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Majora's Mask I Need Help/Advice with One of the Mini-bosses.

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Link x Zelda
Feb 7, 2011
So, I'm replaying MM at the moment, and I just reached the Great Bay Temple. I got to the room with the mini-boss, that giant eyeball with the bubbles surrounding it. I tried and I tried and I tried, and every time I shot the eye, the bubbles would surround me and kill me. So I decided to clear off the bubbles. I got about 3/4 of the bubbles off and dead. But once the numbers started getting low, the bubbles would move to the back of the giant eyeball, where I couldn't L-target them. After a few minutes of this irritating me, I decided that this was good enough and I shot the eye. But the numbers were still big and the bubbles still surrounded me and killed me.
I'm usually not one to use walkthroughs, but I got so mad that I did. And ZD said to use items like the Blast Mask and stuff to clear off MASS amounts of bubbles. So I did. I started blowing them off with my blast mask. But after a few uses, my blast mask went gray. I assumed it would recharge, because it usually does. But it didn't.
No matter what I do or what items I use, I can never win this. Can anyone give me some advice, please? :D

By the way - I'm doing the 3 heart challenge for MM, so I only have three hearts. Keep that in mind if you're gunna give me risky ideas. :)

Thank you!!!!
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Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
If I have any tips, it is to use the bow and try to remove the bubbles that are around the eye only. Keep on your toes so the bubbles have no chance to surround you. I believe the Fire Arrows are somewhat useful for this miniboss as is the hookshot. Blast Mask, be sure to use it only if you have your shield up. Otherwise you could be doing yourself more harm than good. Keep at it and you'll eventually win :)


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
I would use the Hookshot and latch off as many bubbles as I could. You have to really be sure to slash them, though, or else they'll scurry back onto the eye. So, I'd also add staying away from the eye much as you can so that you're able to kill the bubbles without getting harmed. But honestly this is the easy part. You'll really have to watch yourself when the bubbles are all removed, because the eye will begin maneuvering around the entire room (which is partly why this is my least favorite Miniboss...if not my least favorite Temple in MM).
Jul 14, 2010
I use the zora mask. In Link form knock off a lot of bubble's then transform and use the magic shield to destroy the bubble's, just try and uncover the eye.

Master Sword13

Oct 16, 2010
South Carolina
Like PK Flash said, hold up your shield while you use the Blast Mask to avoid taking damage. It's pretty effective. Other than that, stock up on bombs and get your hookshot ready. I suggest the hookshot as opposed to arrows so that you have enough arrows for Ice Arrows later in the dungeon. Of course, with the hookshot, you need to be in a certain range. I forget if Deku Nuts do anything to help you... But try them anyway. I use Deku Nuts all the time in OoT and MM, and they remain my favorite item. I even killed Ganon with them. If Deku Nuts do nothing, just stick with bombs, blast mask and hookshot. Good luck!


Link x Zelda
Feb 7, 2011
(which is partly why this is my least favorite Miniboss...if not my least favorite Temple in MM).

Yeah, same here. Least favorite temple, least favorite miniboss EVER.

Yeah, I WAS using the hookshot to clear off the bubbles. But like I said, once the numbers got low, it got hard to L-Target. And I did have my shield up when I used the Blast Mask (when I remembered, haha. sometimes I forgot.), but then it stopped recharging...?

The bunny hood is a good idea. I didn't think of that, but it should help :D

And I don't even have bombs. I never felt the need to go get them because I had the blast mask. But I'm considering getting them now.

Master Sword13

Oct 16, 2010
South Carolina
Remember with the bunny hood that it doesn't work when L/Z-Targetting. This is disappointing, but good to know. Unless, of course, you just want to beat up an evil creature with some awesome bunny ears, then I'm all for it. Bombs I never really thought were necessary that much in the game assuming you have the blast mask, but they're a HUGE help while you're waiting for the BM to recharge. Good luck, again, and let us know how it goes!
Jun 14, 2011
Proberly a bit too late to say, but the way I fight this particular boss, I use the bow and arrow to shoot the bubbles and quick spin attack them get rid of them. It's better to have the great spin though, since the standard one doesn't have good reach. Your gonna need to use the quick spin alot after all the bubbles drop off.
Once there out of the way, I use the bow and arrow to shoot the monster in the eye when open.

hope this helps.


Error 404- Life not found
Jul 28, 2011
I used the bow to take care of the bubbles, and then used the Hookshot to hit the eye. I think bombs would help, though. Also, if you got all the stray fairies in Woodfall, which you really should, the spin attack is a HUGE help.


I had some trouble with that boss as well the way id did it was by using the fire arrow repeatedly to clear off bubbles and then used the spin attack and z targeting when that stopped working i just did regular slashing and shot the boss in the eye with fire arrows worked for me:)
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