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My Majora Theory


Gohma Arigoto

My theory about the origins of Majora's Mask is a common one with a few twists.

One day, a boy from the ancient tribe made a mask. The boy's name was Majora. But, unlike the Boss Remains (similar masks of the time), his heart shaped mask didn't represent anything. The boy was shunned, and his mask started to fill with the negative emotions he was feeling. This is how Majora's Mask gained power. Not knowing what his mask had become, the boy threw it to the wind.

A few years later, it was found by the leader of a tribe: The Ancient Tribe. Being skilled in magic, he could clearly see the powers of this artifact. He brought it with him to Stone Tower, where his tribe worshipped the mask and used it for hexing rituals. These rituals caused the mask to gain more and more power. When it was strong enough, it plagued Termina. This is how Majora the demon came to be.

The protectors of Termina, the Four Giants, tried to stop Majora, but were easily defeated. Unhappy with Majora's amount of power, a new evil god-like entity appeared. This entity would be The Fierce Deity. He was able to defeat Majora and was about to kill him when the Happy Mask Salesman appeared. He played the Song of Healing, sealing both evils into masks.

Before the Mask Salesman could claim his prizes, the Ancient Tribe realized the errors of their way. They then sealed Majora's Mask (and possibly the Fierce Deity Mask) into a pocket dimension they created at the top of Stone Tower.

Peace returned to Termina, but one day, centuries later, the doors to Stone Tower were opened. No one truly knows who opened them, but we get a few hints. Igos du Ikana says, "The masked one opened the doors." Everyone thinks this is Skull Kid or some other character wearing a mask. I think it was some one selling masks; aka, the Happy Mask Salesman.

How else could he have gotten Majora's Mask? He must have opened the doors in search of it. But why did it want it so bad? My theory, he is Majora. No, not Majora the entity, Majora the child. Think about it, he sure does know A LOT about that mask AND looks EXACTLY like the child on the moon wearing it. You know, the one sitting under a tree because he was shunned? I mean, the Happy Mask Salesman obviously has special powers, surely he could have survived that long.

So after opening the doors and obtaining the mask, he is ambushed by Skull Kid. But why? Skull Kid sure was nice in Ocarina of Time. Well, Skull Kid has suffered a loss. His best friends, the Four Giants, have dumped him :cry:. He is sad, and Majora's Mask recognizes this sadness. It is the same sadness the Majora had, and could return his powers. So he calls out to the Skull Kid, brainwashes him (so to say), and makes him attack the Mask Salesman.

The mask, clearly wanting revenge on the land that was so cruel to it, pulls the moon out of orbit. Knowing the Four Giants would return and easily hold it up, Majora's Mask seals them away and guards them with the masks of Majora's childhood (warrior, ox, fish, and insect). The table is set for the three day destruction of Termina.

When the Salesman wakes up, he realizes he has a problem, so causes Link to get lost and enter Termina. Being the same guy, the Salesman recognizes Link for OoT as the Hero of Time. And so, the events of Majora's Mask begin.

At the end of the game, when Majora's Mask flees to the Moon, you are entering a memory. I have news for you, the inside of the moon is NOT a green field. You are in what the mask remembers from Majora's childhood. When the Mask Salesman asks if you want to play "tag", he offers you the Fierce Deity Mask, something Majora has kept close to him the whole time. He hopes to destroy it along with Link, killing two birds with one stone. After you defeat Majora the demon, the evil forever leaves the mask. The Happy Mask Salesman, content with having his mask back, thanks you and leaves. This ends the story of Majora's Mask.

Again, this is a theory and is not confirmed. What do you guys have to say about it? Leave a comment!:)
Oct 17, 2009
no offence, but it needs more proof to become a ligit theory. where did you get the idea from? is there clues in Anju's grandmothers story or did you get it from the stuff in stone tower temple? right now a lot looks made up, you need facts to back it up.
Jul 4, 2010
in a great black pit
it certainly is an interesting and unique theory. the only flaw i found in your post doesn't even disprove your theory. that flaw is that i don't think skull kid was ever brainwashed to attack the happy mask salesman. in OoT, it's signified that skull kids don't like adults and would attack anybody who looked older (including link) and that may be the reason for attacking the HMS. either that or the skull kid was just making mischief. also, i think skull kid only took MM because it looked a lot better than the other masks the HMS had, not because MM called to him.

Gohma Arigoto

To VembersWind: Yea you've got a point. The brainwashing thing is something I read somewhere but Skull kids not liking adults sounds good to me. Thanks for the positive reply!


Gone (Wind) Fishin'
Jul 16, 2010
Montreal, QC, Canada
While there is merit to the theory, the format you've posted it in is a tad unorthodox. While much of the post is accurate, its story-oriented format may lead people to assume you've written fan-fiction and may attack your post for it. While such attacks will be dealt with and punished, I'm just warning you in advance that people tend to respond unkindly to things that appear to look like stories; generally, a lot of the theories utilize in-game citations or images as proof, and outline their theory with discussion and major points.

Gohma Arigoto

While there is merit to the theory, the format you've posted it in is a tad unorthodox. While much of the post is accurate, its story-oriented format may lead people to assume you've written fan-fiction and may attack your post for it. While such attacks will be dealt with and punished, I'm just warning you in advance that people tend to respond unkindly to things that appear to look like stories; generally, a lot of the theories utilize in-game citations or images as proof, and outline their theory with discussion and major points.

Thanks for the advice, I'll keep it in mind.

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