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Mafia Round 3 (Game Thread)

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Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
Too big a wall of angry text! Spare me!

THP, try not to put the answers in my quote cuz then I have to copy and paste everything again.

Oh please, just because someone defended, doesn't mean they aren't scum. In the last game, I observed that some experienced players had strong defenses, who watched their own back and was very careful when posting, and was mafia. There's always a chance people would be scum, and we have to remember that, even though someone has strong defenses.

Ok, so kokirion could be scum. I agree completely. He could be scum. You could also be scum. Why not we lynch you? See, we have to have a proper reason to be suspicious of someone. Just cuz they are scum hunting is not that good a reason.

No lynch means no lynch, we spare the special roles, but we also spare the scum. I'm a risk taker at this point, since I don't want the same mistake as I made before- being ignorant to posts. We have enough posts to tell some basic information.

Like being ignorant to my post? Yeah, that's not good. I'm telling you guys not to. And risk takers, not that a good idea in a game with goes 50% by luck ;)

Yes, it would, but do you really think that 360+ posts would be enough to tell basic information about who's a townie and who's scum?

Yes, it would. Anything is possible here. ;) So far no scum is lynched, so I can't give an example, but yes, it is possible.

It depends on who seems the most suspicious to you. And besides, just because you vote No Lynch doesn't mean you HAVE to vote for someone. You seem to be missing my point.

My point is that we hold discussion like normal, before No Lynch was an option to us. We try to find scum, and if we're unsure enough, we don't do a majority lynch and end up with a No Lynch anyways. That way, if we're unsure enough, we don't risk losing a Townie and we gain valuable information that we would've had to wait longer for. Comprende?

Non. Je ne comprende pas. I'm not a risk taker here, and I recommend not being one. I don't gamble. Is kokirion scum, townie, of someone special that would help us? It could land either way. While we are not sure right now, why take a risk? If this was happening to me, I wold get quite angry. Why you guys are lynching someone for the same reason awesome was lynched, and also repeating your mistake while it was not a good idea the first time you did it.

Anyways, back to what you are saying. We should only no lynch when we don't know what to do. Many others voted no lynched. I'm not the only one. This is because the reason you are accusing someone is not such a good one. Why take a risk? We don't know who else to lynch, and we are not risk takers, and don't want to lynch someone with weak evidence, so we simply vote no lynch so that our vote is counted too. Well, this is why I voted. I don't know about everyone else :lol: And about voting no one, do you think it's possible at this stage? For that we need no one to vote if I'm correct.

Two words: Home. Work. And by the way, I left my laptop on while doing it in case you were wondering.

Anyways, see the above. It answers your question. And also, just because you say so doesn't make it absolutely true.

I did not understand the home work part, but oh well. Yes, just because I say does not make it true. I just don't want anyone to be voted just because they are Scum Hunting. That's not strong enough. I'm not talking about Kokirion. I'm talking about everyone.

ಠ_ಠ Where does that logic come from? Seriously, I'd like to know. We Majority No Lynch now, and we go to night immediately. Mafia mobilize and get there kill in, among the other roles. Our information from this day is thus cut short. Then, in the morning, we restart the day in the exact same state with the exact same clues as before just with 1-3 less Townies, potentially important ones, and a refreshed timer (but we've still got a bit of time left anyways).

You guys seem to be completely disregarding what I'm saying, so hopefully some bold letters will help a little more. We continue the day like normal, just as we did before No Lynch was an option at all. If we find somebody who we think is scum, great, we kill him/her. If we don't, the timer runs out and we get a No Lynch anyways and start fresh in the morning. We still gain information from the Day that we would've missed out on if we Majority No Lynched and ended it immediately, and we reduce the chances of a mislynch to 0.

This does not apply to me, plus half of it was confusing, so I'll skip this one.

No, it just shortens our time and our resources. Sure, we refresh the clock, but at the same time, we lose 1-3 Townies in the process through the Night, and we don't gain much if any information.

Also, in regards to everybody's suspicion of me: I like to play Sherlock every time I play Mafia, regardless of my affiliation. Lynching me just because I used that tactic and became Super Scum last time is probably not a safe idea, because for all you know, I could be Town and you'd be out a scum hunter.

I think that loosing 3 townies are better than 4 :nod:

tl;dr version of my entire point: we try to find scum (emphasis on the try part), and if we find one, hey, great. If we don't, then hey, we still gain information from the debate about it.

See, Grand Master Panda's got it down.

Every townie counts. Last game the Mafia won because there was less townies. This game, I don't want that to happen, but it seems like you do :hmm:

Actually, Majority No Lynch doesn't make people think more. If anything, it makes people think less. We don't have to vote somebody by the end of the day. We could just try to find scum, and if we don't find any before the clock runs out, then we end up with a No Lynch happens anyways and we gain information we need.

I think that you guys already voted. Everyone is not going to come back and unvote so there will be no automatic no lynch this round, so that's not really possible whatever you were trying to say ;)

Yes. We need all the information we can get, and a Majority No Lynch will end the day immediately, thus cutting our info short. Even if it's just a minute, during that minute we could get a Fruedian Slip from a scum and gain an advantage! A Majority No Lynch won't benefit Town.

Again, the automatic no lynch thing is not possible this day.

Alright not gonna lie, I don't remember a post where you said why Kokiron is not scum. And you've referenced it now in 2 other posts without linking us, or telling us what day you mentioned. Or really any information as to why we should unvote Kokiron other then because YOU say so, what authority do you have? Are you the cop? Did you investigate him last night and find out he's "Not Guilty"?

Ok, page 24, post 350. And the reason why you are blaming someone is not enough for a vote by the way. Well, not in my opinion. It's weak and wobbly and needs a stronger foundation. Just because someone is Scum Hunting is not a good reason to accuse them. And what I said above that the foundation is not strong enough is why you should listen to me and not vote someone because of that.

Guys, I'm supposed to be asleep by now, but I'm here, and I'm so sleepy and my brain is half asleep, so this is why I skipped some questions, and answered other ones awkwardly. I'll try to stay up as long as I can before fall asleep on the keyboard. -.-


Mrs. Austin
Dec 6, 2009
Plus, it mioght give us a chance to see who's Mafia and who's not. Obviously the people who get killed aren't Mafia.
Umm...alright, I REALLY fail to see what good it does to pass up a lynch just to see which townie the mafia kills. Just think about it, what good does that really do us? We may get hints out of it, but if the mafia is smart they'll kill off intelligent players who we wouldn't suspect to begin with. The mafia are not going to incriminate themselves with an obvious nightkill, meaning we are most likely going to get MINIMAL hints from a mafia nightkill, and unless the mafia gets the SK, whoever they kill will hurt us guaranteed.

On the other hand, the person WE lynch is likely going to provide us more clues, not to mention we have the chance of actually catching a mafia member. What is the point in waiting? We have to lynch someone eventually anyways since the mafia aren't gonna eliminate themselves, and we can't rely on lucky vig, or even SK kills. Just waiting and hoping someone will slip up won't do us any good, because people aren't gonna slip up unless some action happens. Yes, lynching has its risks, but it's a necessary evil for ANY progress to be made in this game. No point standing idle, it won't get us anywhere.


Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
And don't forget about the extra day of investigation Xie! Plus the 3 townies dieing instead of 4! Plus that every townie counts!


Mrs. Austin
Dec 6, 2009
What clues is there if we lynch an innocent townie? I fail to see your logic.
By looking at the other people involved in the lynch. My thought process is that the mafia are gonna avoid nightkills that incriminate them, at least if they're smart. They're definitely gonna take down a townie with that (unless they get SK, but I digress), and they're gonna try and minimize clues against them. On the other hand, they can't protect themselves if one of them, say, pushes really hard for a townie lynch, and if we lynch that townie, that mafia member will potentially have suspicion thrown on him/her. That's just one example. And again, with a lynch, there's a chance we can actually find scum.

Either way, better off taking the risk than to just hand the mafia a free kill, since we will not benefit at all by giving them that free kill.
May 5, 2010
By looking at the other people involved in the lynch. My thought process is that the mafia are gonna avoid nightkills that incriminate them, at least if they're smart. They're definitely gonna take down a townie with that (unless they get SK, but I digress), and they're gonna try and minimize clues against them. On the other hand, they can't protect themselves if one of them, say, pushes really hard for a townie lynch, and if we lynch that townie, that mafia member will potentially have suspicion thrown on him/her. That's just one example. And again, with a lynch, there's a chance we can actually find scum.

Either way, better off taking the risk than to just hand the mafia a free kill, since we will not benefit at all by giving them that free kill.

And what information have we gathered from Awesome? Not a lot of votes has been made since the second day began.
Sep 16, 2009
Cali For Nuh
Ok, page 24, post 350. And the reason why you are blaming someone is not enough for a vote by the way. Well, not in my opinion. It's weak and wobbly and needs a stronger foundation. Just because someone is Scum Hunting is not a good reason to accuse them. And what I said above that the foundation is not strong enough is why you should listen to me and not vote someone because of that.

I believe you missed my post with the evidence against Kokiron. And I pray thee remember your own words when you see my argument against him.
Kokirion still seems to be suspicious to me. I mean Kyby pointed out that he had acted possibly suspicious. That night Kyby ends up dead.

Next day he places a vote on Axle without a real opinion, just a little side text. Its like he's trying to take out townies without getting noticed during the day period, and ridding himself of the more high risk threats at night.

I must check but I believe he voted for AwesomeLink as well? I could be mistaken I will check when I return home from my inlaws and report back...

FoS: Kokiron

He did vote for AwesomeLink. Two helpful townies that died. Why? Because they had suspicions against him and must be eliminated. I hardly feel the evidence he left us is nothing to note... I hardly feel like a "No Lynch" is the answer. It gives the Townies a free ride. The same free ride we were offering to them last round.


Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
Ok, good night everyone! I hope that you are smart enough to know what to do. Please read my post. Wait, I'll quote it:

Ok, I just want to point out all the possibilities before you lynch anyone ;)

Now, as kokirion said, Axel has been acting really passive and all that. I agree with him completely. Now let's look at Guild Wars 1, not 1/2, 1.There kokirion had voted for Rishian. He reasoning was that Rishian was acting too passive. Guess what kokirion was there? A villager. Guess what Rishian was there? A guild member (scum). Kokirion is doing the exact same thing as he was doing in the other game, voting for the most passive person.

As we look at Din's post which I quoted above, I completely agree with that. Nothing could be more true. And I am sure that many other people agree with this too, am I correct?

Now let's see if kokirion is a mafia member and if Axle is a townie. Yes, Axle is obviously a big threat to them. He is really experienced as far as I know. To say the truth, I think that a guild member would rather night kill an experienced player than lynch them. The main reason for this is no matter what we think, the truth is that scum hunters are always the ones which stand out, therefore the ones who people think are suspicious for not much of a good reason, therefore lynched. I really dis agree with this. Scums are mostly passive and all that, and don't want to be in the spotlight. Now I know that this is what MK9 did, and he flipped scum, but mostly scum will try to stay low so that nothing would ever slip out.

Now I don't remember much of the last GW game, but I think that all the guild members were lying low and acting passive. Yeah, so technically Axle is enough suspicious for a vote in my opinion. But, I won't vote for Axle as of yet.

Vote: No Lynch

Only because Axle is on top of my suspicion list, but I never rush a vote, and kokirion seems like another Awesome mixed with a bit of himself, so there it is ;) Everything is right in front of you folks. You just got to read in between the lines and put yourself in their shoes with different roles and see what works out best ;)

And don't forget to read the advantages of no lynch before deciding. Good night everyone, and hopefully I'll wake up to see that you've made the right choice and not vote someone because of a weak reason. Remember, don't let the Mafia pull your leash. Rip it apart and go your own way. Make your own theory. Don't vote because everyone else doing so. They might be Mafia trying to get a free kill. Mafia will most probably be the one to start an accusation with little or no evidence and convince you to join them in lynching townies because they know who is who, and you don't. See you all tomorrow ;)

I believe you missed my post with the evidence against Kokiron. And I pray thee remember your own words when you see my argument against him.

He did vote for AwesomeLink. Two helpful townies that died. Why? Because they had suspicions against him and must be eliminated. I hardly feel the evidence he left us is nothing to note... I hardly feel like a "No Lynch" is the answer. It gives the Townies a free ride. The same free ride we were offering to them last round.

Oh, so was kokirion the only one who voted for awesome? I thought I remembered more :S

Master Kokiri 9

The Dungeon Master
Aug 19, 2009
My ship that sailed in the morning
Non. Je ne comprende pas. I'm not a risk taker here, and I recommend not being one. I don't gamble. Is kokirion scum, townie, of someone special that would help us? It could land either way. While we are not sure right now, why take a risk? If this was happening to me, I wold get quite angry. Why you guys are lynching someone for the same reason awesome was lynched, and also repeating your mistake while it was not a good idea the first time you did it.

Okay. About the Gambling thing, there is almost never any real way of knowing for sure whether or not someone is scum. You could gather all the evidence in the world on a person, and have them be Town. On the other hand, there could be absolutely NO evidence whatsoever on a person and they end up being scum.

See, when you're playing Mafia, there is always an inherent risk factor. Yes, it would be nice to not mislynch at all. However, mislynches are BOUND to happen and frankly, you have to be prepared for that.

Not saying mislynching is a good thing, it's just a very real possibility, and if you don't lynch at all for fear of mislynching, you ruin the whole fun of the game and end up giving the Mafia an easy road to victory.

zelda_8 said:
Anyways, back to what you are saying. We should only no lynch when we don't know what to do. Many others voted no lynched. I'm not the only one. This is because the reason you are accusing someone is not such a good one. Why take a risk? We don't know who else to lynch, and we are not risk takers, and don't want to lynch someone with weak evidence, so we simply vote no lynch so that our vote is counted too. Well, this is why I voted. I don't know about everyone else :lol: And about voting no one, do you think it's possible at this stage? For that we need no one to vote if I'm correct.

:facepalm: z8. You read the part I bolded? That is the point I have been trying to make since this whole thing started. Only No Lynch when we don't have any leads at all, but add in the circumstance of the day ending. I believe this all has been a gigantic misunderstanding.

Also, I'm accusing you for being so Pro No Lynch. I'm not accusing anyone for being Pro No Lynch. I was trying to get everybody to realize that No Lynch isn't always a viable option.

Also, the voting nobody thing, I was under the assumption that if the deadline is reached without a majority, an auto No Lynch takes place (I've become accustomed to that from Mafia on other sites).

zelda_8 said:
I did not understand the home work part, but oh well. Yes, just because I say does not make it true. I just don't want anyone to be voted just because they are Scum Hunting. That's not strong enough. I'm not talking about Kokirion. I'm talking about everyone.

I believe I'm starting to make sense of this now. You (among others) are voting No Lynch because you're not sure enough (and to be honest, given the circumstances I'm pretty sure you're under, I understand perfectly now). And you're also trying to prevent people from getting lynched for "trying too hard" as was the reason for Awesome's lynch earlier in the game.

zelda_8 said:
Every townie counts. Last game the Mafia won because there was less townies. This game, I don't want that to happen, but it seems like you do :hmm:

Okay, here's what I was trying to say.

We go to Majority No Lynch, we lose info. Then Mafia, Vig, and SK get their kills in and potentially we lose 3 Townies. Then we end up giving the Mafia an edge, that is what I wanted to avoid. However, I thought that you were basically saying "No Lynch, more evidence and less chance of Mafia victory" basically, and I vigorously opposed it since it was obviously a very Anti Town thing. I was suspecting you for it in the back of my mind, but I thought that you were doing this because you were new to the game and didn't quite know what was going on.

However, I think I've struck oi- er, I think I've broken through this unintentional cloud of misunderstanding.

zelda_8 said:
Again, the automatic no lynch thing is not possible this day.

I wasn't aware of that. I thought that since PJ was implementing No Lynch that he was implementing one of the more popular features of No Lynch that I've become very aware of: auto No Lynch if a majority isn't reached before the deadline.

Confirmation or denial from PJ on the whole subject of the Auto No Lynch would be great. (I bolded so it would grab his attention, just so you know :P)

Anyways, z8, you understanding that this whole No Lynch thing is just a misunderstanding between us?


By the way, Xin is right on her points. Just believe the two of us, guys, lynching is our best and probably our only controllable option to get scum.
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
Vote: Hero of Time

This kid just makes me nervous. Running around, claiming he has a huge role that we'll regret to kill him because of it. It actually sounds like a very bad cover-up tactic to me, to blatantly come out and say you have a power role. This would catch the eye of the mafia in a heartbeat, which nullifies any use he may have been to the Townie cause. Either that, or he's just a stupid Townie who just, like I said before, follows the crowd without contributing. Last but not least, he could be an over-protective mafia.

Win-win for me. Stupid townie with no role, stupid townie WITH role, or stupid mafia. Yeah, I can live with this.


Feb 24, 2010

No Lynch - 6 (Axle the Beast, zack125, Hero of Time, zelda_8, link to present, Icetomeetyou)
kokiron - 5 (Baysiderulez, Xinnamin, Din Akera, TheGreen, Dracomajora)
Hero of Time - 1 (Ver-go-a-go-go)
Axle the Beast - 1 (kokirion)

The votes had been counted, and a decision was made. There would be no lynching today. The majority of the townies simply felt that they couldn't kill one of their own without stronger evidence. There were some dissenters who were quite angry about the verdict, but there wasn't anything they could do. Scared but feeling somewhat good about themselves, the townies retreated to their house and prayed that they would still be alive in the morning.

Night has begun. Mafia members, PM your nightkill choices to your godfather/mother. Everyone else with a night-ability, PM me your choices directly. Let's try to get this done as quickly as possible. There will be no further discussion in this thread until Day 3 begins.
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