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General Zelda Multiple Hubs


Jul 1, 2012
So typically within a Zelda game we have the "Central Hub", essentially a central hub is the main area and usually it the safe home in which we can sit back and relax, away from the main plot. Central hubs don't just supply a safe confines in which we can relax in but they also provide a multitude of activities, including side quests, mini games, odd jobs etc.

I would argue to an extent that central hubs can be essential to a Zelda game, I look at games such as Majora's Mask and The Wind Waker and it really showcases how effective central hubs can be. To be honest it really made those games for me, just the amount of activities and the sense of having a safe and bustling home/community.

So given the importance I would like to pose the question of "multiple" hubs, given the layout of the overworld, the world is split up into sections that usually correspond to a specific landscape. I always feel a sense of disappointment when a specific province/region has little to offer in this department. What I would like is a bustling hub which is unique in its own right and poses it's own community, layout, quests etc. I look at a game like Skyrim and it had a wide variety of main towns that were filled with such content and it just gave it more diversity as well as things to do. So tell me what you think about this idea and if you support it or not?
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The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
I think having multiple hubs is a great idea. It would add content and depth to the game.
Pretty much this in a nutshell ^. A variety of hubs is always a good concept to bring into a game. Like you said, JC, the multiplicity of hubs in Skyrim gives it a lot of diversity, which is an aspect I believe the Zelda franchise somewhat thrives on. I really can't see having multiple hubs being a damaging aspect to series.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Why need hubs if there aren't going to be interesting NPCs? And you can see where I'm going with this post:

I am not advocating multiple hubs UNLESS the NPCs there are have interesting stories behind them. Stop with the tiny romances without decent backdrops; stop with the "oh I need a medicine for a temporary illness" madness...

give me complicated characters and a good backdrop and THEN I'll discuss multiple hubs. :yes:


May 22, 2013
You mean, Ventus, what you want is MM again. ;)

I personally would like more hubs if they were interesting to look at and to explore. A cool city or something like that that seemed to come to life just by going there. Even if the characters aren't too deep, that would still end up being pretty awesome if there was a lot things to do and see at one of these places as long as it doesn't negate from the main quest too much or some how enhances the story and deepens the overall experience...

Really, what we all want is MM^∞. :)


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
You mean, Ventus, what you want is MM again. ;)

Right. Have MM again, just across an exponentially longer game world. TP's game world + MM's NPC interaction (and combat) = a recipe for love. Heck, TP's world already has the diverse locations featured in MM; Faron Woods is analogous to Woodfall, Snowpeak : Snowhead, Gerudo Desert : Ikana, and Lake Hylia : Great Bay.


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
I feel like a direct copying of MM's style would be too difficult. A game of that greatness within its dark and character-driven style is not easy to repeat. That being said, the style is a pretty good one; if hard to do. Maybe the hubs would have quests that force you to travel between hubs, but you do it without all those irratating time-based events. A set of Zelda quests scattered throughout every race, location, and person is what multiple hubs would be useful for. Each one could different games, events, quests, and stories. This can work great, but great care must be taken to make each one unique and important. I would hate for hubs that have no relevance to story or progression or ones that are just a bland copy of another

No, it must be like all the different towns in OoT. You have Kakariko Village, Kokiri forest, Goron City, Zora's Domain, and even the Gerudo Fortress. Each was unique and cool and relevant to Link's journey. We just need to combine a set of unique worlds with expanded content and great NPC interactions. That's probably where the series stands to grow the most. Interactive hubs with many interesting characters and events could greatly increase the quality and quantity of a Zelda game.
I'd like more than one hub, it'd make more sense for there to be more than one in a Zelda game and i've often wondered why there isn't. With only one central hub the games can feel too self contained because its kind of illogical that everyone would just be in one place aside from games like WW and SS where they dont have much of a choice.

However, i think of games like TP and kind of feel that we have at least three. While they may not be hubs we could still do a lot in Kakariko Village, Castle Town, and Faron. There is Zora's domain and Eldin too which had its fair share of minigames and activities and were evenly spread between both.

So in a sense, i don't think we need more than one central hub, just perhaps hubs where other races dwell like in TP which i think nailed it.
Aug 8, 2012
I'd like more than one hub, it'd make more sense for there to be more than one in a Zelda game and i've often wondered why there isn't. With only one central hub the games can feel too self contained because its kind of illogical that everyone would just be in one place aside from games like WW and SS where they dont have much of a choice.

However, i think of games like TP and kind of feel that we have at least three. While they may not be hubs we could still do a lot in Kakariko Village, Castle Town, and Faron. There is Zora's domain and Eldin too which had its fair share of minigames and activities and were evenly spread between both.

So in a sense, i don't think we need more than one central hub, just perhaps hubs where other races dwell like in TP which i think nailed it.

I can agree with this more than just adding more places to 'hang out' in. it is important for all of the races that are in the game to have an important story or task in the game. It is better to flush out the Gorons and Zoras like TP did than to add a Parella race in SS and not rele have anything other than 'we just live with Faron'.

I just want more fleshed out and believable areas.

The Jade Fist

Kung Fu Master
Jul 17, 2012
My only thought is the Zelda formula doesn't really give much of a reason to need extra Hubs.

Its not like you're questing in the mountains behind a city and want to just come in quickly and sell off loot, and buy arrows and head back out.

If it was done well and gave you a reason to not visit a town once and never come back, then I could be for it. It would make Hyrule seam more like an actual country for a change.

Like Zelda 2, you had a huge over-world and several little cities to go to. It fit that style of play a little better, because you had to come back to town and heal while grinding in the caves or what ever, or just traveling.

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