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Breath of the Wild How long should day and night cycles be?

Jan 16, 2015
[...] You could have a room invert itself at night time and at day it is right side up giving access to two different paths. I'd quite like to see that ^^. Not to mention dungeons only available at night ^^.[...]
What do you say about a dungeon where it is just like a mirror, where what you do in one side of it affects the other side, placing the "day and night" mechanic.. dude sooooo many ideas right now! :reggie:
Sep 21, 2014
Something that might be neat is the idea that day and night affect the difficulty of some dungeons. See, the circadian rhythms of some animals would dictate that they either enter or leave a cage/dungeon during one part of the day or another. So for instance, bats/keese would be present in a dungeon much more often during the day then at night, when they've left to hunt. So the enemy makeup of an area, inside or out, might change depending on the time of day. This also imparts the player with a very interesting strategic element, wherein they can scale the difficulty of their experience without having to change a setting like 'easy' or 'hard.' If you watched the recent Extra Credits that talks about ways to leave the difficulty in the player's hands, this plays right into it. If they want things to be harder, then they can assail a dungeon when the most powerful enemies are present inside it in significant numbers. if they need to make things easier, they can either leave the dungeon or play a song to shift to day or night. Obviously, I think that the day/night clock should probably lock when you enter a dungeon.

@Shironagi I like that idea, sort of a fairy alarm clock. Though depending on the in-game timer, it would probably be good to have the real time warning be about 2 minutes out. Even better, it would be great if that alarm was non-verbal. For instance, if your companion fairy (or whatever form your companion takes) changed to a certain color and made that urgent tingling noise like in Majora's Mask and flew around you in a circle or something, instead of interrupting whatever you were doing with a text box (which is annoying).
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Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
AncientPoe said:
@@Shironagi I like that idea, sort of a fairy alarm clock. Though depending on the in-game timer, it would probably be good to have the real time warning be about 2 minutes out. Even better, it would be great if that alarm was non-verbal. For instance, if your companion fairy (or whatever form your companion takes) changed to a certain color and made that urgent tingling noise like in Majora's Mask and flew around you in a circle or something, instead of interrupting whatever you were doing with a text box (which is annoying).

Now this i like ^^ non verbal and optional would be awesome


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
An hour long wait just for 12 hours in game to take place? That's a little long, but I think it can be done as long as something long the sun's song from OoT is implemented to speed things up if one wants to.

Actually I caculated how long 12 hour cycles in TP, WW, and MM take in reality to progress. TP's 12 hour cycles in game take about 10 minutes real time to progress. WW's 12 hour cycles elapse in 12 minutes real time. In MM I'd estimate a 12 hour cycle to take around 13 minutes real time. I just did it because someone asked how long they took. I should note these are estimates, but if they are off they are only off by seconds, maybe off by a minute at most, but I think its pretty accurate.
Disagree, as an open world game, I think it would be very suitable if the day/night periods were long.
Jan 16, 2015
I think long time periods of day and night would only work if you have A LOT of things to do.. If Big N. do it right (enough), I won't give a damn about a 30 minutes daylight (I don't remember if this expression is right) doing stuff.

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Disagree, as an open world game, I think it would be very suitable if the day/night periods were long.

Yeah I was just listing the times a 12 hour cycle takes in other games, I wasn't saying that's how long Zelda Wii U should be. I personally think long cycles are fine, just as long as there is a way to speed them up. Unless you were saying that you disagree with the speeding up part?


Corn fused
Jan 7, 2015
I think this game should have real time and every hour should take 3 minutes (maybe 4). So in the 30 to 40 minute range for a day to night cycle. I think it would be nice if you had a song of time that could allow you to set the time for any hour of the day. So if you want it to be night, but only for a short time you can set it to 4:00am. Also really liked what I read about dungeons having different things going on in day and night. Maybe even a boss that will only appear at a certain time, so you have to either wait or use the song to get it to that time to bring it out. With real time they can have shops that only open at certain times, houses that are empty in the day but can be visited after a certain time at night, people that expect a job to be completed by a certain time, etc. etc. The options would be limitless with real time built in.

Whatever they do, I hope they make the time play more of a role in the game aside from the basic, certain enemies come out at night thing.
Sep 21, 2014
Personally, I've never liked the whole "you set the time" thing. By giving people the option to jump right to what they need to do, you discourage exploration and turn active tasks into grocery list items. You plan to do an exact thing, pop to the convenient time, do it and move on. That's not how a Zelda game should be. I know a lot of people said they didn't like that in Majora's Mask, but personally I did. Only being able to jump to the 6 o'clock hour meant time to mess around. (hint: this was usually a good way to find the OTHER people who needed your help.)


Emancipated Wind Fish
May 11, 2014
United States
Since Zelda U is a bigger overworld and is intended to be explored for a larger amount of time (rather than just be a hub between dungeons like MM and OOT), a slower cycle would be understandable.


Ancient Automaton
Feb 2, 2012
I'd like it to last long. Like in GTA games or similar. Maybe even longer. I mean, If the world is that beautiful I'll want to stay looking at the sunrise for as long as I want.


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
I think about ten minutes will be fine. It will allow us to explore, but not have to wait. Still, I would like the Xenoblade Chronicles option to jump to any hour in a day. It made sidequesting so much more bearable. It eliminates all waiting issues we saw in MM. This will allow the creators to create all sorts of time-based sidequests without being afraid of alienating players.


Feb 26, 2014
The world
it's gotta be totally real time. around 12 hour cycles, but it changes depending on the season, and the season changes with real life

some areas are only accessable in certain seasons or only in day or night. so you actually have to play it at that time.


Timelord Firelord
Feb 10, 2015
While the idea of a 12 hour day/night cycle sounds awesome to me, like playing all day and slowly seeing the time of day change throughout, I like the way day/night conditions are relevant to zelda's gameplay even more. We all love to shoot arrows at the sun and take pictures of the full moon. Making a 12 hour cycle skippable would feel cheap and kinda go against the point to me, so I say just give the game a longer, like 30 minute cycle and keep it skippable. We'll see though. All I know is that sun moves too damn fast in the other games, it's not natural.

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