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Oof, hope you can figure it out :(
i think i'll just have to grin and bear it tbh. i survived the final fest of splatoon 2 with the gold and silver ink colors so i'll probably manage. i feel like the color im using in this fest wouldve been the hardest to see at least. havent encountered any team fun (with green ink) yet but since there are two opposing teams this time around at least i wont be stuck with one color


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
i almost thought about checkinig out the nso upgrade thing when i went to renew my online but i didnt flippin realize the family plan was 80 ****ing dollars

thats two whole 3ds games
Why would you want the family one? If you share the switch the 64 thing should have separate save files in game
taking mental note of all the nonspecific bug fables names i've played against since starting splatoon 3. these could be references but they could also not be, it is impossible to know and thats the fun part. just played a match with maki

previously i fought 2 vi's, a leif, a venus, and a cerise.

will let you know if theres a mothiva lmfao cuz that one would def be a bug fables ref


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
Lately I've been thinking about how the fact that I've been working for almost a year now and still haven't impulse bought a fursuit is quite impressive


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
I feel like it's one of those things that's a lot more special if you make it yourself (even if it's nowhere near the same quality) but also if I'm spending that much on one thing might as well be something actually cool like a new console or idk a motorcycle
I came across a hyperrealistic weimaraner one today that was pretty cheap for what it was and I really wanted it but I decided I should at least get my mom's opinion first. When I pulled up the pic to show her it had already sold but she was like EEK that thing is freaky!! Is it just a head? A head of a weimaraner?? And I had to explain that no it was not the severed head of a weimaraner it was askshually just a fursuit


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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