I actually like the harp, while it doesnt have a practical use in the game it not only sounds better but you can play it anywhere while moving around, if you learn how to use it right you can play some pretty interesting stuff, and it just looks better
The Ocarina is way better. I thought that a violin would've made more sense for SS, considering the controllers, and that the harp would make more sense on a screen, especially that of the Wii U. The harp just isn't interesting or musically appealing to me at all.
I think the harp is better because there ar mor tone heights u can use. U don't use buttons so it isn't... like... limited. That way you can play more songs and more realistic, but it is definitely a bit harder.
I prefer the Ocarina by far.
The song are more memorable ( I can't even remember 1 song I played with the harp)
and with the ocarina you had to remember how to play the songs, you had more interaction. The harp was quie fun but it was nothing more than waving the remote controll
Ocarina all-the-way! Harp isn't used as much, and I like the tunes from OoT better anyways! MY FAVORITE THEME IS THE BOLERO OF FIRE! ...dun-dun, dun-dun, DUN-DUN, DUN-DUN.
I liked the Ocarina because it was easier to use and much more useful in the games in which it was present. I'd rather memorize notes than play in rhythm any day.
The harp is too complicated to do anything with. If you actually wanted to play something on it, you'd have to spend hours practicing. I'd rather get a real g*d damn harp.
i gotta say the Ocarina, cause I think its easyer to play than the Lyre (didn't play Skyward Sword yet, so i have no clue if its easier or harder, but im getting it after Boxing day)
An instrument in which you use your mouth seems a lot more intimate and personal to me (this is not intended to be a dirty representation of the instrument).