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Oh Dear!

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Jul 1, 2011
Clock Town Laundry Pool
I'm positive this is the worst come. In no way am i excited for this game. At all. Srsly? a giant flying bird? Have they completely ran out of ideas? I think the they should finish up the series soon. all things gotta end sometime. They've reached a point where the plot has been shown enough times for most people to get it. And making up some sequel to the single best Zelda game ever made, shouldn't, and cant be done. It ruins the game play idea. Making a back story behind the master sword ruins the fun for fans. I mean whats the point of just knowing when it 10x more fun a have your own back story, and think about it differently. Especially because in this game i'm going to assume something will happen that makes NO sense. It just is going to single out everyone's ideas and were just gonna be like "what." Hopefully someone here is with me on this side of the opinion.


Hero of the Skies
Aug 24, 2011
Don't make overly negative arguments without backing them up extensively. Why don't you learn some more things about the game before you 'bash'. it This Zelda game is looking to be the most different in the series. This thread is overall a waste of time. Only make threads like this if you can make some half decent points.


Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
I don't agree with most of what you are saying, but you can keep your opinion. My thoughts are as follows:
1. The Zelda creators will not run out of ideas for a very, very long time.
2. I find flight one of the more exciting aspects of the game.
3. I don't find that making a backstory for the Master Sword 'ruins the fun,' rather shows how things fit in.
4. Most people can learn to adapt their ideas.
5. You can't assume they would throw something in there that wouldn't make sense.

I won't try to force you to change your opinion, but please look at this.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
I'm positive this is the worst come. In no way am i excited for this game. At all. Srsly? a giant flying bird? Have they completely ran out of ideas? I think the they should finish up the series soon. all things gotta end sometime. They've reached a point where the plot has been shown enough times for most people to get it. And making up some sequel to the single best Zelda game ever made, shouldn't, and cant be done. It ruins the game play idea. Making a back story behind the master sword ruins the fun for fans. I mean whats the point of just knowing when it 10x more fun a have your own back story, and think about it differently. Especially because in this game i'm going to assume something will happen that makes NO sense. It just is going to single out everyone's ideas and were just gonna be like "what." Hopefully someone here is with me on this side of the opinion.

Skyward Sword is a prequel, actually; Majora's Mask was the sequel.

I'm afraid you generalize a bit much on this. Enough things in the formula have been reconfigured to make this an all-in-all different game. And I'd argue to your assumption about SS's ending making no sense; Nintendo will have strived to make it extra apparent, just as their design in all main stories are apparent.
Jul 6, 2011
You sir are an idiot, I dont know why you are even posting this negative post in the skyward sword section... this game is going to be great and they have not overused the story for this game, this game is said to be very different from the others and I myself am exciteds about flying on my cool red bird thank you very much.


Pokémon Pusher
Sep 22, 2011
Everyone is entitled to their opinions - however, to make such a negative and provocative post; you need strong arguments, evidence and facts to back up your points, otherwise it will be void. The fact of the matter is, the game isn't even out yet.
Feb 23, 2011
Wow... Well, as Myriad said, you are entitled to your opinion, but mine differs greatly. I'd really suggest you play the actual game yourself before you make any judgments. You could be missing out on possibly one of the greatest of this decade... The Minish also brings up an excellent point: it is crucial to back up your 'point,' or there is no 'point', which you did not. Are you by any chance new to the Zelda series? Because if you were a series veteran, you'd more than likely know that. Remember The Wind Waker? Sure it had its flaws, but it was not a bad game overall, and it swayed a lot of naysayers' negative opinions about it when it came out - including my own.

I too cannot change your opinion, but ask you to please just give Skyward Sword a chance and don't prematurely bash a game that has not even been released.


The Quiet Man
Let me see...

I'm positive this is the worst come. In no way am i excited for this game. At all.

I'm cool with you having an opinion, I guess the game just isn't made for you, you know. You're not gonna get to like everything that is made no matter how hard you try, just like developers can't please every single person in the world.

Srsly? a giant flying bird? Have they completely ran out of ideas? I think the they should finish up the series soon. all things gotta end sometime.

Firstly, yes, a giant flying bird. I personally don't see a problem with that. It allows for aerial transportation which opens several possibilities for exploration and size of the game overworld. To me, that's a good thing. Or is the way the bird looks that discomforts you?

And secondly, I doubt so. The series is obviously gonna end at some point, but chances are Nintendo will keep it alive as long as people want them to keep making games and pay for them. And also, I think they have proved to have enough ideas in interviews. They cal always hire new people with a bit of input from old teams, too.

They've reached a point where the plot has been shown enough times for most people to get it.

I don't get this. The plot promises to have some apparently interesting characters and show the origin of one of the biggest mysteries in the series (namely, the Master Sword), but then again, it's probably just not your thing. I mean, it'll probably have some qualities from the old "save the princess and beat the bad guy" scheme but I think the plot looks promising right now. Also, 100 minutes of cutscenes confirmed proves that they are gonna try to put some serious effort into the story.

And making up some sequel to the single best Zelda game ever made, shouldn't, and cant be done. It ruins the game play idea.

Why shouldn't it be done? I think a series needs to keep on improving with time, and if a sequel to the best game in a series (which you apparently forgot to name) is impossible, then how did they make that "best game" in the first place? I think that a developer like Nintendo is perfectly capable of out-doing itself after some time has passed. And how does it ruin the gameplay idea, may I ask?

Making a back story behind the master sword ruins the fun for fans. I mean whats the point of just knowing when it 10x more fun a have your own back story, and think about it differently. Especially because in this game i'm going to assume something will happen that makes NO sense.

I guess that's a valid point. Zelda has always had a fair bit of holes in the plot for the player to fill, but I personally don't really mind the idea of a prequel explaining the origin of the Master Sword. I don't remember any of that ever being implied or even hinted at, so they could give enough details to make that story into food for thought, I mean, we haven't seen it yet. That's just my opinion, though.
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Sep 5, 2011
you're not excited for skyward sword!?! then gtfo the zeldadungeon forums aka "zelda fan" forums, cause any real zelda fan is extreamally excited for ss
Feb 23, 2011
I guess that's a valid point. Zelda has always had a fair bit of holes in the plot for the player to fill, but I personally don't really mind the idea of a prequel explaining the origin of the Master Sword. I don't remember any of that ever being implied or even hinted at, so they could give enough details to make that story into food for thought, I mean, we haven't seen it yet. That's just my opinion, though.

Another point, the origin of the Master Sword story isn't a terrible idea in my opinion, as it has never been done, and it is also refreshing that Nintendo has decided to actually provide some answers to one of the series' great mysteries for once. The direction in which SS's plot appears to be taking might also allow us to see the Master Sword in a whole new light... [no pun intended] But this, too, is only but an opinion, so I ask of you treat it as such...
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Jul 1, 2011
Clock Town Laundry Pool
This made me LOL so hard! my rep is so bad now! hahahahahaha wow people are getting that pissed off? and @SinkingBadges, thanks for adressing the issue a little more calmly then the rest of these pposters.

When Skyward Sword releases your probably going to get it Kafei and your going to love it.
don't be so hasty. Im broke, you know.
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There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
This made me LOL so hard! my rep is so bad now! hahahahahaha wow people are getting that pissed off? and @SinkingBadges, thanks for adressing the issue a little more calmly then the rest of these pposters.

I pray you didn't just do this for the "lolz." But we're serious in defending it, regardless.
Feb 23, 2011
This made me LOL so hard! my rep is so bad now! hahahahahaha wow people are getting that pissed off? and @SinkingBadges, thanks for adressing the issue a little more calmly then the rest of these pposters.

don't be so hasty. Im broke, you know.

Hey, I wasn't hard on you. I just think you should really give SS a try for yourself before you 'bash' it based on a few demos and previews; I'm sure you will enjoy - whenever you get your hands on the game. Give it a chance, okay...?
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Jul 1, 2011
Clock Town Laundry Pool
Don't make overly negative arguments without backing them up extensively. Why don't you learn some more things about the game before you 'bash'. it This Zelda game is looking to be the most different in the series. This thread is overall a waste of time. Only make threads like this if you can make some half decent points.
You know what? How about you learn how to respect what other people say and quit being rude. My points are obviously nowhere close to what you believe. But you know what, have some goddamn human decency, stop giving me bad rep, and dont say anything if you going to be disrespectful to me for no reason other than to argue about a video game. I LOVE video games but i shouldnt reach a point where your telling me my opinions are a waste of time and to go away. It's called being open minded. If have any other problem with you i'm reporting you to a moderator and flagging your post. good day, sir.

Hey, I wasn't hard on you. I just think you should really give SS a try for yourself before you 'bash' it based on a few demos and previews; I'm sure you will enjoy - whenever you get your hands on the game. Give it a chance, okay...?
Yeah, sorry. you were being calm about it. I will end up buying like a year after it comes out. You also have to realize i will have fun playing it, but it doesn't unnecessary mean i like the story.

Skyward Sword is a prequel, actually; Majora's Mask was the sequel.
right, my mistake. Thank you for pointing that out.

I pray you didn't just do this for the "lolz." But we're serious in defending it, regardless.
Not really for the lulz, just wanted to know if people were feeling like i am. and you don't have to be defending it so hard. You have to realize that it's a game. I love zelda more than anything pretty much, but i think there are also much more important things than that.
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