usually means your scummm

I find it odd that everyone seems so accepting of soneji after he wasn’t here for over 48 hours and just strolls in with a lukewarm grasp on things

Feels like such a disconnect


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Anyway that's why I voted him. Because I know he responds worse to pressure when he's scum. He barely even acknowledged my vote this time aside from a shrugging emoji.
Also this is a meta read from over two years ago, I’m not really sure that holds any water

I mean it might but I’m surprised you’re so sure about that
Yeah, I'd say backup is a good role to keep around. Gives us a do-over of sorts.

Vote: Ex

This is purely for self-preservation.
You’re not even in danger what the heck

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Ok, explain why we are voting Ex to me lol. I don't think he's done anything particularly scummy, it's more like he is here but hasn't done a lot to move the game forward.

I did like his reaction to Doc suspecting Johnny and me but decided to go with a less strong read on Tristan.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
well I am now
can you remove your vote from me or at least provide a decent reason for it
You’re a mountain of paranoia and headache that I don’t want in my life

My mafia life, real life is fine

Also it was the first thing that came to mind

Any reason why you’re being a sack of potatoes


Staff member
ZD Champion
You’re a mountain of paranoia and headache that I don’t want in my life

My mafia life, real life is fine

Also it was the first thing that came to mind

Any reason why you’re being a sack of potatoes
and we helped putting each other on the right track quite a few times :excuseme:

no, not really, I'm just not so excited because my classes start tomorrow so I'm a bit like "aw ****" and a bit down


Jun 7, 2017
the present
and we helped putting each other on the right track quite a few times :excuseme:

no, not really, I'm just not so excited because my classes start tomorrow so I'm a bit like "aw ****" and a bit down
Yes but those times you were crazy and did crazy Ex things and I can’t read you when you’re a sad potato


Sorry you’re having a bad day though
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