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Game Thread Mafia: The Legend of Korra Book Three

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the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
I feel like giving the mafia 2 kills and the town having to relay on just scum readings pushed the balance to in the favor of the mafia due to the number of vanilla townies the mafia was able to snow ball and divide the town. Maybe give the town a role blocker so that there was more of a chance to slow the game down.
If you wanted a game based on reads instead of roles I feel like you should have made the poisoner a modifier to the faction kill to give the town time to react or make it one shot.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Mido was spot on, though

Not quite. I didn't nab you as scum off the bat. I was back and forth on Minish, and EMIYA only on the final day. Mezlo was the only one I had any footing on throughout the direction of the game. We got steamrolled, and the Mafia overall proved to be a very cohesive team. Good work to the scum. You folks earned it.

I was really kicking myself in the shins (as ALIT knows) after failing to protect Pendio Night 1 because it should have been an obvious move since he outright called the poisoner out as a role. My approach could have been a lot better at night.

As far as the day is concerned, I could say I assisted in costing us that last lynch, and that alone is nearly inescusiable, if only because at that point I was getting so frustrated with my failure to help lead the town that I virtually conceded the game. This whole situation reminded me of Sherlock Mafia on numerous counts. If there's anything I'm going to look to improve on, it's becoming better at working with fellow townies. I think my approach was a bit too isolated and it wasn't really convincing anyone to join whatever causes I may have had this game. I guess I'm more sad than outright upset over the outcome, but I must say I've learned a bit more this time around, so thanks for hosting, ALIT!

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I feel like giving the mafia 2 kills and the town having to relay on just scum readings pushed the balance to in the favor of the mafia due to the number of vanilla townies the mafia was able to snow ball and divide the town. Maybe give the town a role blocker so that there was more of a chance to slow the game down.
If you wanted a game based on reads instead of roles I feel like you should have made the poisoner a modifier to the faction kill to give the town time to react or make it one shot.

I'll address this in more detail later in the night here and in the set-up thread, but I feel I should have allowed the healer more flexibility in how they're able to heal. Having to predict the exact person to be poisoned on a given night must have been quite the burden for Mido. As for scum reading, the town sensor was an extremely powerful role that was not used at all this game, which could have swung the whole game. For example, if it was used on the Storm wagon, the town would have known that three out of the eight people off wagon were scum. So I don't think there was a shortage of useful roles for town, although I admit they were more situational than the mafia's. If I were to host this again, I would probably toss out one vanilla townie for a bulletproof.


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
To be honest, I'd use the sensor role on a smaller group. 8 people is too much to sift through, but if 2 suspicious people vote for someone, then use your ability, and get some facts instead of leads

Deleted member 14134

Ya from the mess on day 1 to the town being indecisive on day 3 and me forgetting to vote I think things could of went a bit better for town. Kind of disappointed with how things turned out in the end. That's nothing against you ALIT, the game was good just the way things turned out was a little disheartening for me in the end.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Okay, I lied about being just sad. I dwelled on it too long and now:


The only thing that could make things worse is if someone vig kills the same player in two games when said player is tow-

Oh wait.
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