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Spoiler Inverted Triforce.


Sage of Tales
*Looks at topic again*

Okay, as long as we're writing fanfiction here...

If you want an Inverse Trinity for LoZ, evil in counter to the gods... think about what the Triforce represents.

Power/Din, Wisdom/Nayru, Courage/Farore.

I think an inverse might look like this:

Power/Demise (he represents the dark side of raw power, not that Ganondorf doesn't but I think Ganny got Power by mistake and/or "divine prank" - Demise being the ur-power behind the world's evils would make him work here).

Wisdom/Majora (Majora might represent the dark side of too much knowledge/wisdom: Madness. Intelligence can definitely lead to it, just look at all the tortured genuises in history, though "wisdom" is always something I've seen as a more spiritual quality...)

Courage/Fierce Deity (FD certainly seems a brave figure of battle. The problem with courage is that it is, essentially, a neutral quality. One can screw up one's courage to do something horrible rather than noble. FD can represent that when not tempred by Link's essential purity). -- I also think FD works better than Dark Link here because FD is an actual *deity* whereas DL is just "the dark side of the mortal Hero."

Again, I don't think the symbol on the sword represents this, I just saw people coming up with theories and decided to do my own fan-ficcish thing here. If you're going to create a Dark Trinity, justify it.


Jiyeon's Zombie
Jan 13, 2012
I wouldn't say they'd have the same positions, I think Majora would be something like Chaos. Where as FD and Demise would be the same.


When in doubt, mumble.
Dec 22, 2011
I personally had thoughts as soon as I seen the inverted Triforce that were based on how I have always viewed the regular Triforce.

The regular Triforce shows power on top of wisdom and courage and I have always seen this as very significant. To me it shows that power must have it's foundation in wisdom and courage, power must be guided by these things and one who has gained power must already have these in order to use it in a good and just way. Even with good intentions, power wielded without wisdom can cause harm and without courage the user may fail to do what is necessary.

However when we see the inverse we see that power is the foundation. This can be seen as those who are 'evil' believing power is the most important thing to obtain. With power you can take wisdom from others and destroying that which you can not know or understand. With power you can gain courage by destroying that which you fear and making others fear.

For the good, power is built upon wisdom a courage. For the bad, power is the foundation to all they desire, have enough power and you can take anything.

That is they way I have always seen the Triforce and what I thought when I seen the inverted one. Hopefully I explained it well as it was surprisingly hard to convey.


the only one i think your at least sorta right about is demise... but most likely just some sort of resemblance.

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