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A Link to the Past My Shovels Gone!

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Oct 21, 2010
I'm playing Alttp for the first time, and I have gotten the shovel, then I got the flute. Awhile after I got my flute I wanted to play that digging mini-game, and when I went to select my shovel it just wasn't there! It's no longer in my inventory! Does this happen after you get your flute or something? I'm very confused right now. :hmm:


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
A direct quote from ZD's Item List: This item is only temporary. The Flute Boy gives this to us in the Dark World so we can find his Flute in the Light World. After Link finds the buried Flute, he can no longer use the Shovel. In the time before he does find the Flute, he can find various things below the ground such as hearts and Rupees.

So it appears you lose it after a certain point, which I guess would be the Flute.
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Oct 21, 2010
Well, I thought I read that, that makes me feel really stupid.

Sorry for the pointless thread.
This isn't necessarliy correct. I've long since completed the game 100% and still have access to the shovel. I didn't give it much thought when I did it, so I this might have nothing to do with it, but have you played the flute for the bird trapped in the weathervane yet? It's the mirror spot in the Light World as Thieves' Town/Gargoyle's Domain is located in the Dark World.

If that doesn't work, I really don't know, then... It might just be a glitch.

In the Gameboy version you get to keep the shovel. You must be playing on a SNES.
Oh, never mind, then. I didn't realize there were many differences between the two besides the modified Ice Palace, and Palace of the Four Sword.
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the over analysing guy
Aug 17, 2011
South Wales
This reminds me of the zeldathon livestream, where mases did a glitch or something to keep the shovel, and when he got a mandatory item really late in the game it wasn't added to his inventory :lol:
Sep 12, 2011
United Kingdom
This reminds me of the zeldathon livestream, where mases did a glitch or something to keep the shovel, and when he got a mandatory item really late in the game it wasn't added to his inventory :lol:

That was in Link's Awakening. If you trade the shovel for the boomerang and then buy another shovel you can fill up your inventory early, I thought it was pretty funny when this happened to Mases during Zeldathon as I hadn't heard of the glitch before (I've only played Link's Awakening DX where the glitch was fixed).
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