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Game Thread Mafia: The Legend of Korra Book Three

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Deleted member 14134

If I'm going to be frank, my morale simply dropped. I don't get the impression that either lynch we pursued told us a darn thing. Storm's lynch wasted our time. Funnier6, while somewhat beneficial with the notion that he was the serial killer, also left us with little bearing. I'm more inclined to stick with my original guns right now, but I fear we're going to end up in the same situation as the town did in Sherlock Mafia. :/
What do you think about a Tristan lynch?


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
What do you think about a Tristan lynch?

Who's Tristan? :right:

But in all seriousness, he has been one of my more pressing suspects throughout the game due to the earlier reasons I've reiterated. I must admit, however, that some of his recent posts I think look solid. For instance, I'm mostly in agreement with his read of Domo, who, in spite of very surfacy reads, seems to be trying to participate as a town player. Only thing is, his reads seem a bit random. Honestly, with the exception of you, and maybe Miss Cucco, I have reasons to be concerned about the rest of the crop. I'm somewhat wary of EMIYA a bit, as while we have been on the same page for the majority of the game, his voting activity sticks out to me. The only serious vote I recall out of him was his pressuring of Jimmu (although I would like to read him town). Minish, while I was concerned about her, has increased her stock somewhat with her later slew of posts. I'm admittedly having trouble reading YIGA, and as for Karu? She had a conflicting Day 1, and hasn't really been too prominent since. And as for Jimmu, I'm sort of lost on my read of him since my read of him hinged too much on others' alignments. I hate being this flustered.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
@Ghirahimiscool, @Jimmu, @karu, @Mido, @Minish_Link @Miss Cucco I don't think you guys have voted and the day ends in a 2 and a half hours, who do you think is the best candidate right now?

I'm still trying to figure out who I think is the best decision. While Dom did give a list of his reads, he didn't really expand upon why he thought the people in his town list were town and the people in his scum list were scum. His post explaining himself looks pretty good on the surface, but it also doesn't contain a whole lot of evidence or anything to back it up.

YIGA hasn't done much today to change my thoughts on him any, which could mean he's just trying to lay low and hope people go the direction of Dom instead of him.

I feel like there are pretty good arguments for all three of the people being voted for right now, and I find them all suspicious, so it's hard to choose which person to vote for.


Staff member
I've lost a lot of morale too since we still haven't managed to have anyone flip as mafia yet. Seems like we're fighting a losing battle here.

I'm still suss on Domo due to his flip at the end of yesterday. For Mellow I'm feeling a little more suss given that you've said his usual activity as town is greater than this game.

I don't know if we should consider someone role claiming at all, but I think it's likely that at least two townies are gonna have some kind of role right? I'm kind of new to this though but which roles do you guys think are likely in this game and which are more or less beneficial to claim?


Staff member
I just had a read through the day again and think I'll lean toward YIGA rather than Domo. I still think there is a chance they're mafia buddies based on them distancing themselves from each other so strongly and some of their actions over the previous few days but perhaps I'll take Bok's advice before he falls victim to the poison.

I think we're too focused on Dom and that's going to ultimately lose us the game. His entire demeanor seems different than the other games I've played with him. I think he's just a new player playing his first game as town and making mistakes. I'm not too convinced about Yiga either but I feel better about lynching him than Dom. Since we're tied I'm going to break that tie by voted Yiga before the day ends unless something new comes up. I think town's going to lose either way.

Vote: YIGAhim

Miss Cucco

Mrs. DekuNut
Jun 8, 2017
Nowhere important
If no one else is going to vote and I see no reason to cast my vote. It's just three votes for Dom in 3 Volts for Yiga. Though I do see why people would want to vote for yiga, I guess I just miss read him. I really didn't see him as scum, but that may have been because I have not been paying that much attention to him.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
If no one else is going to vote and I see no reason to cast my vote. It's just three votes for Dom in 3 Volts for Yiga. Though I do see why people would want to vote for yiga, I guess I just miss read him. I really didn't see him as scum, but that may have been because I have not been paying that much attention to him.

It's actually 2 for Dom and 3 for YIGA since you removed your vote.

I've seen more scummy behavior from Dom, so that's where I'm going to place my vote. His claim as a vanilla is a really safe claim for mafia to make, and I feel like he and YIGA could be scumbuds anyways. I just get a much scummier vibe from Dom's posts right now.

Vote: Domozilla777


By the time I post this, it'll already be late to vote. But I lean more towards Yiga being scum than Domo; I forgot who said it, but domo's play style so far has been that of a newbie townie. It's either that or the way he's playing is basically trying to make himself look like a newbie townie


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Sorry for coming in last minute like this (work sucks), I was actually considering cutting Domo some slack since he explained himself rather well. Too late to change now, but it's interesting how the activity suddenly spiked right before the lynch.
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