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Is Skyward Sword THE Origin Story?



I've read in a few threads that people are saying that SS is the first time there is a Zelda/Link pairing. But it is not the origin of the Hero of time... is it?

When Zelda gives Link the sailcloth she says it is a recreation of the one that the Goddess Hylia gave to her chosen Hero when the battle with Demise first occurred. THAT would be the origin of the Hero of Time, wouldn't it? So...who was that Hero? Where did he come from, why did she choose him...etc. Even in the past in SS, the Sealed Temple is old and in ruin, which means that the original Goddess Hylia/Hero of Time story must have happened in an era further in the Past. It would seem that Demise had been sealed there in whatever era that was.

The Zelda/Link pairing, beginning with SS is a reflection of the Hylia/Hero, which was the original pairing that protected the Triforce and banished evil from the Land.

Does this sound right?
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Yes, What you have written is correct. SS is the first Zelda game as in terms of the Link/Zelda part of the story.


Boy Wonder
Jun 22, 2011
Behind you
Rampant speculation and SPOILERS ahead, be warned.

I would argue that Zelda's statement that the Sailcloth is a recreation of the Sailcloth given to the Hero by Hylia actually refers to the very Sailcloth she is giving Link. Given the later knowledge that Zelda is a reincarnation of Hylia and that she and Link, the chosen Hero, travel back in time during the events of the game to the time not long after the first battle with Demise, I think the original tale of Hylia and the Hero is, in fact, referring to the events of the game.


Rampant speculation and SPOILERS ahead, be warned.

I would argue that Zelda's statement that the Sailcloth is a recreation of the Sailcloth given to the Hero by Hylia actually refers to the very Sailcloth she is giving Link. Given the later knowledge that Zelda is a reincarnation of Hylia and that she and Link, the chosen Hero, travel back in time during the events of the game to the time not long after the first battle with Demise, I think the original tale of Hylia and the Hero is, in fact, referring to the events of the game.

But, when Link/Zelda travel back in time, Demise has already been defeated and sealed by Hylia and her Hero even further back in the past. Link and Zelda are catching him as he breaks free, (with Ghirahim's help) and ultimately succeed in destroying him.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I believe SS is the tale of the Hero of Time if Ocarina of Time isn't already. We do everything in SS to make the Master Sword a legendary blade which it is noted to be in OoT. There's no way SS CAN'T be the origin story of the HoT.
Jan 1, 2012
I believe SS is the tale of the Hero of Time if Ocarina of Time isn't already. We do everything in SS to make the Master Sword a legendary blade which it is noted to be in OoT. There's no way SS CAN'T be the origin story of the HoT.

Yeah, exactly. The Hero of Time uses the Master Sword. The Master Sword did not exist prior to the events of Skyward Sword.


But, when Link/Zelda travel back in time, Demise has already been defeated and sealed by Hylia and her Hero even further back in the past. Link and Zelda are catching him as he breaks free, (with Ghirahim's help) and ultimately succeed in destroying him.

was Demise "defeated and sealed by Hylia and her Hero" or just defeated and sealed by Hylia? I dont think it mentions her hero does it? I could be wrong i dont remember


Sep 6, 2011
Hyrule (United States)
I think that the Goddess created a Hero of Time, because of her lack of one years before. She seemed have handled everything okay, until she realized that a hero was necessary to keep everything order.

So yes, SS has to be first.


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
I believe SS is the tale of the Hero of Time if Ocarina of Time isn't already. We do everything in SS to make the Master Sword a legendary blade which it is noted to be in OoT. There's no way SS CAN'T be the origin story of the HoT.

Wait i'm confused... why would SS link be the Hero of Time when OoT link is the hero of time? SS link's title is the goddess's chosen hero
Dec 14, 2011
I believe SS is the tale of the Hero of Time if Ocarina of Time isn't already. We do everything in SS to make the Master Sword a legendary blade which it is noted to be in OoT. There's no way SS CAN'T be the origin story of the HoT.

This is what I thought too.
There couldn't be a Hero of Time before there was a Master Sword.

SS Link is the first in the chain of Links/Heroes.

Hylia herself originally sealed away Demise and once set free from being The Imprisoned, when demise saw Link for the first time he recognised him as Hylia's knight only because he had the True MS with him I believe.

As for what it says when the sailcloth is handed down, maybe there is a small inconsistancy from Nintendo on that point.

Link is the Hero chosen by the Goddess Hylia, It's OoT Link that's the Hero of Time, although that may just be a moniker to call Link at that point, as SS travels through time in SS that's the start of the name 'HoT'
Feb 23, 2011
I guess it's the origin story of the long line of incarnations - spiritual or familial - of Zeldas and Links, and all that surrounds them. It is also the origin of their roles, their fate, and their destiny. That said, it is also the origin story of the evil which plagues each incarnation throughout the ages. Given the back story of Hylia and Demise, I'm having trouble thinking of reasons why SS wouldn't be considered THE origin story. [noparse]=/[/noparse]
Dec 19, 2011
Well you know, it's zelda it's neve going to fit together like a jigsaw puzzle (untill they bing out games in between that explains it) and personally i don't believe that nintendo has full finished the time line. we could get a game befoe SS when we see demise and the orifins of him... at the end of the day it's "The legend of Zelda"


Yes, but that's just because it was supposedly foretold by the legend of Hylia and the creation of Skyloft and such that a lengedary hero would come down from the sky to save the land below from the demon tribe.
Dec 14, 2011
But this is Nintendo we're talking about.

This is true, Nintendo have placed a 'universal outcome' shift at the point of Link defeating/being defeated by Gonnondorf in OoT, there's no reason to say that there couldn't have been another alternate universal timeline before SS, maybe an alternate universal timeline that took place before SS and depended upon the Heroes outcome prior to the shift in OoT?

Heck there could be more universes undiscovered still, the goddesses after all are omnipotent beings and don't have to be restricted to one contingency.
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