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I'm Getting Sick of the Average COD Player

Lord Carlisle

He Who Shall Not be Named
Sep 9, 2012
I really can't express my profound hatred for the way people regard Call of Duty and the way they regard Nintendo games.

My cousin and brother are both COD fans. They're both idiotic in their views on gaming. They both believe that blood, gore, and graphics are what makes a game fun, not gameplay, story, unique controls, etc.

My cousin seems to believe that Nintendo is for "kids". And he's 12. ...Really. He seems to think that COD is much more mature. But in reality, all he does is scream at people and curse them out. Anything and everything that doesn't meet his approval is "gay". And for some reason he thinks he's mature for playing COD. Honestly... why are people so moronic? When I showcased the Wii U to him, his response was, "It doesn't have Xbox graphics." Yes. It does. And seriously... he rage-quit NSMBWii... I think that shows the lack of true gaming skill he has...

And as if that even matters! What's worse, is my little brother has recently gone to the COD side. Not that I didn't see that coming. He says Zelda is boring. He also skips through text, never knows what to do in dungeons, etc. my cousin comes over, we always argue over the whole Wii Vs. Xbox thing. All they ever say is that the Xbox 360 has better graphics, so THAT makes it better. Even though I throw all my cards out (innovation, gameplay, story, etc.) it doesn't matter to them.

Heck, I used to be addicted to the Wii COD. It was never fun, just addicting. But it got boring... I just got sick of it. I tried the Xbox 360 version... it was worse. Taking away the aiming feature with the Wii Remote really hindered it. But "graphics are everything".

Anyone else got similar experiences?
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A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Perceived problems with CoD fans are largely blown our out of proportion. The situation isn't nearly as bad as the franchise's detractors want others to believe. Both of my brothers are ardent CoD gamers but they diversify their selection from time to time. Regarding those who play the series with a zealous passion, that's fine too because while the campaign may be lacking, the multiplayer is the model for contemporary FPS and provides for some truly hectic fun. These competitive modes don't appeal to me personally but I can see why others would enjoy them.

From observance, everyone goes through a phase of spurning "kiddie" companies like Nintendo and sticking it to more "mature" products like Activision's CoD. Is it a flawed adolescent perception? Certainly? Luckily, this mentality evens out of there as players realize that balance of all system and various series defines a true core gamer.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I'm a CALL OF DUTY fan, an average one at that, I believe graphics are a big factor in games...but I don't disregard gameplay, story, unique controls etc right out of the blue.
Gameplay has to be very solid, which CoD's is (why else would they reuse the same exact gameplay for each and every one of their games? Tell me CoD gameplay is at all broken!) and surely other games contain.
Story, while not big on my list, has to make some sort of sense. If I'm in a game for the story, example Kingdom Hearts, the story needs to tie to my own expectations (basically, it needs to be compelling and true to its roots), but for Call of Duty, I play solely for online play. No story in online play.
Unique controls? I actually do throw those to the wind; it's all about how controls are used, not whether they're different from other entries or not. I could play Ocarina of Time with motion controls or button controls; I prefer button controls for whatever reason, but I really could careless what the format is. Just don't give me touch controls :P

On the other side of the spectrum, blood and gore doesn't make a game great. It's awesome to see blood spew everywhere in some games (depends on the game) but really, it isn't important at all. Heck, in Call of Duty Black Ops, I turned that gore option to "off" because it really made the game worse than it needed to be (plus the physics of that stuff is laughable; playing with it on could distract me from seeing how...well, I don't even know how to describe aside from 'thrown in' it is). I'd like to see a Zelda game with blood and gore, but those aspects aren't crucial to a game's being good in my eyes lol.

Graphics. The only thing I really care about is anti-aliasing and blur as far as graphics go. The art style can be whatever it wants, whether it is the realistic Final Fantasy stuff, Skyward Sword's impressionistic style, 3D Dot Game Heroes' blocky...stuff. But, if I see a bunch of jagged edges, I'm not going to like that stuff. The color palette needs to be somewhat diverse, meaning it needs more than greys greens and browns (which, fortunately, Black Ops features...but as I recall, MW3 doesn't).

As to having fun with Call of Duty, really I couldn't tell you a sensical reason as to why I love the series. I don't play for the campaign. I ignore the story altogether, as it isn't something I personally dig deep into. I play CoD for the online multiplayer, and the occasional bots mode (e.g Black Ops Combat Training, which I hope Black Ops II will feature!). I just play to kill people, call in killstreaks, and get a decent score (decent ranges from KDR of like 10-34 to 40+ and 10). Hackers are horrible and I hate playing with them as they make the game very unfun.

Finally, I am living proof that I can play CoD, be a stereotypical CoD boy, but still love Nintendo. OoT is my favorite Nintendo game and my favorite video game at that. But, I still love me some CoD. Heck, the "average" Call of Duty player is exactly like me: they just play what they enjoy. Nintendo may not be their thing, but some people are very guilty of loving Super Mario Bros (the old school stuff). Don't throw them all into one heaping pile of meanieheads :P

I'd also like to cement the notion that the average CoD player is not what you encounter online or even in real life. The majority of multiplayer CoD players, which to be honest really isn't that much anymore, will act a fool at every chance they get. I understand that. I've even had a couple dudes curse me out when playing Modern Warfare 3 because my KDR was negative (it typically was until I "got into" MW3). But, even in that spoiled bunch of kids online, there are those who actually play to have fun, and they even say "GG" at the end of the match (GG meaning Good Game; it's a friendly gesture we used to do in the days of the Arcade).

There are a couple of us players who play CoD offline, at LAN parties or otherwise, and we're all a friendly bunch. The online "everything not to my liking is gay" stuff you see doesn't represent even a half of the actual CoD players and I can say that with full surety. :/
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Keyblade Master
Jul 31, 2012
Oh yeah, I've been through this with my younger brother who prefers graphics and shooting over any other game.

That pisses me off, so I got rid of my Xbox and got a Wii instead, he doesn't like it but I didn't get it for him anyway haha. He hates games where you have to actually sit down and read and look through scenes to get an good idea of how the games story progresses. Kids growing up in this age, won't ever know a good game even if it kicked them in the balls. He tried Skyward Sword and said he liked it but I booted up Twlight Princess and he didn't pay it no mind. Same with many other Wii games(not like I have many, I'm totally not a Wii fan at all, in fact I had my 360 for the longest but I got tired of the lackluster games).

The western culture prefer gore, shooting and calling each other "gay" over the mics, I have no idea why at all that this happens. People rage like Hell, I'll admit, I have done both but it was more of a spur of the moment kind of thing. The only shooting game I ever really enjoyed online was Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, because it's so ****ing addicting online. Call fo Duty bored me half to death, the campaign sucks like balls(always has)Halo is okay I guess, only had the second one. Never played online, I do like Gears online though, that's fun too but the story is ****.

I see in the future that the game market will be blackened by this new surge of shooting games and gore. The creator of the Mega Man series finally quit game development after all these years and let out a very offensive outburst to his Japanese colleagues, stating that Japan makes **** games and that the western market is booming in that area, though I don't that is the reason why the market is booming because Japan(in my opinion)blows the western market out of the water when it comes to gameplay and plot.

There will be nothing but FPS in the future, and very little story driven games. That's sad.


Nov 12, 2010
See, here's the issue with the whole Legend of Zelda and Call of Duty struggle. Legend of Zelda fans consistently declare a proverbial war against Call of Duty fans. Unfortunately, the Call of Duty fans have no idea that this war is actually happening, and don't even bother to pay attention to it. The fact is, this entire situation is so greatly blown out of proportion that it's almost pointless to discuss it.

Call of Duty fans, or at least the ones I've seen, don't bother with the whole "Story over graphics" debate unless they are actually approached with it. They don't quite parade the fact that they care more about graphics like Legend of Zelda fans do with gameplay. I think that in many situations, we should simply let it be rather than poking the sleeping bear. I think that some of those fans wouldn't be as hostile if they weren't constantly berated by this argument. Do you enjoy being told constantly "The way you dress is wrong!" or "You shouldn't eat your food like that!"? I know I don't, so why even bother arguing it with them?

Another issue that many people don't seem to realize is thatCall of Duty is not by any stretch of the imagination a game that one can consider "hardcore." Sure, some of the people who play it online are very good at it, know the stages inside and out, and know every stat about every weapon, but the game itself really isn't all that hardcore. If you've noticed, people who play Call of Duty tend to only play Call of Duty - in most situations, Ventus is a prime example of an exception to the statement. Hardcore players usually play more than just a few series', and usually try different genres. Call of Duty fans are rarely hardcore gamers.

Another thing is the fact that Call of Duty games don't strive to perfect the gaming aspects that Legend of Zelda does. Story isn't a big deal to them. Most of my friends who play the game rarely do the campaign. Gameplay is equally important to Call of Duty as it is Legend of Zelda, but I don't think some of the fans of Call of Duty understand what gameplay actually is. If the gameplay for Call of Duty was bad, they would all flock to Battlefield instead. The fact that multiplayer is Call of Duty's bread and butter - whereas Legend of Zelda's is single player - means that it won't really focus on characters, and story. That, to them, isn't the least bit important, since you see none of it in multiplayer.

Continuing off of what Ventus said, a lot of the Call of Duty fans actually aren't even like the bunch that you described. There are plenty of people who play online that don't say a word when they play - I, for instance, never speak when I play Assassin's Creed online. Now, I'm not saying that those who don't speak during matches are always good people, because that's not always true. Since they aren't speaking, though, it's not right to lump them in with the more unruly Call of Duty players. One can only treat them like Schrodinger's Cat; you won't know if they're respectful players or not until you have heard them speak.

Then of course there are those who speak and are very respectful. This, I know from experience. I'm not an avid Call of Duty fan, but I do own Modern Warfare and Black Ops. I've played both online, and although some are exceptionally rude, others are quite friendly, and I've enjoyed playing alongside them. They aren't as rare as you'd think, either.

Another thing that you've left out is the fact that some Legend of Zelda fans can be just as bad as Call of Duty fans, just in different ways. Legend of Zelda fans are rarely happy with how the next game turns out. They want a game with more innovative qualities, yet staying true to the Zelda formula. It's very difficult to do both, and some fans hated Skyward Sword for being so massively different.

However, almost every single fanbase can be the exact same way. The Assassin's Creed fans can be just as whiny as Legend of Zelda fans. I've heard it all; they complain about the combat, they complain about DLC, they complain about Assassin's Creed: Revelations, and so many other things.

It's impossible to find a fanbase that isn't difficult to be around sometimes. If you can find one, more power to you, but I think that you need to evaluate other fanbases prior to singling out one and bashing it like it's the only one with faults. Indeed, some Call of Duty fans can be difficult, but some of them are great people. Just give them a chance.
May 5, 2010
I always have the mentality of, who cares if something's also for kids or not. If something's good, you can enjoy it at every age.

My cousin seems to believe that Nintendo is for "kids". And he's 12. ...Really.

In all honesty, it's not the first time I see something like this and I always giggle every time I do. Why? Well, think of it this way: These kids say that Nintendo games are for "kids", right? It's mostly those same kids who will actually play those "mature" games. So how is that any different?


Nanomachines, son.
Apr 12, 2012
There's really nothing left that I can say that hasn't already been said. I am a Call of Duty fan, and Black Ops 2 is one of my most anticipated games this year. But I pretty much only play zombies and campaign, because I've had plenty of experiences with people like this, so I tend to avoid online multiplayer unless I'm playing with friends. Some of them can be friendly yes, but 80% of them are little kids posing as "LOL SUPER MLG QUICKSCOEP SNIPR" and grown men who don't even play video games and just buy every Call of Duty to talk trash online.

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