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If You Could Have 1 Helper.

May 6, 2012
Hyrule Castle
I haven't seen a thread like this but if there is, I'm sorry :(

If you could have 1 guide out of the Legend of Zelda series in real life, who would it be? I would probably pick Minda because she was the least annoying and actually helped you to fight (in wolf form at least) :) so who would you want as your guide??

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I agree with your choice of Midna. Never before had a helper been so informative. In human form, teleporting was very useful and time saving. Also, despite so fan complaints she was not annoying at all. An added perk of course is that she look super sexy in her true form.
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The White Knight Alien
Mar 22, 2012
A Distant Nebula
I agree with your choice of Midna. Never before had a helper been so informative. In human form, teleporting was very useful and time saving. Also, despite so fan complaints she was not annoying at all. An added perk of course is that she look super sexy in her true form.

I like both of your responses. Midna is definitely the best helper. She has got the magic, the body, and the intelligence to save Hyrule and the Twilight Realm. The only downfall I would give her, is not elaborating on some of the advice she gives. She is good to a falt, she just started out being a little selfish. Go Midna!

Night Owl

Oct 3, 2011
Skybound Coil Tree, Noctilum
The King of Red Lions. It would be awesome to have a talking Boat XD

I'd choose FI. I Liked her a lot and She has a lot of info. A great person to have on any trivia team ;) I suppose Navi or Tatl could do the same but they don't analyze things.


Wind Waker!
Apr 6, 2012
Hmm..I would have to say Midna. My favorite 2 are King of Red Lions and Ezlo, but Midna hides in your shadow, and is always sarcastically funny plus she gives good tips.

Rare Addict

Site Staff
Jun 15, 2010
United States
I agree with your choice of Midna. Never before had a helper been so informative. In human form, teleporting was very useful and time saving. Also, despite so fan complaints she was not annoying at all. An added perk of course is that she look super sexy in her true form.
You have stolen the sacred emoticons!

O' course, I would choose Midna. No, she wouldn't be able to provide me with a detailed description of an item or person, but her killer transportation skills and sarcastic quips would more than make up for that.

Pie Master

Master of cakes and pies
May 13, 2012
Somewhere in the jungles of Qoetzacotloal's
I would have to say NAVI.:lol:. I do not get why everybody hates her.

That's a door, if you open it you can enter another room

Now multiply that by 100 and you get your answer

Moving on,
I'd pick either Ezlo (witty, wise and funny best to hide and can use some magic) or Fi (smart, and analytical, would give me the most accurate info (well, not, but most accurate and less annoying)
Feb 23, 2011
I'd have to go with Fi. While many fans disliked her because of her lack of personality and "blatantly obvious" notifications, I actually found her to be an amazing character overall. As such, I think she'd be the perfect real-world assistant, primarily due to her helpfulness and intelligence. Having her around in real life would be the equivalent to walking about with a portable supercomputer - dowsing [GPS?], information analysis, etc. Her lack of a personality would not be disappointing in the slightest; it can easily be supplemented by actually getting a life and meeting people. Also, if needed, I'd have her inhabit a more modern device such as an iPod, as I consider it a tad strange to carry a sword around in this day and age.

(lol) To anyone who thinks I'm a nutjob for choosing Fi as a helper, I think it is important that you realize that any [unwarranted] notifications and such would be completely optional in real life; the restraints of limited, pre-selected video game options or lack thereof would be non-existent.
Apr 6, 2012
I definitely pick Midna for this one. She's not annoying like Navi, and she's got an awesome personality. We kinda match, actually....we're both really sarcastic and get irritated with incompetent people XD

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