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A Link Between Worlds Is It in Your Top Favorites?


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
I enjoy this game so much that ALttP was in danger of being replaced as my favorite Zelda game. Instead i have decided to trick myself into thinking that ALttP and ALBW are both part of one experience just so i dont have to question my loyalty. I think of the tow games now kinda like a Double Disc Album a band would release. Yeah you may listen to one Disc more than the other but the album itself is what you like... you catch my drift.

ALBW reminded me exactly why it is that i love Zelda so much. Its complete return to the roots of the series was so thrilling for me to see on a modern platform with modern graphics and features, without touching the Classic Gameplay and Controls. The game ran smooth as butter, and considering it was a handheld game, was a pretty lengthy game. So right now i would say that ALttP and ALBW are tied for my favorite all time Zelda games, closely followed by Twilight Princess, OoT and MC. on down the line there is the oracle games, AoL, and TWW.

ALBW's game design was a great decision by the developers, and i am hoping they can use this "Back to our Roots" type of thinking into the next 3D game. In my eye TP was the last great 3D title, and OoT before that was the last one that actually felt like a 3D zelda game Instead of them using Link in a game that didnt really feel like a Zelda game. Not many will agree with that statement but i truly feel thats how it is. So Kudos to ALBW cuz though some bias gamers who seem to have no clue what the origins of the series are and call is a "primitive" game, i just feel sorry for them being so narrow minded. Just because we have all this Tech to make these crazy 3d games, doesnt mean we need that flashy stuff to have a truly amazing game. Some times Less is better!


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
Plenty of us have a certain order of our favorite Zelda games.Did Link b/w Worlds make it in your top 5?
If not,which spot and why

Hmmm, this is a tough one. While I thoroughly enjoyed my experience with A Link Between Worlds, I can't get over the fact about how easy it was. When I say easy, I'm talking Twilight Princess easy, and everyone knows how "difficult" that was. Then again, I have to constantly weigh in the fact that the characters, the plot, the graphics, the side quests/games, and the overworld were all fantastic, and had exceeded my expectations by a mile. If anything, maybe I might place it within my top 5 favorites, but it certainly wasn't my number one. There was room for improvement, most definitely, but I played what I was given and I was mostly satisfied.
Aug 25, 2012
The Hall of Darkness
Yes ALBW is deffinately in my top five but I haven't decided its placement yet, but its close to being the top, I absolutely loved it, being able to chose my path, getting important gear from Ravio as well as a few things from dungeons, and the Lorule alternate characters were awesome and I hope to see Hilda or Ravio again in the future.

On a side note ALBW technically belongs to the 3D Zelda category as the game only recreates the look of a 2D Zelda and is not actually 2D, its built in 3 demensions with most objects at a 45 degree angle and with the top down view this creates the 2D look, in a 2D game the wall merging game mechanic would be severely limited and far less useful if at all.


Nanomachines, son.
Apr 12, 2012
Yes, I would say overall it's taken my number 2 spot, which used to be ALttP. Just love this game and pretty much everything about it, one of the few games that has kept me hooked until the very end in a while.

Here's how my ranking for top 5 Zelda games go at this point; TP>ALBW>ALttP>OoT>WW
Jan 12, 2014
Temple of Time
I don't have a particular order or ranking, but this game is definitely one of my favorite Zelda games. If I had a list, it would make my top 5. Normally I am completely exhausted by the end of a Zelda game, but I did not feel that at all this time. While the game was on the easy side, I felt that gave it a quick pacing that I really liked. I don't think that I've ever played any game twice in a row, but because I thought the first play was a little easy, I was excited to try Hero mode. Frankly, I didn't have an opinion on the rental system the first time I played because I never died until I had already bought all of the items (which I did the moment I was able to). On Hero mode, I definitely struggled a few times at the beginning and had to make tough decisions about which items I was going to rent, buy, and upgrade; I liked that.
Sep 23, 2013
United States
ALBW is definitely on my top list for sure. Right now, it's my third favorite Zelda game after Wind Waker & Minish Cap. It may have some flaws, but I still think ALBW is a great game.


Dec 31, 2011
New York
This game would definitely be in my top 5 because it brought life back into the pretty dismal and lifeless top-down Zelda gameplay. And the music. And the ending. And the item renting. And the characters. And the puzzles. And the kznvhbahbcvolan ;lkn. If not a perfect Zelda(which is impossible in my opinion), then a very fine one.
it may be the best Zelda since TP for me, but something was missing, heart, soul, whichever, it stops the game from being memorable and i wont be going back to it any time soon, so nope, it doesnt get into my top 5

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