I have played every Zelda game - from
A Link to the Past to
Skyward Sword - sitting down. I just so happen to be quite lazy and standing up for periods longer than five minutes makes me ever so dizzy. No...seriously, while there is
some truth to my previous statement, I was joking around for the most part. Generally, I prefer sitting down in an odd position in which I do most things; a sort of "upright fetal position" reminiscent of L from the anime series
Death Note [long story]. Doing this helps my mind stay focused and sharp while solving difficult puzzles and defeating enemies, or what have you. I also have quite a difficult time performing tasks such as playing video games unless I'm in a relaxed position and/or comfortable setting.
For games that involve motions controls on the Wii, particularly Skyward Sword, I have adapted my behavior to fit said controls while sitting down. I sit on the center of the couch, as this allows my arms to move freely and I don't use the wrist band. I know this is risky and there's a reason it was implemented to the Wii remote, but I don't mind making a small sacrifice for the sake of comfort.
[/noparse] It also helps if I place the sensor bar below the television and adjust the Wii's settings accordingly. When playing
SS, I typically sit in a variation of my signature sitting position which I will expound upon if my brain isn't a d-bag.
As for most other Zelda games I've played up until now I've done so sitting down...in yet another variation mentioned above. This variation involves me holding the game controller behind my head. Most people find this to be very amusing and/or weird, but I personally am very relaxed and focused. I go into my so-called "gamer mode," as my mind literally goes into a meditative trance and blocks everything on the outside world out. This has served as a very effective means of dispatching tough enemies, bosses, and puzzle solving. For handheld Zelda games, I typically play in yet another variation of the said sitting position that involves my hands relaxed out front. As there is no controller involved, per se, placing my hands behind my head is not an option in this particular variation - for obvious reasons. I also have a habit of playing handheld Zeldas with one hand. Weird? Yeah...
I've said a lot about the odd sitting position that I have practically become known for in real life, but, believe it or not, there
are some occasions in which I have actually stood to play Zelda. There are many instances of such when I play
Skyward Sword, or Wii games in general. However, this is not for reasons you would expect. So far I've stood when playing
Skyward Sword, because my Wii remotes are sort of wonky due to my nephews' incessant desire to chomp on and/or break
(XD) My Wii Motion + accessory is also quite faulty and the nunchuck does its own thing.
lol Other instances of standing are usually the result of moments when I am distracted by an outside source, such as my annoying nephews, my dog barking, a loud bang, etc. This correlates with moments in a given Zelda game when fighting a difficult enemy or boss, such as Lizalfos
(SS) or performing the infamous "dead man's volley" with Ganondorf
(OoT). For handheld Zeldas, standing while gaming usually comes with the territory, especially when walking to other places to sit.
All in all, I am a pretty sedentary guy when it comes to Zelda, as this has become what's most comfortable to me. Moments of standing while playing Zelda are restricted to wonky Wii remotes, discomfort as a result of the setting, or tense in-game moments. Fortunately, they last for short periods of time on average...