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Game Thread Mafia: The Legend of Korra Book Three

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Deleted member 14134

What happe ed to not hammering. I swear no one hear reads my messages idk the point of me playing.


the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
What happe ed to not hammering. I swear no one hear reads my messages idk the point of me playing.
Eh let them hammer while I'm in favor of the lynch I did not want a hammer due to the the conversation being generated and the information that could be gained from it.


Aug 25, 2016
I was all for not hammering, but it got to the point where every other post was "omg Storm wtf" and I wasn't down to deal with that for the next two days.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
You idiots, if he is town I will have your heads! :ezlo:
This post doesn't sit right with me. Most of us have stated, me included, that we believe storm to be town. Nobody would do the **** he was doing as mafia. But anti-town behaviour is anti-town behaviour, and storm needed to go because of it. He was dangerous for us to keep around.
I tried to tell them, the sloth turned them against us.
This post also doesn't sit well with me. Well I'm the one that proposed the majority in the first place, it was ultimately the choice of the players that led to it, and I think most of the people who voted for storm did it independently with little/no outside influence.

I think you'll find that this was a good outcome for the day regardless of what happens, because we're all going to have a much smoother playing experience from this point forward without a certain toxic player causing a storm (see what I did there kek).


Jun 7, 2017
the present
This post doesn't sit right with me. Most of us have stated, me included, that we believe storm to be town. Nobody would do the **** he was doing as mafia. But anti-town behaviour is anti-town behaviour, and storm needed to go because of it. He was dangerous for us to keep around.

This post also doesn't sit well with me. Well I'm the one that proposed the majority in the first place, it was ultimately the choice of the players that led to it, and I think most of the people who voted for storm did it independently with little/no outside influence.

I think you'll find that this was a good outcome for the day regardless of what happens, because we're all going to have a much smoother playing experience from this point forward without a certain toxic player causing a storm (see what I did there kek).

I was mostly joking in that second post, I was just agreeing with bok.

Still disagree with you completely.

Deleted member 14134

The problem is you people are top caught up in focusing on storm (and enabling him). There is more to discuss than just him, people's opinions, why they voted or why they're choosing not to vote. Let storm troll, just because he doesn't want to play doesn't mean everyone else doesn't have to.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
You mean that you would have rather kept Storm around? All he did was distract us from playing the game.

I wouldn't take out any losses just yet. Storm's claims are likely just fake.

I don't think I replied to this, but I think someone already asked me so I want to be perfectly clear:

I think if you're voting for storm because you believe he's anti town, but you believe he's TOWN, you're voting for the wrong reason.

If you're trying to maj, you are hindering our discussion and also voting for the wrong reason.

If you, however, are voting him because you believe he's MAFIA, you're voting him for the right reason. I personally believe he is mafia but I didn't vote because I didn't want to get us closer to maj'ing. We're here to lynch mafia, not bad townies.

You can argue with this all you want but I believe it to be true and shall not be dissuaded.


The problem is you people are top caught up in focusing on storm (and enabling him). There is more to discuss than just him, people's opinions, why they voted or why they're choosing not to vote. Let storm troll, just because he doesn't want to play doesn't mean everyone else doesn't have to.
Well I didn't solely focus on Storm, I said who I was suspicious of and the reasons as to why I suspect them. Other people did so too, so that we're not starting with nothing the next day.

Right now though it is best to just get this out of our system and like 'the sloth', Mellow you piece of adorableness, Storm being anti-town and not really taking the game seriously will do no one any sort of benefit. So maybe I didn't listen to you about the hammering, I'm sorry; but I also believe someone else would have done it regardless.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Just wondering, @A Link In Time do you think you could start thread marking the vote counts to make them easier to find?

I was going to follow the format Pendio used and only threadmark the start of day and night phases. But if a sizeable amount of people want me to threadmark all vote counts, I can do so. I simply worry that it would clutter the thread summary.


The game is on!
I vote that we don't threadmark the vote tallies. It seems redundant to me, and it's not hard to find the latest one anyway. And as ALIT said, it would clutter up the contents list a lot.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
What the heck just happened? Look, I get that lynching "bad Townies" is important and all, but this feels like a rushed misstep, fam. If Storm flips Town, then already the Mafia are going to be two steps ahead of the game. He managed to get 10 votes within two to three days, one being himself and the other 9 from other players. That's half of the player list. I don't necessarily think that Storm is scum (has he ever been scum, and if so, did he act like this then?), but it's obvious to me that the bandwagon was scum-driven. Smh
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