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Outdoor Person or an Indoor Person?

Azure Sage

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I used to be an outdoor person when I was younger. I used to go outside almost constantly and play in the woods behind my house. I would do all kinds of kid stuff back there; "sword fighting" with my friends using sticks, pretending to be hiking through a jungle, etc. My friends and I even held a "war", where we split ourselves up into two groups and waged war with each other, using sticks in place of swords. Those were really good times.

But, everything changed when the internet attacked... I mean, that changed around the time of my freshmen year of high school. I started spending less time outside and more time inside, particularly spending hours online. I still do. I do go outside and take a nice, long walk occasionally, though. The area around my house is great for walks. However, I don't typically go outside during summer and spring. I normally only go outside for a walk when it's fall or winter, which is when I can actually stand to be outside. My extreme discomfort in temperatures of more than 70 degrees Fahrenheit typically pushes me back indoors in a matter of seconds. The fact that I can't stand to be hot usually supersedes everything else.

And that's how it is. I used to be a very active, outdoor person. But now, I'm more of a shut-in who is perfectly comfortable just sitting in front of his laptop talking with friends or watching anime, or doing other things. I am probably going to remain an indoor person for a long time...

Luke's Wife

peaked in 2015
Aug 15, 2011
the abyss
wouldn't you like to know, weather boy
I'd say I'm mostly an indoors person. I like the outdoors, and I find nature fascinating, so I like going for walks in the woods and exploring and falling into creeks somehow that's a natural talent of mine and things like that, and if it's raining, I'm definitely outside (rainy days > sunny days) but going outside also usually involves socializing with....people. *shudders* So I'd rather stay inside in my dark room typing away for hours, shunning everybody, and hissing at natural sunlight.
Sep 27, 2012
Lost Woods, Oregon
I'd say I'm a bit of both. Can I say that? lol

It's true, though. I'm a homebody but I love the outdoors and nature. I enjoy gardening, hiking, and foraging. Although I've only been snowboarding once, I'd go again.


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
I'm very much an indoor person. I try to get out on a regular basis, but I am at my happiest when I'm inside, curled up with a good story (be it written, filmed or programmed).


Nature's troll
Mar 17, 2010
Pacific Northwest
I could go on and on, but I shall provide you with a quote.

"Everything I could ever want is right here! In fact, let's sing a song about the joys of staying indoors.
I know of a place where you never get harmed. A magical place, with magical charm. Indoors, indoors, indoooooooooors! Take it away, Penny!"
-Spongebob Squarepants
Aug 21, 2012
...turn around
I guess I'm kind of both, but more of an indoor
When I'm at home (and especially in the winter) I prefer to be inside with my video games, if I do go out, I never know what to do, so I come back in

but I really like camping, or biking, or hiking so...


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
Neat thread, Violet.

I'm a 100% indoors person. I can't stand the outdoors at all. Being an indoor person does have its faults; I'm pretty sure no one loves someone as ghostly pale as me :kawaii:. Anyways, I hate going outdoors for the simple fact of bugs and spiders. I remember going to an outdoor camp for 7 days and it was hell. Spiders were everywhere. They crawled on my legs, across my feet, I even found one in the bed I was sleeping in. Don't even get me started on the bug bites, just don't. The only good thing about the outdoors is mud. What can I say, I love mud.


I am a Person of Interest
Jul 12, 2010
Ganon's Tower
I'm an indoors person, and have generally always been one. One of the things I like about playing squash is that you play it indoors. I don't dislike being outside, but I don't like it when it's cold outside, and it can get pretty cold where I live. Granted, it can get pretty warm too, but I prefer this any day over being cold. I'll go outside and just do stuff occasionally during the summer time when the temperature is around 25 to 30 degrees Celcius, which is when I like the temperature the most. But I spend most of my time indoors.


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
My bedroom is dark, warm, and comfy. Just the way I like it (with the door closed :P). Sure, it stinks a bit. And my xbox is just around the corner.

That being said, as much as people tend to irritate me, I am not antisocial. I need to gtfo on occasion or I'd go as crazy in here as I would out there. When I do, I prefer to be around people, even if I'm not interacting with them directly. And unless the weather is nice and I can be amongst nature without having to worry about it bothering me, I prefer to be somewhere indoors, like a mall. But good weather is essential and I always regret a missed opportunity to enjoy it. If I'm outside, I want to be somewhere aesthetically pleasing and modified for human habitation (i.e.: places to sit, drink, etc, like a zoo or city park).

So, largely, I am an indoor person.


Mrs. Caleb
Aug 20, 2008
I am both, but more of an indoor person. I love to be outside though, and when the weather is nice, I can often be found reading outside. If it was easier to use computers outside, I would spend most of my time outdoors in the summer! My hobby of photography ensures that I spend a lot of time outside, no matter the weather or the season.


gay energy
Feb 28, 2010
New York
It depends on what kind of outdoors... I'm mostly an indoor person, though. If I do go outside, I'll want to have friends to hang out with.

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