I was first introduced to Legend of zelda when i saw my brother playing some game on an emulator. It was ocarina of time. I thought it looked like a pretty cool game and decided to buy it for the N64 (which we happened to have in 2009) at some shop where they sell old games. When i started, i had never heard of zelda and how popular it was. It took me 3 years to finish the game (When there was a hard puzzle, i stopped playing and thought about it for a while). No walkthroughs. only advice from brother and friends. Damn, when i finished the game i was sad. I felt like going into the game and living the rest of my life in it. That game was so amazing. It had completely changed the way i thought of what the ideal game could be like. But later in 2012 (Im 16), i found out that there were many different zelda games. I must have spent about 300 dollars on zelda games. i played a good deal of other zelda titles but none have ever surpassed the utter brilliance of ocarina of time. Now i truly understand that graphics dont make a good game. I feel that the only improvements to the more recent zelda games have been better graphics and fancy control styles and such.
Does anyone else feel the same?
Does anyone else feel the same?