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Game Thread Mafia: The Legend of Korra Book Three

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Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Well, I suppose that's that. I'm surprised to see karu dropped the hammer given her previous perspective. I'm not sure I'm going to have time to get a reads list in before ALIT ends the day, but I think if there's anything to say, I'll say this in addition to what I've previously said:

FoS: funnier6



Where is @Eduarda when you need herr
IT was obvious that this was getting no where. I agree with Mellow that Storm's behavior day one has been anti-town and it proves to be destructive. I also believe that if Storm where to be lynched right now, you would have something to go on; plus I think we've all kinda had enough of this.

Someone would of done it sooner or later, you cannot deny that. If you're upset with my choice so be it.
Well, I suppose that's that. I'm surprised to see karu dropped the hammer given her previous perspective. I'm not sure I'm going to have time to get a reads list in before ALIT ends the day, but I think if there's anything to say, I'll say this in addition to what I've previously said:

FoS: funnier6
What does FoS mean again?


Jun 7, 2017
the present
IT was obvious that this was getting no where. I agree with Mellow that Storm's behavior day one has been anti-town and it proves to be destructive. I also believe that if Storm where to be lynched right now, you would have something to go on; plus I think we've all kinda had enough of this.

Someone would of done it sooner or later, you cannot deny that. If you're upset with my choice so be it.

What does FoS mean again?

Don't like it, nope nope nope.

Finger of Suspicion. For all the wrong reasons I'm sure.


Don't like it, nope nope nope.

Finger of Suspicion. For all the wrong reasons I'm sure.
Suspicion of me? Really?? Like I don't know me defending Storm doesn't put suspicion enough jaja (Sarcasm is sarcastic)

Well Storm is taking me down with him, so he says. I know I'm innocent. I'm not bitter actually, I knew something like was a possibility; defending someone who has everyone against him leads to this kinda thing, so yeah.

And so I die a tragic, tragic death


You mean that you would have rather kept Storm around? All he did was distract us from playing the game.

I wouldn't take out any losses just yet. Storm's claims are likely just fake.
I know but just in case he is telling the truth and I actually die. Let me be dramatic

But if I don't die, then of course I'm gonna be playing harder than I have been doing. But just for now, let me have my dramatic moment jaja
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Jun 7, 2017
the present
Suspicion of me? Really?? Like I don't know me defending Storm doesn't put suspicion enough jaja (Sarcasm is sarcastic)

Well Storm is taking me down with him, so he says. I know I'm innocent. I'm not bitter actually, I knew something like was a possibility; defending someone who has everyone against him leads to this kinda thing, so yeah.

And so I die a tragic, tragic death

Um no, I was answering your question about FoS. o-o
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