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Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
do you need a fursuit if you can draw your sona tho
But if I had a fursuit, I could wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time..
To answer that, no, but I just think they're neat. And I can scare random people by wearing it out in public
That escalated quickly

What you need to get is your own laptop so we can play Minecraft together
Oh fr I do, I should look into that this weekend. Once I got one I was gonna suggest we try a speedrun


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
It's easier to be confident when people can't see your face I think. Tangent time but there was this one teen girl in my strange addiction or some show who's anxiety was so severe that she wouldn't do much of anything outside unless she was in her homemade fullbody fursuit (that was fugly btw) and I'm like bro it looks like you're wearing a sears carpet how does that make you more confident?? lmao I have to see if I can find that again

i have a real question tho,,
can you pro gamer while wearing paws
I mean, some people cut holes in the paws so they can use their phones if necessary, I'd assume that's the best that could be done for gaming unless the paws were actually made proportionate for once lol. I'll def try tho if I ever get paws
flies are friggin goofy

they're called diptera cuz they only got two wings as opposed to the usual four that other insect orders have, but the thing is... they actually do still have the four wings. the morphology of the second pair of wings has just been repurposed to not be used for flight but instead a gyroscope for like precise hovering. and now that i've told you this, when you see flies, you will notice the little smol halteres behind their wings and be like HEY ITS THE THING




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