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Game Thread Pendio Mafia XI


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
There are no claim restrictions. I pointed this out in like 3 of my posts at the beginning of the game and Pen even acknowledged it.

I dunno, continuously saying you'll claim to save yourself but not doing so, hiding behind claiming to have softed, and putting the blame on Rag if you do claim all feel a bit weird to me. It's up to you if you want to claim. You know the position you're in and the heat you're getting. If you think a claim could help that's on you.


The game is on!
Day 1 Current Vote Tally:
Seanzie - 1 (ExLight)
Fext - 1 (Paranoid King)
Ragnarokio - 2 (Kirino, Chevywolf30)
Fig - 5 (A Link In Time, Killjoy262, Storm, DekuNut, Seanzie)
Chevywolf30 - 2 (Fext, Ragnarokio)

Extension - 4 (Ragnarokio, ExLight, Killjoy262, Fig)

Not voting - Morbid Minish, Viral Maze, Fig

With 14 players alive it takes 8 for a majority lynch. Otherwise the day ends on Thursday, October 7th 2021 at 6:00 PM EST.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
There are no claim restrictions. I pointed this out in like 3 of my posts at the beginning of the game and Pen even acknowledged it.

I dunno, continuously saying you'll claim to save yourself but not doing so, hiding behind claiming to have softed, and putting the blame on Rag if you do claim all feel a bit weird to me. It's up to you if you want to claim. You know the position you're in and the heat you're getting. If you think a claim could help that's on you.
As Ragnarokio even, it would be better to hold off on it if either for a later time or wait for another bandwagon to take place.
Jul 7, 2021
As Ragnarokio even, it would be better to hold off on it if either for a later time or wait for another bandwagon to take place.

You never answered my question about why you unvoted ExLight. Please do so. Also, if you want another wagon to form before you claim, unvoting and not revoting is not a great way to make that happen.

Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
what is TMI and why are none of these terms in the glossary
Yeah I stopped updating it years ago before I left, and haven't done anything since not having mod powers when I came back. Maybe one day we'll update it. It'll be a fun project.


If Fext is lying about their experience level, why would Scum!Fext act this way?
If I may add to this, it offers a degree of leniency with his play when seen by the rest of the players. I believe Deku touched on it. It's not AI, townFext or scumFext both have something to gain from lying. Fext likely has some experience (even from ToS/AmongUs) and is using that as an advantage.

You do realize you are the reason why I have to be seen as "focusing on self-preservation now" because you effectively started this bandwagon against, which again is very bad for town should we actually go through with this and will make you and others super bad when I flip town. At this point I will have to consider using the claim for today if it means proving I'm town.
I'm not a fan of the 'lynch me and you'll regret it' type of defense. It only makes Rag look bad if they're a mafia day role cop or something.

I probably won't get to post much more today seeing how close we are to EOD so I'm ISOing Fig mostly when some minor ISOs of other players who not posted much.
They've got some awkward defensive posts and some are very emotional responses, especially when the votes (read: pressure) piled on quickly here:
Just because someone has a chat, doesn't mean it's guaranteed mafia even if the likelihood it is a mafia is there. I just explained it to you, I need more context. All I said was "I love the slip-up" but people are now thinking I'm mafia just because I'm pointing it out.
Moreso, it's limited to think that I have to immediately vote for someone because I have the slightest suspicion on them.

Honestly, you either must have me blocked or you're not reading my posts. Ex-Light was my choice of voting because of both RVS and having a strong interaction with them last game. All I said was that it's interesting that we have this piece of information to work with given that this is a potential out by Fext. Loving how you claiming that there is no "feasible reason" as if it's only black and white. Either you are going to seek for information or you don't, I prefer it when town is informed as much as possible as soon as possible. Right now you are just throwing me in a bandwagon that doesn't make any sense just because I'm not "committing" to vote for Fext when there's no proof that they are mafia. Unless you have proof that they are mafia, please let me know. Otherwise you are just throwing me under the bus just because I don't fit your "only feasible reasons".

I'm not a big fan of the fact that Fig didn't press further after calling out Fext for the chat initially. If the concern was it is a town-aligned chat, why would Fext cover with red-texted alignments in the chat?
I don't think scumFig would benefit from voting and pushing a townFext at that time. The posts prior to his took Fext's post with a grain of salt, whereas Fig seemed to have worded or implied Fext's slip up was AI, and was calling Fext out hoping to see who else would pick up on it and add to the bandwagon with votes. Allows a scumFig to keep his hands fairly clean if it lynched a townFext.

I'd like to see @Paranoid King post more. Pot calling the kettle black, but this close to EOD i think most of us should have a post out with our thoughts.

@Fig who do you see as the scummiest so far? You've had a head-to-head with Rag so far, is it her?

Also: @Ragnarokio @Killjoy262 and @ExLight you're voting for players and an extension... This close to EOD, whats your main goal? Pressure voting, lynching or an actual extension (which makes the other votes moot).

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