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Game Thread Pendio Mafia XI


The game is on!
Day 1 Current Vote Tally:
Seanzie - 1 (ExLight)
Fext - 1 (Paranoid King)
Ragnarokio - 2 (Kirino, Chevywolf30)
Fig - 5 (A Link In Time, Killjoy262, Storm, DekuNut, Seanzie)
Chevywolf30 - 2 (Fext, Ragnarokio)

Extension - 4 (Ragnarokio, ExLight, Killjoy262, Fig)

Not voting - Morbid Minish, Viral Maze, Fig

With 14 players alive it takes 8 for a majority lynch. Otherwise the day ends on Thursday, October 7th 2021 at 6:00 PM EST.
Sep 27, 2021
@Fig since you seem allergic to general questions

can I get your thoughts on three players that are not you or me


Jan 19, 2018
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Also: @Ragnarokio @Killjoy262 and @ExLight you're voting for players and an extension... This close to EOD, whats your main goal? Pressure voting, lynching or an actual extension (which makes the other votes moot).

I wouldn't say I have a singular main goal, but insofar as i do its probably to try and figure out who scum are.
Jul 7, 2021
I agreed with Rag's Fig scum read and I believe they also had you as a scum lean, which I agreed with. I feel less sure about that now because I'm liking your current posting.
They never had a scumread on me, and if anything, they made a few points in my favor against ExLight's posting regarding me (but didn't really voice a read one way or the other).

I am going to give you a mild scumread because I don't necessarily believe your thoughts re: Rag are genuine. Many people have expressed a scumread of Fig, and I haven't seen you elaborate on why Rag in particular sticks out to you to townlean them.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
They never had a scumread on me, and if anything, they made a few points in my favor against ExLight's posting regarding me (but didn't really voice a read one way or the other).

I am going to give you a mild scumread because I don't necessarily believe your thoughts re: Rag are genuine. Many people have expressed a scumread of Fig, and I haven't seen you elaborate on why Rag in particular sticks out to you to townlean them.

They are genuine. Rag was one of the first people to scumread Fig, so I give them credit for doing it early. And if he didn't scum read you, then I must be misremembering.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
What does this mean?
It's a very specific Town of Salem reference. Ranked mode means competetive, but practice is self-explanatory. Framer is a role that can cause cops to read their target as scum, no matter the alignment. Altogether it seems more like a general feel than an exact meaning.

Re: fext lying - I meant more about Fext saying they have a chat. If town thinks they're a noob, they will interpret that as a true scum slip, so the idea that experienced scum!fext is pretending to be a noob doesn't make a lot of sense IMO.
Yeah, that is a bit of a hole. That said, the joke is strange no matter who made it, newb or veteran, so I've kinds given up trying to find the meaning behind that exact post. Most of my readings have been more about what he's done since.
Sep 27, 2021
yeah I mean if you queue up into RP and get a rando Framer on your team they probably act like chevy

I don't mean role-related at all


Staff member
@Paranoid King @Viral Maze
Hi please try to participate a bit more

I love the slip up from Fext admitting they have an external chat assuming I read all the posts correctly.
Ok, so I'm rereading the thread and this is the problematic post in question.
This is actually less worse than I thought it would be, because from what people have been saying I thought he had implied not a scumslip, not a roleslip. I do agree that Fig not considering the odds of Fext being mafia first is a bit weird, but it's way less scummy than what I first understood. I'd honestly find it scummier if someone jumped straight to the conclusion that Fext is mafia, tbh?

the fact that they are being super defensive about me simply making a jab at a potential slip-up tells me they are trying to play it off as "I didn't reveal anything, you are the one making a bigger issue about all of this" to save their tail. It's why for now, they have my attention because they could have prevented saying this in the first place.
This is still about Fext, right?
Up to this message I'm a bit confused on what's your position regarding them. If you think they slipped about a non-mafia chat why would they be worried in denying it to "save their tail"? Save their tail from who? I didn't see anyone seriously accusing them of being mafia even when they mentioned red names?

There's also this that stands out to me. If no one is really mentioning someone saying they have an OC it means a couple of things to me. 1) They think the person is just joking around. 2) They think that the person is claiming something like masons, lovers, etc and don't want to bring attention to it. The fact that you brought attention to it makes it feel less like you thought he was town with an OC, because why do you want to bring attention to a claim if it's a supposed slip up.
Honestly I don't see why mafia would want to bring attention to a possible slip-up too, though?

It's funny and frustrating how Fext literally is doing the same thing that I'm allegedly doing that Ragnarokio finds as suspicious towards me yet they don't get questioned at all or at least not as being questioned hard enough, i.e. still finds me suspicious but doesn't vote for me but rather someone else because "I already have the most votes at the moment. "
I feel like the context is pretty different, because them voting you at that moment would've put you in the absolute leading and somewhat closer to hammer lol

If they're scumbuds, he could also be jumping on the train of playing as townishly as possible, attacking a scumbud hard for town cred. Being a leading force on an early scum wagon generally looks pretty good. More or less, all of this could point to him hoping to have a really solid earlygame in order to become towncore in lategame.
I'd honestly be shocked if Fig and Fext were scumbuds and I don't think a sane scum busses someone they barely know D1 like this lmfao

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