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Official Suggestions Thread


Staff member
ZD Champion
A request I have is to search for words that are three or two letters long
View attachment 60876

Because of certain keywords I can’t get to old posts as quickly and have a harder time looking for and remembering the post

I’d like that
yea it really needs some fixes

funny enough if you search like
"the Wild" it will search for posts that contain 'the' and 'Wild', which might help you with what you're searching maybe

I think that's another issue that has to be fixed since "the Wild" should be a treated as a single term maybe, but it's a way to circumvent the too short/too common issue


May 14, 2022
Can we have a Mario Dungeon fansite (mario.zeldadungeon.net) or a Mario Dungeon Wiki? I made a thread asking about this though a mod referred me to ask about it here. The reason I say this is because the Mario franchise is closely related to Zelda.

I did a write-up here (Mases allowed it when I asked) and I think it could evolve into a Mario Dungeon

then there's also this article in which I added an origin section to


Lord of the Flies
Site Staff
Oct 14, 2007
West Dundee, IL
I don't think this is a good idea. In the past we've tried building some off-shoot websites. Pokemon Dungeon was a think for years. Darksiders Dungeon was fairly successful for a bit as well. There was a Pikmin Dungeon and talks of a Metroid Dungeon. We have a loosely affiliated Metroid website right now actually, with Omega Metroid https://omegametroid.com/

Nevertheless, the difficulty with all these, is the established communities/wikis that already exist. How much of a need is there for an alternative when another website offers almost everything you could ask for? Zelda Dungeon, as a whole, works, because we've been around forever and pre-date a lot of the alternatives. So we have carved out our need for existence and are firmly established. We rank well with searches and are well known for our interactive BotW Map, our Guides/Walkthroughs/Wiki, and our front page Editorial team. Along with our things we do, including our social media, YouTube content, Marathon, and even this forum.


Staff member
What you SHOULD do is make a ZD app. Sorry if you get that suggestion a lot. Or if you have already done it and o just didn’t know.

I'm not sure that the resources required to create and maintain such an app balanced against its benefit would justify its creation.

Often I find myself looking for a thread just to realize it's in another place, even if appropriate it's a bit frustrating, lol. Is there a way to crosspost a thread into different sub-forums? Like make so it can appear in two subforums at the same time.

I had a look into this and it seems that this functionality isn't something that is available or being considered by the Xenforo staff as indicated by their response here.

Perhaps not the most ideal solution but the closest thing I can think of is setting permanent redirects for some key threads. Only staff can do this and I have made an example below. I suppose this could be handy for a few select sticky threads that make sense in two places but at the same time it would be good to avoid overcrowding too much and minimise the use of this feature.

Official Suggestions Thread - Forum Suggestions and Feedback
This is where the thread is actually created.
Screen Shot 2022-06-03 at 12.25.40 am.png

Official Suggestions Thread - Forum Tutorials and FAQs
This is where I have created a "permanent redirect" which always will send users clicking it to the first post in that thread. The number of pages, replies, views, and last poster are not updated as this is simply a link to the thread.
Screen Shot 2022-06-03 at 12.25.19 am.png


Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
I think it'd be great to add epic games' exophase profile connection. And also a space to add our Switch friend code in our profile

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I've tried linking my twitter to my account here for a while now, and it has never worked. I always assumed I was doing something wrong, but it looks like this is a known issue for Xenforo. Trying to link a Discord also doesn't work in a similar fashion, none of the icons a member has links to anything.


Staff member
ZD Champion
I've tried linking my twitter to my account here for a while now, and it has never worked. I always assumed I was doing something wrong, but it looks like this is a known issue for Xenforo. Trying to link a Discord also doesn't work in a similar fashion, none of the icons a member has links to anything.
They're just for you to put what other names you have in these social medias. I don't think they were ever intended to be a hyperlink to your page on those.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
They're just for you to put what other names you have in these social medias. I don't think they were ever intended to be a hyperlink to your page on those.
Some of the other icons do link to the page assiciated with it, the one for Twitch for example does work. These are definitely icons that are supposed to link to something, but some are just broken from what I've read. It seems people have found ways to solve the integration issues, at least on previous versions of Xenforo.
with the gkas having just been distributed, this has been back on my mind and i would like everyone else's opinion on this before any changes are made, cuz for some people im sure they do like seeing all their badges under their name in posts

but as the years go by, lots of members like myself, alit, sms, and so forth, have accumulated a crapload of them, and they're kind of unsightly and (not to mention ridiculously tall) after a certain point. as it turns out, the medal plugin does have a setting where you can limit how many of these badges are featured in the postbit (that is, the info beside your post; they will still all be fully viewable on your profile).

its simply a cosmetic change, but i'd first like what people think of this. particularly valued would be input from people who also have more than 10 badges as it'll be mostly affecting them. and second, if you guys are in favor of it, what the max number of badges shown in a post should be? gonna throw out the generic suggestion of 10 badges as my initial suggestion.


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